Term Paper on "Structural Inequality and Diversity"

Term Paper 20 pages (5575 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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The work of Jeffrey R. Dafler (2005) entitled: "Social Darwinism and the Language of Racial Oppression: Australia's Stolen Generations" stats that "Alfred Korzybski often encapsulated the main idea of abstracting as formulated in the discipline of general semantics by stating that 'the map is not the territory, and the map does not represent all of the territory.' Dafler explains that 'territory' was defined by Samuel Bois as 'what is going on' (WIGO), the realm of external phenomena experienced by an individual." (2005) Therefore, to the individual "the map is the individual's abstraction of that experience." (Dafler, 2005) it was posited in the work of Korzybski that "human status as 'time-binders' sets them apart from other life forms and that it forms the basis for the structure of culture. By accumulating abstractions over time and drawing further abstractions from that collective body, individuals actually create their own realities or 'worlds'." (Dafler, 2005)


According to Bois "the nature of abstracting is such that the worlds of two individuals will never perfectly overlap, although it is possible for individuals to share some meaning: 'In human affairs, it is the sharing values and common adherence to their requirements that make understanding and cooperation possible.'" (Dafler, 2005) it is this value-sharing among indi
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viduals that produce the symbols of interaction used in this exchange of "their higher-order abstractions of experience." (Dafler, 2005) Dafler goes on to explain "In this sense, the discipline of general semantics envisions culture as a framework of shared meaning arrived at through symbolic social interaction, a perspective that shares certain elements with a group of theories that conceptualize meaning as socially created, such as Mead' symbolic interactionism and Bormann's theory of symbolic convergence." (2005)

The concept of rhetorical vision which has been defined by Bormann as "a unified putting-together of the various scripts that gives the participants a broader view of things" is especially helpful in understanding this 'shared understanding' that occurs during interaction. Bormann refers to this as a 'rhetorical community' according to Dafler in the same manner "that the general semantics notion of shared abstractions can become the basis of culture through time-binding." (2005) Time-binding can be understood to be the same as 'traditions' or 'customs' within society. Traditions and customs are given specialized authoritative meaning in a society therefore time-binding is defined much the same way.

Dafler states: "Culture, then, in a general semantics sense, can be viewed as the collective abstractions of a group time-binders based on the symbolic sharing of individual and sub-group abstractions over the course of generations." (2005) Re-stated: Customs and traditions in culture, in terms of semantics "...can be viewed as the collective abstractions of a group time-binders based on the symbolic sharing of individual and sub-group abstractions over the course of generations." (Dafler, 2005) These customs, traditions, time-binders are a "worldview or perspective on WIGO and influences both the collective and individual behavior." (Dafler, 2005) Dafler notes that abstractions in culture shift across time in a "generational pace of time-binding" as well.


It is explained in the work of Dafler (2005) that Bois reviews "three conceptual revolutions that took place over the course of Western cultural development." First stated was the "Greek conceptual revolution" which took place during 650 to 350 BC. This revolution was "driven by the work of the great Greek philosophers, including Socrates, Plato and Aristotle." (Dafler, 2005) Secondly identified by Bois and related by Dafler (2005) was the "revolution of classical science" which occurred between 1500 and 1700 AD. The third and final cultural-revolution identified by Bois and related by Dafler (2005) was the "birth of modern science as the second conceptual revolution." The "giants of the second conceptual revolution" are named in Dafler (2005) as: "Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Descartes, and Bacon." It was the belief of Bois that "a third conceptual revolution was underway when he wrote the first edition of 'The Art of Awareness" during the middle of the 20th century. This revolution was driven by Einstein, Russell, von Bertalanffy, and others, which "consisted of the radical restructuring of the scientific framework that emerged during the preceding centuries." (Dafler, 2005)


Dafler (2005) relates that Bois posited that there were four basic elements shared by these 'conceptual revolutions' and states those four to be:

1) "A 'radical change in the methods of thinking and valuing';

2) a 'concentration of great thinkers';

