Term Paper on "Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms"

Term Paper 8 pages (2593 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

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Supervision Portfolio/Supervision Form

Supervision Portfolio / Personal Philosophy and Supervision Forms

Counseling uses systematic intervention to facilitate emotion development of patients. On the other hand, supervision is the management of overseeing the performances of an individual. The paper discusses the relationships and differences of counseling and supervision. The discrimination model of supervision is one of supervisory models that focus on the relationships between supervision and counseling because the model reveals that a supervisor can take the role of a counselor. (Bernard, & Goodyear, 2009). The paper also discusses my supervisory development process, which starts from my secondary education to my university education. Various theoretical models that I have learnt in my modules have in the university have enhanced my supervisory development level. The paper also discusses significant roles of being a multicultural competent supervisor and how my cultural background influences my supervisory developmental level.

Supervision Portfolio / Personal Philosophy and Supervision Forms

Counseling is the application of human development, mental health or psychological principles using behavioral, cognitive or systematic intervention strategies to facilitate growth, emotional acceptance, and personal development of patients. Counseling is a talking therapy that allows people talking about their feelings and problems in a dependable and confidential environment. A trained counselor uses different types of counseling therapies that include CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), the humanistic-existential approach and psychod
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ynamic approach. However, this paper uses the cognitive-behavioral counseling approach to enhance a greater understanding on the strategy of the counseling technique. The cognitive-behavioral counseling approach uses technique such as examining patient's behavior and beliefs to assist patients to adopt more adaptive behaviors. A counselor using this approach believes that individuals generally hold beliefs about their relationships and themselves, which affect their behaviors. Typically, negative beliefs constitute maladaptive behaviors. A trained counselor can challenge and examine these beliefs using new information to assist patients to adopt positive and more adaptive behaviors. A trained counselor uses the cognitive-behavioral approach to change many form of depression, bad habits, and phobias.

On the other hand, supervision is the management of overseeing individual's operation or performances. In other word, supervision is an act watching the task or work of another person who lacks a full knowledge of professional concept. Typically, supervision entails guidance within a work environment. Carroll, (2007) defines supervision as the act where a supervisor assists subordinates to do their work better and creatively through series of coaching. Typically, "supervision is a form of experiential learning." (Carroll 2007, p 36) to assist supervisees to do their work better. However, Bernard, and Goodyear (2009) defines supervision as a formal relationship between a senior member and the subordinate within a professional environment. The work of a senior is to evaluate the work of junior members as well as monitoring the quality of work of junior members in order to enhance their skills. However, the paper uses the discrimination model of supervision approach to enhance a greater understanding of supervision technique. The paper analyzes the relationships between counseling approach and supervision approach.

Analysis the Relationships and differences of Counseling and Supervision Approach

Counseling and supervision are correlated on the ground that supervision skills assist in enhancing the professional development of counselors. The code of ethics of the American Counseling Association shows that a counselor attempting to undergo a clinical supervision should pursue an education to acquire skills on supervisor and counseling techniques. The discrimination model of supervision is my approach of supervision that shows the relationships of counseling and supervision. The discrimination model is one of the most researched and integrated type of supervision model. (Bernard, 1979), and the model comprises of three possible supervisory roles of consultant, counselor and teacher and three separate foci of supervision that include personalization, conceptualization and intervention. The supervisor can respond from one of the 9 ways (three foci x three roles). For example, a supervisor can take on the role of a teacher and focusing on the intervention in client session. Moreover, a supervisor can take up the role of a counselor and focusing on the work's conceptualization. The model reveals that the role of a supervisor is to evaluate a supervisee's ability on a specific area and select an appropriate form of respond. Arthur, (2012) argues that discriminatory model assists supervisors to organize supervision efforts as well assisting supervisors to focus on their method of supervision delivered. Typically, the model can be applied for therapeutic supervision, which includes delivering supervision for an individual attempting a suicide.

Typically, the discrimination model discusses the relationships between supervision and counseling approach. Bernard (1979) argues that a supervisor can act as a counselor, teach and consult depending on the training received. A teacher delivering a supervisory role can also interpret significant events during counseling sessions. (Bernard, and Goodyear, 2009). Typical, the discriminatory model argues the focus of supervisors on supervisees is also to provide counseling performances. A supervisor can explore supervisee feeling during supervision and use the indices collected to provide counseling functions to supervisees.

