Thesis on "Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage"

Thesis 10 pages (4096 words) Sources: 12 Style: APA

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Teambuilding and Competitive Advantage

Team Building and Competitive Advantage

Team Building and Competitive Advantage: Health Care Organization Reliability"

Research in areas of employee communication and team building suggests that successful communication strategies must include a decisive effort to connect management's vision with employees at every level. The successful development of teams and successful communication of vision and mission improves an organization's competitive advantage. Differences in centralized vs. decentralized communication strategies can often result in mixed messaging to key constituents which can have a sustained impact on reputation and therefore, weak teams. Delivery methods and issues of inconsistency can also be measured in terms of overall employee satisfaction an element that seriously affects competitive advantage and organization reliability. Organizations are increasingly becoming dynamic and unstable. This evolution has given rise to greater reliance on teams and increased complexity in terms of team composition, skills required, and degree of risk involved. High-reliability organizations (HROs) are those that exist in such hazardous environments where the consequences of errors are high, but the occurrence of error is extremely low. In this article, we argue that teamwork is an essential component of achieving high reliability particularly in health care organizations. We describe the fundamental characteristics of teams, review strategies in team training, demonstrate the criticality of teamwork in HROs and finally, identify specific challenges the health care community must address to improve teamwork and enh
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ance reliability.

Team Building and Competitive Advantage: Health Care Organization Reliability"


Research in areas of employee communication suggests that successful communication strategies must include a decisive effort to connect management's vision with employees at every level. If the vision of management and the overall vision of the organization are not communicated with employees there may be a breakdown in the development of goals and satisfaction of employees, as they will then feel as if they have no connection to the ideals and standards of management and therefore the work they contribute to the organization. Kleinbeck, et. all in fact conclude that the better the communication between leaders and employees the better the organizational structure and function. (Kleinbeck, Quast, Thierry, & H. cker, 1990, p. 136) Without this connection empowerment is not likely to be present and employee satisfaction will likely suffer. (Dew, 1997, p. 6) Differences in centralized vs. decentralized communication strategies can often result in mixed messaging to key constituents which can have a sustained impact on the reputation of supervisors and/or collaborators of the organization.

Mintzberg (1979) notes that managers individually carry in their heads a rich dynamic map of their policy domains that they are continually updating. However, these maps are informal and largely undocumented and not communicated well to subordinates or colleagues who might be able to use the information to the organization's advantage. (Ozen & Ulengin, 2004, p.6)

Delivery methods and issues of inconsistency can also be measured in terms of overall employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction and goal meeting is often dependant on consistency of communication, as perceptions of inconsistency can create unintended results in employee confusion and/or dissatisfaction.

If the receiver's integration process results in a perception of consistency, then, happily, the outcome is actualization of the intended communication goal and possible positive affect. if, however, the perception of the receiver is that there is inconsistency, the outcome is goal failure, confusion, and possible undesired negative affect. Positive and negative evaluations often feed back to the firm and may influence subsequent...efforts. (Schumann, Dyer & Petkus, 1996, p. 54)

The value of creating communications that are perceived as congruent with both the vision of the organization and the agent view of the processes of achieving it is essential to communication structure and effectiveness and therefore cohesive reliability and increased competitive advantage.

Team Building Vision Communication:

Each level of an organization requires support from above and below to function. A critical aspect of this support is communication. Communication in general determines the standard by which individuals see the vision of the organization and the vision of each functional team within it. In other words if communication breakdown occurs teams will likely be weak as they are all defining and developing activity passed project development in terms that differ from those of the whole and each other. Communication must occur at every level, to ensure that all agent views are seen as essential to the whole of the process vision and to ensure that the organization can be defined and developed as a High-reliability organization (HRO). The communication of changing vision is particularly important as organizations are increasingly involved in transitional cultures that can and often do change the traditional models of vision that employees have been working toward for some time. Dynamic organizations are often in a period of functional and idealistic change which requires reiteration of changed vision from and to every level.

The advice of corporate communication professionals who enjoy high credibility in their firms is increasingly sought at the highest levels of a firm in decision making about how changes in strategic direction affect stakeholders; what changes in culture are required when a new strategic direction is taken; and what high-level communication plans are needed to implement new strategy, vision, and mission.

