Term Paper on "Technology and American Culture"

Term Paper 8 pages (3361 words) Sources: 1+

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Technologies are defined specifically to appeal to women in America since women use technology more than men.

Technology and American Culture

The purchasing power of female electronics consumers does not apparently influence in the U.K. As it has entailed in the U.S., South Korea and Japan. The women consumer in U.S. has presently constituted a major chunk of the electronics market and are ranking high and spending the same quantity as that of men in most types of consumers electronics. (Female consumers now outspend men on consumer electronics purchases) American women are associated in about 85% of all electronics purchases, and they are progressively inclined towards gadgets, from DVD players to digital cameras, for themselves or their families, according to an industry group studies that was based on telephone interviews with 1,002 U.S. adults in October, 2004 and performed in collaboration with the independent market research firm Rockbridge Associates Inc. (Consumer Electronics Woo women)

The purchasing power of women is enhanced rapidly than that of men making the female of the species to be the prioritized target for technology companies that desire to sell more gadgets. Women are adopting the laptops, cell phones, and personal organizers. (Technology's gender balancing act) According to Pat Jordan, from Contemporary Trends Institute, the female considerations have varied the market. In respect of all the research it is found out that woman do infuse higher on average and are more normally discontented with operation. The Canon Ixus is considered to be one of the initial digital cameras to be targeted at women. Conventionally, guys in labs restr
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uctured cameras for guys in labs but the Ixus has revolutionized that. The old conservatism of women as techophobes is gradually vanishing as revealed by Jordan. Men were feeling more convenient with the technology earlier- it was taken to be more a cultural and educational matter. However, while technology becomes more emerging that attitude differs. (Women take over technology)

According to Martin Raymond, Futures Director at trends consultancy Futurelab, there prevails something more elementary. This is least concerned with the structure of the product design and matters more with the differing parts played by the Women in the job market, the domestic environment and society as a whole. There presently more single women than men and more educated degree holder women than men. Women in the age group of 25 to 35 years are passing through a big career course. There exist more women struggling in that space and they are applying the same technological arms. Irrespective of this, or may be even because of this, the mode of men and women use technology is still varied, as per Raymond. Men think that if they have lots of additional features that will entail them more competent. Men are more prone to think that technology will make them good man. Women think that technology will enhance their skills and turn them into good workers. (Women take over technology) study performed by Harris Interactive on behalf of Intel Corp., investigated the differences between men and women and the mode they associate with technology. The survey depicted that a large number of women presently apply technology every day. The Consumer Electronics Association or CEA presently backed the reality by indicating that women engage in extravagant display more on technology in comparison to men. As per the CEA, $55 billion of the $96 billion spent on tech products was expended by women. (Technology's gender balancing act) During 2002, the CEA introduced the Technology is a Girl's Best Friend Program with an inaugural study that found women actually preferred technology over some seemingly more coveted items that found women actually preferred technology over some seemingly more allured items. Women revealed they really prioritized technology over some apparently more coveted items. (Women take over technology)

Women sometime seem to opt for HDTV rather than having a 1-carat diamond ring as pointed out by Karen Chupka, the VP of CEA on events and conferences, inclusive of CES. And about 64% received a digital camera over the half-carat diamond stud earnings. (Heller, 2004) the idea that men love gadgets is an old concept; the fact is that women presently purchase more gadgets than men- in U.S. If not in other nations. This incorporates PCs, DVD players and digital cameras. (Women take over technology) Intel indicates this new tech confident woman 'TIF' for Technology Involved Female. The survey of Harris indicated that TIF span many generations and come from diverse backgrounds. The TIFs reveal women are in their twenties, who learned about technology in school as well as women above 50 years who have learned on their own. (Women Embrace Technology) more remarkable body of research has viewed at the way communication technologies have been gendered both through their social applications and those have sometimes been unintended- and their design. The telephone is more specifically illustrative here, as researchers like Rakow and Moyal have shown the way women have applied the telephone, as a device of community bonding and family 'kin keeping'. (GenderScripts and the Short Life and Death of Audrey) Michele Martin brought out that the cultural and social experiences in devising the telephone system so as to find out the initial linkage between men and women and such type of technology, focusing on the telephone company Bell. This is contrary to the most of the studies that looked upon at the telephone usage of today. It is her faith not divergent to that of Moyal, that women adopt and have adopted the telephone extensively for interacting with their friends and relations; to such an extent that she recommends that if it were not for this then this common domestic technology that we adopt commonly at present would be as common as it is now. (a Critical Review of Research into Differences between Men and Women in the Use of Media for Interpersonal Communication)

