Essay on "Social Determinants of Health Quality"

Essay 8 pages (2352 words) Sources: 7

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The most sensitive signs of a healthy country or society are maternal mortality and infant rates. In countries with poor political histories causing poor economical conditions, children and mothers are bound to suffer because they will not be able to receive quality healthcare services they deserve. Approximately 32% of infants die in these countries yearly because of the never improving economical conditions. Unstable economical conditions also indicate that limited healthcare facilities and resources that cannot meet every medical need in the society. For example, in the past few years the world has had reports of an increased percentage of maternal mortality deaths as compared to men (Kavaler, 2003).

It is paradoxical that the importance of public policy is a determinant of health and is acknowledged to routinely affect many areas of the country. Unstated politics surrounding and within a country has the potential to affect human life in numerous ways. For example, some social groups have a neo-liberal economic system as a resource. In addition, political interventions are determinants to social behaviors among people and so it is evident that human health is dependent on political action. Lastly, the health of humans can be affected by political condition of a country because every person has the right to an aspect of citizenship and adequate living (Kavaler, 2003).

Ultimately, political, social and cultural factors influence the health of the society and country because power is practices over a wider part of the social, cultural and political system. Inequalities in health approaches by the country and society are entirely political and cultural. In most countries, it i
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s hard to determine whether they are of inevitable or natural causes that are a result of individual differences based on the economic market and genetics. These different approaches to health inequalities have given divergent views of what is economically, politically and scientifically possible (Cook, 2006).

Healthcare needs should be individualized to enable delivery of proper and professional healthcare services. This is way, distribution of health services can be made successful through individual lifestyle choices or the manner in which healthcare products are produced, distributed among citizen's organizations and delivered. For these inequalities to be handled effectively, political, social and cultural attention will be directed towards reorganizing the healthcare system. It is important for all healthcare organizations and institutions to note that a one-dimensional view of health is more limiting than it is effective (Cook, 2006).

The one-dimensional view is limiting and is common in the ideological spectrum but is convenient for small organizations that cannot afford quality facilities and resources. According to healthcare reports, diseases are better cured by proper diets and therapy, which may not be achievable with a poor economy and multicultural country, even though this perspective is changing because of the improved political and economical conditions for growing countries. Another major barrier in healthcare giving is the failure to change the current dependence profit insurance plans. This is a dominant but young industry that exists but is not exercised by many citizens yet can be very productive and essential especially for the financially unstable individuals (Schulz, 2005).

The insurance plan scarcely existed decades ago and is still very new to some counties. In others such as U.S.A citizens who are working commonly practice it. It simply entails investing in medical organizations that cater for a registered person's medical services received. It is mostly a government program that is purposed to meet every citizen needs .It provides services such as medicine provision, laboratory testing services, pediatric services and surgeries. This makes it easier for one to access healthcare services regardless of their current financial state at the time of their need. While it benefits the patients, it also benefits the country and society because before paying doctors and other caregivers, the health insurance organizations gain publicity and stabilize the country's economy (Cook, 2006).

In conclusion, quality improvement and risk management are vital issues that need to handle as soon as they are identified. The inherent changes in practice and delivery of proper healthcare services are necessary for better and perfect results in the performance of caregivers. The problems and errors that have been solved in the past in many organizations have caused professionals and managers to identify the importance and connection between problem solving and decision making skills. Assessing cultural, social and political factors have also helped improve performance and skills among doctors and caregivers. For this reason, they have also developed strategies that minimize future occurrences of errors and problems.


Barry, R. (2002). The six sigma book for healthcare: Improving outcomes by reducing errors. Chicago: Health Administration Publisher

Cook, R. (2006). Awareness and influence in health and social care: How you can really make a difference. San Diego, C.A: Radcliffe Publishing

Kavaler, F. (2003). Risk management in health care institutions: A strategic approach. Sudbury, U.S.A: Jones and Bartlett Publishers

Marco, W. (2011). Performance-Based medicine: Creating the high performance network to optimize managed care relationships. New York: Productivity Press

Schulz, A. (2005). Gender, race, class and health: Intersectional approaches (Public health/vulnerable populations). New York: Jossey-Bass Publishing

Shaw, P. (2009). Quality and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Social Determinants of Health Quality" Assignment:

Graduate Level ***** and Essay only, please!

Quality Improvement and Risk Management in Health Care

Analyze the effects of the social, cultural, and political influences in the delivery of health care services in the United States as they specifically pertain to Quality Improvement and Risk Management to the health care organization and patients served. Include analysis of concepts in quality improvement and risk management, e.g. FMEA and RCA.

The essay must contain and introduction (Thesis statement) and a conclusion. Please provide FULL citations in APA format. Thanks.

How to Reference "Social Determinants of Health Quality" Essay in a Bibliography

Social Determinants of Health Quality.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Social Determinants of Health Quality (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Social Determinants of Health Quality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Social Determinants of Health Quality” 2013.
”Social Determinants of Health Quality”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Social Determinants of Health Quality”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Social Determinants of Health Quality [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Social Determinants of Health Quality. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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