Term Paper on "Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising"

Term Paper 6 pages (1922 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

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Star System and its Contribution to the Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising Strategies

The Hollywood star system was developed prior to the 1920's, but perfected by the 1930's as a way to develop a studio 'brand,' and keep people coming to the cinema week after week. By finding, training, developing and promoting talent, Hollywood's studio moguls were able to control product and insure on-going success.

The purpose of this paper is to explore how the star system was created, and how it contributed to Hollywood's enduring success. This contrasts with European cinema, which tended to be far more personal, director- (rather than star-) driven and less oriented to developing a 'brand,' other than for the specific director.

Advertising and PR were intimately connected to the star system -- without "promotional offices" and advertising, the film industry as we know it would never have developed.

The Impact of the Star System on Film

The star system is so intimately intertwined with Hollywood of the pre-World War II era that celluloid and stars cannot be separated. Indeed, the Star System is what created an American dominance in a medium that was, after all, developed by the French and Germans, and in which the Americans were relative latecomers to the genre.

The Star System is about more than the actors who played in Hollywood films. The stars were those special beings who created a link with their audiences. In many cases, and particularly during the silent movie era, the stars' draw was universal: Charlie Chaplin (a British native but naturalized American) was a universal "brand,"
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known as Charlie around the world (and "Charlot" in the French-speaking world), equally powerful in Berlin or Miami.

There is only one Hollywood in the world. Movies are made in London, Paris, Milan and Moscow, but the life of these cities is relatively uninfluenced by their production. Hollywood is a unique American phenomenon with a symbolism not limited to this country. It means many things to many people. For the majority it is the home of favored, godlike creatures (Powdermaker).

Thus the star system was initially a draw for viewers to the cinema, one which propelled producers and studio moguls to riches. As this paper will demonstrate, it also created the incentive for those same moguls to make the stars "their property," which would insure that the drawing power of those stars stayed with the studios. The studios 'invested' in their stars, creating a back-story, an on-going set of publicity 'stunts,' and feeding the growing fan magazines and their readers. The studios recognized the power of the star system, and used their power to create, promote, and sometimes destroy, stars of their creation.

Origins of the Star System

It is difficult to know which came first, the PR agency or the star. The first accepted development of a 'star persona' was in 1909, when Moving Picture World, a cinema magazine, featured its first "star,' Ben Turpin (Botnick). New fan magazines developed during the 'teens, and circulation exploded. Motion Picture Story had a circulation of 270,000 by 1914, and Photoplay grew due to its actor biographies to be a major fan magazine of the period.

Movies offered a closeness to the stars that no previous medium could offer. Viewers felt a special relationship to the stars, as if they were friends (although idealized). For that reason, fans wanted to learn more about their on-screen heroes.

There were stars before film. Enrico Caruso sold many "Edison" phonograph players, and moved to a star status around the world. But despite his fame, the fans could not develop the same close, personal relationship to Caruso as they could to movie characters. The immediacy (for the time) and intimacy of film provided an opportunity for the film viewer to develop an ideal friend and companion.

Movie studios recognized the psychological pull of these 'relationships' with movie viewers, and created publicity departments to feed details to the waiting public. Thus the notion of 'star power' pulling viewers into the cinema took root during this decade.

In 1909, a number of studios formed the Patents Company, which tried to develop the first 'star system.' This was far from a monopoly, however, as a number of independent film companies still competed for viewers. Some stars who had developed their own pulling power were able to compete against the Patents Company and help the industry to remain vibrant and competitive during the teens and 1920's (Kindern).

1920's: Rise of Star Power

Some movie stars became so popular that they were able to wrest negotiating control away from the studio moguls. In the 1920's, some of the most popular stars in the world included Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin. Tired of the 'cut' taken by the studio owners, and the encroachments on their freedom to make movies, these three stars combined with DW Griffiths, one of the best-known directors of the time, to form United Artists. Mary Pickford, who had married Douglas Fairbanks in 1920, was the business dynamo behind the creation of a new studio. She had long insisted on not "bundling" her films with other films, which increased distribution (but took away studio power). These stars, who were not under tight contracts to their studios, were able to use their star power to ensure that they could draw in customers to their theaters even without marketing and distribution support from the established studios (Bellanger).

