Multiple Chapters on "Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective"

Multiple Chapters 18 pages (5645 words) Sources: 6

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Technology on Disruptive Behavior

What is the effect of teachers' attitude toward the implementation of a computer-based program on disruptive behavior?

Disruptive behavior from students is one of the nightmares that the teachers have to go through when they are teaching in class. The students with this problem keep on intervening appropriately in class while others are trying to read. The computer-based program will have different effects on disruptive behavior for the students. For some instances, it is possible that the effect will be positive leading to students having better attentiveness in class. However, there are cases when the computer-based programs will lead to even more disruptive behavior for the students. Thus, the effectiveness of these programs is all-dependent on the attitudes of the teachers.

When looking for solutions for the disruptive behavior, it is imperative that there is an assessment of the reasons that led to it. There are cases when the disruptive behavior of a student is brought about by failure of the student understanding the teacher (Dziegielewski 2010). The main reason for this could be the inappropriate methods of teaching. In this case, a computer-based program may not be of much help to the learning process. The computer-based program may control and regulate the students, but the bottom-line is that the students did not understand the whole process. The attitude of the teacher is thus extremely valuable for this case. If the teacher thinks that the computer-based program is indeed an alternative to the class behavior, then the program will not work. In such a case where the teaching model of the teacher is inappropr
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iate, it may be suitable that there is no implementation of computer-based program. If the teacher follows a positive attitude and uses the computer-based program as a supplement and not as an alternative, then the program may have utility. In such a situation, the teacher is probably going to realize the root of the problem. After realizing the frailty of the teaching models, the teacher may opt to change it and modify it to fit the students appropriately. Thus, changing of the teaching model to influence the learning process is all dependent on the attitude of the teacher towards the computer-based program (Dziegielewski 2010).

If the teacher is of the opinion that the computer-based program can improve the group participation of a class, then it is likely that it will work efficiently. If utilized well, the computer-based program can improve group participation of a class and thus limit the disruptive behavior. In this case, the teacher's attitude will have a positive impact. The teacher should explain to the students how beneficial the program is to them and teach on how it can improve their groups. After this, the teacher should form small groups and monitor them with the computer-based program. If the teacher is of a negative attitude on the program in respect of the group work, then it will become a failure. In such an instance, the teacher is likely to continue using the old groups, which may have large numbers that are uncontrollable. Thus, the attitudes of the teacher are particularly valuable in matters of using computer-based programs to improve group participation.

A factor that changes when there is the use of such a computer-based program is the feedback aspect. When using the program, the students tend to offer more feedback than they were earlier. There is also an increase in interaction from the students. Most computer-based programs tend to offer the students with new viewpoints and thus more perspectives to think from than earlier before when the teacher was teaching normally. In this aspect, it is essential to note that the teacher's attitude towards excessive interaction can affect the learning process (Dziegielewski 2010). Consequently, this increases the chances of computer-based program not working efficiently. If the teacher is open to discussion and interaction, then it is likely that the computer-based program will work effectively. The students are likely to open up more to a teacher who has a positive attitude towards open discussion and interaction compared to the cold teacher. If the teacher is cold to the students and then the students want to interact freely, then this poses a problem. The teacher is likely to shut them down. Thus, there is little effect of computer-based program, and instead of improving the students; they increase their disruptive behavior since they tend to look for other ways to express their newfound knowledge and views.

One of the objectives of a computer-based program is to improve the connections of the theory taught in class to the real world contexts. A reason why most students display disruptive behavior in the classroom is that they are bored with the content being taught by the teacher. Where a teacher does not relate the content to real life experiences, the students become bored or they ask many questions that end up disrupting the class activities. Using computer-based programs; the students have an opportunity to relate the theory to real world contexts (Dziegielewski 2010). However, there are different types of teachers who may have different attitudes to this. If the teacher does not like many questions and explanations, then the students will have no one to answer their questions. Consequently, the students become more confused and thus more disruptive in class. If the teacher encourages this type of interaction, the students become active and thus reduce disruptive behavior. Thus, the success of computer-based program is all-dependent on the attitudes of the teacher.

