Case Study on "Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes"

Case Study 4 pages (1303 words) Sources: 4

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socio" part of the socio-technical system causes the Telebank Call Center to be something other than a perfectly smoothly functioning machine.

The Telebank Call Center is the perfect example of a socio-technical system, where the components of such a system and the relations between these components, both technical and social, interact to produce results for the end-system. The organization was created with the objective of ensuring a call center to provide the necessary services for the clients of a large bank. As such, several of the characteristics of this socio-technical system took on characteristics of the bank it was representing. At the same time, some of the components of the system, as this paper will show below, reflect the particularities of the activity of the call center.

Starting with the organization structure that will help place each of the social components in the system, the case study identifies the organizational structure as being flat, but it has several important elements that point towards a divisional structure, if one considers the call center as being a division in itself within the bank. There are three different levels within the call center division. These are the 600 CSRs who are responsible with taking and handling the calls, the team leaders (each coordinating a team of CSRs) and the call center manager, who can also be identified as the division manager in this description.

The specifics of the call center's activity means that it is not difficult to identify the components of the technical system. In terms of hardware, one can take into consideration as components of the technical system everything from computers (in
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cluding those that are used in routing the phone calls and those used by employees to enter data after their calls) to the phones themselves. All available software (routing software, software for entering data, software for supervision and control) are also part of the technological system.

The type of organizational structure makes it easier to identify both the type of control that management has over the system and the way this control is implemented, and analyze the components of the social system. Let's start by analyzing the latter first of all. The physical surroundings of this social system is the building in which the call center is located and operates. The building has some interesting characteristics and is shown as a large new building, locates in excellent surroundings and benefiting from both interior and exterior design work. Located in a growing industrial area at the edge of the city, it is a three-storey high building, with a central stairway that is used to separate two working spaces on each of the levels.

The details of interior design are very important, as these have an impact on how the social system operates and is managed. As such, both because of the complaints from the workers and to encourage and foster an environment of cooperation and dialogue, each floor plan is open. At the same time, each of the 12 teams that form the social system are allowed to control the environment around them in terms of decorations and colors used. This is also interesting because it (1) develops and fosters team spirit (teams choose colors and specifics such as favorite football teams to decorate their work environment) and (2) allows management to exercise an indirect control that is not perceived as negative by employees (assuming that such an internal organization also makes supervision and control more efficient).

Second on the list of the component of the social system are the people forming it. This has been previously mentioned briefly when referring to the organizational structure. There are three different categories of individuals working in this social system, as per their role in the system. The most significant volume of individuals work as CSRs: about 600 of them are charged with handling the calls that come through the call center during… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes" Assignment:

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Read this article in light of the material that you have read on organizational structure and socio-technical design, supplemented if you wish with material from the optional readings and perhaps the supplementary background as well, and even other outside reading you might find by yourself to be useful. Then write a short paper describing how the *****socio***** part of the socio-technical system causes the Telebank Call Center to be something other than a perfectly smoothly functioning machine.

Case Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be short (4-6 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. You are expected to deal with these issues in an integrated fashion, rather than treating them as a series of individual questions to be answered one by one and left at that. To help guide your thinking, however, you will need to consider issues such as:

*****¢ The organizational structure at the Telebank Call Center, in terms of traditional categories (see the Cliff*****s Notes terminology) To what degree can this company appropriately be described as a *****"machine*****"?

*****¢ What are the major components of its technical system? Of its social system? Are there any major features of the organization that you would put outside both the technical and social systems?

*****¢ What kind of control does management have over the technical system elements? Toward what ends or goals? What are some effects of exercising that control?

*****¢ What kind of control does management have over the social system elements? Toward what ends or goals? What are some effects of exercising that control?

*****¢ Are there any interesting interactions between the technical and social systems that affect their management?

*****¢ All told, is the concept of the organization as a socio-technical machine really beneficial and useful as an organizational metaphor? Why or why not?

You will be particularly assessed on:

*****¢ Your ability to see what the module is all about -- the *****"big picture*****" is the machine-like aspects of organizations-- and structure your paper accordingly.

*****¢ Your informed commentary and analysis -- this is as important as your summary of the material in the article -- simply repeating what the article says does not constitute an adequate paper.

*****¢ Your ability to apply the professional language and terminology of the underlying model -- in this case, socio-technical design *****correctly and helpfully. However interesting your paper about Telebank, it*****'s not going to be complete unless you also show that you can write about it in socio-technical terms.

*****¢ Your ability to apply the language of the machine metaphor effectively.

*****¢ Your effective and appropriate use of in-text citations to the assigned readings and other source material to support your arguments.


How to Reference "Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes" Case Study in a Bibliography

Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes” 2010.
”Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Socio Part of the Socio-Technical System Causes. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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