Term Paper on "Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing"

Term Paper 31 pages (8637 words) Sources: 30 Style: APA

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Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing Information Security and Online Privacy Concepts

This work contains a research proposal for a behavioral medication intervention for teens ages 12 to 17, as well as for their parents and peer-groups in an initiative to facilitate a change in behavior relating to the way they perceive information technology security and privacy identification issues and threats while interacting with media via the Internet.

Scope and Delimitation

Theoretical Conceptual Support for the Study

Social Change





The work of Justine Cassell and Meg Cramer entitled: 'High Tech or High Risk: Moral Panics about Girls Online" published online Northwestern's School of Communication Website relates the all-too-often occurrence of the dangerous online predator and contact that is made with minors through the Internet. In fact, Cassell and Cramer relate that the Youth Internet Survey (2001) polled 1,500 teenagers and stated findings that "approximately one in five American Teenagers have been sexually solicited online." (Cassell and Cramer, 2004) Statistics stated by Dateline NBC's 'To Catch a Predator' reveals that police estimates state that "50,000 predators are online at any given moment." (Hansen, 2003) the work of Chung and Grimes (2003) entitled: "DataMining the Kids: Surveillance and Market Research Strategies in Children'
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s Online Games" published in the Canadian Journal of Communication relates that over the past ten years "the widespread adoption of online tools and technologies by children has become the topic of much discussion within both the academic and public spheres. As children and youth have expanded their presence on the Internet, they have been depicted by some as adopting increasing participatory roles in the creation of online content through their contribution to online environments, games, and communities. What this literature overlooks however, is that the many popular children's sites are often commercially owned and operated, responding primarily to advertiser demands and other corporate interests." (Chung and Grimes, 2003) Chung and Grimes go on to relate that the barriers that traditionally exist between 'content and commerce' are disappearing resulting in "the emergence of what Montgomery (2000) terms a 'children's digital medial culture' where in new levels of intimacy are built between markets and children." (2003) it is related that these websites and gaming communities are a method of gathering information and that "this phenomenon, and the corporate mechanism that drive it, is reflective of a larger trend in online-gaming conventions - one that increasingly incorporates marketing-research strategies into the design and operation of online entertainment sites and virtual communities." (Chung and Grimes, 2003) the technologies used in data mining form detailed profiles both demographically and behaviorally of children and young people online. The information gained from data mining is then used in research identifying trends in youth markets "a research practice that is referred to by marketers as 'cool marketing'. (Chung and Grimes, 2003) the Kaiser Family Foundation states in a report that children in America are spending, on the average, 5 hours and 29 minutes a day, seven days a week, using media for recreation. (Edwards, 1999) Furthermore, this media usage was in the children's bedrooms. (Edwards, 1999) in Neilsen/Netrating in 2003 states that children and teens account for 21% or one of every five Internet users in the United States which totals over 27 million and that 14.9 million of these are between the ages of 12 and 17 years of age. Chung and Grimes report that recent studies conducted in relation to the economic socialization of children show that "although today's children and adolescents have the spending power to utilize their consumer skills they still often lack the maturity to think carefully about buying decisions. Furthermore, little distinction is currently made between media- or peer-informed consumer decisions and more informed choices or "thoughtful consumer decisions" within either consumer-socialization research or marketing rhetoric." (2005) Additionally, in spite of the fact that today's children are held to be 'cyber-kids' the reality is stated in emergent studies suggest that children's knowledge of the processes and issues associated with ICT usage might actually be quite superficial and limited."(Chung and Grimes, 2005) Sandvig (2002) as related by Chung and Crimes (2005) conducted a sixteen week study of the use of the Internet by children with a public library setting and states findings that: "...only nine requests for privacy policies of any kind among the 203,647-page requests submitted by children during that time period."

