Term Paper on "Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching"

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Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 teaching


The experience of teaching at Myra S. Barnes Intermediate School has shown me that when trust between educators and administrators are strong, a solid foundation is built to extend that trust and respect to students as well. To be trusted and respected, a teacher must trust and respect their students. That insight is amplified when one considers the students, teachers and administrators of I.S. 24. One cannot help asking the question of why certain schools are able to create a culture and environment that seeks to energize students through challenging them to excel, based on a foundation of trust and respect, while other schools resort to discipline and forced authority using the "teacher" title like a club to figuratively prod students into submission. After experiencing educational environments that reflect both extremes, I think the answer is found in how administrators set out to design curriculums that are challenging enough to keep the most gifted students engaged, yet flexible enough so that students needing more individualized attention still have a chance to succeed.

From my coaching experiences, I call tell you everyone will work extremely hard to be part of a winning team. The captain of a football team, the leader of a squad in the U.S. Army or even a company commander must set and keep very high standards, only except the very best from their organizations. The same holds true with a teacher, as the best teachers are leading the fight away form ignorance and towards the cognitive, creative, and social growth potentials of each student. I think this is what separates Myra S. Barnes Intermediate
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School from many others as the curriculum, standards and mission of the school seek to create students who are champions, not just of the classroom but of life. To accomplish that, teachers must be strong leaders, strong enough to allow for questions, commentary even debate. That is not to say a teacher ever surrenders control of the class or capitulates about its direction. It is instead the creating of a culture of achievement, learning and active debate where learning is achieved through interaction in the classroom led by the teacher. I have found this technique to teaching to be very effective, as it provides a foundation for inductive learning and role playing. Both of these techniques get students involved in the actual learning process. It is my experience as a teacher that when students get ownership over a part of the teaching, knowledge sharing or role playing tasks in a class, their motivation goes up considerably. They become co-pilots on the flight to learning more; they are so much more fully engaged than any amount of lecturing or other forms of one-way communication allow. These experiences at Myra S. Barnes Intermediate School have further convinced me that inductive reasoning and role playing are excellent techniques for drawing middle school students into even the most complex concepts and frameworks of social studies and having them attain.

I've also noticed a paradox that emerges when this approach to teaching is taking place, in one student in particular. He was also from a military family, and had moved on average every 18 months of his young academic career. Myra S. Barnes Intermediate School was the sixth school he's been to since kindergarten. Quiet, at times withdrawn, he didn't participate in class, only when called upon. While he didn't rebel or cause problems in the class,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching" Assignment:

DO Phase 1 of the Teacher Work Sample. I student teach at IS 24 on staten island, ny. it is a middle school serving 6-8 grade in great kills neighborhood. a white middle class residential neighborhood. http://www.barnes24.org/ is the school website if you want any info about it. any other questions please message me i will give you what you need. very well run school no behavioral issues for the most part. very bright students good parent involvement. i took over one of the classes after about 3 weeks into the placement of 7 weeks. class was 8th grade social studies. co-teacher was Mr. Rogers. I will also upload a fellow students phase 1 so you can use that as help on the format.

Description of Teacher Work Sample Assignment- Provided/discussed during our last class session

Spring 2013

** As discussed during class, these " two phases"/sections will be incorporated in your framework 2 when you turn it in and only after we discuss step 3 - Make sure to continue to think about some of the components incorporated here ***

PHASE 1 and 2 ONLY -will be embedded during framework 2. PHASE 3 and 4 will be completing once we work on framework 3

The Teacher Work Sample (TWS) provides you with the opportunity to assess the impact you had as a teacher candidate on the learning of your students. Completed during your first placement, and in the form of a narrative, you are critically reflecting on your pedagogy focusing on ways you prepared for instruction, planned and implemented individualized learning experiences, the role of assessment and how it informed your practice, and ways you collaborated with key stakeholders to meet the needs of all students.

Please keep in mind that you will be asked to submit drafts of each section of your TWS. Due dates will be provided by the professor during class.

The TWS will be assessed based on the way you incorporated feedback provided by the professor and rubrics (see attachment)

Key to the Completion of this Assignment

You are telling a real life story and your TWS must include evidence and follow specific requirements mentioned by your professor.


Supporting your narrative (ex: pictures, specific examples of student work).


Based on the learning outcomes of the education department at Wagner College outlined in your syllabus.


Think about: What do you do to plan and prepare for the learning experiences your students will have?

Think about the importance of contextual factors and how it may impact pedagogy.

Gather Information

Explore the school and the community.

Interview your teachers and staff

Consider resources available that will help you gather this information (school/district websites, information boards at your school, talking to staff).

Get to know your students and their families

Items to Consider

*****¢ The philosophy of your school

*****¢ Your philosophy of education

*****¢ Specific information about the environment of your school /classroom layout

*****¢ Explain the role families play in your school (involvement).

*****¢ Discuss volunteers-special programs or initiatives

*****¢ Discuss the preparation of teachers (ex: specializations)

*****¢ Areas the school is focusing on-challenges/strengths

*****¢ Academic and Behavioral Expectations (ex: visuals/materials utilized)

*****¢ Role of the community in the life of your school (ex: service learning programs)

*****¢ Provide examples of practices that specifically address the needs of students and families in an inclusive setting.

Must incorporate information about the following:


Provide a description of the type of techniques and strategies utilized in your classroom. If a curriculum blueprint is followed, please explain. Provide examples of your role as a student teacher in the development and implementation of lesson plans and participation in learning experiences for all students (with and without special needs)


Provide a description of your students (ex: learning styles, specific needs, students with IEPs).

For your TWS introduce the readers and focus on one student that has a special need and why you chose to focus on this student to share with readers the impact your pedagogical practices had on his/her learning(ex: adaptations you made to activities, role model, communication with family members). Please make sure to only use initials when writing about your experiences in order to maintain the privacy of all students, families, and colleagues.

Suggestion: Keep a journal of the notes and information you are gathering and where this information is coming from. Write down dates

How to Reference "Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493.
”Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493.
[1] ”Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493
1. Teacher Work Sample: Phase 2 Teaching. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/teacher-work-sample-phase-2/6813493. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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