Term Paper on "Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years"

Term Paper 5 pages (1784 words) Sources: 5

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Telecommuting for Future Businesses

A journalist friend of mine telecommutes on a regular basis. Her editor emails her weekly with local stories to cover; she interviews the subjects (often by phone), and then types and transmits the story from her computer, all without setting a foot in the office. Many people think of telecommuting as something reserved for work at home moms or computer programmers, but the truth is that it is the new way in which jobs will be performed in the next ten years.

The term "telecommuting" first came about in the 1970s, when the energy crisis made workers realize that they needed to find more efficient ways to get to their places of employment and do their jobs. "The individuals involved in the information economy began to develop ways to remotely commute and a new work-style resulted." (Geography Dept., University at Buffalo) The Clean Air Act of 1990 has continued this push; companies are now looking at telecommuting as a way to lessen pollution, as well as to increase efficiency. California's Bay Area, in particular, has its own mandates designed to abide by the act. According to the Telecommuting Guide from Smart Valley, Inc., "Under the Air District's new rule, employers with 100 or more employees at a single work site must set up commute incentive programs that encourage employees to...bike, walk or telecommute to work. The new rule will affect about 3,000 employers and roughly half of the Bay Area's workforce."

There are many benefits, as well as drawbacks, for telecommuters and their bosses. The subjects of my survey pointed out that maternity and sick leave could be modified, saving the company from having to train
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(and pay for) a replacement and allowing employees to interact with others while recuperating. In addition, the commute itself is all but eliminated from the equation, saving time, money and gas. Some supervisors and telecommuters may be concerned about regular communication . However, if the telecommuter and supervisor establish requirements and expectations before the telecommute is begun, all of these problems can be easy to fix.

The advent of the personal computer came about in the late 1970's, and it turned telecommuting into a much more viable option. Computers are still used in most of these positions, along with other types of technology, such as speakerphones, faxes, and scanners. Rothman (no date) notes that her telecommuter utilized many of these, which facilitated her interactions with other staff members. Web teleconferencing was mentioned by many participants in my survey, as a way to remain a full participant at work. In schools, maternity and sick leave could be easier to deal with, since there would be no need for a substitute teacher.

Although many of the people surveyed felt that their particular profession (primary and secondary school teachers) would not be conducive to telecommuting, they were quick to point out that there were a number of other jobs that could benefit greatly from it. Employees that rely heavily on written work or images, such as computer coders, graphic designers, and accountants would do well. But other conditions must be met. The worker must be have a track record of excellence, and the ability to uphold that record without being micromanaged. They must be able to abide by the rules that they and their supervisor have created pertaining to the telecommute, i.e. checking in on certain days, calling in during meetings, being in-house on Mondays, and so on. Many of the jobs that allow for telecommuting have employees that are responsible and trustworthy; the privilege is then much easier to grant.

Security risks are also a consideration for the telecommuter and supervisor. According to Pelgrin (no date), since much of telecommute work is done by computer and an Internet connection, the biggest concern for many employers is cyber security. An employee may have an unsecured wireless connection, or may not have updated trojan or virus protection software, or a family member or friend who downloaded infected material onto the computer. This could make the unit susceptible to malware such as keyloggers, which can record user IDs and passwords. It could also install adware or spyware, which could then be transmitted across the network. Lastly, removable methods of storage, such as flash drives, CDs or DVDs (and in some cases, laptops) could be stolen. There are many ways to deal with this, and all of them involve company policy. The employer must decide if the employee will be given a computer to work with, or if they will use a home computer. An agreement must be reached on the type of security software that will be used, and support personnel should be available to help with setup and installation. If the user notices any suspicious activity, they should have a point person to communicate with. Ideally, all transmissions will be encrypted, as well as any data that might be stored on removable media. And the operating system and all software should be up-to-date. An employee whose company utilizes all of these methods stands a much better chance of successfully telecommuting.

The future of telecommuting is a positive one. Survey takers noted a number of positive ramifications: trainers can train other employees while working at home. Sales reps can meet their prospects online. And of course, programmers can continue to work from the comfort of their homes.

The negative societal effects of telecommuting on society mostly revolve around commuters, or those left behind in the office. According to Chartier (n.d.) "Timothy Golden, associate professor in the Lally School of Management & Technology at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute...found that...[commuters] got frustrated at a perceived increase in workload and difficulties that telecommuting can present to finishing projects and building strong working relationships...in-office employees in his study became disappointed at having fewer and weaker relationships." According to another study, telecommuters can suffer from effects as well. According to Brauss (1993), "Home workers miss office socializing, according to Home Office Computing research." She also notes that "People with children under age 6 lose an additional three-quarters of a day per week." This is worthy of note, since many people choose to telecommute due to child care concerns. Huws (1991) notes that telecommuters start to suffer from 'stuck housewife syndrome', "a less satisfactory period which was accompanied by feelings of loneliness, isolation and a growing desire to escape 'the same four walls'.