(Forman, 2005, p. 209)

Vision shifts in fact can be a strategic part of planning for change, in a fluctuating and competitive business environment, yet if that vision is received as incongruent with past visions or diametrically separate from employee standards and ideals there will likely be a breakdown of the process and a loss of employee motivation and standard. (van der Heijden & Verbaan, 2005, p. 35) in fact Bielski defines a good manager as one whom in part is able to effectively communicate and demonstrate the vision of the organization in which they work as well as exhibit motivational behavior. "Right up there with respecting employees, having emotional intelligence or communicating often complex information effectively, good leaders demonstrate the vision, build coalitions, and influence the rank and file in the art of execution."

(Bielski, 2005, p. 21) if such vision communication is lacking or if the individual has in the past been seen as ineffective and therefore without credibility the vision may be lost in the rhetoric of communications and be disconnected from the employee base, no matter how effective the vision, at its source actually is. Jameson discusses the writer-reader relationship in business communications in terms of unintended results.

Writers achieve an appropriate writer-reader relationship in business prose not by merely switching from their own to the reader's viewpoint but by artfully interweaving multiple rhetorical and linguistic elements. The writer-reader relationship is expressed through the many possible combinations of vision and voice, which originate in the textual identities of the implied writer, the implied reader, and, sometimes, other characters. By combining multiple visions and voices,...Texts written by Sherron Watkins, former vice president of Enron, illustrate how a writer's decisions about textual identities, vision, and voice may affect the course of corporate events in dramatic, unexpected ways. (Jameson, 2004, p. 227)

Legitimate communication of vision is so essential to the process of assimilating employees to a common goal that is missing will likely fail or be interpreted and therefore acted upon in unexpected, unintended ways. For example, in health care delivery if there is a consistent emphasis on cost management and no equal and opposite emphasis on high quality care individuals in the system may reduce care quality by denial of needed and effect services for the sake of cost cutting. If this occurs the whole of the institution or brand may be deemed an unreliable organization that does not meet the standards of competitive advantage, and where alternatives are available the health care consumer may intentionally seek care elsewhere.

Team Building Delivery Methods:

Delivery method of communication of vision and subsidiary information is an essential decision making strategy for mangers, as the need to recognize the most effective model for the business structure as well as the message being conveyed is paramount to how the communication is received. Delivery methods have become increasingly dependant upon it structures, which can and often does develop into what might be called a virtual team. (Awadzi Calloway & Awadzi, 2005, p. 28) over the last twenty years as other forms of communication tend to incur considerable cost, in mass and take time that an organization does not wish to expend, especially in dynamic organizations. Though many firms still utilize paper office memo style communications such methods when produced in hard copy may not hold the weight of the convenience of inner-organization memo emails. One example of this is a health care delivery charting system that checks and supports desired strategies for care. (Pelletier, May 2005, pp. 1087-1088) Yet, it is essential that in such an environment of ease of communication that is offered by technology a new set of ethics must be addressed as well as the demonstrative ability to create understanding, without the personal characteristics of face-to-face meetings. Though email communications will never completely replace face-to-face communications they have reduced, significantly… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage" Assignment:

The purpose of this paper is to allow the student to research, investigate and report on a Function of their choice in the human resource area. This is to be a research report, meaning that the student must draw heavily on resources outside their personal experiences and framework of the courses taken in their educational backgrounds. As a future hospitality manager, it will be important for you to be familiar with the published resources available other than trade magazines. A research paper is a thorough investigation of the human resources function you selected. The length and depth is only limited by your time, effort and ambition. You will find more than enough resources to research your topic.

1. Once your function topic has been selected, plan on spending time familiarizing yourself with materials dealing with your topic. You may select any topic related to Human Resources management except those dealing with legal issues or training. Your Professor will approve your topic during Class Session 4. Once the topic is approved it MAY NOT be changed or modified.

2. Make an outline of which aspects of the human resources function you*****re investigating that you plan on writing about. (This outline will become the *****Table of Contents***** of your written report. The Table of contents must include page numbers.)

