Essay on "Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche"

Essay 3 pages (1041 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

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solutions to current public problems, it is important to understand what major political philosophers from the past have said. Such understanding gives perspective that may not be available when merely weighing problems from the limits of today's major lines of thinking. In this essay, a brief debate will be imagined between Locke, Rousseau, Machiaveli, and Nietzsche, regarding issues having to do with climate change, healthcare reform, the war in Afghanistan. All of these issues have been in the news in recent days, as reflected in the Wall Street Journal.

Climate Change: The countries of the world are coming together this week in Copenhagen to undertake discussion regarding international efforts to manage climate change. Business has expressed strong concerns regarding proposed rules for carbon dioxide emissions, particularly in light of recent allegations that some data has been manipulated to make climate change seem worse than it is (Ball and Forrell, 2009; Totty, 2009). Should governments dial back efforts until a clearer picture exists.


As you know, I have written that "Every one admits how praiseworthy it is in a prince to keep faith, and to live with integrity and not with craft. Nevertheless our experience has been that those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to circumvent the intellect of men by craft, and in the end have overcome those who have relied on their word." (XVIII, 1) I believe this issue holds potential for great benefit to the rulers of the earth. So what if a little fudging of number may or may not have occurred? What is important is the advantage the issue
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offers to rulers to maintain order by keeping citizens in line.

Locke: But princes should be priests first (p. 42). That is they owe their subjects the same duties a father owes his children, to be trustworthy and to act for their benefit. I believe that the property rights of men circumvent the government's interest in all but the most extreme cases. Governments must be very careful when telling people what they can and can't do with their property.

Rousseau: Yes, But the public will always wants what is right, but it doesn't always know what that is (31). It is the legislator's role to tell them. Governments should move ahead cautiously.

Nietzsche: Let it burn! But, really… of course science conceals. That is what it does! (583) But what does any of this really matter ultimately? As I have written: "All great things bring about their own destruction through an act of self-overcoming" (597) Governments are still too mired down in trying to do what is right.

Healthcare reform: The Wall Street Journal reports today that abortion threatens to bring down the effort to reform the healthcare system (Adamy and Hitt, 2009). What say you all?

Locke: I have said that "Whenever the legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the property of the people… they put themselves into a state of war with the people" (111). By attempting to take over a large part of the economy, this government comes… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche" Assignment:

The essay should be as if you are watching a debate today,in 2009 between Machiavelli, Locke, *****, and Nietzsche. They are debating over the following themes:

(1) property rights and the desire to acquire;

(2) human nature and the state of nature;

(3) the transition to civil society and law; and

(4) democracy, liberty, and equality.

Each thinker/philosopher argues in favor of his own position and attempts to show the inadequacies of the others' views.

In an essay of 3 pages plus notes, you capture the heart of the debate. At the end of the essay, take your own stance and give your reasons. A minimum of four illustrations from recent issues of the Wall Street Journal and 10 citations of the primary texts:Noccolo Machiavelli- The Prince, John Locke- Second Treatise of Government, Jean-Jacques *****- First and Second Discourses, Fredrich Nietzsche- The Genealogy of Morals.Please use footnotes instead of bibliography page.BE SURE TO ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION!!

How to Reference "Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche" Essay in a Bibliography

Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche” 2009.
”Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Machiavelli Locke Rousseau and Nietzsche. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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