Research Proposal on "Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc"

Research Proposal 10 pages (2926 words) Sources: 20 Style: Harvard

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Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple Inc.

Relevance of Integrated Marketing Communications

The core of the contemporaneous business operations is that of achieving and consolidating a strong competitive position. This is necessary in order to reach the organizational goals. In addressing the matter of a strong competitive position on both local and international markets, economic agents employ a wide variety of strategic approaches. Some of their endeavours refer to the implementation of a pleasant, yet competitive and rewarding corporate culture, the motivation of the human resource and the increase of their on-the-job satisfaction, alongside with the continued efforts in increasing customer satisfaction. All these represent more modern approaches which come to complete the traditional efforts of increased quality of the products and services delivered.

Customer satisfaction is pivotal in reaching the overall organizational objectives simply because the clients are the ones who purchase the corporate products and services and ensure as such the company with revenues. In this order of ideas then, the marketing discipline has significantly grown in application and role throughout the past recent decades. Marketing teams within organizations strive to better identify the target market (generally through the processes of segmentation and targeting), get to know them better and maintain constant communications with them. Keeping this desiderate in mind, companies make full use of models such as Customer Relationship Management or Integrated Marketing Communications.

IMC represents a wide array of
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tools companies employ to communicate with customers and affect the behavior of the target market. It commences within the market, and then returns within the company to help integrate the newly acquired information about the audience. "IMC is the process of developing and implementing various forms of persuasive communication programs with customers and prospects over time. The goal of IMC is to influence or directly affect the behaviour of the selected audience. IMC considers all sources of brand or company contacts which a customer or prospect has with the product or service as potential delivery channels for future messages. Further, IMC makes use of all forms of communication which are relevant to the customer or prospect, and to which they might be receptive. In sum, the IMC process starts with the customer or prospect and then works back to determine and define the forms and methods through which persuasive communication methods should be developed" (Schultz, 1993).

2. Company Information

Apple Inc., formerly known as Apple Computer Inc., was founded in 1976 in California and it represents the ultimate epitome of corporate success. The agent is present across the entire globe, operating in some countries and in others only conducting retail operations. Apple Inc. employs an estimated 35,000 individuals and their net income for 2008 has been of $4.83 billion, revealing a constantly ascendant trend. Apple sells its products through more than 200 stores in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, Italy, Australia, China, Switzerland and Germany. For the other countries, they use intermediaries. Apple also sells its most reputable brands (the Macintosh computers, iPods, iPhones or the Mac OS X operating system) via internet through their website (Website of Apple Inc., 2009)

The organization is built around a strong culture, embracing the needs of all categories of stakeholders. The central concept at the core of the Apple operations has been that of innovation. In their desire to produce revolutionary items, Apple Inc. has become the successful manufacturer of the globally renowned Mac books, iPods or the more recent and most popular iPhones. Other products manufactured by the Cupertino-based organization include a wide line of accessories and software applications, such as keyboards, mice, headphones, games or the creative software package. The primary goals of Apple is to satisfy the needs of their customers through innovative and creative products and services, with the ultimate objective of registering increased revenues.

Apple Inc.'s mission statement provides: "Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh. Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in innovation with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system and iLife and professional applications. Apple is also spearheading the digital media revolution with its iPod portable music and video players and iTunes online store, and has entered the mobile phone market with its revolutionary iPhone" (Website of Apple Inc., 2009).

3. Environmental Analysis in Taiwan

Apple produces some of their components in Taiwan, but the country is not on the list of the nine countries where the store conducts direct retail operations. However, they do sell Apple products in Taiwan with the aid of intermediaries. The company's agenda sees the introduction of the upgraded creativity software suite, namely the latest version of iLife, the iLife '09. For a most fruitful completion of the Integrated Marketing Communications Plan, the organization has to conduct an analysis of the industry and environment in Taiwan.

Taiwan is the nineteenth largest economy of the globe in terms of measured GDP, with a gross domestic product for 2008 of an estimated $757.2 billion (Central Intelligence Agency, 2009). The economy is highly capitalized, characterized by massive privatization. This meant an increased amount of foreign investments.

The main import and export commodities of Taiwan's international trade are the electronic and electrical products. Developed states have often found Taiwan a desirable location for their outsourced operations and this has led to developments in terms of employee skills, population living standards and customer expectations. For Apple, this means an increased competition within the industry and the need for a well developed strategic approach.

Following the same line of thoughts, most of the operations occurring in Taiwan are based on manufacturing. Most of the multinationals who opened stores in the region only handled the production operations in Taiwan, with marketing, design and other such functions being handled in their native countries. Therefore, the Taiwanese are generally "expert in engineering and efficient in production, but they are incompetent when it comes to product design and international marketing" (Hoffenberg Amsden and Wang, 1992).

