Term Paper on "Stress Impact an Autistic Child"

Term Paper 5 pages (1492 words) Sources: 1+

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stress impact an autistic child has on his or her family. The writer examines stressors that are indigenous to families with autistic children and explores avenues of resolving or relieving the stress. There were eight sources used to complete this paper.


Autism is one of the most shocking and unfair diagnosis's that a family can face. Every parent worries during pregnancy whether the baby will be healthy or have health problems. Once the baby is born and by all intent appears to be perfectly healthy the parents' attention turns to milestones and they begin to compare their baby's firsts with what the books say is the appropriate age for them to do so. The first time they pick up a rattle, hold their own bottle, take their first step or speak their first word parents race to the books t compare their baby with the average baby in the world. Usually by the time the baby reaches that first birthday the parents have relaxed, realized that their child will be just fine and they settle into watching him develop. That is when it hits. The child may stop speaking, or maybe he suddenly cannot handle being touched, or sometimes both things occur together. Parents puzzle over their child's sudden reduction in progress and begin looking for answers (Harris, 1994). After several doctor visits, development specialists and others the parents hear the diagnosis. Autism. Just when they thought everything was fine their world is turned upside down and their stress is just beginning. For the next few years they learn that autism creates stress within the family in ways they never before dreamed possible. The child can have moods that defy all
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logic. Well meaning family members try and tell the parents how to handle the child, or they don't believe in autism and believe the child is just stubborn and tell the parents to discipline it out of him. School functions, social events and other elements of life that most people take in stride produce severe stress for the family of an autistic child. This project will examine the stress of families dealing with an autistic child and some of the things that are being done to help reduce it.

In reducing the stress that the family deals with the environment for the autistic child will be improved which will in turn benefit that child.


Autism can be a devastating diagnosis for parents who often spend months trying to get to the bottom of what is happening with their once vibrant, developing toddler. Once the diagnosis process is complete the parents are left with trying to care for the child who can be trying at best and the family is often thrown into a very stressful environment as family members work to maintain a sense of normalcy while coping with the elements of autism (Moes, 1995). One of the more draining aspects of having a child in the family with autism is the stress that it can create. Stress has long since been known to create health issues, cause divorce and create family and relationship disharmony in ways that are sometimes irreparable. It is important to understand exactly how having a child with autism impacts the family by the stress that it causes. It is by that understanding that future programs can be developed to help alleviate the stress.


Autism was first identified as a pervasive developmental disorder in 1943 by a man named Leo Kanne (Pargament, 2001)r. At that time he described the disorder as creating impairments in social interaction as well as communication ability. Classic symptoms of the disorder include repetitive physical behaviors, interests or activities along with regression in communication attempts and the withdrawal of the desire to be physically close to other people (Pargament, 2001).

The incidence of the disorder is between four and 10 for every 10,000 births. Research indicates that 75% of children with autism are also mentally retarded, which creates a doubly difficult problem to work with (Pargament, 2001).

Several past studies have indicated that families who have a child with a disability suffer from more stress and distress than families with children who are not disabled do.

While studies also indicate that families come to accept the stress of having a disabled child as mutually beneficial because of the things that they learn about themselves and the world in having a disabled child, the fact… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Stress Impact an Autistic Child" Assignment:

Five pages total: one page paper proposal, four page paper.

Prepare a 4 page paper and one page paper proposal detailing the impact of stress on a family with an autistic child.

Create a one page paper proposal with working title—give an overall preview of the main topic. The title should describe the topic. Explain very clearly and simply where you are heading and why you decided to go in that direction. What is the purpose of the paper? What are the main ideas you want to argue by

presenting research evidence that supports them.

You should complete a typed, 4- to 6-page research paper. This will include a title, introduction, literature review, application/discussion section (as appropriate), summary/conclusion, recommendations (as appropriate.)

BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES throughout your paper. Always paraphrase and never use quotations—be sure to indicate where you are getting your information. Use APA style for your citations and for your references page. Be sure to use recent articles—those published since 1991. Use of any articles older than that should be done for purposes of historical comparison only. Have a reference list of 4-8 references (at least 4 of these must be journal articles).

The title should describe the particular area covered by the paper. A good title will summarize the main idea of the paper. It should be fully explanatory when standing alone.

The introduction should present the main topic of the paper, a clarification of the topic and why it is important.

The literature review should include a more detailed description of the topic area and an organized presentation of the pertinent psychological issues. This section will describe what research has been done in this area (i.e., what do we know about this issue?)

The application/discussion section allows you to evaluate and interpret the implications of the findings you

presented in the previous section. You may wish to qualify or criticize the results of the research studies and draw inferences from their findings. This section could include a review of current treatments (if applicable) and a discussion of how the information that you presented on the topic can benefit professionals in the appropriate field (e.g., health care, education, psychology, human services, counseling, etc.).

The summary/conclusion should clarify the major points covered in the paper, and conclusions based upon the research presented. Depending on the way in which you organize your paper, you may wish to use this section to answer the question of why this issue is important for professionals in your field.

Recommendations should be a thoughtful consideration of the future direction of research on the topic. Possible recommendations should be listed with appropriate justifications for each. What don't we know about this area? What has been neglected in previous research?

How to Reference "Stress Impact an Autistic Child" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Stress Impact an Autistic Child.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Stress Impact an Autistic Child (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Stress Impact an Autistic Child. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Stress Impact an Autistic Child” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314.
”Stress Impact an Autistic Child” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314.
[1] ”Stress Impact an Autistic Child”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Stress Impact an Autistic Child [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314
1. Stress Impact an Autistic Child. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stress-impact-autistic-child/731314. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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