Case Study on "Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc"

Case Study 12 pages (3831 words) Sources: 10

[EXCERPT] . . . .

it solutions to Coach, Inc.

Coach, Inc. prides itself on establishing one of the world's most recognizable brands. Through its high end products, Coach, Inc. has captured an elite section of the market space and has grown in both size and reputation since its founding in Manhattan. With this growth comes expansion and infiltration into international market spaces, the need for coordinating across borders without any flaws manifests itself as a tantamount priority (OLBETER, 2004). In order to ensure this process is as effective and efficient as possible it is imperative the appropriate telecommunication system is in place.

All businesses experience some level of "growing pains" and Coach, Inc. is no different. In it's quest to become the largest high-end retailer in the world, Coach, Inc. has been forced to deal with parts of a telecommunication system that is outdate, outmoded and at time unreliable. There have been numerous individuals that have experienced losses of vital data, the lack of communication within virtual groups and experienced difficulty sharing information across departmental boundaries. Over the past several years, the systems have been modified in a "ad-hoc" manner; however this has only served to increase the level of incompatibility within the overall organization. Many of the sub-systems are unable to effectively communicate with one another given the platforms are different in their core competencies.

The purpose of this report is to identify the main telecommunication issues that are plaguing Coach, Inc. presently. These problems span the categories of telecommunication, wireless network integration and problems with the it netwo
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rk. Furthermore this report will identify several critical solutions that can be implemented to remove the majority of these problems. Secondly, this report will include a proposed information form that would be responsible for ascertaining all the relevant information pertinent to all telecommunication systems as well as identifying the potential shortcomings of this methodology and what can be done to overcome them. Finally, this report will identify and evaluate certain criteria for justifying it investment within Coach, Inc. Furthermore, this report will also identify certain outside vendors that Coach, Inc. could work with. Lastly, this report will identify some concerns Coach, Inc. would have with outsourcing its it as a unit.


Part I: IT Issues and Solutions

The common issues within Coach, Inc. have been stated at the outset of this report. The telecommunication systems have been addressed on an as needed or "ad hoc" basis. Therefore, system compatibility is a main issue. If the underlying platforms are not compatible within a telecommunication system this increases the risk of the inability of certain platforms to talk to one another. One contributing factor is there is no uniformity within the hardware and software that is used within the telecommunication system within Coach, Inc. The hardware and platforms come from a variety of vendors-each with their own unique subset of qualities. As a direct and consequential result, there is the possibility that telecommunication system a may not be able to effectively communicate with telecommunication system B. due to basic hardware incompatibility.

In addition to the telecommunication issues presented within Coach, Inc. there are a host of wireless network issues as well. The development of a well functioning wireless network is pivotal for the development of virtual, global teams (MILLER 2010). The issues currently plaguing the wireless networks of Coach, Inc. involve components of the network nearing obsolescence and as a result, it is very difficult at points, to communicate across departments within Coach, Inc. Furthermore, there is difficulty in conducting intradepartmental meetings, across offices and sectors due to the incompatibility and outmoded technology that Coach, Inc. has within some of its wireless networks. The overarching problem within Coach, Inc.'s telecommunication sector are the issues present within the overall it Network.

The Information Technology network combines the software architecture and overall network design that links the various departments both on a domestic and international level (COMBES 2010). Various components and structures within the overall it network have been modified, however the has yet to be a holistic review, diagnosis and treatment of the extensive non-compatibility problems that have plagued the it network over the past several years. Furthermore, these problems have rendered it difficult to create and maintain virtual working groups so that departments and divisions may exchange information in real time formats and increasing productivity (PARK 2008).

These issues by no means formulate an exhaustive list. There are more specific, highly detailed problems that have manifested themselves within Coach, Inc.'s it networking. The next section of this report will be to examine some of the main solutions that can be integrated within the Coach, Inc. It network. Some of these solutions are more practical than others given the current state of Coach, Inc.'s it network and the intensive review that needs to be conducted. The first solution of the multitude of issues Coach, Inc. is dealing with involves using current Business Analytic Software to analyze customer flow, coordinate sales and tasks force and analyze revenue streams across a variety of platforms, sectors and regions (IBM 2010).

