Research Paper on "General Systems Theory and Modern"

Research Paper 17 pages (4711 words) Sources: 25

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System Theory

The origin and foundation of system theory

System theory as a general frame of inquiry

System and environment

Living System Theory

Boundaries of Living System theory

General system theory

Social Entropy Theory (SET)

16A comparison of the theories

In this paper, we analyze Bertalanffy's General Systems Theory by comparing and contrasting the analysis of Bertalanffy's General Systems Theory and its influence on social networking and modern social systems. Other than comparing and contrasting the theories, we synthesize and integrate Bertalanffy's system theory with those of Bailey, Miller and Weick to gain a greater understanding of social systems and the environments in which they interact and exist and a greater appreciation of modern social systems structure.


The trend of change evidence in the new 21st century shows how system theory and the study of someone's thoughts relations is critically important in the understanding of the changing nature of human cognitive. Most speculations which normally make a good percentage of how we view issues and how we interpret them and condition of the depth of our awareness are shifting quickly as the nature of human relations transforms in this paper, we analyze Bertalanffy's General Systems Theory by comparing and contrasting the analysis of Bertalanffy's General Systems Theory and its influence on social networking and modern social systems. Other than comparing and contrasting the theories, we synthesize
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and integrate Bertalanffy's system theory with those of Bailey, Miller and Weick to gain a greater understanding of social systems and the environments in which they interact and exist and a greater appreciation of modern social systems structure.

However, the term general system theory was officially started in 1920s by a scientist known as Ludwig von Bertalanffy. From that time many authors have also added a good number of writings on the system theory, with single addition of these writings on the development of system theory assuming a totally different direction. The way Eastern religious and philosophical thoughts relate and system theory was discovered in a number of books written by a good number of different authors such Janna Macy's Mutual Causality which is in Buddhism and General System Theory.

In addition, General System Theory (GST) was originated from a research carried out of a number of subjects such as social science, mathematics, philosophy, engineering as well as biology. As many subjects emerged, the goals, objectives and the role of general system theory also started to change suddenly. Even though Bertalanffy started thinking about general system theory way back in the 1930s, he actually didn't explain the entire concept and his vision until later on in the AAAS conference held in 1954. According to Ray (2000) von Bertalanffy's vision was to get a number of biologically minded individuals or scientists to consider the work they are doing from a more holistic perspective. His thought was to work out on the goal of construction mechanism which can be used in the reduction of duplication of theoretical frameworks within the context of science. The whole idea was to have general system theory to work in away which can help in uniting the philosophers to become very committed to building a serious theory (Ray, 2000).

Ray (2000) noted general system theory came out of researchers' abilities, in carrying out research on a number of homologies between works in physical, social science and biological. General System theory foundation is based in much stronger contest in the collection of the ideas, problems, principles, methods and tools techniques which are links directly with the systems. However, as outlined by Ray (2000) system is a composition of many components which are somehow connected to form a whole concept. The systems therefore, started as a result of Newtonian method of separating an object into a tinny particle, and then use part of the individual particles to understand the behavior of the same particular particles while completely ignoring the interactions between particles. Moreover, another different definition was provided by Miller (2001) as a collection of more related assumptions, propositions and definitions which can work with reality as a complex interaction of matter and energy.

Mathematically, general system theory is noted to have originated from a certain class of theories. Moreover, the tools which are used in the definition of system are prescribed system components and their relationships. The idea of system is introduced systematically, which make its behavior and properties available for more study in a specific manner. General systems theory above all is more useful to systems with goal seeking behavior, biological and social systems are the primary domains of such a goal seeking behavior. The right model of system are mostly to be made easy to understand, to build a high level of abstraction which can make the calculation more tractable (Ray, 2000-page, 25).

But, Laszlo & Krippnern (1998) noted general system theory is away or procedure which is based on methods of the universe in which all the sections are mutually related. (Laszlo & Krippnern, 1998). The visible surge effect inbuilt in system responses also normally do impacts systems of which the original system is one of the central part. Systems however, are said to be a circuits of information flow. These circuits of a system which are involve in the receiving of input originated from the environment, therefore the opinion of that input are referred to the input which is being referred to the available codes and the system response.

System theory

Most frequently, it's argued that system theory has been there for a period of time, than the periods it was supposed to in accordance to science. In actual perspective, looking into detail on the depth of the kind of claims, there are visible disappointments to be dealt with. However, in some quarter's system theory has been honored as the best way of handling the fragmentation and specialization of science (Langlois, 1982). It said, system theory has failed to initiate any different of issues which are under the control of an organized unit. In fact, it's more likely to be possible to say that system theory itself has come to understand the diversity and complexity of modern scientific investigations (Langlois, 1982).

However, Langlois (1982) defined system theory as the real methods of conducting issues which is impossible outside the context of a certain subject. There are a number of editions that make up system theories that would be system theorists. System theory is therefore can be defined according to Langlois (1982) as the study of a number combined subjects on the abstract of organization phenomena, spatial, type, independent of their substance and their chronological scale of existence. The systems carry out study on the idea of common which are difficult or most unique entities and models of mathematics which can be used to describe those (Langlois, 1982). it's said that system theory normally contains four things. The first of the four things is an object. However, the object has a number of sections or parts, elements, variable available within the system. The object might be in physical form or abstract or both, but mostly that depend on the nature or type of the system. Second, there are certain characters such as qualities or the properties of the system and its object which exist in the system theory. System has also globalized in its relationship with the object. The fourth stated that systems are in existence surrounding.

