Term Paper on "Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical"

Term Paper 12 pages (3524 words) Sources: 6

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Social responsibility is an ethical or philosophical hypothesis that a unit whether it is an administration, business, company or individual has a job for the people around them. This responsibility can be negative in that it is a duty to desist from an act or it can be helpful which means that there is a duty to act. Whereas mostly connected with organization and lawmaking performance, many liberal groups and local public can also be linked with social responsibility, not only organization or lawmaking individuals.

There is a huge dissimilarity in the methods and responsibilities of various individuals to perform their alleged responsibility. This would entail various entities that have different tasks such as many states should make sure the social rights of their people, secondly organizations should value and support the individual rights of their workers and that citizens must stand for written rules and regulations. Other than, social responsibility knows how to mean more than these cases. However, many NGO's admit that their job and the responsibility of their associates as inhabitant are to support the progressed society by a positive attitude in their societal responsibility. It can also entail that organizations have an implied duty to give back to society such as is alleged as function of corporate social responsibility or stakeholder theory which is also mentioned in this article.

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is deliberate it is about going over and ahead of what is termed by the legal responsibilities. It contains a theory of that it is developed to be positive, concerning an issue rather than being hasty to an issue. Social
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responsibility means eradicating harmful, careless or immoral deeds that might cause damage to the society, its populace or the surroundings before the activity occurs. Societies these days in business should uphold the ethical values in order to be profitable. Companies can use moral decision making to reinforce their businesses in three different parts. The first way is to apply their ethical or moral decision making to amplify efficiency. This can be made through an agenda that workers feel completely improve their advantages given by the company such as better health care or a better pension program. One thing that all businesses must keep in mind is that workers are stakeholders in an organization. They have a vested concern in what the business does and how it is run. When the company is perceived to feel that their employees are a valuable asset and the workers think that they are being take care of thus, production raise. A second way that organizations can use ethical or moral decision making to reinforce their businesses is by making decisions that concern its healthiness as seen to those stakeholders that are at outer surface of the business surroundings. Consumers and contractors are two patterns of such stakeholders. For instance, if we take Johnson & Johnson and Tylenol fright of 1982. When public understood that few bottles of Tylenol includes cyanide they stopped buying Tylenol as the supply dropped and Johnson & Johnson lost a lot of cash. But they decided to loose money, more than before and provided in new meddle anti-seals plus proclaimed a foremost withdraw of their product. There was no particular quantity of money for this condition. As a result, Johnson & Johnson lost a lot of money to be socially responsible. However, in the prolonged race they acquire the faith of their consumers. Now when the individuals gazed at other products, there is a sense of confidence and trust in Johnson & Johnson would not permit a product to damage people just to meet up their own base line. It is a Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo that we sense that we can hand over the brood. Throughout their decisions about what to do when deal with the calamity that people expired from. A third way that company can use such decision making to protect their businesses is by assembling decisions that permit for lawmaking agencies to reduce their participation with the company. For instance if an organization is down to business and pursue the EPA strategies for admittance on unsafe contaminant and even goes an additional step to get concerned in the society and deal with those worries that the people may have as they would be less probable to have the EPA examine them for ecological concerns. As stated by the author Derek Bok (1982), "A significant element of current thinking about privacy, however, stresses "self-regulation" rather than market or government mechanisms for protecting personal information." Many rules are created because of public disagreement, if there is not an objection than there will be limited regulation. One portion of social responsibility is being accountable to the people for the dealings of people and for actions that cause people. Social responsibility is all about possessing a group or companies responsible for its consequences on the people all-around it. People inside an organization, people functioning with the company, the group that the company is working with and those who purchase from the company. (Derek Bok, 1982).

The thought of being accountable to the consumers has essentially long been imbedded in the morals of an organization. The idea of treating a consumer with admiration and consideration which is not new especially in sales and commission-based job. What is new is the thought that it's not to income from the consumers but to sincerely care about what the customer needs. Responsibility for people within an organization is somewhat new. Most of the times when a disgrace or irresponsible behavior comes in front of the corporate world the company and those who are included init frequently try to dissociate themselves as much as achievable. Social responsibility would almost be the differing of what goes on in the corporate world nowadays like an organization taking the responsibility and doing what is desirable to mend the issue rather than performing more offenses to conceal the first one. Laws in most of the countries, businesses are only accountable is to make as much profit as probable for shareholders and to follow the law. Social responsibility holds companies and firms responsible for the public they involve even not directly. It also holds a business responsible for effective or indecisiveness. Basing on the idea that a company or organization has the power to help public or at least not damage them as it has the ethical responsibility to do so. Social Responsibility is a policy that says that every thing whether it is a village, town, country, corporation, companies, lawmaking or an individual has the accountability to the society. Ethics business as a complete and how those beings decisions inside an organization are made, as it can increase a better awareness of how socially responsible morals works inside the background of a human responsibility. Firstly, all the businesses base their firmness by making off of the organization's system of morals. This moral system permits for corporate managers to have a framework to carry onward their decisions from. The system of morals is just an initial peak inside the organization or an instrument to be used by CEOs to facilitate to guide the workers when they are challenged with the ethical problems. Three aspects that an individual can tackle in facing a moral dilemma. The first factor is the individual cause or what conclusion we might make moral when we are left to our own decision, the other one is the societal factor or the judgment that we might make with social analysis exclaimed and the last one is the chance factor. These factors can be explained by the following examples. For instance, if one imagines for a second that he is standing in front of a store and noticing a man who comes out of the store, dropping his bill of twenty dollars in front of him and keep he still keeps walking down the lane. He looks around and finds no one except the twenty dollar bill which was dropped by the man. What will be his reaction? Do you take the twenty dollars and run in the store and quickly spend it? Or do you go for the middle of the road option and hand the money to the clerk at the back the counter at the store in case the man returns to try and find his missing money? Do you return the twenty dollars to the man who drop it, even if he is far away at this point and might take some attempt to catch up with? This is the social factor of an individual like what an individual can do when he is faced with an moral decision. Now changing the scenario a bit more different from this one for instance if a person is standing in front of a store all alone with a group of friends and at that time a man comes out of the store, drops his twenty dollar bill and keeps walking than what will be his reaction?

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Quoted Instructions for "Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical" Assignment:

I am attending Harvard University Business school for my MBA: please write the research paper with clarity, structure, style, let it flow, augrument and give evidence to back it up! talk about different kind of social responsibility example Corporate Social Responsibility,etc. Please make Introduction of the paper very attractive please come up with goods ideas: make an excellent introduction

Please be as descriptive and detailed as possible. specific details about any minor features Research Paper about Social Responsibility.

Archived resource materials (journals, magazines, newspaper articles, publication books, and periodicals), source if it is or through a Harvard University e-resources library. please make this paper an A+

How to Reference "Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185.
”Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185.
[1] ”Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185
1. Social Responsibility Is an Ethical or Philosophical. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/social-responsibility-ethical/370185. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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