Term Paper on "Law Terrorism War"

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Terrorism Situation Analysis - Preemptive Action Against Iranian Nuclear Facilities



Preemptive Action Against Iranian Nuclear Facilities

Situational Overview:

Intelligence information developed by the Israeli intelligence agency (Mossad) and provided to this office suggest that Iranian nuclear facilities near Teheran are much closer than previously anticipated to producing as many as five functional fission nuclear) weapons of the highly-enriched-uranium (HEU) type, as well as cruise-missile- type delivery systems with an effective range of approximately 900 kilometers.

This office has received a highly confidential request directly from the Prime

Minister of Israel urgently requesting both tactical and operational military support for a proposed joint action of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and the United States Armed

Forces to neutralize the threat through combined tactical bombing operations in a preemptive nuclear strike conducted by U.S. Air Force resources, with plausible deniability facilitated by simultaneous conventional IDF tactical bombing of the adjacent area (including cruise missile launch facilities) using conventional (non-nuclear) ordinance.

At the present time, the U.S. Secretary of State opposes the request in its entirety; the Secretary of Defense and the Vice President support it in principle and rely on the analyses and recommendations of this office with respect to (1) approving the proposed U.S. military involvement in principl
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e, and (2) evaluating the tactical outline proposed by the Israeli Defense Minister, or, in the alternative, proposing a suitable alternative. The Secretary of Defense has also proposed inserting a covert U.S. Delta

Force commando infiltration team into Iran, in mufti, to conduct an on-the-spot evaluation of the suspected facilities and, if necessary, to neutralize senior officers of the Iranian air defense directorate shortly before the combined U.S.-IDF air force strike package enters Iranian airspace.

Issue Analysis and Recommendations:

Intelligence Verification

The source of the intelligence developed by the Israelis consists of information provided by Mossad pursuant to their custodial interrogation of several armed Hamas operatives after their apprehension by the IDF in Gaza several months ago. Earlier (last year), the IDF also seized several Lebanese civilians suspected of aiding Hezbollah. The conclusions drawn by Mossad represent the analysis of confessions elicited from these sources after aggressive interrogation techniques employed at the Joshua Military Prison.

Our initial concern relates to the accuracy of the information elicited by interrogative techniques not subject to U.S. law and control and conducted without independent monitoring or oversight. In this regard, we are more troubled by the prospect of false information elicited by those measures than by the matter of human rights violations resulting in accurate information, whether or not the means of interrogation exceed the pertinent limitations of U.S. policy or international law.

The Defense Secretary has proposed taking custody of the subjects currently under IDF/Mossad control for interrogation by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) pursuant to the new protocol approved by the President with regard to interrogating terrorist suspects. The Secretary has communicated his intention to "take whatever steps are necessary" to confirm the information at issue

Analysis and Recommendation:

It is the recommendation of this office that the President communicate to the Israeli Prime Minister that, as an absolute prerequisite to considering the request for U.S.

A involvement in a preemptive operation against a sovereign nation (Iran), we must insist, categorically, on unrestricted and unmonitored access to the subjects for interrogation by the CIA. Owing to the current (unsatisfactory) state of interagency cooperation and sharing of intelligence information (Larsen, 2007) and the seriousness of miscalculation in authorizing military action of nature and extent requested by Israel, it is also the recommendation of this office that the CIA undertake this series of interrogative procedures in conjunction with high-level representatives of domestic agencies, notwithstanding traditional jurisdictional boundaries. Specifically, this office recommends that the President direct the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations

FBI) to assign agents from that agency's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) headquarters to participate jointly with the CIA in order that all relevant intelligence already in the possession of both agencies individually be available for any such interrogation.

This office is not concerned with the Secretary's expressed sentiments to "take whatever steps are necessary" with respect to the interrogation, primarily because the nature of this particular series of interrogations is to confirm the accuracy and veracity of information already elicited. Since the purpose of the interrogation is to identify false information and to determine whether coercive measures resulted in false confessions, interrogative excesses by U.S. agencies are not a necessary area of concern (Dershowitz, 2001). This office is confident in the investigative abilities of the CIA and FBI to determine the reliability of the intelligence purportedly provided by the subjects under interrogation by agents of the IDF/Mossad.

