Essay on "Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait"

Essay 8 pages (2591 words) Sources: 4

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Team Leadership

Personal Team Leadership Portrait

The most important thing in team leadership, for me, is understanding the different personalities I deal with in my team. Firstly then, I base all my decisions upon both the voiced and apparent needs and concerns of my team. I strive to keep a channel of open communication with my team members, encouraging to visit me with questions, problems, concerns, or even just a friendly chat. I like to get to know my team members not only as workers functioning under me, but also as human beings. In this way, I can work to bring out the best in them and their work, and consequently my work. I also understand that some team members will be uncomfortable visiting my office personally, and therefore I like to give them the option of a suggestion box. Members can place either anonymous or signed suggestion notes in the box, which are dealt with at team meetings. They do this with the understanding of the inherent disadvantage that they will not be able to discuss their suggestion with me personally unless they choose to do so.

Specifically, my basic leadership style leans towards the democratic and supportive. This means that all my decisions are made upon the premise that each team member has something valuable to contribute. Generally, before I therefore make a decision, I would call a meeting with my team and discuss the decision with them. They are given the opportunity to discuss the decision with me, and to vote on its outcome. I then take all suggestions into consideration before making my final decision.

A also like to give my team members a fair amount of autonomy in their work. When I
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am confident that a team member can accomplish a task with competence, this person is allowed to work with minimal supervision. This tends more towards the laissez-faire leadership style. However, I also believe that leadership styles other than the democratic or laissez-faire are in order when the situation demands it. The autocratic leadership style is for example more appropriate for certain personality types, and for workers who are new to the team. A worker who for example functions best with specific instructions will be subject to the autocratic leadership style. A worker who is new the job will obviously also have to be given this type of leadership in order to learn the correct procedures for his or her specific functions in the team. In such cases, I would probably delegate leadership to an experienced member of my team. Personally I would do this in a democratic way, nominating a number of experienced people who are willing to take on an autocratic leadership position for this purpose.

Goal setting is another very important aspect of leadership. In my personal democratic leadership style, the team and I would discuss and set goals together. Our agenda would include which goals enjoy the highest priority, and the amount of time in which we can reach such a goal. Of course deadlines entail a certain amount of stress, which is another aspect that needs to be handled as a team. Each team member will be required to monitor him- or herself, along with each other, very closely during specifically busy times. All problems are to be reported to me right away, so that they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner. This is part of the communication paradigm mentioned above. If I cannot help by communicating with workers under stress, these team members will be provided with a period of compulsory leave and contact sessions with an appropriate professional.

It is very important to me to meet deadlines and reach goals. I therefore tend to become somewhat autocratic in my delegation when under pressure for time and quality. However, I always remain open to communication from my team members. If each team member is not functioning optimally, the job will suffer, and this to me is unacceptable. It is therefore essential that they monitor themselves and each other, and communicate effectively with me.

Discipline is also a very important issue in team leadership. If a team is not disciplined in their work ethic, the goals and vision of the team are compromised. Discipline is integrated with the self-monitoring I expect from my team members. If a discipline problem is reported, I visit the worksite myself to determine the causes and possible remedy. The next step is a conference with the trouble-causing team member. During this conference I would ask a series of questions to determine whether the behavior is a symptom of deeper problems in the person's life. If this is the case, the necessary counseling and downtime are scheduled. It is very important to me to handle such matter with as much discretion as possible to save not only the team member, but also myself, from public embarrassment.

In terms of discipline, it is also however important to help the rest of the team understand that personal problems should be handled before they manifest themselves in unacceptable, detrimental, or possibly dangerous behavior. Once a team member has been placed on disciplinary probation or leave, I would therefore call a team meeting, explain the situation, and ask for comments or suggestions to prevent similar situations in the future. For me, discipline is therefore not as much concomitant with punishment itself, as it is to keep the root core of the team healthy enough to function optimally at the workplace.

On the other side of discipline, or the other side of the same coin, as it were, is praise. I strongly believe that motivation, praise and discipline go hand in hand. I therefore like to implement a system by which team members will receive full praise for work well done. Team members can for example be eligible for rewards on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. Team members can also be encouraged to nominate each other for rewards during a particular period. This will place a more positive paradigm on the idea of self-monitoring and motivation. The negative connotation of discipline is therefore mitigated by the promise of reward.

While disciplinary problems can ensue from personal stressors away from the workplace, it is also possible that workplace stress can cause such problems. The greatest sources of workplace stress is change. Change needs to be managed effectively in order to mitigate its effects and highlight its benefits. The main problem with change is the amount of uncertainty it causes. Once again, for me the most effective way of dealing with such pressure is communication. During times of elevated stress caused by change, I would therefore begin by calling a meeting with my team. During the meeting, I would fully disclosed all the details of the impending change. Then I would invite comments or questions. When I am sure all questions have been addressed, I would issue an invitation to speak to me or to team leaders regarding any further concerns. Being open to communication from team members is essential to help them make the transitions during change.

Stressful times such as change or tight deadlines, requires discipline and consistent motivation. While I see my job as team leader to some degree as one of motivation, I also feel that team members should be able to motivate themselves. Rather than therefore addressing the motivation issue on its own, I would integrate this element with other factors such as discipline, praise, and communication.

Generally, I feel that a team leader should be open-minded and ready to face any challenges in terms of both the human beings on the team and the situations presented to them. As such, there is no single leadership style that can be universally applied. Rather, it is important to remain eclectic regarding the leadership paradigm most appropriate to each particular situation.

Building and Managing a Team

In building and managing team, I have a number of integral strengths and weaknesses. My goal in team management is to use both of these in a way that would optimally accomplish the goals that I set for my team. I would therefore use my strengths to mitigate my weaknesses in order to adhere as best I can to the vision set by the team.


My greatest strength is not only my ability to communicate, but also my willingness to do so. I would therefore make use of this since the first day of meeting my new team. My first means of communication would therefore be oral, by means of a meeting. The first meeting will entail an introduction of myself, and the goals of the team as I see them. These will be fully discussed until I have ascertained that each team member understands the goals and his or her function in reaching these.

My second communication strategy will be a personal meeting with each team member. During these sessions, I will ask a series of questions to determine each team member's motivation levels and possible problems that may… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait" Assignment:

Team Leadership Portrait and Essay

Part 1: Develop a portrait of your team leadership style. Include how you deal with such leadership aspects as change, discipline, failure, communication, decision making, creativity, goal setting, risk taking, problem solving, pressure, motivating yourself, motivating others, dealing with pressure, delegating, vision casting, prioritizing, building trust, giving praise, confrontation, etc. The portrait should be 4 double-spaced pages in length.

Part 2: Using the created portrait, develop an essay that speaks to how your style affects your ability to build and manage a team. The essay should be 4 pages in length (double-spaced).

How to Reference "Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait" Essay in a Bibliography

Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait.”, 2007, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait (2007). Retrieved from (2007). Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait” 2007.
”Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait”,, 2007. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait [Internet]. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Team Leadership Personal Team Leadership Portrait. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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