Term Paper on "Novel Toni Morrison's Sula"

Term Paper 4 pages (1399 words) Sources: 1+

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Toni Morrison: Sula

Toni Morrison's Sula is one of her masterpieces and a work that turned her into one of the most powerful African-American writers of our times. What strikes the readers about Toni Morrison's protagonist is Sula is her non-conformist, new-age consciousness that turns her into an evil figure and an unsuitable heroine. For a book of this stature, most readers wanted a heroine they could identify with- someone who was basically good despite her minor flaws and few blunders- someone like Nel. But that is not to be. Sula is the protagonist of the novel and she is by no means a traditional heroine. In fact for many, she is an evil woman who refuses to conform to societal expectations of her and does some truly inexcusable things such as sleeping with her best friend's husband.

Sula is the story of two black women coming of age in Ohio sometime during the two world wars. Sula is wild and aggressive woman with an individualistic streak and a strong desire to break free of tradition and rules. Nel on the other hand is the compassionate gentle figure who can best be described as a 'nice' person. But Sula is not interested in being the conformist. She is an independent woman whose personality is largely shaped by the place she lived in. It is for this reason that Morrison devotes four long pages to describing the area where Sula grew up- known as the Bottom. Bottom is a hard land given to black slaves as a gift from white masters who claimed that it was the best land around.

See those hills? That's bottom land, rich and fertile."

But it's high up in the hills," said the slave.

High up from us," said
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the master, "but when God looks down, it's the bottom... Of heaven -- best land there is" (5).

But Bottom was not even half as good as it was made out to be. It was harder to cultivate and to live in such a place, one needed to develop strength. In short, one needed to be as hard as the land itself to survive and Sula certainly had that hardiness in her personality. Like the land that refused to change despite numerous efforts to cultivate it, Sula also refused to accept other people's influence on her life. She was happy just the way she was and even though she becomes an evil figure by the middle of the novel, there is no significant change in her till the very end. Sula knew that in order to survive, she had just herself to rely on: "there was no other you could count on... no self to count on either." Two incidents that played an important role in her development include her mother's comments and her friend Chicken Little's death. When Sula overheard her mother Hannah say.".. I love Sula. I just don't like her" (57), it must have done some repairable damage to her personality and made her realize that she indeed had no one to turn to except herself. The second incident was Chicken Little's death in which Sula inadvertently had a role to play:

she [Sula] lived out her days exploring her own thoughts and emotions, giving them full reign, feeling no obligation to please anybody unless their pleasure pleased her. As willing to feel pain as to give pain, hers was an experimental life-ever since her mother's remarks sent her flying up those stairs, ever since her one major feeling of responsibility had been exorcised on the bank of a river with a closed place in the middle. The first experience taught her there was no other that you could count on; the second that there was no self to count on either. She had no center, no speck around which to grow.... She was completely free of ambition, with no affection for money, property or things, no greed, no desire to command attention or compliments-no ego. For that reason she felt no compulsion to verify herself-be consistent with herself. (Sula 118-19)

Sula's evil self is also accentuated by a birthmark over her eye: "Sula was a heavy brown with large quiet eyes, one… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Novel Toni Morrison's Sula" Assignment:

Only use the information in the novels, Toni Morrison's Sula.

Actually, I need to have an essay with many sufficient textual supports and need to more analysis for those points.

The topic should talk about the actions of Sula in her whole life is right or wrong for herself , then try to talking about, which act is good or not, then use your analysis from the content of the novel to support all arguments.

For the textual supports:

Example: People define Sula as "an evil conjure women"(126)<---(quotations like this, but need not the complete sentence from the novles). Then try to use your analysis from the book, talking something about why people define Sula as an evil conjure woman.

Also, need to show the topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraphs, make sure readers can really know what you want to talking about in that paragraph. Finally, need to use present tense, but no any past or future tense. (Except use the source from the novels). If you have any questions, send a e-mail to aioyhk@yahoo.com.hk

Actually, topic can be a little different, try to contact me by e-mail, if you use the topic different with my topic I recommend.

P.S. must be analysis clearly, a little more than 1000 words around 1000-1100

How to Reference "Novel Toni Morrison's Sula" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Novel Toni Morrison's Sula.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Novel Toni Morrison's Sula (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Novel Toni Morrison's Sula. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Novel Toni Morrison's Sula” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475.
”Novel Toni Morrison's Sula” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475.
[1] ”Novel Toni Morrison's Sula”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Novel Toni Morrison's Sula [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475
1. Novel Toni Morrison's Sula. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/toni-morrison-sula/7541475. Published 2005. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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