The Military Option:

The preemptive strike outlined by the Israeli Prime Minister consists of a joint attack conducted by the combined forces of U.S. And IDF military resources.

Specifically, the plan calls for tactical bombing of the nuclear facilities by U.S.B-2

Stealth" bombers of the 393rd Bomb Squadron, commanded by Lt. Col. Paul W. "Nuke"

Tibbets IV, employing tactical nuclear ordinance. Israel proposes to conduct a simultaneous bombing campaign of one square mile of the surrounding area employing conventional (non-nuclear) munitions, with the dual purpose of (1) destroying the extended infrastructure of those facilities, and (2) facilitating plausible deniability of U.S.

A involvement in the operation.

The suspected nuclear facilities themselves consist of research and development

R&D) installations located 50 feet underground in hardened bunkers in an ancient area of Tehran adjacent to a nuclear power plant purported by Iran to be exclusively used to generate electricity for non-military purposes.

Analysis and Recommendation:

It is the position of this office that the risk posed by Iranian offensive nuclear capabilities absolutely requires neutralizing those risks through military intervention.

Specifically, the current climate of Islamic radicalism and the known sentiments of Iranian President Ahmenidijad makes the specter of international terrorism in combination with nuclear weapon capabilities untenable (Allison, 2004). In this regard, this office is more concerned with the sentiments and thinly-veiled intentions of radical

Islamic factions toward the West and all non-Muslims in general (Schwartz, 2002) than with the specific immediate national security concerns - as realistic as they may be foremost in the mind of the current Israeli Prime Minister, as well as all former and future

Israeli Prime Ministers, by necessity (Lozowick, 2003).

This office is mindful of the strategic significance of Israel as it pertains to U.S.

A interests in the Middle East, as well as of the moral imperative of preventing the destruction of that nation by unprovoked hostile attack (Dershowitz, 2003). However, this office considers the Interests of Israel, however legitimate, as a moot issue in connection with a nuclear-armed Iran. Regardless of any immediate threat to Israel in particular, if the intelligence information provided by the Prime Minister proves to be accurate and reliable, the U.S. is obligated to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, strictly in relation to U.S. national security interests (Allison, 2004). Should

Iran export nuclear weapons beyond its borders, their likely destination is the American


Like the specific national security concerns of Israel, whether or not the intelligence establishes that Iran is actually on the verge of bona fide nuclear weapons, that point is also moot, with respect to the obligation of this administration to pursue a military recourse at the present time. A determination on the part of the joint agencies both domestic and those responsible for intelligence operations abroad, as recommended) charged with verifying the information supplied by Israel that Iran is imminently close to achieving nuclear weapons status is unnecessary to justify U.S.

A military action. It is entirely enough that those agencies determine that Iran is merely on the verge of possessing fissionable Uranium (i.e. HEU) in quantities sufficient to produce single device capable of nuclear detonation, regardless of its sophistication, suitability for delivery by missile delivery systems, or reliability (Allison, 2004). At the present time, this office harbors no delusions about the permeable nature of U.S. boarders and the inability of authorities to prevent the nuclear catastrophe envisioned and indeed planned by Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, et al. (Williams, 2005) by intercepting fissionable material at our borders. It is the view of many experts, including one former Assistant

Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans (Allison), and a former Chairman of the Department of Military Strategy and Operations at the National War College and current

Director of the Institute for Homeland Security (Larsen) that failure to contain the nuclear threat before fissionable material falls into the hands of national entities sympathetic to Jihadist sentiments will likely result in a nuclear catastrophe on U.S. territory whose magnitude and consequences will relegate the infamous attack of September 11th to a mere "footnote" in American and world history, in relative significance (Allison, 2004).

International Law and Political Ramification Scenarios:

It is the position of this office that a nuclear capable Iran represents an immediate nuclear threat on U.S. soil, the prevention of which any incumbent U.S.