The Taiwanese consumers are generally easy to understand: they require novelty; new elements attract their attention. However, the features of a product are insufficient to ensure its success. Distributors have to properly analyze the market and consolidate their brand and distribution channels. The national government has understood the marketing limitations of its producers and has offered various subsidies and financial incentives to support the development of the local manufacturers. This once again poses difficulties for Apple Inc., who does not enjoy the support of the Taiwanese federal authorities. However, it must be remembered that the Apple plants in Taiwan have created new job opportunities and have supported the development of communities.

Another feature of the Taiwanese marketing operations is given by the cultural element. The people place a great emphasis on human interaction, generally called kuan-hsi, which represents much more than networking. "Kuan-hsi is developed over a long time period. It reaches down into every aspect of Chinese society, influencing social, political, and commercial relations" (Caroll, 1991). This means that the operations of Apple will have to be sustainable, and trustworthy. If the company fails to satisfy the audience, it is likely that they will lose the trust of the Taiwanese consumers.

Despite the cultural nuances however, developing and implementing a marketing plan in Taiwan should not be extremely challenging, even more so when the contemporaneous context presents the foreign party with skilled and experienced assistance, as well as a lack of barriers, such as entry barriers, language barriers, bureaucracy or hidden and multifaceted legislation (Genzberger, 1994).

4. Integrated Marketing Communications Plan


The product to be distributed in Taiwan is part of Apple Inc.'s creativity software suite and is called iLife '09, the latest and upgraded version of the previous iLife. It is composed of iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, Garageband and iWeb. Basically, it supports the effective viewing and editing of digital information (pictures, films, music and internet pages). This latest version also contains a software application which allows users to learn how to play various instruments, as well as serves karaoke purposes. iLife '09 is only operable on the latest version of Mac OS X v10.5 'Leopard.' It integrates in the software suite in the meaning that the music, photographs or films edited with it are not compatible with Windows (Gruman, 2006).

The summarized presentation of iLife '09 as according to the Apple Website states: "Upgrade to iLife '09 and get the most out of the photos, movies, and music on your Mac with the latest versions of iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, iWeb, and iDVD. Organize and search your photos by faces and places. Make a movie in minutes or edit with precision. Learn to play piano and guitar or record your own music. Create a stunning website and publish it anywhere."

Target Market

The iLife '09 is designed only for the users of the Macintosh computers and therefore the primary segmentation criterion is for the customers to be owners of a Mac book. Then, the potential buyers of iLife… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc" Assignment:

Title: Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple Inc.

Learning Outcomes Assessed


1. Critically evaluate the emerging global marketplace and the role of global integrated marketing communications within it

2. Critically evaluate integrated marketing communications theory

3. Demonstrate an understanding of how marketing communications strategy fits into overall marketing strategy and corporate strategy

4. Develop a global integrated marketing communications strategy and tactical programme


5. Show effective communication

6. Apply the theories, concepts and techniques of marketing communications management.


You are required to submit a professional report that demonstrates your ability to meet the learning outcomes.

You are to write a professional, integrated, marketing communications plan.

This plan should include:

*****¢ An Introduction - You should provide a brief introduction of Apple Inc. to help your tutor and any other reader (such as the External Examiner) understand it. Using published supporting material in the appendices, if required, your introduction to the Organisation is likely to include the mission statement (if applicable), key objectives, key brands and products, key markets and areas of operation.

*****¢ An audit of the environmental and industry factors in Taiwan that directly influence upon marketing communications. You should critically evaluate the key influences in the market that impact directly upon marketing communications decisions in Taiwan (e.g. culture, buyer behaviour, media acceptance, media availability, amongst others). Whilst this section may include some PESTLE factors, they should only be evaluated if they have an impact on marketing communications decisions! If you wish, you may include examples of current practice to demonstrate some of the issues you have raised.

You are to presume that Apple Inc. is to launch a new product/ product line in Taiwan in February 2009. As the Global Marketing Communications Manager you are to provide a recommended strategy and integrated marketing communications plan which should include:

*****¢ A Brief introduction to the product/product line

*****¢ Identification and justification of a target market (utilising the principles of segmentation and targeting)

*****¢ Marketing Communication objectives for your plan and an explanation of how these relate to organisational objectives

*****¢ Marketing Communications strategy

*****¢ A detailed plan recommending the appropriate elements of the Marketing Communications mix. This should include key messages & creative ideas with justification as to how these address issues identified in the audit

*****¢ Justification of your decisions and discussion of how integration across the mix will be achieved.

*****¢ Gantt chart or table showing timeframe/tasks

*****¢ Recommended Contextual Budget (demonstrating % to be spent on each tool and media *****“ actual £*****s are not required).

How to Reference "Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc” 2009.
”Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Theoretically Underpinned Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Apple, Inc. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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