Essay on "System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics"

Essay 6 pages (1693 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

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System of Inquiry

The code of ethics, or the code of professional responsibility as it is sometimes referred to, represents one of the most important tools that help regulate a profession, whether one refers to private businesses or to governmental organizations. The importance of the code of ethics determines the importance of developing a suitable system of inquiry that should be used by the organization in case in order to evaluate important processes for the organization, like decision making, problem solving, or behavior.

The importance of the code of ethics and of the system of inquiry associated with it is even greater when applied to an organization like the National Association of Child Care Professionals. The organization's code of ethics clearly states that the Association's responsibility does not limit to children, but it is expanded to their parents and to the field of the profession in general.

One can state that the organization's mission statement is to provide quality child care and quality services to all the parties listed above, placing this service above personal gain (NACCP, 2009). Another aspect is derived from this and consists in the organization's intent to hire qualified personnel and to further train it in order to provide the best service possible.

The reasons for developing and implementing a system of inquiry regarding the organization's code of ethics are numerous. The behavior of the organization as a whole and that of each employee in particular is stated in the code of ethics, and it is regulated and directed by the code of ethics. Therefore, respecting the guidelines of the code of ethics must
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be monitored by tools established by the system of inquiry.

Given the fact that the code of ethics consists of more theoretical guidelines, rather than strict, practical rules that determine the organization to follow them, it is necessary to create a system that allows the organization in case to monitor the process and to take measures when the situation requires it.

In addition to this, especially because the code of ethics is such a theoretical instrument, the system of inquiry will provide the practical aspect that is required. In other words, the system of inquiry comes to complete the effects that the code of ethics is expected to produce.

Another reason for developing a system of inquiry for the code of ethics in this organization is represented by workplace diversity. In such conditions, it is not difficult for some employees to break the code of conduct and to attempt to use discriminatory actions against other employees. Therefore, it is very important that the system of inquiry clearly allows for close monitoring of such actions.

The code of ethics should state very clearly the position of each employee category, its obligations and responsibilities, its accountability, its limitations, and also its rights. The code of conduct must clearly ensure that the employees are very clear about the boundaries within they can act. If the code of conduct states these boundaries but the employees do not understand them or take them into consideration, they will prove to be inefficient.

The development of the organization's code of ethics and its afferent system of inquiry must be the result of the joint efforts of the Human Resources manager and of all other top managers. The HR manager is responsible for ensuring that the legal and regulatory aspects are being respected, and that the organization's human resources policy and strategies are in accordance with the code of ethics.

The other top managers involved in the code of ethics and system of inquiry development process must ensure that the objectives and the general strategic directions that each department must follow are reflected in the guidelines of the code of ethics.

Once the approved version of the code of ethics is developed and ready to be implemented, the employees must be informed on the future code of ethics and its requirements. As mentioned above, the employees must be perfectly aware of the indications presented in the code of ethics. Therefore, it is the HR department's job to ensure that each employee takes notice of the code before implementing it.

It is recommended that the HR department trains middle level managers in order to present and explain the code to their subordinates. It is easier for employees to accept such a code of ethics if it is recommended by its immediate superior.

There are situations where some employees may not agree with some of the guidelines in the code of ethics, or they may not understand them. It is important that the managers try to receive feedback from their subordinates and to take into consideration any complaints or misunderstandings coming from employees and regarding the code of ethics that must be implemented.

In other cases, certain employees may feel intimidated by their superiors, and keep these opinions to themselves. This is an attitude that managers must identify, analyze, and discuss with the employees in case. Otherwise, the implementation of the code of ethics will not be efficient.

Also, the organization's code of ethics developed by its specialists determines the employees to further research and document on the aspects referred to by the code of ethics. For example, the association's code of ethics states that all employees must support the policies and programs of the organization and to participate in its regional and national activities.

Employees must be aware of the organization's policies and programs and what they require from them. Their participation to regional and national activities is another aspect that must be discussed with the personnel.

As a possible reaction from the association's employees regarding the code of ethics, they can strongly disagree with some of the guidelines and to try to resist following the indications presented in the code in case.

Ethical behavior is a factor of extreme importance that is analyzed by the public, by the community in case, especially when the situation concerns associations or organizations that deal directly with public categories, like the National Association of Child Care Professionals. Therefore, implementing a serious code of ethics within the association would improve its image for the public.

Regarding the effects that the development and implementation of the code of ethics could produce, it is worth mentioning that the code will not produce immediate, short-term effects. The results of implementing the code of ethics will be observable and measurable on medium term and long-term.

The effects can be both internal and external. The most important external effect consists in the fact that this would improve the organization's image on local and national level. The funding of the association might be positively affected by this situation.

The internal effects are less visible to the public, but present a higher level of importance. The implementation of the code of ethics is expected to improve the workplace environment. This situation favors all the stakeholders affected by the organization's activity: the employees, the children, their parents, the community, and the organization.

Regarding the flow of the system of inquiry, it should start at the top with the manager of the organization, who controls top managers, who in turn control middle level managers. They further control each department manager, who controls their subordinated employees.

The decision making process is one of the most important processes that affects the activity of a business or of an organization. If the decisions that must be taken are not in accordance with the requirements of each situation, the outcome will not be a favorable one for the organization.

The code of ethics, or the code of conduct, explains the limitations in between employees can make decisions within the organization. Top managers have the highest level of power when it comes to decision making. Middle level managers can take decisions that affect their subordinates, but cannot take decisions… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics" Assignment:

Develop a system of inquiry to be used in evaluating decision-making, problem solving, and behavior in a business setting. This model should include a basic framework as well as a discussion of why, how, when, and by whom it is used. Consider how you would implement the code, possible reactions to the code from employees, and the effect the code would have on the organization. Then write a 1,750-2,100-word paper discussing your system of inquiry in detail. *****

How to Reference "System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics" Essay in a Bibliography

System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics (2009). Retrieved from (2009). System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics” 2009.
”System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. System of Inquiry the Code of Ethics. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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