Essay on "Terrorism Concepts"

Essay 4 pages (1148 words) Sources: 5

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Terrorism Concepts

no answer available; no author "Dr. Hanle" could be found, either

Mao's first stage of revolutionary mobilization is the organization and consolidation of base areas, preserving certain enclaves (usually in areas that were hard for outsiders to reach, isolated and/or with rough surrounding terrain). Then, single-mission attacks meant to terrorize as well as obtain resources would be carried out to allow for progressive expansion. Finally, the enemy would be engaged in all-out warfare and destroyed.

During consolidation, terrorism is necessary in order to obtain political support, and to dissuade local citizens that might not side with the revolutionaries from becoming involved on the wrong side. Before enough power is obtained by the revolutionaries, terrorism is also the only real means of making attacks that have a real psychological effect on morale.


Terrorism is meant to shatter the cohesion between the government and the populace as well as the social cohesion of the populace, but the political cohesion of the populace is a target not for disintegration, but rather for strengthening following realignment towards the revolutionaries.


Aerial bombardment is impersonal and directly tactical. Terrorist assassinations are symbolic, stirring passions as well as creating tactical advantages. They also deliberately undermine the power structures and roles that exist in the political structure, rather than becoming a new expected part of that structure as can aerial bombardments.


The humanitaria
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n efforts practiced by Marines made them targets both for suspicion by the Viet Cong and provided a camouflage for the possibility of terrorist attacks, such as through the hiding of explosives that would target these humanitarian-minded Marines.


Terrorism binds the cohesion of the terrorist organization by providing symbolic evidence of progress as well as real actions that can be easily observed and used as recruiting tools. As public displays, they are things that all members of an organization can share in the credit for.


Wars fought by terrorists are wars of ideals, at least ostensibly, though often the guerilla warfare that they pursue is in reality more concerned with generating profits and the amassing of resources and arms for protection of the terrorist organization's leaders more than they are about the principles and injustices spoken of to the press and foreign governments.


Mao asserted that political mobilization was the most fundamental condition for winning wars.


Mao believed that the military force was also necessarily a political unit during revolutionary war, and that it could not be kept separate from the masses due to this political connection. The military was the force that could truly give revolutionary power, or at least the appearance of true revolutionary power, into the hands of the people, and in this manner served as a rallying point and a force of collective action and collective accomplishment.

Class 6


One of the principle differences between state sponsored terrorism during the Cold War and now is that while many terrorist groups were understood to be proxies for state militaries then, now the terrorist organizations are just as likely to be using their sponsors as the other way around, and in fact most relationships have much more nebulousness about them.


One of the major costs of "outsourcing terrorism" is a lack of political control, which has definitely been seen in Pakistan as the many militant and jihadist groups have proliferated and gained a great deal of monetary and political clout, such that elected leaders like Musharraf are… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Terrorism Concepts" Assignment:

-This project includes answering a variety of questions in short answer format. A bibliography is not required -

First set of questions will be referred to as *****"Class 5*****" and the second set will be referred to as *****"Class 6*****"

**************************************************CLASS 5*********************************************************

For *****"Class 5ss 5*****" i do not have the book authored by *****"Dr. Hanle*****". If you have access to this book please use it. If not, please answer using your own knowledge on the subject

Class 5 -Revolutionary Terrorism:

From Dr. Hanle*****s Book

1. What are the six stages of Revolutionary Mobilization? Include in your answer the phase, characteristic and objective (Table 9, p. 135).

2. What are Mao Tse Tung*****s three phases of revolutionary mobilization?

3. Why is terrorism necessary in the consolidation phase of revolutionary mobilization?

4. In revolutionary terrorism, the terrorists are seeking to shatter the cohesion of the state. Their principal target is/ are (check all that are correct):

[ ] cohesion between the government and the populace

[ ] the political cohesion of the populace

[ ] the social cohesion of the populace

5. Both terrorist assassinations and aerial bombardment are fire missions, Why are terrorist assassinations more effective in mobilizing the revolution than aerial bombardment in preventing the revolution from expanding? [Short Answer]

6. According to Asprey why were the humanitarian efforts on the part of Marines in Vietnam dangerous to the villagers they sought to help?

7. How is terrorism effective in sustaining the cohesion of the terrorist organization? [Short Answer]

8. The form of war most often waged by revolutionary terrorists is a ________________, __________________________, war of ___________________________.

From Chapter 5 of Hammes***** Book

9. According to Mao _________________ _______________ (two words) is the most fundamental condition for winning wars.

10. Briefly explain Mao*****s thought regarding the role of military force in revolutionary war. (Short Answer ***** one to three sentences).

****************************************************CLASS 6***************************************************

Class 6

State Sponsored Terrorism

Rogue Operators, by Daniel Byman

1. According to Byman, what is one of the principal differences between state sponsorship of terrorism during the Cold War and now?

2. What is one of the major costs of *****outsourcing terrorism***** and how is this manifested in Pakistan?

3. How might the Saudi strategy of redirecting Saudi-born terrorist activities away from Saudi Arabia backfire?

4. Name one way in which Lebanese Hezbollah has moved from being a p***** to being a partner of Iran.

5. Byman notes that the challenge of sponsorship today is tougher than in the past. Rather than put a state on the *****rogue state***** list to compel change in its behavior, Byman suggests a more fundamental requirement is in order. What is it?

The Ideology of Terrorist Foreign Policy in Libya and South Africa, by Steven Metz

(Note it is dated 1987, but the fundamentals he discusses are sound and remain relevant to today).

6. Metz suggests three targets (objectives) for *****new***** state-sponsored terrorism (p. 380). What are they?

7. Name one advantage state-sponsored terrorism has over employing conventional military forces for the purposes of meeting foreign policy objectives.

8. Metz identifies several difficulties associated with sponsoring a terrorist organization. Briefly describe any one of these difficulties.

9. According to Metz, terrorist-sponsoring states are *****wary when crafting foreign policy [to] . . . integrate terrorism into it.***** What two conditions must prevail for states to perceive terrorism as a viable tool?

10. Briefly describe the role of ideology in justifying terrorism.

The Management of Savagery, by Abu Bakr Naji

11. List the first three stages in the path for establishing an Islamic state:

12. Name at least one factor Jihadists should consider when selecting a country for successful jihadist campaign.

13. Name one primary goal for the stage of the *****power of vexation and exhaustion,*****

14. What are the negative consequences for military forces concentrating? Dispersing (spreading out)?

Chapter 7 of Hanle*****s book [pp. 171-193]

15. Military terrorism targets the enemy*****s civilian population for two reasons. What are they?


How to Reference "Terrorism Concepts" Essay in a Bibliography

Terrorism Concepts.”, 2011, Accessed 2 Jul 2024.

Terrorism Concepts (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Terrorism Concepts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul, 2024].
”Terrorism Concepts” 2011.
”Terrorism Concepts”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Terrorism Concepts”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 2-Jul-2024].
1. Terrorism Concepts [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Terrorism Concepts. Published 2011. Accessed July 2, 2024.

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