Term Paper on "Solving Conflict in the Workplace"

Term Paper 10 pages (3127 words) Sources: 1+

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Solving Conflict in the Workplace

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Over the last 25 years globalization has had a major impact upon the workplace. Where, it is increasing the overall amounts of competition among a variety of businesses and employees. An indirect result of this is: the increased amounts of conflict within the workplace. Simply put, conflict is when there is a difference of opinions, necessities or expectations. During the course of conducting business, it can often occur between: employees, management, with other businesses / customers or combination of these different elements. ("About Workplace Conflict," n.d.) if any kind of potential conflicts are not dealt with quickly, the business could suffer a number of different challenges over the short to long-term. Where, it will play a role in: increasing stress levels, decreasing productivity, employee turnover and in some cases it can threaten the financial viability of the organization. An example as to how pervasive this problem could become, can be seen with two different studies. The first one that was conducted by a UK-based think tank called Roffery Park. Where, they found that 78% of managers are suffering from some kind of work related stress. While, 52% have experienced some form of harassment and 46% reported large amounts of conflict within the workplace. The second study conducted by the Health and Wellness Research Database, found that the total amount of lost work time that occurs because of increased amounts of conflict is $1.7 billion per year. ("About Workplace Conflict," n.d.) What these two statistics show is that the total amounts of conflict within the workplace can lead to increase amounts of str
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ess. Where, the consistent levels of conflict within an organization will play a major role in determining how productive and profitable an entity will be in the future. In the project proposal that was submitted a conflict exists between two co workers that are working in the same marketing department. Where, management is trying to use both of them to determine the overall amounts of real time supply and demand within the marketplace. The conflict begins, with the fact that neither one of the individuals like each other and that one is intentionally late in filling their reports. This reflects poorly on both and makes the department look as if no one is taking the initiative to reach the company's objectives. To rectify this situation requires examining how to effectively resolve this issue before it escalates into something more serious. This will be accomplished by: reviewing relevant pieces of scholarly / professional literature on the subject, analyzing the literature and provide specific recommendations as to how this situation can be rectified. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights, as to how to effectively resolve conflicts when they occur in the workplace.

Literature Review

There are a number of different piece of literature on how to effectively resolve a variety of conflicts within the workplace. To determine ways that the specific case scenario between the two salespeople can be resolved requires: that you examine the various pieces of literature this issue.

Jordan, P. (2004). Managing Emotions During Team Problem Solving. Human Performance, 17 (2), 195 -- 128.

In this article, researchers were attempting to draw a direct link between the emotional maturity (intelligence) in comparison with the overall levels of productivity in the workplace. Where, very little research has been conducted, to determine if there is a direct link between emotional intelligence and productivity. To resolve this issue, researchers surveyed 108 different teams in variety of industries, where they would give them an emotional intelligence test. At which point, they would have everyone complete problem solving tasks involving some of the different conflicts they encounter. The results were that those teams / organizations that were the most productive had high amounts of emotional intelligence. Where, the ability of the team to solve different conflicts quickly would lead to higher amounts of positive emotions. This would have a direct effect upon the productivity of the team / organization, as the favorable amounts of emotions would lead to higher levels of productivity. (Jordan, 2004) in the case of the organization that we are examining, this information is useful in providing insights as to what issues could be making the situation worse. Based upon this research, one could effectively argue that the contempt that both salespeople have for each other, is causing the overall amounts of negative emotions to rise dramatically. Once this occurs, it can mean that even the smallest mistakes that the other person is making could be blown completely out of proportion. Where, these negative emotions cause both individuals to become more negative about their jobs, at which point the overall amounts of productivity drop. In this situation, one could infer that the salesperson, who is submitting their reports late, is doing so because of these negative emotions.

Mayer, B. (2000). The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution. Retrieved June 13, 2010 from University of Hawaii website: http://www.hawaii.edu/hivandaids/the%20Dynamics%20of%20Conflict%20Resolution.pdf

