Case Study on "Strategic Management Robin Hood"

Case Study 7 pages (2006 words) Sources: 1+

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Strategic Management - Case Study Robin Hood


In the past few years, several theories involving the implementation of strategic management in all types of organizations have emerged as a significant element of competitive advantage for both employees and management personnel. An analysis of such strategies using the Robin Hood Case Study provides an example of how strategic management can affect an organization's mission, vision, future and overall success. According to Thompson (2005), an organization's strategy is management's game plan for growing the business, staking out a market position, attracting and pleasing customers, competing successfully, conducting operations, and achieving targeted objectives.

A company's strategy is reflected in its actions in the marketplace and the statements of senior managers about the company's current business approaches, future plans, and efforts to strengthen its competitiveness and performance (Thompson, 2005). This paper will analyze Robin Hood's organizational strategy, mission and vision in the context of strategic management, and will offer a path of strategic management for Robin and the Merrymen to follow that will ensure their organization's success.

Organizational Structure of Robin Hood and his Merrymen

In Robin Hood's organization, he is the supreme ruler, and hold sole responsibility for the delegation of specific tasks to certain individuals. Each individual has their own function, and each individual contributes to the organization of Merrymen as a whole. For example, Robin Hood delegated the task
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of shadowing the sheriff and notifying the Merrymen of the sheriff's next move to Will Scarlett. Other members had similar tasks, and the well-being of the men rested on certain individuals with important tasks. As a result, Robin Hood must be able to motivate his band of followers under motivation theory, which seeks to explain all kinds of motivated behavior in different situations, including behavior in organizations. Since the majority of behavior is sense motivated, individuals are greatly influenced by their environment. The best known theory of motivation in this area as it applies to strategic management is Maslow's theory of human motivation, which centers on the theory of "physiological needs (Maslow, 1943). As related to the theory of human motivation, all people have a need or desire for a stable, formally based, high evaluation of themselves, for self-respect, self-esteem, and respect from others (Maslow, 1943). This directly applies to the Merrymen, for they sought respect and were proud of their famous motto "Rob from the rich and give to the poor."

Motivation and Equity Theory as applied to the Merrymen

However, motivation is not the sole determinant of behavior. Ability and knowledge of what one is supposed to do combines with motivation in determining behavior in organizations. Equity theory suggests that motivated behavior is a form of exchange in which individuals employ an internal balance sheet in determining what to do. It predicts that people will choose the alternative they perceive as fair. The components of equity theory are inputs, outcomes, comparisons, and results. Inputs are the attributes the individual brings to the situation and the activities required. Outcomes are what the individual receives from the situation. The comparisons are between the ratio of outcomes to inputs and some standard. Results are the behaviors and attitudes that flow from the comparison, but other standards of comparison, including oneself in a previous situation, seem equally probable. Therefore, under equity theory, the skills of all of the Merrymen can be enhanced by giving the men additional opportunities, coated as responsibilities.

Brief Overview of the Merrymen's Mission

Robin Hood can seize this opportunity to give the men additional responsibilities because as the band of Merrymen grows larger, more issues arise. In this function Robin Hood faces several issues; as the band of Merrymen grows larger, discipline has become harder for him to enforce. Additionally, the food supply has become scarce as a direct result of the growing number of followers. However, Robin Hood has identified a policy change to remedy this problem: to implement a fixed transit tax in place of their confiscation of goods. Robin Hood's core issue is to determine how to implement a fixed transit tax without losing the farmers and townspeople as allies. In order to decide what Robin Hood should do, the mission of the Merrymen needs to be re-examined. The overall mission of the Merrymen is to collect enough ransom that would release King Richard the Lionheart from his jail in Austria in return for Robin Hood's future amnesty. If the Merrymen fail in this mission, their pursuit as ordered by Prince John would be relentless, and retribution swift. Thus, their mission must be examined in terms of strategic management.

