Assessment on "Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work"

Assessment 20 pages (6527 words) Sources: 1+

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Social Work Assessment

From my life experience, growing up in a family that was extremely loving and supportive, it made me realize I wanted to help others with their ongoing issues because by having a supportive environment, I was able to become a balanced person despite the odds of what my downfalls. Furthermore, I want to help people become balanced despite their odds whatever they may be. With that, it has always been my dream to have a career in helping people with their relationships, careers, and daily issues. And, I believe that by obtaining this degree, my dream can be fulfilled within other areas of counseling. After I obtain this degree, I plan to take my education further in psychology/counseling so that I can better help those who are in need of counseling. To pursue this future degree, I can assist clients on a more professional level by develop those skills to do so. I find it very rewarding to make people feel good about themselves, life and their spirituality. While I am obtaining the degree, I plan to develop my skills to follow my dream.

Discussion- my plans, strengths, weaknesses

Furthermore, in the next five to ten years, I want to create a website where I provide counseling services to new and old clients. I will hopefully advertise in the right areas to gain the right clients to increase sales and activity. It is my desire to gain a great popularity with the public by giving superb counseling to those who need and want it. In my opinion, if I advertise in the right places, I believe that I can gain that popularity. Furthermore, I feel this program can give me the knowledge and skills that I need to understand how and where to mark
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et my services at.

By referring what has been studied and learned about being a social worker, I have understood that children or even adults will show aggression when they feel threatened. This is what motivates me to go into being a social worker so that I can help others to overcome their struggles and issues. My strengths would include the researcChildren from divorced homes have issues with low self-esteem and social competence because they are left out from one or both parents due to that they are usually self-absorbed from their own emotional pain. It is clear to me that children and adults become very withdrawn even though they do attempt express their emotional pain to others. It is also apparent to me that when children and adults do not have the attention that they need at home, they show aggression in a negative way.

Fromm (1973) has argued that we must distinguish in man two entirely different kinds of aggression. The first kind, which he shares with all animals, is a phylogenetically programmed impulse to attack (or to flee) when vital interests are threatened. This 'defensive' or 'benign' aggression is in the service of the survival of the individual and the species, is biologically adaptive, and ceases when the threat has ceased to exist. The other type, 'malignant' aggression, i.e., destructiveness and cruelty, is specific to the human species and virtually absent in most mammals; it is not phylogenetically programmed and not biologically adaptive; it has no purpose, and its satisfaction is lustful (THE 'EVIL' MIND: PT. 3. CRUELTY AND 'BEAST-IN-MAN' IMAGERY).

From there, it has become clear to me that if a person bottles up their emotions for a long time, he or she can become extremely aggressive to the point that they will physical harm to others as it was seen in the case of Joe. With that, I have understood that malignant aggression can become an issue for those who have dealt feelings of aggression for a long time. Research has determined that children have more emotional and social issues than adults because they are developing their personalities. A child acts out in this manner because his parents, does not give him or her the attention he or she needs or wants.

Terms such as aggression, violence, crime, and hostility are observed in medical literature. Aggression is used for both humans and animals. In humans, aggression can denote verbal aggression, physical aggression against objects, or physical aggression against people. At times, aggression towards oneself (self-mutilation, suicidal gestures or acts) is included in the definition. Violence is used only when describing human behavior and denotes physical aggression by one person against another. Crime is defined as the intentional violation of criminal law. Hostility is a loosely defined term and can refer to aggression, irritability, suspicion, uncooperativeness, or jealousy (Citrome, 2007).

When dealing with aggression, I have learned that the lack of positive adult support and communication from parents, teachers, pastors, or coaches for adolescents is leading to increased behavior issues. More social support from family, churches, and teachers, adolescents will contribute to a lower rate of behavior problems, which may need therapy.

When affirming a client's thoughts and feelings in therapy, it does not mean the counselor is accepting their feelings by default. It only means he or she is trying to get the client to open up with their feelings in order to get them resolved so that the blame will not be put on others. This approach is taking by a humanistic counselor so that the client can see that he or she is blaming others for their problems. From there, affirming the issues does not mean the counselor is accepting their feelings. They are just trying to get them out in the open to correct them.

