Research Paper on "How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World"

Research Paper 10 pages (3186 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

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Strict Christian Upbringing on the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World

Sigmund Freud in his theory of personality exemplified the different mechanisms of adolescent growth and development in an intrinsic environment. There are many religious and denominational movements in the world today as suggested by Sigmund Freud (Giddens 56). The presence of many denominational movements has a great impact on how human growth and development can be perceived by many of the people involved in these denominations. In the U.S. alone, Christianity is one of the strongest pillars that have had significant developments in the lives and living standards among the people. As a way of developing the present values and value-systems among the members of the society, many of the protocols of observance among the people have shifted to the natural tendency to engage in religious movements.

These movements have developed and led to considerable effects on the behavior exhibited by adolescents. Evidently, the negative aspects of these religious movements have negative effects on the growth and development of many Christian adolescents in a secular society. Negative impact Christianity has on socialization in today's secular world. It is essential to consider the benefits arising from Christianity and its teachings together with the negative aspects associated with the excessive allegiance of the teachings (Dickow 25). The personality theory explains that every child has a diverse aspect of reflecting the teachings administered in the environment. Many religious bodies have dominated the present world. Nonetheless, the secular nature of human existence still plays a critical role in balanc
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ing the relation between religious teachings and presence together with other avenues of growth and development in the society (Clinton 20).

The adolescents are among the members of the society who are engaged in innate teachings of the religious activities. The secular world is one of the avenues where the young and the world have hailed varied experiences of life and interaction with one another. In most cases, the social stratifications have given much consideration of the relationships and structures of religious movements without focusing on the presence and influence of the secular world. For instance, Christianity is not the only religious movement in the world as happens in the United States of America. People have pledged their commitment and allegiance to their teachings and contemporary practices from many other religious movements. Evidently, these religious denominations have teachings and practices of daily ordinances that should be followed by the members. In the end, one member who belongs to a given religious grouping like Christianity fails to be conversant with other non-religious teachings like secular world teachings (Dickow 18).

In the real sense, the secular world is where innate and natural knowledge has been established. The appreciation of Marxist theory proposed by Karl Marx is a clear directive useful in understanding the concept of adolescent growth and development within the perspective of religious connotations. The secular world is considered as one of the major avenues from where members of the society are able to participate in different teachings and admonitions. Like any other religious grouping and performance in the market, the secular world is a global facet that has proved to be critical to the natural existence and performance of activities in the world. In the United States of America, the secular world is a prerogative that determines the way in which adolescents can be raised in accordance to the expected standards. The society has (passively) set up different parameters of growth and development from where members (more so the youth) can exercise their daily activities and ordinances. The ordinances are translated to the natural existence and the normal growth and development of the members of a society (Cocklin et al. 29).

Most religious teachings are based on the context of the written teachings found in law books and religious ones. In order to be at a stable avenue of relaying the best forms of growth and development in the secular world, many of the religious activities need to have a genuine avenue of reclaiming the faith and belief of the people; it becomes a necessity to be a Christian (Dickow 39). This means that many youth who wish to have a religious background have to be faithful to the existing avenues of management in the society. In most cases, the Christian teachings have to center all their teachings and contemporary practices within the available teachings in the society. Therefore, many of the youths will have to engage with the Christian teachings and avenues without having to consider the teachings of the secular world.

In accordance to the teachings of Emile Durkheim's sociological theory, the teachings of many religious backgrounds are based on the specifications that are part of the central intentions. The theory states that such teachings will only attract Christian morals and other codes of behavior without considering the need for justice and the realization of the duties within the universal world. For instance, Christianity does not offer a universal avenue or platform from where teachings based on love and affection in the world throws out. In such cases, one will find a difference between the secular teachings of which are part of the necessary knowledge in life, together with Christian teachings (Giddens 75).

According to William James' theory of emotion, the universal growth and development of the learner is thrown out as a show of intelligence and commitment to the Christian doctrines. Nonetheless, the secular doctrines are not giving a space within the intention of having a universal avenue for growth and development of the adolescent people.

The world literature is part of the demonstration of how different people are able to interact and establish a solid background for growth and development of the society. In such cases, the Christian doctrines do not have a consideration on the need for a strong government based on universality and respect for the religious and denominational differences among people. Such specifications are not part of the general terms and conditions of service among many Christian avenues of growth and development (Giddens 38).

One of the factors of concern among many Christian teachings is that there is no way a society can exist within a mixture of the religious and Christian teachings. As observed in the United States of America schools, the religious societies and institutions have been established as separate entities to the secular institutions. Nonetheless, the differences are not based on the fact of growth and development based on the Christian teachings alone. There is a regular practice of Christianity under the consent of the secular teachings. In such situations, the intentions of many people and adolescents to exist within a neutral society are interfered. They are not accorded the respect of having to dwell within a genuine background of living within their dream of being regular members in the diverse world. In such situations, one will find a lot of difficulty when it comes to the management of the available avenues of growth and development. For instance, there is no way a Christian institution can teach students on how to make use of Condoms as a way of dealing with the problems of extramarital sex and spread of diseases. In the end, the person who gets little from the available teachings is the student (Giddens 41).

The youths have the innate desire and the right to be part of the society that embraces and promotes diversity. In most cases, the entire aspect of having to deal with many factors of production without considering their rightful place in the society has been displaced by some teachings. Many teachings do not appreciate the importance to have a generalized avenue of dealing with many policies without having to consider the many challenges of growth and development. Christian teachings require its followers to have and behave within the set laws and regulations of the service. As a way of dealing with the specifications of wrong behaviors and adoption of unwanted behaviors, many of these teachings are not considerate of the otherwise situations among the students. It is important to give the young people an avenue of being part of the necessary and available situations in the society as a way of foreseeing on the general growth and development. There is no need that many other relevant teachings and explorations are declared unwanted because of the Christian affiliations that adolescents have committed their lives. In such situations, there is a good platform for declaring a rightful participation of all the people within the universal avenues of exploration and teaching (Benton 26).

Adolescents in the U.S. And many other countries globally need to be introduced to a diverse world in order to display their immediate talents and capabilities. If it were not for the secular world, it would have been difficult to have talented youths like musicians, DJs, and many more. These people are part of the secular world that is not embraced by many Christian teachings. Many other teachings reiterate on the need for a genuine… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World" Assignment:

"How a strict Christian upbringing impacts the socialization and Intelligence of Adolescents in a secular world."

Written from an Atheistic point of view, In the United States, 3rd person.

Research should show the negative impact Christianity has on socialization in today's secular world.

(example: Kid raised in strict Christian home and home-schooled then goes to a public high school and/or public university, show negative impact on socialization and intellect)

Research should show disadvantages strict religious upbringing has on intelligence, comparatively.( i.e. test scores, GPA, common sense, etc.)

No more than 3-4 references from the internet. Academic journals and books primarily, if possible. (left to the *****s discretion)

Use of theories and ideas adapted from Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Bertrand Russell, Jean Paiget, William James

10 pages, in-text citations, reference page

How to Reference "How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World" Research Paper in a Bibliography

How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World (2013). Retrieved from (2013). How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World” 2013.
”How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. How a Strict Christian Upbringing Impacts the Socialization of Adolescents in a Secular World. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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