Thesis on "Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care"

Thesis 10 pages (3288 words) Sources: 10

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In other words, this country cannot provide for its citizens, but has no problem providing for strangers across the world who are also helped by non-governmental organizations. [10: Glow, J. "What countries have universal health care?" (2007). AOL. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

To further cement the necessity for universal health care in the United States, one only needs to look at some statistics. According to the Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care, there are a few important reasons why one must acknowledge this necessity, and it provides these quite effectively as a list of myth vs. fact. The first myth is that the United States has the best health care system in the world. The Coalition refutes this fact by stating that the country ranks quite low in infant mortality, life expectancy for women and men, and also various diseases, and shows that the statistics for all of these different aspects have shown a decline with regards to United States health care effectiveness. This, of course, could be attributed to the fact that this 'effectiveness' actually means that many people cannot even be treated due to the fact that they simply do not have coverage. The conclusion to this is that, according to the coalition, "the United States ranks poorly relative to other industrialized nations in health care despite having the best trained health care providers and the best medical infrastructure of any industrialized nation." [11: Batista, J. And McCabe, J. (1999) " The Case For Single Payer, Universal Health Care For The United States." The Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care. Retrieved July 4, 2011, Continue scrolling to

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Another myth that the Coalition debunks is that universal health care would be too expensive. To combat this, it offers various facts. The first is that the United States reportedly spends 40% more per capita on health care "than any other industrialized country with universal health care." The second fact is that, according to the coalition, federal studies by the Congressional Budget Office and the General Accounting o [12: Batista, J. And McCabe, J. (1999) " The Case For Single Payer, Universal Health Care For The United States." The Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

Office show that single payer universal health care would save 100 to 200 billion dollars per year despite covering all the uninsured and increasing health care benefits." The third fact relates to the issue that single payer universal health care would also save billions of dollars yearly. [13: Batista, J. And McCabe, J. (1999) " The Case For Single Payer, Universal Health Care For The United States." The Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

Further facts that the Coalition shows state that universal health care would allow for more doctor visits, would allow poor people to receive proper care comparable to wealthier citizens, and would not undercut patient confidentiality as the current system does. To add to the validity of the issue, the Coalition rightly points out,

"...For profit, managed care cannot solve the United States health care problems because health care is not a commodity that people shop for, and quality of care must always be compromised when the motivating factor for corporations is to save money through denial of care and decreasing provider costs. In addition, managed care has introduced problems of patient confidentiality and disrupted the continuity of care through having limited provider networks." [14: Batista, J. And McCabe, J. (1999) " The Case For Single Payer, Universal Health Care For The United States." The Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

The case for a universal health care system, with health care access to all, is not a necessarily socialized system, and does not compromise American values and ideals. Clearly, the system as it stand now is flawed, and cannot truly provide this country with the things necessary for it, and the things which it needs to remedy this increasing problem. It is possible for the United States to achieve this system, and it has taken steps to do so by implementing the first steps of a health mandate, which can lead to such a universalized system, and eventually to health care for all. The fight here should not be about ideology, but rather should be about providing all with equal rights, and equal access.

Solutions: What Has Been Done

President Obama has done many things in order to enable the country to progress with this issue, and many of these things have been tried before without fruit. For this reason, the current President must be respected and revered. The White House Website provides citizens with information and news up to the minute on what can has been done to further these efforts. The most recent news is the ongoing debate with respect to the Affordable Care Act, and "the millions of Americans and small businesses benefitting from it [when it] scored another victory when the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the law is constitutional." The Judges considering this case further stated, [15: "Health Reform" (2011). Various Articles - White House. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .] [16: "Health Reform" (2011). Various Articles - White House. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

"...far from regulating inactivity, the minimum coverage provision regulates individuals who are, in the aggregate, active in the health care market…The vast majority of individuals are active in the market for health care delivery because of two unique characteristics of this market: (1) virtually everyone requires health care services at some unpredictable point; and (2) individuals receive health care services regardless of ability to pay. Virtually everyone will need health care services at some point, including, in the aggregate, those without health insurance. Even dramatic attempts to protect one's health and minimize the need for health care will not always be successful, and the health care market is characterized by unpredictable and unavoidable needs for care." [17: "Health Reform" (2011). Various Articles - White House. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

This is, indeed, quite a clear statement and a clear victory in a long line of successes since the beginning of the crusade by the current administration.

The passage of the health care bill securing such rights began in 2010, when the House "Democrats approved a far-reaching overhaul of the nation's health system on Sunday. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders held a news conference after Sunday's vote, which was marked by unanimous Republican opposition," according to the New York Times. To mark just how momentous this occasion was, congressmen even passed around their own draft bill to collect autographs, which signaled the importance of this event. [18: "A House Divided over the Health Bill's Passage." (2010). New York Times, Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

In this fight, the reconciliation bill was of utmost importance. It mandated that by 2014 every American should have a minimum level of health insurance or else pay a penalty. However, the reconciliation bill proposed to revise penalties in order to make it so that everyone can handle the new system. Due to this reason, for some years, the bill would exempt households with incomes below the tax filing threshold. This is vital in the fight for universal health care and of socialized health care due to the fact that people must feel comfortable with the system. [19: "Proposed Changes in the Final Health Care Bill." (2010). New York Times. Retrieved July 4, 2011, <>.]

Solutions: What Can Still Be Done

The Coalition mentioned in the sections above has recommended various things that individuals could also do in order to enable the search for solutions to provide health care for all people. The next step American should take is to work to pass a single payer, universal health care bill or referendum at the state level. The next recommended step is to contact the Physicians for a National Health Program and offer support for a bill bringing an idealistic health care system into reality. As an American citizen these steps already show great proof of a democratic nation, and further step that to cement one's support would be to create a coalition that would enable people to work together and support such work by starting small and reaching the highest level, including raising money from fundraisers and developing media access or other public statements. [20: Batista, J. And McCabe, J. (1999) " The Case For Single Payer, Universal Health Care For The United States." The Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]


The health care debates should not focus around political ideologies or other political issues. Instead, our nation's leaders ought to realize that obtaining medical services should not be privilege and this is exactly what private corporations have made it now. Instead, this should be a right,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care" Assignment:

This is a argumentive Thesis.

Must have a arguable working thesis statement with two to four main points to research.

Must have introduction - Provide effective introductory context, introduce the thesis statement, Preview the main points that will be covered in the body of the paper. Body - effective paragraphs Conclussion - restate thesis statement and summarize the main points of your paper Reference list

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On separate pages if ok please write a approx. 150 word annotation for each of the 10 sources. It should provide a reasonable summary of the information presented in source, Provide a logical evaluation of the quality, credibility, and relevance of the source ( is there background info on the topic) , support your thesis and main points. Provide an in- text citation within each annotation as it would be used if you cited in the paper.

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How to Reference "Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care" Thesis in a Bibliography

Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care.”, 2011, Accessed 27 Sep 2024.

Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep, 2024].
”Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care” 2011.
”Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 27-Sep-2024].
1. Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care [Internet]. 2011 [cited 27 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care. Published 2011. Accessed September 27, 2024.

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