Research Paper on "Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars"

Research Paper 8 pages (2548 words) Sources: 8

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Society's continuing concern about gas prices and supply has stimulated interest in alternative energy sources. One of the energy sources receiving attention is the use of hydrogen as a possible replacement for fossil fuels in powering our automobiles (Pielke). Interestingly, hydrogen is the most common element in the environment but it ordinarily exists as part of other compounds such as water or fossil fuels and it is from these compounds that commercial hydrogen is produced.

The production of hydrogen from either fossil fuels or electrolysis involves a loss of energy and a corresponding high level of greenhouse gas emissions; however, the actual burning of the hydrogen gas produced is an extremely clean process. Although the process of producing hydrogen, at the present, is both inefficient and polluting the fact that it burns cleanly has spurned the automobile industry to examine it as a potential energy source. Nearly, every automobile manufacturer is involved in some stage of development toward marketing a hydrogen energized vehicle.

The future of hydrogen as an energy source is dependent upon developing an inexpensive, renewal method for producing it. Current efforts in this regard have focused on the use of wind and solar power as the most viable options. In order to produce hydrogen in the amounts necessary for widespread use as an energy alternative, these alternative production methods must be perfected. Such development will assist in limiting the world's present problem with carbon dioxide emissions and the resulting global warming but the development of hydrogen as an energy source remains fraught with problems.

II. Hydrogen as the fuel of
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The advantages of hydrogen as an alternative fuel are its renewability and abundance. Comprising more than 75% of the available elements in nature hydrogen's potential as a useable energy source should be evident and, if an efficient method of producing it can be found, dependence on the producers of traditional fuel products can be reduced. At the present time, such fuel products are expected to decrease significantly and this predicted decrease in production and the inherent political instability in the area most responsible for such production increase the attractiveness of hydrogen as an alternative ((Editor)).

Hydrogen in its natural state is both colorless and odorless. It is a stable element that combines easily with oxygen to form water. These features are attractive but unlike fossil fuels that are obtainable by mining or extracting from other sources hydrogen must be produced. This production can be made from a variety of sources such as oil, coal, water, and plant life but the primary source presently is natural gas. The process of removing hydrogen from natural gas sources is highly efficient and the cost of doing so is low but the use of another non-renewable source such as natural gas does not improve the overall state of society (Liss). As a result, the hydrogen production industry is actively developing alternative methods that can make the extraction of hydrogen from other sources more efficient and cost effective. Research into the use of plant sources, wood sources, straw, and organic waste is in its early stages but is proving promising.

Ease of storage and transportation are also benefits offered by the use of hydrogen. In both of these areas the technology already exists that enable the gas to be used effectively. Hydrogen can be stored in larger quantities in liquid form but because it can be stored in liquid form only at very low temperatures such storage demands special containers. In its gaseous form, hydrogen can be stored in containers similar to those being presently used by automobiles and trucks being powered by natural gas.

If the technology can be developed to make hydrogen production efficient and cost effective, the fact that hydrogen is also the cleanest fuel presently available makes it extremely attractive as a fuel source (Tromp). Engines fueled by hydrogen have negligible emissions. As the environment is being severely polluted by the hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants due to the use of fossil fuels it is incumbent that society find an alternative fuel source and hydrogen and its neutral environmental effect is highly attractive.

The use of hydrogen offers society a viable source that few other energy sources can provide. Hydrogen is relatively safe, potentially limitless, and extremely clean. Finding an efficient and cost effective method of producing hydrogen would eliminate society's dependence on the oil producing countries that presently enjoy a stranglehold on the industrialized world. Further research and development is necessary in order to make hydrogen a viable option but what has been done so far indicates that the possibilities are there. Natural gas, unfortunately, is the only existing source for hydrogen production and natural gas suffers from the same problem as other fossil fuels -- it is non-renewable (Gold). Hydrogen, however, is available from a number of renewable sources such as plants and water that make it attractive. What remains is developing the technology that allows the use of such products financially feasible. The bottom line is that, based on present technology, hydrogen is the best alternative as a replacement for gasoline and, hopefully, it is only a matter of time before hydrogen establishes itself as the primary fuel source. Automotive transportation will cease to be a pollution source and the decreasing supply of fossil fuels will no longer be a problem for society.

