Essay on "Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job"

Essay 4 pages (1112 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

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This study focuses on an individual undergoing trauma arising from an indefinite loss of job: the position she was holding was scrapped completely. The individual went into a state of complete and utter shock characterized by the development of mixed emotions. It is not her first time to confront such a stressful experience: she has never been in the unemployed ranks for some time and does not know where to start. The individual felt overwhelmed because she lives in a town where there is limited room for employment opportunities and personal growth. As such, she believed the first step would be to speak with a counselor as it is evidenced in the subsequent sections of this paper. While presenting the issue, this paper will integrate the crisis intervention theory because it is an emergency psychological care, which can assist the person and restore equilibrium to psychological functioning (Hillman, 2012). This approach has shown to reduce the impacts of trauma related to loss such as job loss, especially among Canadian workers.

Presenting Issue

The first scenario involves a crisis, whereby the client has lost her job. The individual has encountered a problem, which has resulted in a sign of anxiety, increase in tension and a condition of emotional unrest. Therefore, the loss of a job is considered challenging because it came as a surprise to the individual. In fact, her coping mechanisms were overstretched. The client is undergoing a period of psychological disequilibrium resulting from a situation, which constitutes a significant problem that needs remedying through coping strategies. However, experts contend that every crisis comes with an op
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portunity (Hillman, 2012). Thus, crisis intervention will offer opportunities for the client to realize new coping skills while enhancing those that she already possessed. Obviously, loss of employment constitutes a trauma. Availability of emotional support will determine how soon the client will resolve the issue and resume normal functioning.

Theoretical considerations

The loss of a job often invokes the feeling of unfairness of life, which alternatively can be expressed as hurt. The client became intensely emotional, and this condition lasted for several weeks before taking a roller-coaster course. Here, the client raged at the crisis intervention practitioner while sometimes expressing gratitude for the support. Sometimes, she would alternate between moments of confidence and periods of uncontrollable crying. It was imperative for the crisis practitioner to ignore the raging and appreciate the therapeutic significance of allowing the expression of such powerful emotions. It was unnecessary for the counselor to take them personally. Therefore, the crisis intervention counselor must be equipped for strongly expressed feelings. In this case, the client's normal way of dealing with things has been interrupted. While she has limited time to respond and react to the problem, the situation might persist as post-traumatic stress.

One primary advantage of crisis intervention for the client was that she could realize that her emotions were highly charged. As a result, she saw the importance of ongoing therapy. Although she had already lost her job, she understood there would be prolonged emotional repercussions as she adjusted to the unemployment world. Using the crisis intervention theory, the therapist offered support and assurance that the sessions will be private and confidential. The client felt comfortable working with the practitioner. Such a response served to establish the therapeutic relationship between the client… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job" Assignment:

please make sure to keep everything relevant to Canada - specifically ontario

Please also use headings in this essay..

Introduction to Social Service Work Practice

Assignment #4

Linking Theory to Practice

In this assignment you will use all of the aspects of the *****Theory circles***** ****Resources to be sent to you for this

This assignment will be:

in essay format

size 12 font,


Introduction (3 marks)

Briefly introduce the client, *** I will also be sending some resources for this as i already have a client made up (some journal entrys will be sent to you)

their presenting issue

the theory you have chosen,

why you have chosen that theory.

Summarize what you will be discussing in order.

Hint: This is like a road map for the reader so they can anticipate the sequence of topics.

Presenting Issue (3 marks)

Take on the role of an SSW working with the identity you created in your journal.***this will be sent to you through resources

Choose one of the difficulties (presenting problem) you noticed while taking on their role.

Describe that difficulty from an anti oppressive approach and strength based approach.

Describe where they are at with the stages of change.

Knowledge of the Theory (10 marks)

Choose ONE approach/theory to apply to this client situation from the list below:

Social Constructivist model

Feminist perspective

Community work

Group work


Systems Approach (ecomap)

Task centered practice

Crisis intervention


Discuss why you are choosing that approach/theory.

How did you think it might help?

Describe the approach/theory in detail (any stages, terms etc.) using

lecture notes and the text

How would that approach/theory help describe, explain and predict?

What ethics/values were applied/considered in your imagined work?

Name at least one ethic

Name at least one value from the handout Social Work Values

and describe/discuss how they were applied.


Intervention Plan (5 marks)

Describe how you would help your client by applying the theory.

What action steps would you suggest for you as the SSW? For your


How could you further involve the resources described in the journal, or

what new resources might be helpful.

Review: Imagine you are meeting with your client for the 4th time to review

the intervention plan.

Document what might be going well, or not well, and what you might do to

change it to be more beneficial with the client. Explore other possible

ideas (different approach may work better, different resource, etc.)

Conclusion (2 marks)

Summarize your paper from the beginning to end in one short paragraph.

Presentation (2 marks)

Spelling, grammar, neatness, APA format (incl. reference page)






Describe what you are going to discuss in your paper.


Presenting Issue

Presenting issue identified clearly?

What were the identified personal, cultural or structural oppressions?

Is your wording from an Anti oppressive/strength based approach?

Did you identify the Stage of change?


Knowledge of the theory:

Explanation of why it was chosen.

Describe the approach/theory (basic concepts, stages etc.) IN YOUR OWN WORDS using, at minimum, the text.

Did you describe, explain, and predict the situation using your choice of theory?

Did you identify and discuss at least one of each of SSW Ethics/values?


Intervention Plan




Use of resources?




Summarize what your report was about.



Marks will be deducted for spelling, grammar, format, APA style.






How to Reference "Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job" Essay in a Bibliography

Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job.”, 2014, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job” 2014.
”Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job [Internet]. 2014 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Psychological Intervention to a Person Who Has Lost a Job. Published 2014. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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