However, the cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach is rooted in analyzing individual cognition. The CBT argues that individual cognition plays a primary role in the maintenance and development of behavioral and emotional responses of an individual. Moreover, a counselor can use the CBT to treat an individual suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. Similar, a supervisor having a counseling training can also use CBT approach to providing counseling services for supervisees while providing supervisory role.

While supervisor might deliver counseling services to individual, it might be a challenge for a counselor to provide supervisory roles to clients because "the role and skill set as a clinical supervisor are distinct from those of counselor and administrator" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009, p 2).

Examine and discuss the specific Supervision model(s) Conducted

Discrimination model is the specific supervision model conducted. Discrimination model is one of the supervision models designed for the application of multiple therapeutic orientations. Bernard & Goodyear, (1992) argues that discrimination model advocates three supervisory roles with three focus areas: First, a supervisor might take the role of a teacher when asked to deliver a lecture, inform and instruct the supervisees. Moreover, a supervisor might act as a counselor by assisting supervisees indentifying weakness and the strategy to improve their well-being. A supervisor can also act as a consultant to offer supportive guidance. Leddick, (1994) points out that each of three supervisory roles is task-specific. Moreover, the discrimination model highlights three areas to focus in the supervision process of skill building:

conceptualization, process and Personalization.

The "process" highlights the strategy the communication is conveyed, moreover, conceptualization shows how supervisees can explain the application. Arthur (2012) discusses the strategy to apply the discrimination model in the healthcare supervision setting. The author argues that discrimination model in the supervision setting is an effective tool to guide both the biopsychosocial approach and non-medical behavioral approach for resident education. Using discriminatory model in the medical setting, the model heavily relies on live observation, video or audio, as well as other method of direct supervision. Using this supervision method, the health faculty is able to pay a key attention to patient-doctor relationships. Using discrimination model in the medical setting, the supervisor must first make a decision which area to focus in the case. However, discrimination model is not designed make supervisor focusing on particular circumstances, however, discrimination model is designed to assist supervisor to implement the model on multiple possibilities. The paper discusses my aspect of developmental level of supervision to enhance a greater understanding of my view of supervision as well as my personal supervision model.

Discussion on my own Developmental Level as a Supervisor

My own developmental level as a supervisor involves three stages:

First stage is through the training I have undergone in my schools and university. When I was in high school, I had the supervisory roles experience when my co-students asked me to assist them in the assignments involving quantitative techniques and mathematics. When I was in the high school, I was very good in the mathematics and quantitative techniques. The knowledge that I had acquired in the subjects made many students to approach me for assistance in the subjects. Although, I had not developed the knowledge of theoretical model to supervision during the period, however, the strategy I used in assisting my co-students in mathematics resembles the theoretical developmental framework of supervision. For example, when the students approached me to assist them in mathematics, I will use development model to develop from novice stage to expert stage in mathematics and quantitative technique.

Developmental supervisory model "defines progressive stages of supervisee development from novice to expert." (Smith, 2009 p 4). In the development model, each stage consists of discreet skills and characteristics. For example, supervisees at novice stage will be expected to possess limited skills, while at the middle stage, supervisees will develop more skills and perceived to be more independent from the supervisor. However, a supervisee reaching the expert end is likely to use good problem-solving skills to understand the supervisory and counseling process. In… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms" Assignment:

Your portfolio will be comprised of two main components: your personal philosophy of supervision and two supervision forms.

Formulate and describe your personal model of supervision. This will include an 8-10 page paper (does not include title, bibliography, resource pages) with 7-10 references, and you will integrate the information from your resources to:

Analyze how your counseling approach relates to and differs from how you approach supervision.

Examine and discuss the specific supervision model(s) you draw from and how you conduct (or will conduct) supervision within this framework.

Discuss your own developmental level as a supervisor and how this impacts your view of supervision and your personal supervision model.

Discuss the significance of being a multiculturally competent supervisor who will have supervisees from diverse backgrounds and cultures and how your own cultural background might impact the supervisory relationship and process.

(Please use the Discrimination Model of Supervision) *****

How to Reference "Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2014, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms (2014). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517
A1-TermPaper.com. (2014). Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms” 2014. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517.
”Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517.
[1] ”Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2014. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2014 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517
1. Personal Philosophy / Supervision Portfolio and Supervision Forms. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/supervision-portfolio-personal-philosophy/8035517. Published 2014. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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