New Strategy for the Merrymen's Organization

In the Robin Hood Case Study, Robin Hood and the Merrymen do not need a new mission; however the men are in need of both a new strategy and vision. Thompson (2005), has identified nine core concepts that can be applied to identifying Robin Hood and his Merrymen's new strategy. First, Robin Hood and his Merrymen must look for actions to gain the market share, or actions to gain the confidence and trust of the farmers and townspeople. This confidence and trust has already been secured through their previous dealings with the townspeople under their motto of "Rob from the rich, and give to the poor," and the fact that Prince John was unpopular among the townspeople. In recent years, goal setting and levels of trust within the structure of any organization have emerged as a significant factor in the determination of the organization's success or failure. However, Robin Hood's Merrymen do not obtain all these behaviors simply by becoming a Merryman.

Goals setting theories argue that organization members set goals and that organizations can influence work behavior by influencing these goals. The major concepts in the theory are intentions, performance standards, goal acceptance, and the effort expended. These concepts are assumed to be the motivation. Individual goal setting should be more effective than group goals because it is the impact of goals on intentions that is important. In goal-setting theory the crucial factor is the goal. The ultimate goal of the Merrymen is to set King Richard free, and to continue to serve the farmers and townspeople through the inconvenience of the rich. Although the incentive or reward may affect goal acceptance and commitment, neither is the critical element. Tests of the theory show that using goals leads to higher performance than situations without goals, and that difficult goals lead to better performance than easy ones. In this case, the Merrymen are faced with a difficult goal because they are acting outside of the law of Prince John. Strategic management research indicates that although participation in goal setting may increase satisfaction, it does not always lead to higher performance. Difficult, accepted, specific goals combined with feedback and rewards for goal attainment should result in highly motivated members. What this means is that Robin Hood, as the leader of the Merrymen, must provide his followers with positive feedback and encouragement.

Changing Market Conditions

Next, their actions must respond to changing market conditions and other external circumstances. This means that they must respond to the fact that Prince John had spies everywhere, and that their food source was diminishing as their band grew larger. Robin Hood's next step would be to determine actions to enter new geographic or product markets or exit existing ones. As applied to the Case Study, what this means is that Robin Hood and his followers must decide to give up raiding the rich for items such as their food supply, and enter into a new fixed transit tax system. The fourth step recommended by Thompson et. al (2005) is to initiate actions to merge with or acquire rival companies. In this case, Robin Hood must seek to work with enemies or rivals in search of the same goal. In this case, he is asked by the barons to work with them in collecting the ransom to free King Richard. He can work with them, and even join them in their efforts, or he can make the barons Merrymen themselves. Next, he must work to form strategic alliances and collaborative partnerships. He is in the process of doing this with the farmers and townspeople but runs the risk of losing them as allies by implementing a fixed transit tax.

The Establishment of a Fixed Transit Tax

The fifth step is to pursue new market opportunities and defend against threats to the well-being of his Merrymen. Threats to the well-being of the Merrymen are the spies of Prince John, and the fact that the band is so large that discipline has become a problem. Robin Hood must determine actions and approaches that define how the organization manages research and development, and other key activities. Next, Robin Hood must determine what actions will strengthen the competitive advantage over Prince John and his spies, and correct any weaknesses of the Merrymen. Finally, Robin Hood must take actions to diversify the Merrymen's revenues and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Strategic Management Robin Hood" Assignment:

Read and analyze the case: Robin Hood (will be faxed).

From a Strategic Management stand point answer the following questions.

1. What should Robin Hood do?

2. What is the organization's mission?

3. Do Robin and the Merrymen need a new mission, new vision or strategy?

3. What recommendation should be given?

This essay should be 7 pages

Please analyze this as a strategic management, diagnosis of issues and key problems demonstating the organizations present situation.

Information to be faxed:

Case study: Robin Hood

Related Book Chapters (1 & 2 with.

Book Title:

Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, Concepts and Cases, 14 edition, 2005


Arthur A. Thompson, Jr

A.J. Strickland III

John E. Gamble

If you have any question I can be reached on 240-375-3548 or email

N. Driggers *****

How to Reference "Strategic Management Robin Hood" Case Study in a Bibliography

Strategic Management Robin Hood.”, 2006, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Strategic Management Robin Hood (2006). Retrieved from (2006). Strategic Management Robin Hood. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Strategic Management Robin Hood” 2006.
”Strategic Management Robin Hood”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Strategic Management Robin Hood”,, 2006. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Strategic Management Robin Hood [Internet]. 2006 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Strategic Management Robin Hood. Published 2006. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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