3. Select a minimum of 12 (Twelve) publications you will be using to write the report. You may NOT use any textbooks as any of your resource material. A minimum of 5 (five) of the 12 (twelve) publications must be refereed journal articles from research journals. If you are in doubt if are using refereed research journals please ask. (ALL resources will be included in the Bibliography; a separate page to be included at the end of your written report). Research journal articles must be dated after January, 2005. All publications should be dated after January, 2004.

4. Prepare the written report. You must include an *****Introduction***** (Page 1) and *****Conclusion/Summary***** (3000 words or beyond) that follow the requirements indicated on the Research Paper Rubric. The body of the written report should be written in a way that works for your topic. Each topic will lend itself to a different format. However, do not list, be narrative. Do not use lengthy quotations or numerous bullet points in the body of the paper. The body of the paper should contain "A" headings that correspond to the Table of Contents.

5. The only requirement for the body of the report is that you must include a section that discusses your HR function as applied to/in the hospitality industry. This application must also be reflected in the Summary/Conclusion.

6. Type the report for submission prior to, but no later than, the Deadline, which is November 13, 2008- WEEK 12 . The paper is to be a Minimum of 3000 words - approximately 10 pages following these guidelines for page format (not including title page, table of contents, lengthy quotes, tables, or case examples which should be placed in an appendix) in typed, doubled spaced with 1" margins, top, bottom, left and right. Use only 12 point type with either *****Times***** or *****New Roman***** font; others will not be accepted. It is critical that the paper conform to the length requirements or your grade will be impacted. See Research Paper Rubric for specifics.

7. Pages must be numbered; the page starting with the Introduction is page 1. The paper should include a Title Page with title of report and your name (only include your name on this page.), and the date. Following the Title Page is the Table of Contents, followed by the Abstract (unnumbered page). Your paper then begins with the Introduction, followed by the Body of the Paper, followed by the Conclusion/Summary, followed by the Bibliography.

8. Since this is a research paper, citations are a necessity. Unless the work is your own, failure to credit the source is plagiarism and will result in a failing (F) grade for the course! Refer to web site address given in class if you are in doubt as to what constitutes plagiarism. If in doubt, ask. The Writing Center is another resource you have available to you. will be used to check for plagiarism as well as the percentage of cited material you use. Papers may not use more than 20% cited material to be accepted for evaluation by the Professor. Papers using more than 20% cited material will lose 1% point for each 1% of cited material over the 20% allowed. Papers using material not cited, may receive a zero for the paper and and F for the course.

9. students who do not submit a paper by the deadline date will receive an f for the course.

10. A proper bibliographical citation must include author, name of book of journal, title of article, volume and issue number, page numbers of article, publisher, city of publication of book and year of publication. A Bibliography is listed in alphabetical order, by author's last name.

11. Please do not submit in any type of folder, binder or envelope. Staple pages together in upper left hand corner.

12. Please proof your paper for typographical and spelling errors as this severely detracts from the content of your paper.

13. Two hard copies of report are to be submitted. In addition you will be required to submit your paper online to Specific instructions for submission will be provided to you in class. NOTE: TURNITIN.COM SUBMISSION SHOULD ONLY INCLUDE PAGE 1 (INTRODUCTION) THROUGH YOUR CONCLUSION. DO NOT INCLUDE BIBLIOGRAPHY, TITLE PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENTS OR ABSTRACT IN YOUR TURNITIN.COM SUBMISSION.

14. Please carefully review the Research Paper Rubric for specific evaluation criteria.

15. Grading criteria will be indicate on evaluation form. NO REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED PAST DEADLINE FOR ANY REASON(S). Reports may be submitted any time prior to deadline. Papers submitted from other classes will receive no credit. Reports must be submitted no later than BY THE DATE indicated on your course schedule summary.

16. Papers submitted that are less than 3000 WORDS in length following guidelines as indicated above will not receive higher than 67% on the paper and are likely to score much lower. This will result in a below average final grade for the course.


How to Reference "Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage" Thesis in a Bibliography

Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage.”, 2008, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage” 2008.
”Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage [Internet]. 2008 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Team Building and How it Affects Competitive Advantage. Published 2008. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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