The element of free expression can also be illustrated in the case Mrs. L, and her ten-year-old son, Jim. During the first hour of the session the mother spent a full half-hour telling with intense feeling example after example of Jim's bad behavior. She tells of arguments with his sister, his refusal to dress himself, annoying tendencies such as humming at the table, bad behavior in school, and his refusal to help at home. Each one of her comments is highly critical of her son. Throughout the mothers talking the counselor makes no attempt to persuade the mother in feeling any other way about her son. Next, the son engages in play -therapy in which Jim makes a clay image and identifies it as his father. There is a great deal of dramatic play in which the boy shows his struggle in getting his father out of bed and the fathers resistance. Throughout this Jim knocks the clay figurines head off and crushes the body while shouting frantically. In both occurrences with the mother and her son the counselor allows the feelings to flow and does not try to block or alter them" (Hall 1997).

It has become clear to me that the chances that emotionality would affect rational decision-making are very high since people who blame others for their problems usually live by their emotions, which does not include rational thinking. Furthermore, at times like these, it would not hurt for the counselor to interject their values in the session so that rational decision-making can have a chance to calm the client. This is true even though there are times where the counselor should not share their values with the client especially when he or she is being aggressive with their feelings and emotions. When the client is aggressive with their emotions, they will not be reasonable listening to other values and take them into consideration.

From there, when I am dealing with someone's aggression should not push society's values on the client until the appropriate moment time in the session when they are relax and accepting of further insight into the situation even when it is about anti-Semitism. I believe when a client is not pressured to accept a new way of thinking, they are more open to take the counselor's insights and corrections to their views by listening during the session. From there, I can help the client to rehabilitate themselves, which will help them to accept society's norms for their own.

From there, when examining aggression, it is easy to see I, myself need social support rather it comes from family or a counselor because if it is not dealt with properly, it will turn into violence. With that knowledge, I can facilitate learning and cooperation by writing down and talking about to others, which gives me an outlet to vent out my own aggression so that I can better help others with their aggression by listening to them.

I have understood that in today's modern society, the growing number of diverse groups has continued to increase since World War II. With that, it is obvious that the United States is more accepting of different groups of people. For example, in recent years, this country has made things more adaptable for those ethnic groups that speak only Spanish. In some cases, there are schools that teach the lessons in both English and Spanish. Along with that, it… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work" Assignment:

ASSESSMENT PAPER- this paper is due April 14,2010

Students will complete a paper which presents a self assessment of ones motives for choosing a career in social work and how those motives are consistent with the knowledge, values and skills of social work as learned thus far. Assessment should include strengths and limitations for a career in social work. This assessment should be sensitive to racial, cultural and other lifestyle diversity.

Please feel free to discuss any aspect of this paper with me. This should be viewed as a *****"Current learning and evaluation process*****" that relates to the general course objectives ofSCWK 220.

Self- awareness, objectivity about current strengths, and additional development of areas in need of your attention are the main factors you should consider.

This paper is between you and me. No individual reports or small group discussion will be required. Your copy will be returned to you with my comments by the time of the class fmal exam.

I. This paper needs to be not less that IS, not more than 20 pages long, typed, and double-spaced with normal margins. It must include an Introduction and a Conclusion.

2. It needs to include how you size up in the areas of social work (1) skills, (2) knowledge and (3) values.

3. Need to see yourself in a holistic approach: social, emotional, physical and spiritual and address all.

4. Have you established some empathy or competence for racial, cultural or lifestyle diversity? Or, how do you intend to do this? Please answer and address.

5. Student should discuss personal background. Specifically how does your personal background strengthen or challenge you for the field of social work? Are there specific issues in your background that need to be addressed prior to engaging in an effective helping relationship and how have you or do you intend to address these issues? Please address.

6. Discuss who in your life mentors you, holds you accountable, challenges you, and encourages your growth. If you don*****'t have someone in your life to do this for you, what are your plans for establishing effective mentorship/ directions?

7. Be very specific when discussing your strengths and limitations. Regarding your limitations, what are your plans for developing capacities in this area?

8. What do you hope to see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years? within the social work field?

9. This paper is to be taken seriously and written as such.

10. Make sure that you address all the areas required.


I have worked at a placement center for delinquent and neglect, abused children for 18 months. I want to receive a bachelors degree in social work, get a state license and work with the older generations or possibly with veterans who need social work assistance. I am 62 years old and this is my second (or third) career attempt. My major is: Social Work Gerontology with a minor in Psychology. Please don*****'t hesitate to ask for more information. Right now I am not sure what you need.

How to Reference "Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work" Assessment in a Bibliography

Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work” 2010.
”Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Self-Assessment of My Motives in Social Work. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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