3) the emergence of a 'codifier, or system builder who made explicit the methods of thinking that were characteristic of this age; and 4) the appearance of 'new terms in the general vocabulary'." (Dafler, 2005)

Dafler writes that a 'fifth element' could be introduced that would integrate the "emergence and application of a new worldview in the sphere of economic, political and social relations through the interaction of individuals and groups using the new symbols of the conceptual revolution." (Dafler, 2005) Dafler believes that "The Roman Empire could be viewed as fulfilling the need for the Greek conceptual revolution, because the Roman system in so many ways grew out of the intellectual framework established by earlier Greek philosophers." (2005) Dafler states that the second conceptual revolution "only took root outside the realms of science and philosophy in the rapid political, social and economic change of the early and middle portions of the 19th century." (2005) This is stated to be due to the advances of technology and the industrial revolution having "...swept away existing social structures, enabling emerging empires and Europe and around the world to acquire and control the resources now vital to the growth of wealth. Gone were the values and symbols of the feudalistic worldview based on patronage, protection, and divine right, replaced by the new concepts of free will, competition, and resource-based power." (Dafler, 2005) Simultaneously "Charles Darwin was extending the new science to the realm of biology with his theory of evolution and natural selection, first presented comprehensively in his 1859 work "On the Origin of Species." (2005)

The phrases 'survival of the fittest' and 'struggle for existence' were adopted in the public discourse along with "the social theories of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Herbert Spencer, and Ernst Haeckel..." all of who ranked the human races by a hierarchy of evolution. (Dafler, 2005; paraphrased) in this hierarchical arrangement of the human race "European and American social theorists placed fair-skinned people at the top of the evolutionary ladder. Those whose culture differed most from their own were identified as the least evolved and destined for extinction." (Hawkins, Social Darwinism, p. 17; as cited in Dafler, 2005) Hawkins is stated to analyze the 'rhetorical instrument' of Social Darwinism insofar as the method of cultural abstraction by stating: "Hawkins, Social Darwinism; Shibutani, Tamotsu and Kwan, Kian M. Ethnic Stratification: A Comparative Approach. New York: The Macmillan Company (1965)." (Hawkins, Social Darwinism, p. 17; as cited in Dafler, 2005)

Hawkins discusses how European colonizers, and this must be true of those who colonized the Americas as well that they felt they were "merely fulfilling their destiny as members of a superior race, obligated by fate to rule over the inferior black races of the uncivilized world." (Dafler, 2005) Dafler relates that Hawkins cited the work of Frederick Courtney Selous, a British colonialist instrumental in the establishment of Rhodesia "to illustrate this point." The following is that cited by Hawkins:

Therefore Matabeleland [a part of the future colony of Rhodesia] is doomed by what seems a law of nature to be ruled by the white man, and the black man must go, or conform to the white man's laws, or die in resisting them. It seems a hard and cruel fate for the black man, but it is a destiny which the broadest philanthropy cannot avert, whilst the British colonist is but the irresponsible atom employed in carrying out a preordained law -- the law which has ruled upon this planet ever since, in the far-off misty depths of time, organic life was first evolved upon the earth -- the inexorable law which Darwin has aptly termed the Survival of the Fittest." (Hawkins, Social Darwinism, p.205; as cited in Dafler, 2005)

What was viewed as an 'aboriginal problem was dealt with in Australia as well as to a great extent in America by taking children who were 'half-caste' or partially white and integrating them into society calling upon them to turn from their savagery and "embrace white society." (Hawkins, Social Darwinism, p. 205; as cited in Dafler, 2005) From this view the aboriginal were inferior genetically in adherence to Social Darwinism and Eugenics the white 'superior' race would serve to dominate those of 'inferior' races and particularly in the mixed races viewed as greatly inferior genetic beings. This conception is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Structural Inequality and Diversity" Assignment:

I prefer this paper to be written by (*****)

All references provided below are available in Questia database with whom I have membership. Should the ***** need my password and user name, please let me know?

