Thesis on "Teen Pregnancy Study"

Thesis 9 pages (2585 words) Sources: 7 Style: APA

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Teen Pregnancy Study

Study into the Impact of Parental Communication and Parenting Styles on Teen Pregnancy: Comparison with the Impact of Demographic Variables

It has been suggested by statistical evidence that teenage pregnancy rates have been declining in recent years, declining by 28% between 1990 and 2002. However, with 750,000 teens still falling pregnant each year (Guttmacher Institute, 2006), teen pregnancy remains a major issue in U.S. public health. The importance of lowering teen pregnancy rates is critical given the negative consequences so often associated with the condition. For example teenage mothers are associated with greater rates of neonatal and infant mortality, and also major neonatal morbidities, when compared with women in the 20 to 29 years age group (Gilbert et al., 2004). In addition, long-term negative psychological consequences are likely to effect the health of mothers who give birth in their adolescent years (Hillis et al., 2004). These health impacts are likely to increase the burden on the public health system in this country. In addition, the economic consequences are likely to be substantial, with teenage mothers less likely to receive a high school diploma, likely to earn less income, and more likely to rely on cash assistance (Fletcher & Wolfe, 2008). Therefore there are clear adverse consequences to individuals, communities, along with those on a national level, resulting from falling pregnant as a teenager. The substantial number of teens who fall pregnant annually would however indicate that our current understanding of the causes of the phenomenon may be insufficient to provide adequate preventative measures. Despite the majority o
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f schools already engaging in some form of sexual education, it would seem that while successful to some extent, it is still failing to completely alleviate the problem.

In response to the recognition that current methods are not providing required reduction of teen pregnancies, a grant of $500,000 has been awarded on behalf of the National Institute for Mental Health and Planned Parenthood to develop the study. The desire of this body is to develop a study which shows the correlation of communication skills and parenting skills as seen by teens, and their increased impact on the levels of teen pregnancy over race, socioeconomic class and family structure. The rationale behind this is that current programs have already aimed to tackle the causative factors associated with teen pregnancy which have previously been established. If they are failing to completely achieve their aim in preventing teenage pregnancy this would therefore suggest that the main issue may lie in our understanding of the causes of the problem.

It has been established for some time that there are certain demographic variables which may be associated with an increased risk of teen pregnancy, for example socioeconomic disadvantage, low educational expectation (Allen et al., 2007), family type (Bonnell et al., 2006) and race (Guttmacher Institute, 2006). It has however been suggested that some of these factors may be mediated by parenting behavior (Bonnell et al., 2006). A number of the most recent teen pregnancy prevention interventions have focused on establishing education programs including elements aimed at increasing parent-child interaction. Results from studies into the impact which these interventions have had on parent-teen communication have been largely positive (e.g. Green & Documet, 2005; Schuster et al., 2008). It still remains unclear however whether such programs have actually had a positive impact on rates of teen pregnancy, which is after all the main goal of these programs. Establishing a link between parent-teen communication and parenting styles and sexual behavior, specifically including teen pregnancy, is important for understanding the impact which education programs addressing these issues may provide.

II. Literature Review

Previous research has indicated that there may be a direct impact between characteristics of a child's parents and their risk of teen pregnancy. For example it has been shown that being born to a teen mother is a significant risk factor for a child to go and become pregnant during adolescence themselves (Allen et al., 2007). This would therefore indicate that there may be factors associated with parenting style which may have a direct influence on the sexual behaviors of adolescents.

In a telephone survey conducted by Eisenberg et al. (2006), researchers found that most parents reported speaking with their child at least a moderate amount about sex-related topics. They also found that parents who believed that their child was in a romantic relationship were much more likely to discuss sex-related topics than those who did not believe their child was in such a relationship. This research suggested that parents may miss potential opportunities to discuss these topics and therefore influence behavior. In addition, although the survey suggested that most parents did discuss sex-related themes to some extent with their teenage children, no data was gathered to relate this to how much communication teens perceived to take place with their parents.

Aspy et al. (2006) concluded from their study that parent and youth perceptions of communication on sex-related topics largely agreed. It would however appear from the results that there were still some major discrepancies between parents and teens. Only 39% of reports from parents and teens on the level of communication between them on what is right and wrong in sexual behavior agreed. This would therefore indicate that in the majority of families, at 61%, teens and parents have different perceptions over the amount of communication which they have on this issue. What is not clear from this research is whether it is that one party over-estimates the amount of communication which occurs, or whether one provides an underestimation. What the study did reveal was that there were higher levels of abstinence and use of contraception in those families where it was agreed that there was high levels of communication on sex-related topics compared to those where there were lower levels of communication.

A number of other studies in the past have focused on establishing only whether sex-related communication between parents and teens has occurred. A more recent study by Martino et al. (2008) investigated the impact of breadth of topics covered and repetition of information. Using an experimental approach to test the impact of a set of intervention sessions, researchers found that increasing repetition of the subjects covered in communication enabled teens to feel closer to parents and therefore facilitated discussions on sexual behavior. Increasing the breadth of topics covered also reportedly increased the openness with which such conversations could take place. The experimental nature of this study would increase the validity of results, given that it did not rely solely on self-reporting of behavior. The findings of this study would suggest therefore that merely measuring the quantity or frequency of communication which occurs between parents and teens may be insufficient to completely understand its impact on teen pregnancy.