However, the positive results will continute to impact society as well: according to Houy (1999), in a pilot program done by Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, "The 107 participants indicated that they avoided 2,006 trips to the office, totaling 40,516 miles in a six-month period from January to June 1997. This suggests telework arrangements may have major societal impacts." Based on this result, the social ramifications for energy conservation alone are impressive. In a study done by AT&T on their telecommuting program, Zelinsky (1994) notes that "Blue Cross telecommuters reportedly boosted their productivity levels by 50%, Pacific Bell by 57%, J.C. Penney by 25%, and The Travelers by 33%. AT&T's own fleet of 6,000 field salespeople report an increase in productivity of 45% when they work out of the office whether it be at their clients' offices or at home." Also, AT&T's investment of $4,000 to provide each employee with the equipment to telecommute "will drive down its current $88 million staffing and real estate costs by 50%."

The state of today's economy is forcing businesses to find new ways to save money. The savings and productivity increases from telecommuting are something that they are taking notice of, and many are researching ways to implement it in their own offices.

Businesses and companies all over the world are using telecommunications to improve productivity. There are disadvantages as well as advantages to this new way of doing business, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Are you ready for the future?

Works Cited

Chartier, D. (n.d.). Study: Telecommuting makes work worse for non-telecommuters. Ars Technica.

Retrieved August 27, 2011, from http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2008/01/study-telecommuting-makes-work-worse-for-non-telecommuters.ars

Hawkins, M., Soe, L., & Preiser-Houy, L. (1999). The Effectiveness of Telecommuting for the Employee, Employer, and Society. Cal Poly Pomona Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, n.v.,


Huws, Ursula. (1991). Telework: Projections. Futures, v. 23 (Jan./Feb.), n.v., 19-31.

Making Telecommuting Work by Johanna Rothman. (n.d.). Johanna Rothman, Management

Consultant - Project management training, project assessments, project portfolio management, leadership training, managing product development. Retrieved August 27, 2011, from http://www.jrothman.com/Papers/MakingTelecommutingWork.html

Offstein, E. (n.d.). Amazon.com: Growing the Virtual Workplace: The Integrative Value Proposition for Telework (9781847203892): Alain Verbeke, Robert Schulz, Nathan Greidanus, Laura Hambley:

Books. Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more. Retrieved August 27, 2011, from http://www.amazon.com/Growing-Virtual-Workplace-



Pelgrin, W. (n.d.). MS-ISAC Cyber Tips Newsletter Telecommuting Security Risks. Center for Internet

Security - Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center . Retrieved August 27, 2011,

from http://msisac.cisecurity.org/newsletters/2007-07.cfm

Braus, Patricia. (1993). "Homework for Grown-ups." American Demographics,

v.15 (August): 38-42.

Zelinsky, Marilyn. (1994). "Clean Air Mandate Spurs Telecommuting." Interiors,

v. 153 (May): 66.


Premise: Telecommuting will be… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years" Assignment:

*****¢ Follow the five steps of persuasion: establishing credibility, acknowledging the audience*****s position, constructing a rationale, transplanting root elements, and asking for a response.

*****¢ Clearly define your position and supporting evidence, including the results of your survey.

The list must include the following:

 Development of Telecommuting

 Potential benefits for employee and employer

 Potential Drawbacks for employee and employer

 Technology Requirements

 Job requirements and responsibilities

 Security Risks

 Future Potential

 Societal advantages/disadvantages? How is society, as a whole, both positively and negatively affected by telecommunications??

*****¢ Include all the necessary *****evidence***** for the reader to reach the expected conclusion in each argument in the paper (whether the over-riding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph)

*****¢ Ensure that each argument in the paper (whether the overriding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph) is valid and free from both formal and informal fallacies

I also need a one page reflection which should include:


On a separate sheet (not part of the paper), identify the premises and conclusion of each of the arguments in your paper. Most papers will have one overriding argument and then several smaller arguments which *****prove***** the truth of the premises you are making in the larger argument.

Look at each of the arguments you have located in your paper. Carefully study them to see if there are any informal fallacies. If there are any fallacies, note the name of the fallacy beneath your identified arguments. Explain why each is a fallacy.

Carefully examine each of your arguments again. Even if there isn*****t an informal fallacy present, is each of the individual arguments valid? Do the premises provide enough evidence to support the conclusion? If you are not sure, try rewriting each argument as categorical syllogism and then test for validity. Under each argument, identify whether it is valid or invalid.

Explain to your instructor how you intend to change these arguments in your paper in order to be certain that they are free from fallacies and are perfectly valid.

Once you have completed these tasks, continue editing and revising your paper in order to eliminate the problems that you have just noted and to make it more persuasive.


How to Reference "Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731.
”Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731.
[1] ”Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731
1. Telecommuting Will Be the New Way That Jobs Are Performed in the Next Ten Years. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/telecommuting-future-businesses/6731. Published 2011. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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