Case Study on "Strategic Review"

Case Study 5 pages (1599 words) Sources: 5

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Strategic Review

Over the last several years, the food industry has been consistently changing. In the case of grocery stores, these challenges have become even more pronounced. This is because of increased competition and consumers who are focused on receiving value. These different factors have led to the sector realizing tighter profit margins and the ability to make adjustments in order to maintain their market share. ("2011 Supermarket Trends," 2011)

In the case of ABC Company, they are considering a possible merger with Whole Foods. To determine how a possible integration will occur requires focusing on Whole Foods and the business model they are using. This will be accomplished by carefully examining the firm's mission / vision / values, identifying strategic goals, conducting a critical assessment of the competition, describing the opportunities / threats and analyzing the company's strengths / weaknesses. Together, these elements will highlight if ABC should make any kind of strategic changes or simply maintain the status quo.

Whole Foods Market's mission, vision and values

Whole Foods Market's is focused on providing customers with the finest organic and natural food available today. This means that the company has a mission of providing customers with the highest standards for quality and encouraging environmentally sustainable agricultural practices. These factors are illustrating how the firm will not purchase any products grown or sold through the lowest cost provider. Instead, there is an emphasis on ensuring that every piece of produce or food related merchandise is meeting these objectives at all times. ("Company
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Info," 2013) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

The vision of the company is to create a new standard for quality, safety and freshness within the industry. This requires seeking out producers and whole sellers who share a similar interests. Yet, it also means setting the example for the employees, communities and competitors within the industry. ("Company Info," 2013) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

The values of the firm are to embrace those practices that will support healthy eating habits, benefiting everyone in the community and creating a friendly atmosphere in their different locations. These objectives are achieved by working with different stakeholders in order to set the example for others to follow. For instance, one of the ways that Whole Foods is able to support these goals is through encouraging various programs. That are dedicated towards social responsibility. This is when employees and managers will work with the community to create programs that will help everybody to realize the positive long-term benefits. A few of the most notable include: providing low interest loans to farmers who will utilize environmentally friendly practices, providing nutrition education / programs and working with the communities to support the poor. These elements help the company to achieve its larger values by ensuring that they are creating win -- win situations for everyone they are involved with. ("Company Info," 2013) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

The Current Strategic Goals of Whole Foods

Whole Foods has strategic goals that are focused on maintaining and supporting sustainable practices. The most notable include:

Engaging in actions that are creating and maintaining environmentally friendly procedures.

Respecting all life forms.

Regulation, enforcement and high levels of accountability.

Education and public participation.

Working to improve the practices that everyone is utilizing beyond the areas of food (which are ecologically sustainable).

These different areas are showing how the company is concentrating on creating practices that will protect everyone. This occurs through setting the example inside the firm and serving as an advocate for others outside of the food industry. ("Sustainability and Our Future," 2013) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

A critical assessment of the competition and the competitive environment

The food retailers are expected to realize 6% annual growth until 2016 or a total of $7 trillion in revenues. There a number of major competitors who are currently involved inside the marketplace these include: supermarkets, hypermarkets and discounters. Everyone is impacted by the same factors. Most notably: price wars, rising market share by private labels and increasing amounts of competition inside the marketplace. ("Global Food Retailing Industry," 2013) (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

In the case of Whole Foods, three of their major competitors include Kroger, Wal Mart and Safeway. Each one of these firms has different products they are selling which are popular with consumers. In the case of Kroger, their most popular merchandise includes: vegetables, fruits and meats. For Wal Mart, they have strong demand in the areas of fruits, vegetables and coffee. Whereas, Safeway; will have products that are most popular in: vitamins / supplements, vegetables and frozen foods. (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

What makes Kroger such a viable competitor, is they are able to take the same kind of approach and offer similar products as Whole Foods (in a comparable price range). This can offer customers with greater choices of quality and the kinds of products they are buying. In the case of Wal Mart, they have the ability to undercut the costs that Whole Foods is charging for different merchandise. This allows the company to take advantage of disparities inside the marketplace and offer cliental with more of the same products (for less). As far as Safeway is concerned, the company is actively discounting in these areas through their club memberships. This enables them to undercut Whole Foods and offer customers with the same kind of quality. (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

The opportunities and threats Whole Foods is presently facing

The biggest opportunities for Whole Foods is the ability to create a unique marketplace. That can reach out to consumers based upon their approach and practices. This means that they can promote more healthy living and offer cliental with the ability to purchase organic foods they demand. This allows them to know that they are working with a firm which cares about their communities, the farmers they are working with and is helping to support the environment. These factors will address the needs of customers, who want corporations to become more responsible in way they are interacting with different stakeholders throughout this process. (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

The greatest threats facing Whole Foods is from increasing competition inside the industry. This is taking place with many firms following similar approaches to show that they are giving something back to communities and care about the quality of merchandise they are providing. At the same time, there is a focus on offering customers with lower prices. This is problematic for Whole Foods, as some of the larger retail chains can undercut them in these areas. This means that they will have to resort to discounting, in order to offer consumers with the same kind of benefits. (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

Moreover, the company is continually being impacted by higher food costs. This is will hurt their bottom line results by making it difficult for them to offer cliental with stable prices. When this happens, a large number could begin shopping at other locations in order to address these objectives. (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

Whole Foods Strengths and Weaknesses

The biggest strengths for Whole Foods are that they have an established history of creating a unique market niche among consumers. This helps them to be seen as one of the innovators in encouraging other firms to follow their example of: supporting sustainable environmental, food and community related practices. At the same time, they have a number of locations, which are seeing strong demand for the unique products they offer to cliental. This allows the company to build upon its image and continue to innovate in enhancing its business model even further. ("Global Food Retailing Industry," 2013) (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders Reports," 2012)

The greatest weaknesses for the firm are from increasing competition and prices. In the case of competition, a number of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Strategic Review" Assignment:

ABC Company and Whole Foods Market expect us to provide them with top-notch advice on how to integrate Whole Foods into ABC Company. I will be working on analyzing ABC Company. You will be working on analyzing Whole Foods Market. Review as much information as you can on the Whole Foods Market website, particularly in the "Investor Relations" section and other resources you find.

Article: Business Analysis: Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market website:

Whole Foods Market (about the company)

Whole Foods Market - Annual Stakeholders Report, 2011:

Writing this paper I need an independent, objective view of Whole Foods Market's current strategic position, including full information of Whole Foods Market's mission, vision and values. Identify its current set of strategic goals, and a critical assessment of the competition and the competitive environment (remote and operating environments). Also, need to describe the opportunities and threats Whole Foods is presently facing, and I need a general idea of the company's strengths and weaknesses. Whole Foods Market and ABC Company want to know if I think they should make any strategic changes or continue with the status quo. Provide a final recommendation, and justify your reasoning.

**For the competitive analysis, identify a minimum of three of the top competitive companies and their best-selling services or products - and justify why each is a viable competitor.

Additionally, I need the website links to the bibliography sources

How to Reference "Strategic Review" Case Study in a Bibliography

Strategic Review.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Strategic Review (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Strategic Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Strategic Review” 2013.
”Strategic Review”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Strategic Review”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Strategic Review [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Strategic Review. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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