Moyal's analysis depicts of researching the history of Bell, and the association between gender and the telephone when such technology was new. She remarks the way the inclined consumers of telephone were in fact businessmen, yet it is obliged to the extensive use by women as a mode of socialization that emphasize such medium as a germ collector were much sooner banished. Her studies pointed out the way the telephone became feminized: it has since its inception, been associated with women as a result of the fact that women were apparently better telegraph operators as they have attainted the virtuous qualities that men did not have. (a Critical Review of Research into Differences between Men and Women in the Use of Media for Interpersonal Communication) Hence the feminization of the telephone became evident when women were first hired as operators and then afterwards when a feasible culture of the telephone formulated for socialization. The telephone technology and structure has since been varied significantly so as to appeal to the female customers, indicating its status as an indispensable domestic artifact, through stylistic trends, inclusive of colors to restructure the technological modernization. (GenderScripts and the Short Life and Death of Audrey)

American researchers Dordick and LaRose arbitrarily modeled American men and women all over the nation so as to analyze the telephone utilization. The part of their research associated with involving out the location of the household telephone, and this increased their findings. They find out that women were inclined to spend double the amount of time on the phone than that of men, and more frequently made social calls, and the room in which the telephone was usually placed was the kitchen signifying the rapport of this medium as feminized technological communication device. This assisted in depicting that technology tempted more to women and companies were attempting to make their technological products more feminized. (a Critical Review of Research into Differences between Men and Women in the Use of Media for Interpersonal Communication)

Since presently, women make or persuade up to 85% of the entire consumer purchases therefore considered as the appropriate time for initiation of marketing to them. (Goodgold, 2003) While the shopping was altered from a practical activity of women into a type of spending leisure like going to a matinee, taking meal in a restaurant or attending the beauty parlor, the Departmental Stores championed new-adoptive techniques of demonstration using show windows, glass cabinetry, and mirrors everywhere, they extended a range of services to allure women, from restrooms to restaurants, package delivery to credit. (American Women and the Making of Modern Consumer Culture) Marketing to women presently is not a matter of merely window showing to confirm to political correctness. It is an essential element to be effective in the present day marketplace, according to Delia Passi Smalter, the founder of Medelia Communications, an Irvington, and New York, company that formulates programs particularly to market the product to women. (Goodgold, 2003)

An increasing number of companies are initiating to aim at their wares directed towards female buyers, or at the very least peddle them in a more gender-neutral fashion. (Consumer… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Technology and American Culture" Assignment:

Define a thesis on technology and some aspect of gender, ethnicity, equality, access, regionalism, or democracy in American culture only and write an argumentative research paper to support it. Do not write about the Internet. Factual statemenets must be supported by an outside source and must be accompanied by a citation. About 20-30 citations are expected. Some possible topics include: How does gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or physical ability contribute to access of technology, and what are the cultural and social implications in America? Are technologies defined to appeal to a specific socioeconomic group, gender, or ethnicity in America?

How to Reference "Technology and American Culture" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Technology and American Culture.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Technology and American Culture (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Technology and American Culture. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Technology and American Culture” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508.
”Technology and American Culture” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508.
[1] ”Technology and American Culture”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Technology and American Culture [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508
1. Technology and American Culture. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/technologies-defined-specifically/5248508. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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