Question 2

Teachers' perspectives or attitudes toward the implementation of a computer-based program on disruptive behavior

The teachers' responses and perspectives or attitudes to the computer-based program on disruptive behavior bases on various compelling issues. The issues regard the effectiveness in the management of the challenging disruptive methods. The early and original ways of managing the behaviors were ineffective due several factors. The inclusion of the computer in the management simplifies and eliminates the formerly difficult issues in the sector of managing the behaviors. The perspectives of the teachers and the attitudes are in the support of the system arguing that it abridges the works entailed in the process of managing the issues (Spiegler & Guevremont, 2010).

The teachers encourage the user-customized software that assists the teacher in the analysis and assessment of the trends in the students. The teachers love the computer-based approach due to the swiftness in counter reacting to the behavioral challenge in the students. In the modern world the teacher, spend more time with the children than their parents. This prompts the teachers to fill the gap in the trend. Initially the behavioral management issues were at the stake of the parents majorly. However, the change in the education prompts the teacher to take the role of the parents wholly to facilitate the regulation of the behaviors. The teachers gain the major opposition from the new electronic gadgets that penetrates in the school system though other schools have consistently fought a losing battle against the trend.

The teachers' attitudes are that the government and the other stakeholder bodies should finance and see the forthcoming of the new software that quickens the behavioral management and control in the students. The existing ones do have their own limitations of the government ought to eradicate (Spiegler & Guevremont, 2010). The government through the body that controls the media contents has to put in to the mechanism of the regulating the socially damaging contents. The achievement of the teacher purpose is the pivot to a learning process. The challenges that undermine the process would definitely result in a retrogressive educational approach. The teachers indicate that their role in the behavioral issues should have assistance. Students mostly interact between one another.

The teacher gets inclusion in case another student reports the other in case of the mistreatment. The teachers shape the case in the favor of the harmed students. The teacher understands that the students are complex to aid. Some students show a different behavior while at home. However, the teachers know his or her behaviors to be crude (Spiegler & Guevremont, 2010). The computer-based management expands extend or the boundaries or the population that the teacher can single-handedly manage in any case. This is vital in the process that a new trait emerges amongst the students that would require emergency measures. The approach of the teachers is mainly advisory and in case he views it to be beyond that then he recommends to the school administration to assist. In understanding that the behaviors of a student interferes with the learning process of the other students the teachers assume that the computer-based approach assists the entire population of the students. It acts as a mass control path that would hastens the process of the student behavioral safety.

The teachers counters the notion that computer based approach increases the psychological safety of the students. This handles the unworthy trends amongst the students such as leaning on the rear props of a chair, hazardous use of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective" Assignment:

Assignment details

The paper that will be uploaded is 49 pages long at this point. It needs to be extended 18 more pages; 3 pages per thesis question. The thesis needs to be organized with the following included; Table of contents, Introduction (i.e., context of the problem, problem statement, specific research questions, Significance of the study, Research design and Methodology, Organization of the study), Summary (extend please), Abstract, Literature Review, and it needs a chapter for each thesis question listed below, conclusion (extend please), reference pages organized.

The existing paper has all of the above except the table of contents, and a chapter for each thesis question. Insert the new information where it is needed.

Title: the Effects of technology on Disruptive Behavior: from a Teacher*****s Prospective. Each chapter should correspond to a research question.

Research questions (listed in the uploaded paper).

1. What is the effect f teachers***** attitude toward the implementation of a computer based program on disruptive behavior? Quantitative

2. What are the teachers***** perspectives or attitudes toward the implementation of a computer based program on disruptive behavior? ( Sub-question) Quantitative

3. How did the students respond to the computer based program? Qualitative

4. What impact does the computer based program have on disruptive behavior and the students***** academic achievement (Sub-question) Quantitative

5. What is the process of implementing a computer base program to deter disruptive behavior? Qualitative

6. What interventions were used for the most part by teachers in addressing reactive or proactive aggression?

Final copy consists of:

Title page


Table of contents

List of tables with titles and page references

List of illustrations with titles, and page references, including figures, maps, etc

Individual chapters


Appendixes (final document should be at least forty (40) pages, excluding appendixes)


How to Reference "Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective" Multiple Chapters in a Bibliography

Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective” 2012.
”Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Effects of Technology on Disruptive Behavior From a Teacher's Perspective. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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