Business Analytic Software (BAS) fulfills a number of critical functions. First it increases Coach's ability to attract new customers while tracking the spending habits of existing customers (IBM 2010). Second, it allows for the production of various "scorecards" that allow Coach to monitor revenue performance within several different product lines (IBM 2010). BAS also provides Coach to improve and enhance customer service operations as well as improving cross marketing platforms within the network which allow Coach, Inc. To develop new revenue streams. Lastly, BAS can allow Coach to improve the effective allocation of resources and can ultimately lead to improved labor costs (IBM 2010).

Business Analytic Software is the penultimate in business software that can enable Coach, Inc. To attain the goals it has set for itself as a corporation. Analytic software allows Coach, Inc. To make business decisions and implement strategy across the corporate landscape with the added advantage of having real-time, real-world sales and product information at their disposal. IBM also offers several other innovative solutions for the it Network. One of the more innovative solutions involves the use of "Cloud Computing" through the IBM network.

Cloud Computing offers a workload centered, sophisticated and enhanced customer service along with managerial capabilities and options that provide for new it solutions to be shared across offices, even across borders. The Cloud Computing platform incorporates enhanced platforms effectiveness built behind Coach, Inc.'s firewalls to generate enhanced performance. Another integral solution that can improve the issues experienced within Coach, Inc. is the improvement of the broadband network within the organization. Improving broadband or replacing the current wireless network with broadband technology has the potential improve the effectiveness of the overall network and allow for ease of communication across the infrastructure. Also, including high speed broadband within the software framework will allow the modifications to occur within the overall network without an major interruptions in service. Including high speed broadband will allow flawless and seamless integration of information across all levels and foster a more vertical integration of customer, product, revenue and sales data.

Part II

The second part of this report deals with the mechanism wherein information is gathered to ascertain the mechanism suitable to gather detailed information on the nature scope, function and characteristics of the different information systems/applications across the company's various platforms. This method will be a pivotal component of determining how best to approach the issues that are present within Coach, Inc. It network and systems. Additionally, this methodology will allow the acquisition of vital information that can formulate the most appropriate responses to the technological issues facing Coach, Inc. This questionnaire will revolve around several core areas. These areas include, an overview of Information Technology/Information System policies, Development of these policies, it Training, and Communication.

MIS Policy Review involves questions such as "has management devised, developed and maintained a current information technology policy?" This question is the underpinning of the entire rest of the analysis (COMPTROLER'S HANDBOOK 2005). If there is no coherent policy then it is unlikely that any of the it/IS milestones will be met. This is applicable in Coach, Inc.'s situation. If there has been no uniform it/IS policy in place then it does little good to discuss revamping the current telecommunication strategies, an entirely new complex network would have to be devised. The second area that the broad policy review would focus on would be "If such a policy exists does it provide guidance in the following areas: development, purpose and fundamental components of any information technology platform: initiating, developing, and completing guidelines?" (COMPTROLER'S HANDBOOK 2005) This second area brings the more broadly stated policy into more striking view. In other words, it is not enough to simply have a policy just for policy sake, it must be an effective policy that has the potential of getting things done.

The second area this questionnaire will focus on will be the development of the policy. Specifically, this section will focus on "does… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc" Assignment:

Part 1: Scenario Outline

You have recently been appointed the Communications Systems Manager for a large company, named Coach Inc. Coach Inc. is an American luxury leather goods company primarily known for its quality ladies***** handbags.

Founded in 1941, as a family run workshop based in a Manhattan loft, Coach has grown dramatically since its inception and aspires to maintain its high standards for materials and craftsmanship. In 2008, facing the severe economic recession in its core US market, Coach decided to expand into Asia targeting China as its key market.

According to Ernst and Young:

- China bought $2 billion worth of upscale products in 2008, potentially rising to $11.5 billion by 2015.

- At the end of 2006, China boasted 345,000 US dollar millionaires, one third of whom were women.

Coach estimates that China can represent over 4% of its sales turnover by 2013 by expanding into one hundred cities. The company is also intending to obtain its own retail business in greater China by acquiring its current distributor, ImagineX, boosting its market presence. Coach expects to increase the number of stores there from 25 in 2008 to 80 by 2013, which will consist of flagship and stand-alone stores, as well as factory outlets.

Coach hopes to replicate its Japanese success in China (see table) by increasing its market share from just 3% in 2008 (compared to 30% for Louis Vuitton) to 10% by 2013.