In a more recent study, findings are stated that young children do not understand questions when asked about privacy and know even less about Internet practices such as sending cookies to track users and do not understand why personal information should not be related online. Children are more likely to relate information of a sensitive nature online than are adults and especially when doing so in order to receive a gift of rewards. Studies have shown that the private industry standards that are used in gaining informed consent from children use terms, concepts and process that are inadequate. Livingstone writes that the concept of media literacy "has long proved contentious." (Chung and Grimes, 2005) While the media installed on the computer at the time of purchase does not determine the use once the computer is installed within the home there is a link between the two. Livingstone states for example: "...observations of children's domestic internet use suggest that given an anxious parental context fearful of online dangers, children may engage cautiously with online contents, missing out on potential benefits and inhibiting the free exploration which encourages learning and literacy. A more laissez-faire attitude on the part of parents may support a more confident, even creative, use of the internet, although perhaps lacking in the guidance, which ensure effective learning. There is much to be learned here form television literacy, where it is clear that the social context in front of the screen (parental involvement, concurrent conversation, critical observation, etc.) frames and direct the nature of the engagement with, and the potential learning from, what is shown on the screen." (Livingstone, 2003) in order to understand media literacy more must be given consideration than knowledge, culture and participation but as well the nature and quality of media use is important because "users must be literate in the sense of being competent in and motivated towards certain cultural traditions and values." (Livingstone, 2003) Livingstone relates that the Internet may "facilitate new forms of representation and hence a new literacy, but this in turn might be opening up new ways of learning and so a new model of education. While it may be that the learning process is changing, it is much less clear that the content is also changing." (2003) Livingstone points out that it is rare the websites offer children the chance to decide themselves whether the information holds any value or truth and even more rarely do websites provide children with any criteria for the purpose of evaluating information offered online. Livingstone states that for this reasons it could be posited that "many of the literacy requirements now associated with the Internet, might, instead be continuous with the literacies of the past decades, even centuries." (2003) Livingstone points out the work of Harley, who states the argument that: "...literacy is not and never has been a personal attribute or ideologically inert 'skill' simply to be 'acquired' by individual persons...It is ideologically and politically charged - it can be used as a means of social control or regulation, but also is a progressive weapon in the struggle for emancipation."(2002: 136; as cited in Livingstone, 2003) Livingstone explores the social and institutional uses of literacy, since it is "not an end in itself..." (2003)

Livingstone states that there are 'three broad active categories of usage' including those as follows:

1) a general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development;

2) Particular way of life, whether or people, a period, a group or humanity in general..." And 3) the works and practices of intellectual and especially artistic activity." (2003)

Livingstone further points out that it would be easy to believe that the four components of media literacy:

1) the individual;

2) the medium;

3) the educational context; and 4) the cultural setting..." (Livingstone, 2003) could be regarded as occurring in a developmental sequence, ordered in terms of acquisition and complexity: access precedes and is simple than analysis; analysis precedes evaluation; evaluation much surely precede and guide the creation of new content." (2003)

This is however, known by those who design curriculum to be too simplistic because "each component process supports advances in others; learning to create content helps one to analyze that produced professionally others; skills in analysis and evaluation open the doors to new uses of the internet, expanding access, and so forth. We must anticipate a non-linear, dynamic learning process across these components of media literacy." (Livingstone, 2003) the work of Kathryn C. Montgomery entitled: "Children's Media Culture in the New Millennium: Mapping… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing" Assignment:

"I am trying to implement a Behavior modification among three groups (Younger generations (ages 12-17), their parents, and their Peers). This behavior modification will increase/level up the level of awareness of Online privacy regulations among those three groups. Please let me know, I can send you more detailed info if needed. If I like your work, I will continue use you for the rest of my Dissertation.


Again, Please note to the ***** that this is an Introduction Chapter for my Dissertation? and if the ***** has questions, I need to know about it ASAP.

How to Reference "Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848.
”Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848.
[1] ”Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848
1. Teenager's Awareness and Their Lack of Implementing. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teenager-awareness-lack/777848. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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