In the article, the Dynamics of Conflict, the author examines several reasons why conflicts occur. A few of the most notable would include: miscommunication, heated emotions, differences in values and the history between the two sides. These are important, because they help to provide a variety of different reasons as to how conflicts can occur. Next, the article shifts gears and talks about what more than likely needs to occur to end the conflict, along with how it can be a positive force for change within an organization. According to the article, most people who are engaged in conflict want to be treated fairly. This means that they want to have an opportunity to have their voice heard by an impartial audience. Once this takes place, most conflicts end very quickly, as one side more than likely wanted to have a forum of venting their concerns. At which point, finding a mutual understanding between the two sides is easier. Then, the article talks about how conflict is a part of life that pushes the individual and organizations to move further ahead. It is how you deal with the different conflicts that will determine how productive or unproductive an organization will be. (Mayer, 2000) This is significant, because it shows the underlying causes as to why a variety of conflicts can occur. It then shows how most conflicts can easily be resolved, by providing both sides with a forum where they can vent their emotions. Once this takes place, is when you have the ability to satisfy both sides, as the overall amounts of intensity has been reduced. It also highlights how conflict is a part of growing and should be expected no matter what happens. In the case of the organization that we are examining, this information is useful in helping to identify the different reasons why conflict is occurring and how managers must be prepared for it, by understanding the root causes. Once a potential conflict is emerging, they should provide a forum where both sides will have the chance to present their views. At which point, coming to a mutual understanding is much easier.

Tinsley, C. (2001). Managing Workplace Conflict in the United States and Hong Kong. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 85(2), 360 -- 381.

In this article, the author talks about how managers in American and Hong Kong-based companies have a different approach for resolving conflict. Where, American managers will resolve more conflicts than their Chinese counterparts, as they tend to focus on addressing issues affecting the individual. While, managers in Hong Kong will focus more on the benefit of group over the individual, which means that they will resolve conflicts differently. When the managers work in different cultures, these ways of setting conflicts could be problematic, as they do not reflect the values / identity of the culture. According to the article, the best way to resolve these potential issues is to have managers adapt their philosophy on conflict resolution to the culture. (Tinsley, 2001) This is significant, because it shows how conflicts could occur based upon cultural misunderstandings. When you apply this information to the study of the organization, there could be a possible misunderstanding between the two different salespeople, as one may be working in a culture that is acceptable for them. This could include everything ranging from the culture within an organization they worked for to their upbringing. In order to resolve any kind of potential conflict, it is important to understand the different cultural factors and how they could be helping contribute to the conflict.

Gershenfeld, J. (1991). The Impact on Economic Performance of a Transformation in Workplace Relations. 44 Industry & Labor Relations Revision, 241.

In the article titled, the Impact on Economic Performance of a Transformation in Workplace Relations, it highlights how the overall productivity of an organization will be affected by the levels of conflict that occur. Where, researchers surveyed the levels of productivity within unionized manufacturing organizations between 1984 and 1987. After examining: various grievances, procedures and conflict resolutions;… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Solving Conflict in the Workplace" Assignment:

The purpose of this Preparation Guide is to provide you with some direction concerning the content, process, and structure of your final class project. In the sections below are offered some helpful information that will prove valuable with respect to facilitating your completion of a course project reflective of the high standards of quality work and personal learning that should be the aim of each participant in the course.


Members of the class are required to prepare a session project, not to exceed 12 pages in length (excluding appendices), on the broad theme of workplace conflict resolution. Within this broad theme, the project is intended to be an opportunity to explore in some depth some topic related to the course that is of specific significance to you.

In developing the project, select a specific conflict situation of interest to you. Think of yourself as a conflict resolution consultant and assume that a key manager has requested a thorough analysis and recommended course of action to resolve an actual conflict that will make a difference to the future performance of the organization.

The project should develop on the following time line:


1 Prepare draft project proposal.

2 Refine project proposal.

3 Submit written project proposal��*****"describe conflict situation/organizational setting. [Note: get a jump start on your literature review NOW]

4-6 Continue to work on class Project

7 Completed Project submitted to instructor; Executive Summary placed in Document Sharing for class.

As should be evident, this course project is not designed as a *****make-work***** type of exercise. Rather, it is aimed at affording students the opportunity to bring major course concepts to *****life***** via their application to *****real-world***** conflict resolution situations.

To maximize the prospects for success with this project, it behooves each student to carefully deliberate on the overall project and component tasks as defined in the section below. Your paper must include, but is not limited to, the following sections:


Title Page


Title of Your Conflict Resolution Paper

Your name, Class, Instructor, Email address, and Date.



Provide an overview detailing the background necessary to fully understanding the context of the conflict scenario you wish to study. Present background/facts that will enable the reader to clearly understand the conflict situation and what is to follow.

Literature Review


Connect the conflict situation you are studing to scholarly work in Managing Conflict in the Workplace. Review at least 6 scholarly or professional studies or articles that seem relevant to your study. Be sure to cite all your sources in your paper. See specific guidelines below.