Background Objectives

My major objective is to understand the root-cause of the structural inequality with the aim to become a change agent by helping some of the third world countries revamp their education systems so that they provide equal opportunities for their children.

My paper will be organized into two chapters. Chapter one will be devoted to the root cause of the structural inequality, social stratifications and the disasters that Social Darwinism brought to humanity; especially the racial oppression against aboriginal and the black people in the United States. In chapter two I will examine the role of corporate influence in deciding the fate of our children's education.


My goals for this KA area are in alignment with the overall course goals which are:

1. To understand the mechanisms by which systemic oppression is produced and reproduced.

2. To gain a broader understanding of various forms of oppression and structural inequality in education and/or other social systems.

3. To gain strategies for transforming inequality in education and/or other social systems.

4. To understand the experiences of oppression through the voices of those who live it.

5. To examine how structural inequality impacts our lives and work.

Learning Goals for the Overview & the In-Depth Study

My focus is to conduct comprehensive overview of the history of structural inequality to:

 Gain deeper understanding of how inequality is created and maintained in society.

 Gain a broader understanding of various forms of oppression and structural inequality in education.

 Gain strategies for transforming inequality in education.

 To understand the experiences of oppression through the voices of those who live it (example, aboriginal people).

 Examine the role of corporate influence in deciding the fate of our children's education.

Learning Goal for the Applied Project

Since I am leading the establishment of four schools and a university in Saudi Arabia based on the Canadian education system, I will present my views on the subject of inequality to selected Saudi education leaders. This is a unique opportunity to stress the issue of the women rights in a society characterized by gender inequality.


*****¢ Apply some of the gained strategies to inspire educational leaders to embrace change

Possible Readings


A Nation Divided: Diversity, Inequality, and Community in American Society

Book by Phyllis Moen, Donna Dempster-Mcclain, Henry A. Walker; Cornell University Press, 1999

Unlearning the Language of Conquest


Darwinism: Critical Reviews from Dublin Review, Edinburgh Review, Quarterly Review

Book by Alfred Russell Wallace, Thomas Henry Huxley, James Rowland Angell, J. Mark Baldwin, Francis Galton, Daniel N. Robinson; University Publications of America, 1977


Darwin, Charles--1809-1882, Evolution, Psychology, Comparative

...Darwins The Descent of Man": A Review by John Mivart...John Mivart entitled "Darwins The Descent of Man" has been reprinted from the...and more significantly The Descent of Man 1871 , such "convulsions...

Darwin: Competition & Cooperation

Book by Ashley Montagu; Henry Schuman, 1952


Darwin, Charles--1809-1882, Natural Selection

...year after the publication of The Descent of Man which appeared in 1871...anywhere in his letters. Yet in The Descent of Man the idea of co-operation as...66 The Descent of Man , Chap. IV, p. 161. solitary...

Knowledge and Power in the Global Economy: Politics and the Rhetoric of School Reform

Book by ***** A. Gabbard; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000


Critical Pedagogy--United States, Curriculum Change--United States, Education--Economic Aspects--United States, Educational Change--United States, Politics And Education--United States

...Politics and the Rhetoric of School Reform Knowledge and Power in the Global Economy Politics and the Rhetoric...Gabbard ***** A. Knowledge and Power in the Global Economy: Politics and the Rhetoric of School Reform>/edited by...

Education as Enforcement: The Militarization and Corporatization of Schools

Book by Kenneth J.Saltman, ***** A.Gabbard; RoutledgeFalmer, 2003


Commercialism In Schools--United States, Education And State--United States, Educational Sociology--United States, Militarism--United States

...corporate involvement in public schooling and higher education at multiple levels. The phrase Education as Enforcement attempts to explain these merging phenomena of militarization and corporatization as they are shaping not only...

Education, Inequality, and Social Identity

Book by Lawrence Angus; Falmer Press, 1993


Education--Social Aspects--Australia, Educational Equalization--Australia, Sexism In Education--Australia

Education, Inequality and Social Identity Education, Inequality and Social Identity Edited by Lawrence Angus...throw light upon particular aspects of education and inequality. Educational inequality has been a major focus of researchers...