Brand 2000 2008

Louis Vuitton 33% 27%

Coach 2% 12%

Prada 10% 10%

Gucci 10% 10%

Chief Executive Officer Lew Frankfort explained how Coach took market share from its European competitors in Japan: *****Many Japanese women told us they would rather spend 60,000 yen ($578) for a Coach bag and spend the other 60,000 yen that they would save by not buying a European luxury brand and use it to go to Thailand.*****

Coach especially appeals to women under 35. Older Japanese women prefer carrying European luxury brands as a status symbol. CEO Lew Frankfort states that Coach*****s competitive advantage over other luxury leather goods companies such as Louis Vuitton is that *****we offer a well-made and stylish product*****¦ at less than half the price point of our European competitors.*****

Coach handbags can retail for up to $1,100, although many in the range are much cheaper. To make the brand more price competitive than its European rival brands, Coach manufacturers in low-cost countries while sourcing its raw materials from high-quality mills and tanneries, resulting in Coach*****s production being a fraction of its European competitors***** costs, while retaining a premium image.

Coach*****s primary focus is on the female consumer because *****she tends to be brand-loyal, will go shopping whether the stock market declines or not and if she has a bad day at the office she may buy herself a Coach bag where as a man would have a double Scotch.*****

Describing the difference between the Chinese and U.S. consumer, Frankfort said: *****In China, there*****s a luxury consumer that represents perhaps .05% of the population ***** very small but with enormous purchasing power. That*****s not our primary target. Our target is the emerging middle class who have gone to University and are now getting 30 to 40% [salary] increases a year*****¦ These women are trading up and investing in plasma TVs and laptops computers and Coach Bags. They are looking for ways to broaden their life and Coach is one way*****¦ There are some consumers who are extremely wealthy, and hopefully our limited-edition product will attract them, but they are not our primary thrust.*****

The next opportunity is seen as India, though for the time being that market is on the back burner because of infrastructure problems.

Communication Issues:

Each division is itself geographically dispersed; with offices located in several cities across America. The company already has a dynamic web site on the internet advertising their aims and an impressive list of all products.

Communications is important to the company*****s business success, a point that was made clear at your appointment.

Although the technical, managerial, and planning expertise of the company is not in question, the profitability of the enterprise depends crucially on the quality of the communications within each division, between the company and their clients/customers, between the company and their material suppliers and between each division and senior management.

Senior project managers spend a great deal of their time in travelling across the US, visiting divisional headquarters and departmental sites for meetings with senior management and the various project teams for which they have responsibility. With the recent expansion into Asia, Coach Inc. is facing even more complicated communications issues. If they are to move to India in time, there will need to be a well supported line of communication amongst all branches across the world.

To support this range of communication needs, there are several systems and services in place already. The systems have been developed over a period of several years, using hardware platforms and network operating systems software from a variety of vendors, and running on a range of proprietary and open protocol standards.

In general, the systems have adequately supported existing business practices, but a number of problems have been experienced in the recent past involving, for example, the loss and corruption of data. In addition, current systems do not adequately support emerging trends in working practices, such as the creation of dispersed and virtual project teams, adequately catered for in terms of their telecommunications needs.

The company have made the decision that a significant investment in leading-edge telecommunications technology is likely to result in considerable savings. Existing telecommunications systems have been developed in a somewhat ad hoc fashion over several years. Some of the sub-systems are quite sophisticated, particularly those supporting the area of software design of their products. However, other component systems are variously sub-optimum and nearing obsolescence, or else cause problems by introducing unnecessary redundancy. The company as a whole supports four different and largely incompatible electronic mail systems, none of which offers seamless communication with those of other branches.

Senior management are now considering a strategic telecommunications plan, which, if fully implemented, should solve current problems related to communication difficulties. Communication in this sense involves real-time, person-to-person links, backed up with appropriate asynchronous links, together with access to appropriate information stores, such as remote databases.

The company*****s belief is that systems will probably need to be significantly enhanced to maintain efficient working practices and, ultimately, to support the company*****s expanding market position in China and Asia. This may well involve creating and implementing a new network design, possibly incorporating an organisational Intranet. One possibility that has been mentioned is the creation of a wide area virtual private network (VPN), embracing all office and remote sites within America and also its Asian and possible future Indian sites.