III. Research Question and Statement of Hypothesis

The research question which is to be answered in this study is therefore:

Is parent-teen communication a significant factor in teen pregnancy, and how does it relate as a factor to other established demographic variables which have been established as potential causative factors?"

The study is particularly interested in comparing the impacts of parental communication and parenting style with the demographic variables of race, socioeconomic status and family structure. The hypothesis of the study is that teen pregnancy is influenced more by the levels of communication which teens have with their parents than other demographic variables.

IV. Study Design

Research Design

As Eidenberg et al. (2006) put it, there is likely to be no 'simple' causal relationship between parental communication and teen pregnancy rates (p. 901). Therefore a mixed methods research design is likely to be the most suitable means of investigating the issue, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The quantitative methodology is most suited of the two for testing hypotheses. This means that in order to establish a definitive answer to the research question it is necessary to collect some form of quantitative data which can be analyzed by standard statistical methods. However given the apparent complexity of the issue, it is unlikely that this simple overview of causation is likely to be useful in actual application of the findings. Therefore extra information which may allow the research findings to be used in intervention and policy design may be provided through the additional dimensions contributed by qualitative research (Burke Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). Given the preceding research which is available and the identified gaps in the literature, the emphasis in this study will therefore be on the qualitative element, with quantitative data used to support findings and conclusions drawn. In particular, a grounded theory methodology will be employed. This paradigm is focused on deriving meanings and concepts from data based on observations in real settings (Suddaby, 2006). This paradigm is most suited to studying the factors of interest in this study, as it does not rely on applying any form of experimental conditions to the study sample. Instead, conclusions are drawn from observations and data collected relating to the actual lives of the participants.

Study Sample size of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Teen Pregnancy Study" Assignment:

I need this to be in apa format. 7 to 9 pages. I need a rush on it.

Here is all the information I have at this time

My research project needs to be a qualitative report and will consist of attempting to develop a theory that teen pregnancy is affected more by teens level of communication with their parents and their parents parenting styles then demographic variables which include race, socioeconomics and family structure. (For my project only) I am stating that a grant for $500,000 was awarded to me to develop this study from the National Institute for Mental health and planned parenthood . Their desire is to develop a study showing the correlation of communication skills and parenting skills as seen by teens and if they affect the level of teen pregnancies more then race, socioeconomic or family structure.

I will have an ideal random sample of 800 children from 4 demographic areas. I will take half of the sample within defined groups (as listed below) and the other as a random sample. All participants will come from the Middle school and High school age teens (ages 12 through 17). I will get permission from the legal guardian to survey each student within the schools library at the school, during school hours as a means of not disrupting class or preventing low turn out by making it after school. In doing the survey within the library I can call in 15 teenagers at a time to give my survey to. I would administer my personal survey and one other scale at the school. In developing my defined sample and random sample, each individual student will have the opportunity to make their own choice if they do not want to participate in the survey if they feel uncomfortable. They will also know that all of their responses will be anonymous, so no one, including their parents will know their answers. For comparison, I would need to administer some form of scale to the care givers and or family members as well, to see both sides of the situation. The FAM-III would be a good choice (See description of scale below).

The reason for such a large choice is because mostly there will be those who decide not to participate, or drop out, or who*****s families will not sign the consent form. Keep in mind this will not all be pregnant teens.

1. race *****“ Caucasian, African American, Hispanic and Asian.

2. Socioeconomic status- Under $25000 income, Over $25,000 and below $50,000. Over $50,000 and under $100,000. Over $100,000.

3. Family structure *****“ Married versus divorced.

4. pregnant teens

Qualitative studies are helpful because they answer the how and why type questions and provide a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon (Creswell, 2008). In looking up research I will use a Grounded theory approach as my qualitative research approach. Its to my understanding that the purpose of grounded theory is to develop theory about phenomena of interest. The theory needs to be grounded or rooted in observation. Although there will be measurement scales used for hard data, this could be a long study, taking many years, involving sessions with many teens from a large sample. It will be helpful because it will answer the question as to what significance does a parents ability to communicate openly and parent well, help lead to a lower teen pregnancy rate as well as reestablish the family unit.

This study is unique in that I have found little research that discusses this issue from the teens perspective. The research begins with the raising of generative questions which help to guide the research. These question would be- 1. Do teens who talk openly about sex with their parents, have less sex? More protected sex, or less sex? 2. Do teens see this as significant in making their decision to have sex? 3. Does the style of parenting allow for a teen to feel more comfortable in approaching their parent? 3. Does race play a larger role in a teen pregnancy then question 1 & 2. 4. Does the socioeconomic status of a family affect teen pregnancy more then questions 1 & 2. 5. Does coming from a married family or divorced family affect teen pregnancy more then questions 1 & 2.