As a result of United Artist's success, the studio owners took drastic action. They Went on a buying binge, purchasing existing studio chains and adding to them. This practice was stopped decades later on anti-trust grounds, as it ensured that studios could show only their films, and block out independent films from distribution.

Tightened the contracts of their 'stable' of stars, in order to insure that it would be difficult for those stars to leave the studio. The seven-year and 'lifetime' contracts became de rigueur for studios in the 1920's and 1930's.

Started a strategy of finding unknowns and growing them into studio stars.

This became the archetypal "star system," in which the Jack Warner's and Louis B. Meyer's of the studio world "owned" their stars.

1930's: Decade of Studio Power, Heyday of the Star System

The studios were able to weed out the independents through the above-named actions. They were helped by the environment and technology as well. Specifically, the coming of the 'talkies' in 1927 made it more expensive for studios to produce competitive films. This helped to weed out the less-competitive independent studios. Secondly, the Crash of 1929 and the subsequent Depression had a negative effect on weekly film attendance, making it more difficult for less widely-distributed or financially weaker films to survive. As a result, the studios were able to consolidate their movie-making and -distribution strategies, and to increase their bargaining power with their stars.

There were monumental battles between the stars and their studio heads -- but only where the stars felt that they could withhold their services and do real damage to their bosses. The battles between Jack Warner (Warner Brothers), James Cagney and Betty Davis provided both an exciting and cautionary tale for other stars of the period. If an actor refused to appear in a film, as directed by their studio, their pay was docked and they fell off the 'publicity machine.' James Cagney, for example, left Warner Brothers three times from 1931 to 1936. Cagney was the best-paid actor at the time, but he complained that he was unable to share in the profits of his films that did particularly well. Cagney sued to exit his contract, and went to an independent studio -- Grand National. This studio's distribution woes and lack of capital had Cagney back at Warner Brothers (Gallagher).

The studios, comfortable with their strangleholds on 'their' actors, were in a position to 'invest' in PR and advertising in their stars. They realized that star power put viewers in theater seats, and fed a diverse PR and general-interest reading publicity machine.

As with the modern recording industry, the studio heads found it more profitable to find non-entities and make them into stars. Previous acting talent was not a prerequisite, but "star quality" was. The studios created most of the stars of the 1930's and 1940's, from Lana Turner and John Wayne to Greta Garbo (whom even the studios couldn't control for long) to Humphrey Bogart. While some stars rebelled against the studio system, most notably Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn and Clark Gable, most succumbed the studios' stranglehold on capital, film-making expertise and distribution.

In the 1930's, the most powerful studio was MGM, under the direction of Louis B. Meyer. By 1934, MGM had sixty actors in its "star system," including top-drawing actors such as Clark Gable, Joan Crawford (her real name was Lucille Le Sueur), Clark Gable, Myrna Loy, William Powell, Greta Garbo, Norma Shearer, Jean Harlow, Robert Montgomery, Judy Garland, Katharine Hepburn, James Stewart, and Spencer Tracy. Thus MGM was a "star conglomerate" which could rely on… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising" Assignment:

History of the American Motion Picture

Length: 6-7 pages

Format: Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1***** margins


Your task for the research paper is to focus on a decisive event, piece of technology, concept, or group of individuals that played a role in the development of American cinema prior to 1939. Please outline the specific origins and effects of your selected topic and clearly explain its historical significance by constructing an argument supported by a strong thesis and evidence.

Paper Topic Selection:

*****¢ Keep the length of the assignment in mind when you select your topic. Please try to avoid redundant topics such as D.W. Griffith*****s role in the development of film narrative or Hollywood*****s transition to sound that are much too broad and exhaustive for an assignment of this length. Instead, focus on a specific aspect from the course that interests you. This will help you construct an original, historically-grounded argument.

