Research Paper on "Supreme Court Case"

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Research Paper 3 pages (1015 words) Sources: 3

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" (Facts as explained in the N.H. Supreme Court Decision, In re Waterman, 910 A.2d 1175 (N.H. 2006), Id. At 1178 quoting Eshelman v. Blubaum, 560 P.2d 1283, 1285 (Ariz. 1977) cited in Webster, ) The Court is reported to have adopted the Arizona Supreme Court's reasoning in the case Eshelman v. Blubaum in which the court held that a police officer must submit to a polygraph examination upon penalty of dismissal if (1) there are reasonable grounds for demanding such a test; (2) the answers are not used in any subsequent criminal prosecution; and (3) the questions relate specifically and narrowly to the performance of the police officer's official duties. (Webster, 2007, p.1)

In addition, it is reported that the court "…also implicated that failure to submit to an ordered polygraph violates the officer's sworn duty to cooperate with the investigation of a crime. Further, the court reconciled the reliability of polygraph examinations by reasoning that although courts have found the tests to be inadmissible as evidence, they are reliable enough to be utilized as a tool for internal departmental investigations." (Webster, 2007, p.1) In the application of the Eshelman test, it is reported that the court found "that the grounds for the order were reasonable because Waterman's credibility was in question and the Division did not have authority to question Lemere." (Webster, 2007, p.1) Furthermore, there was an existing division regulation in place that required division member to "…submit to examination, supporting the reasonableness of the order." (Webster, 2007, p.1) As well the court explained that prior to interviewing a division member that a "Garrity warning must be given which provides th
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at neither 'self-incriminating statements, nor the fruits thereof' will be used against an employee in any criminal proceeding. Thus, there was a protection in place preventing the use of answers given during the polygraph in a subsequent criminal proceeding, fulfilling the second element of the test." (Webster, 2007, p.1) The final prong was not analyzed by the court since Waterman, by refusing to submit to the polygraph, had created an impossibility for the Court "to know whether the questions were narrowly tailored to the performance of her duties. Additionally, there was no further information that would lead to an admission and the polygraph was the only option for investigators. Based on this reasoning the court upheld the PAB's decision and Tracy Waterman was out of a job." (Webster, 2007, p.1)


Webster, L. (2007) The Magic Lasso: The Implications of Waterman on Public Employees in New Hampshire. New Hampshire Bar Association, Bar Journal, Summer, 2007. Retrieved from:

In re Waterman, 910 A.2d 1175 (N.H. 2006) in: Webster, L. (2007) The Magic Lasso: The Implications of Waterman on Public Employees in New Hampshire. New Hampshire Bar Association, Bar Journal, Summer, 2007. Retrieved from:

Eshelman v. Blubaum, 560 P.2d 1283, 1285 (Ariz. 1977 in: Webster, L. (2007) The Magic Lasso: The Implications of Waterman on Public Employees in New… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Supreme Court Case" Assignment:

Lie detector law. Need supreme court case (only need the case portion - 1 case). Scheffer and Frye is taken by another student.

STUDY TEAM RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE I. Introduction (Purpose of the paper) A. Statement/definition of employment law being analyzed B. Explanation of how subject employment law will reviewed and analyzed, using Supreme Court cases to define the law and set limits for the law II. Summary of Supreme Court decisions related to selected employment law A. Case 1 with interpretation B. Case 2 with interpretation C. Case 3 with interpretation D. Summary of selected Supreme Court cases and their impacts on the interpretation of the selected employment law III. Case for analysis (This is meant to involve class in a discussion of the case using the Supreme Court decisions to analyze the case.) A. Details of case/incident (The case or incident can be an incident observed by a study team member or a case taken for Nkomo, Fottler, and McAfee.) IV. Conclusion to the paper/presentation (The class presentation should also follow this format.)

1. Study teams will select a specific employment law for in-depth study to write a 10- to 15-page study team paper and prepare a PowerPoint presentation—both of which are due in Workshop Five. Through completion of this study team assignment, due in Workshop Five, the second course study team objective will be met.

1. Actively participate in making a formal presentation of relevant material taken from research completed on an assignment earlier in the course. Through completion of this workshop outcome, workshop objective one is met.

Complete your research paper, and prepare the paper for submission to the faculty member. Prepare a study team presentation on the findings of your research, according to the length as determined by the faculty member. All study team members should participate in the presentation. Appropriate visual support is expected.

How to Reference "Supreme Court Case" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Supreme Court Case.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Supreme Court Case (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Supreme Court Case. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Supreme Court Case” 2012.
”Supreme Court Case”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Supreme Court Case”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Supreme Court Case [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Supreme Court Case. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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