Essay on "Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis"

Essay 4 pages (1312 words) Sources: 4

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Stakeholder Map and Stakeholder Analysis

My organization

I am the commander of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau and it comprises of six distinct units. They include the Intelligence Analysis Unit, the Criminal Intelligence Unit, the Electronic Unit, the Adult Use Unit, the Gang Suppression Unit, and the Adult Use Unit. The Criminal Intelligence Bureau primary function is to support law enforcement through strategic and tactical intelligence. The bureau is responsible for collecting and analyzing data of any faction that is criminal in nature. It disseminates this data to appropriate enforcement units (Todd & Jonathan, 2008). The bureau also helps protect dignitaries visiting the country by providing investigative services to the executive branch. The Criminal Intelligence Bureau was established to offer law enforcement entities across the Commonwealth with the purpose of meeting their information needs. The Bureau provides municipal, state, and federal officers with access to intelligence data and investigative data through collecting and analyzing complex intelligence information.

Key stakeholders

We are an independent organization within the portfolio of the Attorney General. As the commander of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau, I report directly to the Justice Ministry. Collaboration with various entities minimizes threats and the impact of critical organized crime. We closely collaborate with all law enforcement related government agencies and the media towards this approach. The organization has high regards for its stakeholders and is committed to enhancing the partnerships with the broader government, the private sector
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and law enforcement agencies to combat serious and organized crime (Levinson, 2012).

Figure 1: Stakeholders

We also work closely with an increasing range of stakeholders including government entities such as the Institute of Criminology, Crime TRAC, and Department of Immigration and Analysis Center. Our collaboration with the private sector is growing because we must work with industry- based stakeholders like retail and banking sectors.

Identify the stakeholder's interests and concerns

Our stakeholders are interested in two things:

I. To promote intelligence sharing related to prosecution approaches emphasizing fast response and integration of investigations

II. To identify emerging risks and priorities and increase intelligence based investigation projects

Claims that stakeholders are likely to make on the organization

Stakeholders will always make claims for an organization. In this case, while some want to influence this organization, others are concerned with how they are affected by this organization. Therefore, the latter would be a focus on either increasing or decreasing activities of the organization to favor them. Organizations such as trade unions, employees, suppliers, and customers form the direct stakeholder category. They may claim direct claims such as salary increase. Local communities might demand improved social amenities and employment opportunities. On the other hand, the business community may claim a high level of security assurance to guarantee a safer business environment (Fijnaut, 2011).

Identify which stakeholders are most important to your organization

All stakeholders have unique importance when it comes to matters pertaining to national intelligence. Policy makers and government officials are responsible for devising, passing and enforcing regulations and laws. On the other hand, federal and state agencies often issue and revise regulations requirements. Sometimes, they can break how to regulate by vigorously enforcing their policies. The media play a crucial role of making public important issues, which must be known by the public. Policy makers are the intended primary consumers of intelligence information. Intelligence analysts and officers are important stakeholders and key partners in the production and dissemination of strategic intelligence (Tita, Troshynski & Graves, 2007).

A SWOT Analysis of the organization

This involves the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the Criminal Intelligence Bureau.

Strengths: officers working under this unit have a 'can do' culture and they never say 'no' when assigned tasks. Such ability to rise to the occasion even in times of crisis has demonstrated to be immense (Tita, Troshynski & Graves, 2007).

Weaknesses: acute shortage of the workforce has adversely affected the organization. Inadequate human resources, poor planning and lack of government financial support

Opportunities:… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis" Assignment:

For this assignment, you will assume the role of Major Camille Ingram, the commander of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau. You have been asked by Major Warren to complete a comprehensive stakeholder map and stakeholder analysis in preparation for the upcoming Democratic-Republican National Convention. Your unit of analysis is the Miami-Dade Police Department. Your analysis must follow these steps:

Step 1: Describe and define your organization.

Step 2: Identify the key stakeholders.

Step 3: Identify the stakeholders***** interests and concerns.

Step 4: Identify the claims that stakeholders are likely to make on the organization.

Step 5: Identify which stakeholders are most important to your organization.

Step 6: Conduct a SWOT Analysis of your organization.

Step 7: Determine organizational strategy.

Step 8: Determine organizational policy.

Step 9: Recommend specific action.

First view the Module 5 AVP on stakeholder analysis. Next, review "Stakeholder Analysis ***** A Nine Step Approach" in Doc Sharing.

As part of this assignment, you are to design a stakeholder map that depicts the stakeholder environment of your organization on a single page. Refer to the "Guide for Designing Stakeholder Maps" in Doc Sharing for examples of other stakeholder maps. There is no one universal way of designing stakeholder maps. Use your creativity. Your stakeholder map must be embedded as a single page (either inserted or copied and pasted) into the body of your written assignment.

Your narrative should go beyond the obvious and be written at a graduate level. Your paper should be no less than 1,200 words, and no more than 2,500 words. Any sources including but not limited to journals, magazine, and/or books must be properly cited using the APA style. Click here to view the scoring rubric for this assignment

It has been several weeks since Major Warren received the news that he had been selected to be the Incident Commander and principal planner of the Democratic-Republican National Convention scheduled for August of next year. Upon hearing the news, Major Warren immediately got to work. He met with captains and lieutenants, and he reached out to other commanders in the Miami-Dade Police Department in order to pick their brains. There were many commanders with plenty experience in planning large scale special events such as this one, and Warren was not embarrassed to ask questions. That was his personality and his leadership style. He felt very secure of himself and did not feel threatened by others***** ideas.

In these past few weeks, Major Warren had forced himself to take a crash course on large scale special event planning. He had been involved in the planning of smaller events, and he had considerable experience in handling large critical incidents, but this was a different matter altogether. The more he learned, the more he realized how little he knew, and how much he to catch up on.

During this time, Major Warren had met with Major Camille Ingram, the commander of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau. Warren had asked Ingram to focus her Bureau*****s attention to protest groups that were likely to target the DRNC for disruptive demonstrations. Ingram agreed and assigned two of her top analysts to focus exclusively on the DRNC. Warren and his staff were put on a regular distribution list and received daily intelligence reports via e-mail from CIB. Most of these intelligence reports were from open sources, and readily available to the public. Warren and his lieutenants were way too busy to look for these articles and blogs on their own. That is why the two analysts that were assigned to the DRNC became such a valuable asset.

Major Warren soon came to the realization of how many different players were involved in the planning and execution of the DRNC. There seemed to be hundreds of interested parties in this event, and that did not take into account the possible protest groups that were likely to show up. He realized that before he could proceed in the planning of the event, he needed to formulate some general policies and strategies. To do that, he needed to account for all the players likely to be involved in, or affected by the policy. He needed to know who his partners would be and who his adversaries would be. He needed to know what their expectations were and what the possible points of conflict would be. Lastly, he needed to know how these groups would interact with one another.

Warren had graduated two years earlier with a master's degree in public administration and he had learned about stakeholder analysis during his studies. He decided to put this knowledge to work for a practical application. He wrote an e-mail to Major Ingram requesting that the CIB put together a comprehensive list of stakeholders that are likely to be involved in the DRNC. He asked that the list of stakeholders include all partners and possible adversaries. Finally, he asked if CIB would conduct a comprehensive stakeholder analysis and to include a stakeholder map with their report. Major Ingram agreed to this and told Warren that he would have his stakeholder analysis within a week. *****


How to Reference "Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis" Essay in a Bibliography

Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis” 2013.
”Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Nine Step Stakeholder Analysis. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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