A-Level Coursework on "Stakeholder Profile"

A-Level Coursework 6 pages (2187 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

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Stakeholder Profile

Internal and External stakeholders in a coalition plan.

Stakeholders refer to the communities, people, or organizations that directly feel the impact of the decisions and actions of an organization. In addition, a stakeholder refers to anyone with an interest in a business. Internal stakeholders are people or groups that work directly with an organization, thereby making them qualify to be part of the organization. They include the employees, management, suppliers, customers and so forth (Bailey, 2005). On the other hand, external stakeholders refer to organizations or a person who are not directly working with the business but in a way feel the impact from the business's decisions. In addition, although the external stakeholders do not work directly with the business they have an interest in the business. They include the local governments, local communities, investment groups, the media, and many others. Though the government does not take part in a business firm, the imposition of tax and collection of revenue makes it eligible to be a stakeholder (Bailey, 2005).

Stakeholder worksheet

A stakeholder worksheet involves an analysis to evaluate, identify, and determine the influence and importance of key people, groups of people, or organizations that may have a significant impact the success of a business project, activity, or policy. Creating a stakeholder worksheet will involve identifying and mapping of the internal and external stakeholders, evaluating the importance and influence of the stakeholders. Stakeholder mapping is the primary process during the creation of a stakeholder engagement. It refers to id
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entifying the target groups and pulling as much information on them as possible. In developing such a public problem, of changing the gun laws, there is the need to appreciate the powers of various stakeholders, and their subsequent participation.

Internal stakeholders


Nature of power


They ensure a stable employment in an organization

Employees have unions who support them in case they have grievances.


They receive dividends from firms

They have shares and use it during voting


They receive a just business, in buying of services and goods.

They can boycott goods or services if they feel they are of low quality.


They receive orders for services and goods.

They act as suppliers, and may not supply goods if there is breach of contract.


They offer products to consumers, and receive goods at a reasonable cost.

They buy goods from other suppliers.

They can boycott goods from companies whose policies are unsatisfying.


They collect debts, interest, and are responsible for loan repayments.

They call in loans in a case where there are delay payments. In addition, they may seek legal advice to reposes property.

External stakeholders


Nature of power


The communities seek for employment, development of environment and protection of their environment.

The community may lobby for regulation of a company's policy, restrict the operating validity, and reject extension of credit.

Self-interest groups

The self-interest groups act like monitors. They monitor the company's actions and policies to make sure they coincide to protect the environment, and the public.

They may lobby the government for policy regulation through gain of support from the public.


The media informs the society on every issue that involves the welfare of the society, and it monitors the activities of a company.

The media makes events public mostly events that have a negative aspect.


Mainly, the government imposes tax and revenue, and enhances development of a company.

The government regulates laws and policies, oversee industrial activity, and addition, validate companies through license.

The public

The public mainly needs to protect the society, by minimizing risks.

They may praise or condemn the activities of a company, or support the activists.

A power vs. interest grid typically helps in the determination of which interests of stakeholders and their powers that need consideration in order to address the problem at hand. In addition, it also in knowing which stakeholders the organization should incorporate in solving the problem, and lastly it provides information on what to do to woo stakeholders into supporting the action plan. The knowledge gained from this grid helps in advancing the interest of the less influential stakeholders (Crosby & Bryson, 2005).

The four quadrants act as a reference to what level of stakeholder management that need employed to every stakeholder. There is a need of affecting an influence to change the level of each stakeholder to reach the key player level. Stakeholders in the least significant level need communication through mails, newsletters, or any general information model though their level of power is insignificant. These stakeholders have to reach the other level of stakeholder who has importance in an organization. On that level, there is a need of including them in low risk areas, keep them informed and consult them on interest area because they are potential supporters and they have some significant power in decision making of an organization (Crosby & Bryson, 2005).

The other level of stakeholders is those that need their requirements met. These stakeholders are always helpful in decision making of the organization, and so the need to consult them on the interest area, try to increase their level of interest, and have an aim of taking them to the level of the key players. The stakeholders on the key player level are of great importance. Therefore, there is the need to focus on them highly; the key players must take part in governing issues and in decision-making bodies. These people are vital and so regular consultation is a requirement. They have power, and their decisions in the organization count a lot.

Stakeholders influence diagram

The influence that stakeholders may have on organizational policy, strategy, and projects depends on the relationship to either the organization itself or the problem at hand. The influence and importance of stakeholders always depends on the objective aimed. Stakeholders are central to the growth or support to implementation of policies, or business activities. The problems, interests, and needs of stakeholders need priority. If the organization ignores effective evaluation of important stakeholders, then there is a likelihood of failing of a strategy.