Part 1: Report

You are required to put together an individual report which would include strategic plans and solutions/recommendations on the basis of the evidence supplied in the case study.

Report should include:

1. An identification, prioritisation and rationale of the problems facing the organisation (main focus on telecommunication, wireless technologies, networks and other IT problems as well as problems that underlie the company structure, strategies and business processes). Your analysis should examine the major issues or problems currently facing the institution. (15 Marks)

2. Recommended solutions to identified problems, in relation to currently available IT-communication systems and services. Priority of the problems should be identified and a rationale for why these problems are considered to be of high priority. You should also recommend solutions to the identified problems ***** this must also include the description of the current technical environment and if any changes you propose to implement. (15 Marks)

Part 2: One Month Later


While the company*****s turnover and profitability has increased with buoyant world markets, in particular Eastern China, the new CFO of Coach Inc. is concerned at the diverse and seemingly unstructured nature of the companies IS applications. Coach Inc. is intending to expand this coming year and begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange. In particular he is concerned that the company*****s poor systems will hinder it in its attempts to be listed on the New York stock exchange and the resulting may cause them to fail at complying with Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) compliance requirements.

As a starting point in his transformation of group wide business information systems, the CFO has asked you to carry out an analysis and review the company*****s existing Information Systems in the different business units ( incl. HR, Operations, Accounts etc.) and operating sites across the US and Asia. The information gathered arising from this exercise will form the basis for an initial high level assessment of the opportunities and challenges facing the company.

The CFO is keen to have a first *****cut***** of the review within six weeks and has suggested that the data on the different applications across the company be gathered using a standard 2 * A4 page form. This form will be sent to the company controllers and systems managers across the different sites and they will provide the necessary details.

Part 2: Report

1. Prepare a 2 * A4 page form (with appropriate completion notes), which would be suitable to gather detailed information on the nature scope, function and characteristics of the different information systems/applications across the company*****s different operating sites. (15 Marks)

2. What are the shortcomings of this approach to gathering data on the different systems and how would you overcome those shortcomings. (5 Marks)

Part 3: One Year Later


Almost twelve months has passed since you presented your report/analysis of the different Information systems applications in use across the company. In the interim the CIO retained a company of IT consultants to carry out a similar review of the key functional areas; Operations, Production, Sales, Marketing and CRM, Accounts (incl. Payroll) and Human resources.

Their report has recommended that Coach Inc. invest €100m in a group wide ERP system from one of the large vendors. This would allow the group to consolidate all of its IS (excluding the cargo tracking and approximately ten other specialist applications) onto a so called single instance ERP platform. The CFO is very reluctant to invest such a large amount of scarce capital in IT and he is concerned about the long term competitive advantage and return on investment from the expenditure. The CIO and CKO in turn have argued that moving to the single instance ERP approach will significantly lower the total cost of ownership of the IT/IS in the long run and will provide a significant cost saving.

The CFO*****s preferred approach is to sign what he terms a Transformational Outsourcing Agreement with one of the major IT outsourcing companies. Under this Agreement a significant portion of the company*****s existing IT activities would be transferred to a third party provider and that provider would take responsibility for transforming the systems over the seven year life of the contract. The CFO has done a preliminary analysis to show that this option would be *****cash positive***** from day one and allow the company to focus its investment on core activities.

The board of Coach Inc. is due to consider the IS investment alternatives at a board meeting in two weeks time. The CFO has wondered in the past whether the company should now outsource its IT functions rather than continue with its own IS unit, and with this *****cash positive***** option, he has asked for your advice as whether to go ahead.


1. What criteria would you use to evaluate and justify IT Investment in this company. (20 Marks)

2. Outline what possible vendors you may suggest Coach Inc. to invest with. Also, choose one particular vendor and outline one package/application which you suggest for their Operations, Production, Sales, Marketing and CRM, Accounts (incl. Payroll) and Human resources. (20 Marks)

3. What concerns may Coach Inc. have in outsourcing its IT unit? Outline the risks and benefits you may mention to the board of Management at it*****s next meeting.(10 Marks)

How to Reference "Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc" Case Study in a Bibliography

Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc.”, 2010, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc” 2010.
”Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc [Internet]. 2010 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Report of Solution to IT Problems of Coach, Inc. Published 2010. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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