Research Proposal on "Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency"

Research Proposal 7 pages (1997 words) Sources: 5

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Teaching Methods

Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency

Students with English as a second language (ESL) make up a substantial amount of the people of this nation's schools. This presents an exclusive task for teachers as they struggle to aid these students succeed in learning the English language and the educational material detailed in the content area learning principles. The purpose of this study is to determine what the roles are that teachers play in teaching ESL to high school students and what requirements must be met in order to fulfil these roles. The primary role of ESL teachers is to teach English to students who speak another language as their primary language and keep in connection with their native language. This is not an easy task because of the rules and regulations that most schools have in regards to ESL students and mainstreaming.


Statement of the problem

Students with English as a second language (ESL) make up a substantial amount of the people of this nation's schools. This populace continues to rise more quickly than that of native English speaking students (Shore, 2001). The language marginal population has a high drop out frequency. These students are also amid the lowermost ranking in educational attainment and potentials. They signify an at-risk populace faced with a wide variety of trials (Pellino, 2010).

All of this presents an exclusive task for teachers as they struggle to aid these students succeed in learning the English language and the educational material detailed in the content a
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rea learning principles. Every teacher who teaches subject matter in English to ESL students is not only a teacher of the content area but is a teacher of English as well. Educators must recurrently redirect their teaching as well as modernize their practices to address the needs of this populace, engaging a strong importance on the human side of teaching. They have to constantly concentrate on these students and find operational ways to position their learning in order to help them succeed (Pellino, 2010).


The purpose of this study is to determine what the roles are that teachers play in teaching ESL to high school students and what requirements must be met in order to fulfil these roles.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to investigate the roles of ESL teachers and what things are needed in order for these teachers to be successful. This study will also help to summarize the area of ESL teaching.

Research questions and/or hypotheses

What are the roles of a teacher in teaching English Language (ESL) to high school students, and what are the steps to fulfill such roles?

Literature Review

ESL teachers have diverse accountabilities than other English teachers. ESL teachers often get dedicated certifications and education. English as a Second Language (ESL) is also referred to as a course of study as Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL or TSL) and as a Foreign Language (TFL). The major role of ESL teachers is the enablement of language learning by utilizing precise teaching methods. Learning English as a second language comes with its own set of complications. ESL teachers have to utilize teaching approaches that resolve these difficulties (Mitchell, 2010).

Teaching ESL students adds an additional factor to the already problematic occupation of teaching. Students entering a classroom with English as their second language also face a host of tasks in their daily life; these tasks are often overstated in an educational setting because of their restricted vocabularies. The role of the teacher in an ESL classroom is to work every day to aid the students not only learn English, but also give the information and skills needed to handle their everyday lives (Simmons, 2010).

Giving ESL students a classroom atmosphere in which they can learn in is the first priority of an ESL teacher. A successful educator teaches to all of the different language stages in the room; from beginner to well advanced. The language utilized in lessons should be only marginally outside what the students are comfortable with to offer them with the occasion to attain not only new vocabulary, but information. Reiterating significant words, phrases and concepts frequently is also significant in an ESL classroom. ESL teachers should also not accept that students are learning and check for student comprehension during the lesson (Simmons, 2010).

Although the first priority of ESL teachers is to teach students English, it is also very significant to cultivate pride in each student's cultural and ethnic upbringing. Learning the new culture is also significant, but upholding their own cultural individualities is similarly significant. Continuing to speak, read and write in their natural language is vital in aiding students' sustained attainment of the English language. This is for the reason that knowing the patterns of a native language gives ESL learners the basis to learn the patterns of another language (Simmons, 2010).

Students must be completely engrossed in the English language. Teachers support in the engagement by giving students a classroom setting that has an assortment of visually and emotionally inspiring materials. A language rich setting for an English classroom should have images and accounts of significant literary figures, a wall with illustrations of vital vocabulary words and a percentage of the room that is totally dedicated to grammar with books and activities (Simmons, 2010).

ESL teachers often work together with their peers in generating students' success. Creating lesson strategies that cross over numerous subjects helps students to learn more effectively because they are exposed to the same vocabulary and concepts in several classes. Teachers can also work with parents to inspire them to talk about the ideas learned at school in their native language, which in the end aids students to remember all of the new material that they are taking in every day (Simmons, 2010).

Teaching, just like in any other field, there is a normal predisposition toward arranging the activities that one accomplishes, and the notion of a technique permits at least a general context within which to function. Generally, a technique can be said to be a set of regulatory codes of examination and practice. More exactly, however there are differences on the definition of approaches, for most academics and practicing teachers, a technique is a set of theoretically incorporated classroom methods thought to be generalizable across a wide diversity of contexts and listeners (Britto, 2007).


Research methods that will be used to look at what are the roles of a teacher in teaching English Language (ESL) to high school students, and what are the steps to fulfill such roles will be a type of secondary research. This research will consist of consulting past and recent research on the topic ESL teaching, the roles that these teachers play and what things are needed in order to fulfill these roles.


School can be a wounding experience for a lot of ESL students. Everyday these students are tasked with learning a new language and culture. Students, who might typically be outgoing and energetic, can become reserved and shy because they are scared of being made fun of or not understood. Effective ESL teachers offer their students a safe classroom setting where they can take risks with their new language without being mocked by their peers or teacher (Simmons, 2010).

Within these safe classroom environments it is important for teachers to utilize different methods of teaching in order for all students to be successful. Due to the fact that each student learns differently it is vital to not utilize the same teaching method across the board. The primary role of an ESL teacher is teacher students who do speak English the English language without those students losing their connection to their native language. This is not always easy to do and requires teachers to collaborate with their peers in order to figure out what the best methods are and how to utilize them successfully.


Education has become a high incentives setting for high school English language learners (ELLs) who are progressively educated in mainstream classes where they are anticipated to meet grade suitable principles developed for smooth English speakers and where they must establish accomplishment by way of standardized tests in English. The mainstreaming of ELLs, along with developments in the field of English as a second language (ESL) itself, such as the integration of language and content teaching, have contributed to the diffusion and devaluation of ESL teacher expertise in the United States (Harper and de Jong, 2009).

A quantity of educational rules and restructuring efforts have situated the mainstream classroom, teacher and program as the idealized norm for all students, while reducing the linguistic and cultural variety that ELLs bring. In spite of the element that ELLs differ enormously in age, nation of birth as well as in linguistic, cultural, financial and educational experience, many additional efforts have occasioned in a one size-fits-all method to teaching (Harper and de Jong, 2009).

Studies have plainly… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency" Assignment:

1-simple language.

2-Online free sources only.

3-The research question *****"What are the roles of a teacher in teaching English Language (ESL) to high school students, and what are the steps to fulfill such roles? *****

How to Reference "Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency” 2010.
”Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Teacher's Roles in Teaching English to High School Students in Relation to Language Proficiency. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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