Case Study on "Strategic Role of Human Resource"

Case Study 5 pages (1583 words) Sources: 5

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Strategic Role of Human Resource

The Human Resources Management role comprises of a number of activities, and chief amongst them is choosing what staffing requirements which are in existence within an organization. Furthermore, choosing whether to use sovereign contractors or employ employees to fill up these requirements. Better still, to hiring and training the excellent employees. Additionally, to make sure that the employees they are high performers. Further, to deal with performance matters, and to make sure that personnel and management practices match to various regulations. Activities in addition comprise of managing one's approach to employee gains and reimbursement, staff records and personnel policies. Nevertheless, they must at all time make sure that employees have and are conscious of personnel policies which comply with present regulations. These policies are frequently in the form of staff guidebooks, which all employees have.

At the moment, federal human capital professions ought to struggle with matters across the human capital spectrum. To be precise, anything from labor force setting up and human capital strategy development to staffing, hiring, retention, training, performance management and employee retirement. Throughout considerate planning, they can control these confronts and assist their agencies tackle existing and up-and-coming human capital requirements. More and more, federal agencies are developing strategic human capital plans to assist them realize developing and intensifying mission needs and take a focused, lasting approach to human capital management. Even though a small number of federal agencies particularly the U.S. government accountab
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ility office (GAO) and National Aeronautics and space administration have take on strategic human capital planning for a while, the majority of them are only starting to do so methodically and enterprise-wide. The requirement for all agencies to do so is turning out to be more imperative since the federal government faces a collective storm of human capital confronts which comprise of the expected federal brain child. The second confront is the mounting government rivalry with the private sector for the subsequent generation of extremely skilled talented workers. The human capital needs of the Presidents Management Agenda (PMA), the Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) act of 2002, and the Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (HCAAF), a roadmap for changing government human capital management formed by Unite States of America Office of Personnel Management (OPM).(Dunn, 1987).

Human Capital Planning

Pragmatic studies reveal that one of the major aspects in the collapse of numerous strategic tactics is the deficiency of an apparent planning process, with well specific verdict making procedures and obviously marked relations amongst the procedures. For that basis, an excellent planning process starts with the end in brain. To be precise an apparent statement of the final desired result and an exact explanation of the procedures needed to get there. Explicitly, portrayed, these procedures create a roadmap which centers individual's interest on significant activities and landmarks. Several inputs model the planning procedure at the start of the scheme. As planning continues, agency leaders express precise human capital objectives, metrics, and tactics for attaining objectives and execution plans which all signify specific dedication to action. Finally, to make sure success, leaders must put in place definite realization enablers in place in order to move away from thriving planning to effectual plan realization. An agency's leader ought to carry out eight critical activities so as to augment effectual human capital planning.

Firstly, s/he ought to analyze the labor force. Broad evaluation the composition of the agency's labor force comprising demographics such as labor force age and sex and work linked aspects for instance tenure and turnover. These aspects create an agency's present and projected future human capital resources. Secondly, s/he must evaluate important business plans. Triumphant strategic human capital planning lines human resources planning with the quest for strategic business objectives. For that reason, an agency's tactical human capital process is founded on its strategic plan. A cautious evaluation of the agency's strategic business tactic and other pertinent business documents summarizes the business confronts and obligations for which human capital is needed and managed inside an agency. Moreover, it assists in forming the meaning of human capital schemes to tackle these confronts and propose resources which may be allotted so as to tackle vital human capital needs. Thirdly, s/he should factor in HCAAF requirements and PMA goals into SHCP.

The five major HCAAF elements are managing structures for spotting dedication in an agency's strategic human capital plan. The PMA in the meantime summarizes the administration's main concerns with the view to human capital management and planning. Fourthly, s/he should evaluate third party analysis. Public inspection of federal agencies produces autonomous reports and evaluation which have an effect on human capital management. Fifthly, s/he must take on a human capital scan. Agency verdict making process should foresee the future trends and factors which will influence their agency prior to they identifying strategic aims and purposes. Sixthly, s/he ought to a complete a human capital S/W/O/T analysis. This work entails synthesizing all present-state evaluation into one group of conclusions. It pertains looking within the organization in order to establish the strengths and weaknesses impacting the agency's management of its human capital. It also pertains looking outwardly in order to establish the opportunities and threats to effectual human capital management in the agency's surroundings. Better still, s/he must think of means to incorporate viable best practices.

Private- sector organizations have the liberty to test with inventive human capital practice. Consequently, the government agencies can gain from investigating the most successful private-sector organizations. Several of them will not cater for the government needs or operating restrictions. However, some of them may specify thinking and provide novel means of operating. Lastly, s/he should evaluate present human resource programs. A fashionable means of commencing the SHCP process is to evaluate the baseline Human Resource functions. To be precise, to evaluate the means in which Human Resource at the moment caters the requirements and prospects of its patrons in line with the business entities of the agency (Trahant, Steckler, and Sonnesyn, 2007).

Human Resource and Organizational Development

The shifting business environment is in fact redefining the task of human resources professionals (Stuart, 1992). Human resources managers are more and more being called upon to merge with business administrators and take a further active task in strategy growth and organizational design. The managerial development field is not devoid of its' own numerous confronts. The field has stretched in both the scale of targets and the substantive matters it addresses today's practitioners (Simpson, 2005). One of the prospective advantages of partnership or amalgamation between the fields of human resource and organizational growth is that since organizations have struggle in a more and more competitive economy. Therefore, advanced human resources are more and more viewed as a competitive benefit. This has resulted in considerable curiosity in building great commitment work systems which will draw, inspire and retain finer employees. Without a doubt the expression human resources is turning to symbolize an incorporation of personnel administration, labor relations and organizational development, with organizational development, the superior partner. For Human Resource- organizational Development experts to attain their mission, there is a requirement to form a coalition with interior customers, particularly at the senior rank. This is due to the fact that they can choose to make use of Human Resource/Organizational Development services or not. Better still, they can insist that Human Resource/Organizational Development experts attest themselves prior to forming an amalgamation with them. This anticipation makes it vital for Human Resource/Organizational Development expertise to distinguish the kinds of interior customers. Better still it has permitted them to take on the chief appropriate style with each, and align in the best means with each particular style (Simpson, 2005).

The Organizational Development and Human Resource experts who will be successful in directing their organizations into the future will be those who… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Strategic Role of Human Resource" Assignment:

Key aspects that should be covered in this case study include:

Understanding the strategic role of HR

Explaining the importance of HR in business operations to be successful

Discussing human capital planning / talent management and how it relates to a business / business planning

Discussing how HR and OD can partner to help an organization

Explaing how to justify (quantify) HR

Other areas which you feel are relevant to strategic HR

Your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues, drawing upon all of the required background readings and any relevant sources from prior courses or your own Internet research.


How to Reference "Strategic Role of Human Resource" Case Study in a Bibliography

Strategic Role of Human Resource.”, 2010, Accessed 4 Jul 2024.

Strategic Role of Human Resource (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Strategic Role of Human Resource. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jul, 2024].
”Strategic Role of Human Resource” 2010.
”Strategic Role of Human Resource”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Strategic Role of Human Resource”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Jul-2024].
1. Strategic Role of Human Resource [Internet]. 2010 [cited 4 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Strategic Role of Human Resource. Published 2010. Accessed July 4, 2024.

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