The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights: A Documentary History

Book by Bain Attwood, Andrew Markus; Allen & Unwin, 1999

The Origin of the Inequality of the Social Classes

Book by Gunnar Landtman; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1938

Giving Kids the Business: The Commercialization of America's Schools

Book by Alex Molnar; Westview Press, 1996


Commercialism In Schools--United States, Education--United States--Marketing, Industry And Education--United States

...THE BU$INESS The Commercialization of Americas Schools Alex Molnar Westview...involvement in the reform of Americas public schools. The enthusiasm with which...improve the performance of Americas schools. The people reading such...


Evolutionary Feminism, Popular Romance, and Frank Norris's 'Man's Woman.'

Journal article by Paul Civello; Studies in American Fiction, Vol. 24, 1996


American literature--19th century, Norris, Frank--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

...conclusions Darwin had reached in The Descent of Man, using the same evidence he...representations struggle. In The Descent of Man (1871), Darwin elaborated his...136. (2) Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to...

Border Trouble: Shifting the Line Between People and Other Animals

Journal article by Harriet Ritvo; Social Research, Vol. 62, 1995


Social Sciences

...Charles Darwin put it in the Descent of Man , If the anthropomorphous...sadly noted at the end of The Descent of Man , written a decade after the...1993 ). Darwin, Charles, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to...

Colonizing Our Future: The Commercial Transformation of America's Schools

Journal article by Alex Molnar; Social Education, Vol. 64, 2000


Advertising media--Usage, Corporations--Moral and ethical aspects, Public relations--Usage, Public schools--Social aspects, Schools--Moral and ethical aspects, Students as consumers--Analysis

...Market Goes to School New York: Garland Publishing, 1998. Molnar, Alex. Giving Kids the Business: The Commercialization of Americas Schools. Boulder, CO: Westview/HarperCollins, 1996. Alex Molnar is a professor in the Department of Curriculum...

The Origins of Intergenerational Inequality

Journal article by Robert A. Margo; Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 65, 1998


Altruism--Analysis, Equality--Analysis, Income distribution--Analysis, Mulligan, Casey--Criticism, interpretation, etc., Parental Priorities and Economic Inequality (Book)--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

...cross-state, cross-region (in the U.S.), and cross-country inequality is also reviewed. Chapter 7 explores the panel study of...Mulligan infers that the rich derive consumption value from education (such as from expensive private schools). Part Three, composed...

The Basics: What's Essential about Theory for Community Development Practice?

Journal article by Ronald J. Hustedde, Jacek Ganowicz; Journal of the Community Development Society, Vol. 33, 2002


Community development--Research

...theoretical frameworks: structural functionalism, conflict theory, and...modalities, conflict theory, structural functionalism, symbolic interactionism...structure is known as structural functionalism. It is also called systems...

Gender and Social Inequality: The Prevailing Significance of Race

Journal article by Doris Y. Wilkinson; Daedalus, Vol. 124, 1995

Immigration and Ethnic and Racial Inequality in the United States

Journal article by Mary C. Waters, Karl Eschbach; Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 21, 1995

Women and the Paradox of Economic Inequality in the Twentieth-Century

Journal article by Michael B. Katz, Mark J. Stern, Jamie J. Fader; Journal of Social History, Vol. 39, 2005

How to Reference "Structural Inequality and Diversity" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Structural Inequality and Diversity.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002. Accessed 20 Sep 2024.

Structural Inequality and Diversity (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Structural Inequality and Diversity. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002 [Accessed 20 Sep, 2024].
”Structural Inequality and Diversity” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002.
”Structural Inequality and Diversity” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002.
[1] ”Structural Inequality and Diversity”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002. [Accessed: 20-Sep-2024].
1. Structural Inequality and Diversity [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 20 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002
1. Structural Inequality and Diversity. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/structural-inequality-diversity-root/472002. Published 2007. Accessed September 20, 2024.

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