According to Langlois (1982) system is a combination of a set of things which can affect each other within certain surrounding to form a larger pattern that is more unique from any other parts. The fundamental systems which interact closely with organizational analysis contain series of stages used in an input, output and throughput which shows the idea of openness or closeness. It frequently said that a closed system does not keep in touch with its surroundings. Therefore it does not consume a lot of information and which make likely to weaken and then vanish. In addition, an open system gets data, which it then uses to communicate dynamically with its surroundings. Again, openness do result to the increase its chances of propelling and prospering. A number of system uniqueness is the presence of wholeness and interdependence which is more than the total of all its sections, perceiving, causes, chain of influence, correlations, hierarchy, suprasystems and subsystems, control, self-regulation, goal oriented interchanging with surroundings, need for balance or homeostasis, input or output, change and adaptability of morphogenesis and equifinality, which bring a different ways of achieving such a goal. The varieties of network which exist are line, hierarchy, and commune and dictate networks. Communication in this case is taken as united process but not as a lonely event.

The origin and foundation of system theory

Laszlo & Krippner (1998) categorically noted that system theory begun in the 19th and first half of 21st century, during the times when the world was seen to be more chaotic. These chaos was used blindly to foretold and give judgments on the ultimate reality, with… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "General Systems Theory and Modern" Assignment:

Requested *****: *****

Title of Paper: General Systems Theory and the development of Modern Systems Theories

Paper Basics: Write a well crafted, readable paper in American english, of twenty-five (25) pages / APA Format / on General System Theory and the development of Modern System Theories / PhD Research level paper / with twenty-five cited sources (SEE SUGGESTED REFERENCES LISTED BELOW).

The paper will need a well crafted and an interest catching introduction

The paper should have a well crafted and detailed thesis to accompany the paper*****s introduction.

The paper should have a well crafted and detailed conclusion that ties the main ideas of the paper into the concluding comments and connects back to the introduction and the thesis statement.

Language: American English

Paper details:Using the most recent scholarly journal articles available, articles related to Bertalanffy*****'s General System Theory; Social Systems, their environments, interactions, and development; and Miller*****'s Living Systems theory, compared with the works of Kenneth D. Bailey and Karl E. Weick in Modern System Theory.

The paper twenty-five (25) pages in length, with twenty-five (25) cited sources (using as many primary sources as possible, listed below), and will analyze and compare and contrast modern system theories

*****¢ Using the compare and contrast analysis explore the concepts of Bertalanffy*****'s General Systems Theory in order to reflect a broad perspective on modern social systems and social networking.

*****¢ Compare and contrast and synthesize and integrate Bertalanffy*****'s system theory with those of Bailey, Miller and Weick to gain a greater appreciation of social systems and the environments in which they interact and exist and a greater appreciation of modern social systems structure.

Suggested references in Systems Theory


Bailey, K. D. (2004). Beyond System Internals: Expanding the Scope of Living Systems Theory. Los Angeles: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Bailey, K. D. (2006). Living systems theory and social entropy theory. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 23, 291-300.

Bertalanffy, L. (1951). General system theory - A new approach to unity of science. (Symposium), Human Biology, 23, 303-361. Dec 1951.

Bertalanffy, L. (1972). General system theory: Foundations, development, applications. London: Allen Lane.

Bertalanffy, L. (1975). Perspectives on general system theory: Scientific-philosophical studies. New York: G. Braziller.

Bertalanffy, L. (2008). Outline of General System Theory. Reprint found in Juarrero, A. and Rubino, C.A., editors, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 10(2), 103-128.

Miller, J.G. (1990). Introduction: the nature of living systems. Behavioral Science. (35) 3, 157-163.

Miller, J.L., & Miller, J.G. (1992). Greater than the sum of its parts: Subsystems which process both matter-energy and information. Behavioral Science, 37, 1*****38.

Miller, J. G. (2001). Living systems. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.

Weick, K. E. (1976). Educational Organizations as Loosely Coupled Systems. Administrative Science Quarterly, 21, 1-19.

Weick, K. E. and Daft, R. L. (1984). Toward a model of organizations as Interpretation systems. The Academy of Management Review, 9, 284-285.

Weick, K. E. (1988). Enacted Sensemaking in Crisis Situation. Journal of Management Studies. 25(4), 305*****317.

Weick, K. E. (1993). The collapse of sense making in organizations: The Mann Gulch Disaster. Administrative Science Quarterly, 38, 628-652.

Weick, K. E., Sutcliffe, K. M., Obstfeld, D. (2005). Organizing and the Process of Sensemaking. Organization Science. 16(4), 409-421.

Weick, K. E. (2012). Making Sense of the Organization: Volume 2: The Impermanent Organization. New York: John Wiley & Sons.


Fahy, M., Feller, J., Finnegan, P., Murphy, C. (2007). Complexity and Context: Emerging Forms of Collaborative Inter-organizational Systems. : Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA). 8(4), 1-14.

Hammond, D. and Wilby, J. (2006). *****"The life and work of James Grier Miller*****". In: Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 23(3), 429 - 435.

Mayrhofer, W. (2004). Social Systems Theory as Theoretical Framework for Human Resource Management - Benediction or Curse? Management Revue, 15(2), 178-189.

Parent, E.R, (2000). A living systems perspective as a Metaframework for viewing the dynamics of human experience. Retrieved from

Strunk, G., Schiffinger, M., Mayrhofer, W. (2004). Lost in transition? Complexity in organizational behaviour - the contributions of systems theories. Management Revue, 15(4), 481-509.


How to Reference "General Systems Theory and Modern" Research Paper in a Bibliography

General Systems Theory and Modern.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

General Systems Theory and Modern (2012). Retrieved from (2012). General Systems Theory and Modern. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”General Systems Theory and Modern” 2012.
”General Systems Theory and Modern”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”General Systems Theory and Modern”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. General Systems Theory and Modern [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. General Systems Theory and Modern. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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