Quoted Instructions for "Law Terrorism War" Assignment:

Shortly after graduating from Hunter, you have landed your dream job as Special Assistant to the President*****s National Security Advisor at the White House. Before you even have unpacked your boxes after moving to Washington, the National Security Advisor summons you and gives you your fist assignment. She asks for you analysis of the issues posed by the following developments:

The secretary of state has received a highly confidential request from the Prime Minister of Israel urgently asking that the US Provide American Military support for a proposed operation. During a raid into the Gaza strip several months ago, personnel of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) seized several armed operatives of Hamas and turned them over to agents of the Israeli secret intelligence service, the Mossad. Last year, during the military confrontation in southern Lebanon, the IDF also seized a number of Lebanese businessmen suspected of aiding Hezbollah and placed them in Mossad custody. As a result of aggressive interrogation techniques employed at the Joshua Military Prison, the Mossad developed information suggesting that Iran is much closer to perfecting nuclear technology than publicly reported. The technology may enable Iran to construct as many as five nuclear weapons. In addition, Iran may be deploying cruise missiles with an operational range of at least 900 Kilometers. President Ahmandinejad has declared his desire to see Israel *****wiped off the map*****.

To forestall these dangers, the Israeli Prime Minister wanted the United States to join with the IDF in launching an air raid on the Iranian nuclear research and development facility. The US would use the B-2 Stealth Bomber, whose *****stealthiness***** might mask the involvement of the US in the operation. The Iranian facilities are located in an ancient area of Tehran adjacent to a nuclear power plant that Iran insists is used merely to generate electricity for civilian purposes. The suspected weapons R&D facility is in *****hardened***** bunkers located at least 50 feet underground. To assure their destruction, there, it will be necessary to use precision-guided nuclear bombs of the sort only eh B-2 can carry and deliver.

Israel will not use its own nuclear weapons. To provide cover for the US involvement, however, and to increase the likelihood that the raid will destroy the Iranian facilities, the Prime Minister explains that the IDF air strike will use conventional high-explosive munitions to level the surrounding area. The Prime Minister says the military advisors believe that destroying a one square-mile area will suffice for this purpose. The Israeli forces also will attack the suspected launching site for cruise missiles, located a few hundred meters from Fatima shrine in Qom.

The National Security Advisor informs you that the secretary of state opposes the request but that the secretary of defense and the Vice President support it. The Secretary of Defense has acknowledged, however, that the Commander of the 393rd Bomb Squadron, Lt. Col. Paul W. *****Nuke***** Tibbets IV, whose B-2 bombers would fly the mission, has expressed concern about undertaking this assignment. Nevertheless, the Secretary of Defense has stated that Col. Tibbets and his men will obey their orders, if the President approves this mission.

The Defense Secretary also has proposed taking custody of the men seized by the IDF so that they can be questioned by the CIA under the new protocol approved by the President. He wants the CIA to be able to take whatever steps are necessary to confirm the information the Mossad say sit acquired. The Defense Secretary also wants to infiltrate a team of Delta Force commandos into Iran, in mufti, to make an on-the-spot evaluation of the Iranian facilities and, if necessary, to *****neutralize***** senior officers of the Iranian air defense directorate shortly before the combined Israeli-US air raid enters Iranian airspace.

The National Security Advisor has to advice the President what to decide. She asks you, therefore, the prepare a briefing memorandum that identifies and analyzes the issues posed by the proposals. The memorandum must bring to her attention and revelation historical precedents, any applicable rules of international law, and any other policy factors that may bear on the decision whether to accede to the Israeli proposal. She also wants to advice the president what the likely consequences are for the US, if the air raid succeeds, or if it fails.

The national Security Advisor is a busy woman, but she wants s thorough analysis. She expects a memorandum of at least 2,000 words, but she is prepared to read a longer document, if necessary. I will be necessary to use at least ten other courses that merit citation in your memorandum.

How to Reference "Law Terrorism War" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Law Terrorism War.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Law Terrorism War (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Law Terrorism War. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Law Terrorism War” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933.
”Law Terrorism War” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933.
[1] ”Law Terrorism War”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Law Terrorism War [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933
1. Law Terrorism War. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/terrorism-situation-analysis-preemptive/593933. Published 2007. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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