*****¢ Develop a research question that will in turn help you arrive at a solid thesis. You might begin with the topic about the conversion to sound film, but the research question should be more developed and specific. For example, *****how did the conversion to sound film impact a major studio and its *****˜house***** style?***** Next, you should do some preliminary research in order to find a plausible answer grounded in historical data and evidence. Afterwards, you will be able to draft a thesis statement.

Paper Topic Suggestions:

*****¢ Write a general research paper using a minimum of three secondary sources analyzing a specific historical event in U.S. film history. For example, *****how did the adaptation of synchronized sound technology impact independent animation from 1925 to 1935?*****

*****¢ While not required, using archival documents and primary resources can help you formulate an original and stimulating research paper. The following suggestions are recommended topics for the advanced student.

1) Choose a film screened in class and write a historically-grounded reception study as to how the film was received by contemporary audiences in its original production context consulting film reviews from newspapers (The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times), trade journals (Variety, Motion Picture Herald, Box Office, Bioscope), and film magazines (Photoplay). These sources can be found in the Arts Library either in bound copies, microfilm, and/or Proquest article database. Please consult with your TA and the Arts library reference desk on how to locate these materials.

2) Using the Production Code Administration censorship files housed at the Margaret Herrick Motion Picture Academy Library, choose a film as a case study that demonstrates how the Hays office censored Hollywood films in the 1930s. This is a primary research project, so you will need to consult your TA about how to use archives and familiarize yourself with the Herrick library policies and plan ahead to access the materials ahead of the assignment due date.

Paper Guidelines and Requirements:

*****¢ Your paper must have a thesis. A thesis consists of a claim/argument, the techniques, concepts, general themes, theories, historical evidence, etc. that you choose to prove your claim, and the larger significance of your claim in terms of understanding your topic as a whole. Please bold the text of your thesis statement in your paper so that both you and your TA will recognize it.

*****¢ You must cite historical and scholarly evidence to support your argument and you are required to use a minimum of three sources for your research. Acceptable sources include scholarly books and articles published in scholarly journals, and/or primary sources (news papers and magazines from the original historical period). A wide selection of relevant source material has been placed on reserve for the class in the Arts Library, located in 1400 Public Policy. You should try to use books and articles published after 1985 in order to benefit from the extensive and recent innovations in the field of film history in the last twenty years. **Internet sites such as IMDB.com and Wikipedia are great for getting a general sense of information and should be cited accordingly. However, they do not count as part of your three required sources.**

*****¢ Do not write a summary history of your topic, recycle an argument from another author and/or book, or write a *****great man/woman***** biography if you choose to focus on individuals and their contribution to film history. For example, the following are unacceptable theses and topics:

A) *****The conversion to sound film forever changed the movie industry.*****

B) *****D.W. Griffith was the greatest and most innovative filmmaker of his time or of any generation.*****

C) *****Walt Disney supplied the United States with a magical world of fantasy that has delighted children and adults alike.*****

*****¢ All information and ideas adapted from another source, including direct quotations, must be properly cited with endnotes, footnotes, and/or parenthetical documentation. Please consult either the MLA handbook for *****s of Research Papers or The Chicago Manual of Style for correct citation procedures. You may use either MLA or Chicago style but please choose one and be consistent in your citations throughout the paper.

Topic: star systems and its contribution to the development of Hollywood PR and advertising stratgies.

How did star systems contribute the development of Hollywood PR and advertising system?

Examples of stars such as Theda Bara, Florence Lawrence etc...

How did it affect the film industry?

How is it relevent to today's Hollywood PR and advertising strategies?

How to Reference "Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861.
”Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861.
[1] ”Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861
1. Star System and Its Development of Hollywood PR and Advertising. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/star-system-contribution/5565861. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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