As I begin to gather data, core theoretical concept(s) are identified. Tentative links are developed between the theoretical core concepts and the data. This early phase of the research tends to be very open and can take months. Later on the researcher is more engaged in verification and summary. The effort tends to evolve toward one core category that is central. Eventually one approach conceptually dense theory as new observation leads to new linkages which lead to revisions in the theory and more data collection. The core concept or category is identified and flushed out in the details of the research.

Possible sample tests to use-

1, The PSI- (The parenting Stress Index.) Its purpose is to identify parent child problems. It identifies parenting and family characteristics that fail to promote normal development and functioning in children. It helps identify dysfunctional children and parents with dysfunctional parenting skills. Subscales include (for children)- adaptability, acceptability, demanding ness, mood and reinforces parent. Subscales for the adults include- Depression, attachment, role restriction, competence, isolation, spouse, and health.

2. The SIPA-(Stress Index for Parents with Adolescents) This s a screening and diagnostic tool that identifies areas of stress in parent adolescent interactions. It examines the relationship of parenting stress to adolescent characteristics and parent characteristics.

3. The FAM-III ( Family Assessment Measure) *****“ This is a self repot measure that assess the strengths and weaknesses within the family members. It is completed by all pre teens, teens and adult family members. By comparing the results, of all three reports the counselor obtains a greater picture of how the family members view their level of interaction.

Depending on which of the following surveys I would administer. I would have all groups complete to scales, then follow up with the family scale. I most likely would have to go to the homes, or ask to establish time after school hours for families to come in to complete the scale, or possibly during an open house. Possibly offer extra credit to the student for those who*****s families come. Or coupons for some restaurant locally? I would need to develop this research to show both the parenting styles and level of communication as seen by the teen and as seen by the care giver.

I need some type of testing survey that might help show teens opnions on wehter they feel comfortable talking about sex with their parents. One that would allow us to ask questions related to what style of parenting the teen feels their own parent has, ask the demographic information we need, and then ask if they have had sex, thought about it, used protection, have every been pregnant and if they were influenced by their parents talking to them, wished their parents had talked to them.

I need the following within my report


Statement of the Problem

This assignment asks you to write a brief paper, really more of an introduction to your research study. In this paper, you will specify the focus and importance of the problem. You will need to use 2 *****“ 4 references, as appropriate.

You will also submit a list of articles that you MAY be using in the literature review assignment.

*****¢ Literature Review

A key step in developing and preparing a research study is reviewing and synthesizing the literature published on the topic. In a literature review, you conduct an extensive search of the professional literature (peer reviewed publications are preferred), review and synthesize your readings, and present it an organized format before stating your conclusion (often a statement of why your study is needed). What this does is allows the reader to better understand the connection between the studies and your research topic. You should use a minimum of 6 - 8 articles as you write your review.

*****¢ Research Question and Statement of Hypothesis

You will submit to the assignment tab your research question and a statement of your hypothesis or hypotheses.

*****¢ Study Design

This is the part of the paper that focuses on the methods and procedures of the study. Included in this section should be the following:

This will be a

Qualitative Study

What is the particular qualitative methodological approach you plan to use? Provide a rationale for why you chose to use this approach.

How do propose to collect the sample for this study?

Do you plan to use an observational, interview, or document method (see ch. 8)?

Discuss how you will record your data.

I. Introduction:

A. specific objectives

B. specific requirements

C. one cohesive report

D your own individual writing style (within reason)


II. The purpose of the paper (the problem statement)

A. sharing newly developed information or

B. a new understanding of previously known information

C. find, analyze, & organize the best information available

D. a logical, concise, & clear report

E. what are you attempting to accomplish?

1. persuade?

2. share information... from one (abstract) or more (expository) sources?

3. analyze a position?

4. compel people to act (or stop an action)?


III. Information selection

A. usefulness and

B. validity of sources (popular versus professional sources)

C. other reasons for EXCLUDING information

1. too technical

2. similar to other information used (redundant)

3. deals with aspects not covered in topic

4. outdated information


IV. Topic selection

A. assigned

B. of interest to you

C. emotion versus objectivity

D. other considerations............

1. narrow enough to be covered thoroughly (with time constraints)

2. broad enough to be covered without repeating (ditto)

3. current enough to be interesting



1. statement of purpose near the start

2. keep it in front of you at all times

working bibliography

1. management of notes, bibliography, et al

2. back up systems

Connecting your thoughts (transition)

1. logical progression

a. order of importance?

b. chronological order?

2. paragraph... a number of sentences (not just one) about one subject

3. transition between paragraphs with a word or sentence

4. closing paragraph

a. conclusion

b. summary

(reference back to statement of purpose)

IX. References (APA format)....

How to Reference "Teen Pregnancy Study" Thesis in a Bibliography

Teen Pregnancy Study.”, 2008, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Teen Pregnancy Study (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Teen Pregnancy Study. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Teen Pregnancy Study” 2008.
”Teen Pregnancy Study”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Teen Pregnancy Study”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Teen Pregnancy Study [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Teen Pregnancy Study. Published 2008. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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