The internal stakeholders influence an organization directly by having a legal hierarchy, having control of strategic resources and authority of leadership, and having the strength in relation to other stakeholders. External stakeholders may influence an organization through internal links, possessing knowledge and skill, taking part in strategy implementation, and control of strategic resources. Key stakeholders have high influence and highly important and so the need to engage them in the project

Gun Law: Historical overview, Problem, Approach to address this problem

The right to keep and bear arms went unchallenged for decades, until 1837 when the gun control laws created in Georgia. However, the Supreme Court abolished the law eight years later. After the civil war, several southern states aimed to prevent the blacks from owning guns, but this ended in 1868 because every citizen had equal rights. The first federal gun control happened in the 1920 and 30's. Over the last 80 years, the U.S. Congress has written controversial gun control laws due to the shocking crimes involving guns (Blair, 1999).

Automatic weapons came to use during a time when organized crime came to effect. The National Firearms Act of 1934-1938 seemed to encourage a new element of the crime. In a bid, to regulate machine guns, the government imposed tax on their manufacture and sale. All sales made record, and all the dealers had a license for the same. Again, there was a prohibition on violent criminals not to own guns. The court rulings changed part of the laws, but the main points were inclusive on the regulations. The shootings of President John F. Kennedy in the 1960s paved way for the passage of the gun control act of 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson. The act prohibited convicted criminals, drug users, and the mentally ill from owning guns.

The shooting of President Ronald Reagan and the Whitehouse House press secretary James Brady led to a campaign to change the gun laws. The campaign took years, but it became law in 1993, the law created a waiting period during the purchase of a firearm, and required buyers to undergo background checks. By the year 2012, an estimated 156 million Americans had undergone background checks where an estimated 1 million did not go through the checks. The most essential Federal regulation was the Violent Crime Control and the Law enforcement Act of 1994 whereby it banned the assault with weapons. Currently, the U.S. is exploring new federal laws on gun regulation because of the witnessed shootings.

In 1988, handguns killed seven people in Britain, 19 in Sweden, and 8, 915 in the United States. A great difference noted in the killing around the globe. Gun control is a problem faced in the United States, which needs appropriate measures. In the past, there were no definite measures to control the gun laws. Recently, the shootings in the school, subway, and the gang related shootings have pushed to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Stakeholder Profile" Assignment:

Stakeholder Profile

It might seem obvious that the ability to communicate with stakeholders is an important leadership skill when it comes to building coalitions. The more nuanced skill behind the obvious skill, however, knows how to identify and understand the stakeholders with whom you need to communicate, and how to use that understanding to ensure an equal voice for all stakeholders in the coalition.

For this assignment, identify the internal and external stakeholders that would support and oppose your action plan for the Public Problem of: Why gun laws need to be changed. Develop a power versus interest grid (see page 121, Exercise 4.2 of Crosby and Bryson) to identify potential coalition members and their decision-making power.

Use the information that you derived from the power versus interest grid to complete a stakeholder influence diagram (see Exercise 4.5 on pages 137*****138 of Crosby and Bryson as well as the media presentation "Building a Coalition" from this unit's studies).


Crosby, B. C. & Bryson, J. M. (2005). Leadership for the common good: Tackling public

problems in a shared-power world. (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Josey-Bass.

(1) Laying the Groundwork for a Winning Coalition.

Return to the list of Stakeholders for each one, fill out this worksheet. In doing so, pay attention to perspectives and needs differing by gender, ethnicity, physical ability, age, religious preference, and other characteristics as relevant.

Stakeholder Worksheet

How do they influence us?

What do we need from them?

How important are they?

o Extremely

o Reasonably

o Not very

o Not at all

(2) Construct a problem statement. Review pages 236*****239 in Crosby and Bryson for ideas on how to construct problem statements.

While it is important to understand how to construct a complete problem statement (create a modified version). The emphasis of this project is on leadership, and we are using the problem statement primarily as a tool in our analysis of leadership skills. Key elements to include for the purposes of this assignment are:

*****¢ A historical overview of the problem.

*****¢ A description of why the problem was selected. (Public Problem: Why Gun Laws should be changed).

*****¢ An overview of the approach that will be used to address the problem.

(3) Collect stakeholder data that contributes to your implementation strategy and action planning.

Construct a policy implementation grid. Use Exercise 11.1 on page 327 in Crosby and Bryson to complete this assignment.


How to Reference "Stakeholder Profile" A-Level Coursework in a Bibliography

Stakeholder Profile.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Stakeholder Profile (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Stakeholder Profile. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Stakeholder Profile” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501.
”Stakeholder Profile” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501.
[1] ”Stakeholder Profile”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Stakeholder Profile [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501
1. Stakeholder Profile. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/stakeholder-profile-internal-external/4677501. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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