III. Hydrogen is not the answer

As evidenced, the use of hydrogen as an energy source is attractive and has many advantages but there are some related problems that make it impractical at least at the present time (Zubrin). First, hydrogen is not widely available as a free element. It must be produced from other products and none of the available products are energy efficient enough to justify their use.

The most widely used source for hydrogen is natural gas and the problems inherent in the use of natural gas for this purpose make any long-term use impractical. First, natural gas like fossil fuels is non-renewable. The supply of natural gas is finite and natural gas is far more valuable in the production of other products such as fertilizer. Fertilizer that is used to increase crop production that is necessary to feed large numbers of people. If natural gas were used instead as a source of hydrogen it would impact severely on the production of fertilizer.

The use of hydrogen as an alternative energy source for society's motorized vehicles also faces the problem of incumbency. The market strength of the various companies involved in the production of automobile, trucks, and buses is considerable. These companies have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Introducing hydrogen as an alternative energy source requires them to undertake massive retooling and design. Such changes are expensive and subject the companies to new marketing and regulatory conditions and expectations. Expecting a rapid transformation by such companies is unreasonable. The reality is that movement toward a hydrogen-based fueling system will be a long one. The involvement of the government in forcing the evolution toward hydrogen-based fuel system will be necessary. Toward this end it would be helpful if the government would stimulate the research and development necessary to expedite matters in hydrogen energy industry. Presently, the cost of manufacturing and using hydrogen-based fuel cells is too high to justify their use on a wide scale basis. Technical improvements are necessary to decrease these costs in order for hydrogen fueled vehicles to become economically competitive with gasoline propelled vehicles. Similarly, there is no nationally established delivery system for hydrogen. Gas stations can be found on nearly every corner but the availability of hydrogen refueling locations is extremely limited. Until such time as refueling is readily available, the public is not likely to be receptive to the use of hydrogen generated vehicles.

Until such time as a source beyond natural gas can be found that is abundant in enough quantities to satisfy the substantial needs that will be necessary for hydrogen to be adopted as an alternative fuel, there is no environmental advantage to the use of hydrogen. The extraction process used in the production of hydrogen from natural gas is as environmentally damaging in terms of emissions and the usage of fossil fuels as is the use and production of gas-based products. There is no positive gain in the use of hydrogen using today's technology. Only if renewable energy sources -- solar, wind, and others -- can be utilized to provide the hydrogen needed to fuel our society's motorized vehicles can the idea of a truly clean hydrogen fuel be realized. Presently the technology for such process does not exist and, therefore, despite the promise offered by hydrogen that is all that it is: promise.

For many years now those advocating the transition toward the greater use of hydrogen as a replacement for gas as a source for fueling society's motorized vehicles have been stating the technology is near that will allow this to happen. Unfortunately, the technology is still not available and there is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars" Assignment:

Hi there need some research done comparing Hydrogen Energy (for automotive use). Will need information on how the topic is presented- Scholarly (4 - articles, journals, institutional books etc.) VS. Popular Press (4 - news paper, websites, etc. - I will provide some examples of Popular Press feel free to add your own.

Since the topic is relatively current and always changing as technology develops, please use sources that are current (i.e. within last few years).

Please use the following format and page break down:

1. INTRO - ~1 page

b. Some general and background information about Hydrogen as an energy source.

c. Why is this a controversial issue?

d. Information about the sources (Scholarly and Popular Press) that will be used

2. SIDE A - YES Hydrogen will be the automobile fuel of the future ~2 pages

a. What do the scholarly articles state about this side of the debate?

a. What does the popular press state about this side of the debate?

3. SIDE B - NO Hydrogen will not be the automobile fuel of the future ~2 pages

a. What do the scholarly articles state about this side of the debate?

a. What does the popular press state about this side of the debate?


How is the topic presented differently between the Popular Press and Scholarly Sources? I.e. different tone and language, simplicity vs complexity, sources, etc.

5. Summary and Conclusion/Opinion ~ 1 page

a. Summary of Ideas

b. Thoughts, Opinions on if Hydrogen is a viable source of energy for cars.

Some popular press sources:

Thanks very much.


How to Reference "Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars.”, 2011, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars” 2011.
”Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars [Internet]. 2011 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars. Published 2011. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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