Provide an identification and description of the causes of the conflict situation. Be sure the causes you identify relate directly to the conflict under study. A critical element of the strength of this section is to apply conflict resolution concepts and models from our text, from class discussions, and from your literature review. Discuss the concepts, ideas or insights that are most valuable in helping you make sense of the causes of the conflict resolution. Support your analysis with reference to appropriate research and to illustrations.

Conflict Resolution Recommend-tion


Suggest consequences if nothing is done differently or no actions are taken to address the causes of this conflict. Recommend a more desirable state of affairs (behaviors); compare this state to what happens if no changes are made. Describe exactly what should be done and how it should be done, including by whom, with whom, and in what sequence.



Think about this assignment and write a well-thought out reflective statement about how this assignment influenced your personal development in better understanding how to better manage conflict in the workplace.



You must use no less than 6 resources outside your textbooks. Cite all sources.

All references must be cited in two places: within the body of your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately. Refer to the Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook by Winkler and McCuen to understand how to cite sources appropriately.

Citing an author*****s work within your text documents your research, identifies the source for readers, and enables readers to locate the source of information in the alphabetical reference list at the end of the paper.

To use the ideas or words of another person without crediting the source is plagiarism. Plagiarism in its purest form involves copying passages either verbatim or nearly verbatim, with no direct acknowledgment of the source. The most common (and unconscious) form of plagiarism is to paraphrase a direct quotation. Paraphrasing does not relieve you of the conflict resolution to provide proper identification of source data. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or conclusions not your own are given proper acknowledgment in your text.

Total 220 Note: Grammar, syntax errors and failure to properly use citations or failure to cite resources will result in point deductions from the total points earned.

A Few Final Suggestions for the Session Paper:

 Use the section headings in this guide as subtitles for your project. It makes it easier for the reader to find all of the elements of your project.

 Use this guide as a checklist. Make sure that each item is included and is located in the right place. This will insure that you don*****t leave things out and it will make reviewing your drafts and your final project much easier.

 Review the Project Grading Rubric posted in document sharing.

 Review the Literature Review Guidelines below.


A literature review is a written discussion of published or unpublished research, commentary, and information on a topic. The *****literature***** refers to books, journal articles, magazine and newspaper articles, company records and documents, and even personal interviews with knowledgeable industry conflict resolution experts.

 Your task is to search the management and conflict resolution literature to: (1) discover the most common underlying causes of the type of conflict symptoms you have uncovered; and (2) discover the various solutions to conflict resolution that may apply to your particular situation.

 You should supply some commentary on what you find. Don*****t just describe what*****s written in 6 articles. You should talk about the concepts, ideas, or insights that have the most value for helping you make sense of your project. What theories can you use? What *****s say something of value? And why? Which models are the most helpful, and why?

 You should cite at least 6 sources in addition to the course text (6 is *****B***** level work, *****A***** level work would cite more). You must use the author-date citation system described in the *****Writing the Research Paper***** handbook. While newspaper articles can be excellent sources of information, it*****s important that not all of your citations be newspaper articles. You should access articles in management and CONFLICT RESOLUTION journals as well.

The proposal that I already submitted......

Project Proposal

I am writing this proposal to offer a resolution for a serious conflict that has been ongoing between 2 co-workers for several months. The issue is about two marketing sales people that need to provide monthly sales results to management so the company can know how successful their products is. If the product is not selling successfully the company will need to pull the product immediately and if the product is doing well then the company will know to produce more. The problem is that the two marketing sales consultants that job is to sell the product, they are having interdependence conflicts. Both sales consultants work at the store, but one of the consultants is constantly putting in the sales report late which makes both employees look unproductive. On top of it all both employees do not get along that well. Based off of my evaluation majority of the misunderstanding is because of lack of communication and I would like to recommend a solution to solve the problem between the two employees that would not only benefit them but it will also benefit the company as a whole.


How to Reference "Solving Conflict in the Workplace" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Solving Conflict in the Workplace.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Solving Conflict in the Workplace (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Solving Conflict in the Workplace. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Solving Conflict in the Workplace” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143.
”Solving Conflict in the Workplace” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143.
[1] ”Solving Conflict in the Workplace”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Solving Conflict in the Workplace [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143
1. Solving Conflict in the Workplace. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/solving-conflict-workplace/19143. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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