Capstone Project on "Silver Spring Police Department Senior City"

Capstone Project 6 pages (1740 words) Sources: 6

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Silver Spring Police Department





Total Department Personnel 275


Officer to Citizen Ratio

Base Population 1.86 per 1001

Total with Influx Population 1.85 per 1002

Officers per Square Land Mile

Senior City Police was chartered and its operation put under a form of government i.e. Council-Manager

The appointment of the police chief is done by and reports to the Senior City's mayor

The office of Montgomery County Sherriff is donating the building to be used by the police of the Senior City

Fully- equipped building has been given together with functioning centre of communication, and portable radios for the officers working for us.

The office of the Montgomery County Sherriff has as well donated fully-equipped vehicles to be used by our police, some of which are marked.

Mission Statement

Each and every member of the Silver Spring Police Department is to promote a very safe and secure city by means of effective and professional law enforcement coupled with an impeccable policy of traffic safety awareness.

All the members of the Silver Spring Police Department will treat each and every person with utmost respect and handle all situations in a fair and unbiased manner.

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>As a very professional organizational unit, we will strive to be resourceful and innovative while protecting all citizens and visitors to in our great city.

Chief of Police

Community Oriented Policing- Silver Spring Police Department Guidelines


The main purpose of this document is to effectively outline the entire process that will be used by the Silver Spring Police Department in the implementation of the Community Oriented Policing (C.O.P.S) framework.


Community Oriented Policing (C.O.P.S) is a policing philosophy that was developed specifically to transform the operations of law enforcement agencies. The actual aim was to invrease the total number of officers who are deployed in the U.S. communities, to encourage problem solving as well as interaction within the communities by the police officers, to encourage innovation in the policing process as well as to develop a totally new set of technologies for assisting the police officers in fighting crime as well as consequences of crime (Roth & Ryan,2000). The key concepts that defines this approach are commitment to customer service, an emphasis on finding solutions to chronic problems, empowering the officers to become problem solvers, determination of the actual needs as well as desires of a given community, working in partnership with the general community in finding solutions to issues affecting the community, using all sorts of available resources in fighting of crime and disorder, personalizing the response of police to situations using the "beat" concept, adopting a proactive approach as opposed to a reactive one in the fight against crime and maintenance of order, changing the traditional measures of (police) effectiveness, managing calls for both police services as well as available resources effectively.

Community-based policing

Community-based policing is one of the basic tenets of the Community Oriented Policing (C.O.P.S) philosophy.

Community-based policing is a noted by Trojanovicz and Buqueroux (1990) to be a philosophy and organizational strategy that effectively aims at promoting a partnership which is based on a collaborative effort between the police forces and the community to be able to more efficiently and accurately participate in the identification, prevention as well as solving of problems associated with crime, fear of crime, social and physical disorder as well as neighborhood decay so as to improve the quality of life for all members of the society.This philosophy is enshrined in the Silver Spring Police Department's core ethical values.

Silver Spring Police Department



Senior Population


80% White,14% African-American and 6% Others

Student population


Daily Tourist Influx


Employment Rate


Per capita Income


Median Age


Navigable waterways cover

Sq. Miles

Land Miles

50 Sq. Miles

Silver Spring Police Department



Calls handles


Supplemental Reports


Original Reports


Traffic Citations


Criminal arrests (

With DUI included-501 DUI Arrests)


Total Burglary and Robbery alarms


Crime watch meetings attended

Code of Ethics


At Silver Spring Police Department, the personal as well as professional lives of the staff must always reflect the high level of integrity of the Department.The Department is highly committed to the preservation of the constitutional law as well as general orders. Equality and honesty must be practiced at all times in all aspects of our work.An outstanding conduct allows respect to flourish between us and the community.


At Silver Spring Police Department, we are alwys in pursuit of the highest levels of standards. We always strive to meet as well as exceed the common expectation of our community and peers. We emphasize on staff education, training as well as practicing within the broad knowledge of the constitutional law. This way we shall succeed in providing a safe and secure environment to our communities.


At the Silver Spring Police Department, our main goal is to improve the quality of life within our community of jurisdiction. We achieve this by effectively reducing crime within our city and its environment. We shall however, remain a committed team in the fight against crime and disorder. Customer satisfaction however will be the benchmark for gauging our success.


In our quest for a secure and well protected society, Silver Spring Police Department is guided by a policy of professional and completely unbiased behavior via the execution of our core values and principles. Each and every member of the Silver Spring Police Department is committed in ensuring that each and every citizen is treated impartially and fairly.

Silver Spring Police Department



(an interlocal Agreement with Montgomery County)

Emergency Response

Barricaded suspects/subjects

Hostage Negotiation and rescue

Hazardous Devices such as bombs

This resolution is to be adopted on 12th October,2012

John Gregory

Keith Robinson


Police Chief

Workplace policy

Work place policy

I Purpose

This policy is intended to define the policy of the city in terms of prohibiting discrimination and harassment and notification given to all employees both current and future without interfering with their social interaction.

II Policy

The policy deals with eliminating all forms of intimidation or harassment within the senior city.


A Harassment of sexual nature.

This is has been defined as sexual advances that are unwelcomed, favor of sexual nature or request for the same, other visual verbal or physical behavior of such nature constitutes harassment of sexual nature when:

Acceptance of such condition either directly or indirectly is made the basis for which employment is given.

Acceptance or rejection of the said conduct is used by the employer to make employment decisions that affects the employee

Such condition has the aim of interfering with employees performance at work or create work environment that is not favoring to the employee.

Sexual harassment is a conduct not allowed, is offensive and interferes with employee's ability to do his/her work or the work of his/her colleague. Cultural diversity and individual values make it difficult for workers to recognize their behavior or that of their colleagues, juniors or none-employees as harassment of sexual nature .A determination on whether an act or incident is harassment in sexual nature has been committed must be made based on the investigation of the available facts. Negative result leaves the offenders supervisor with the burden of proof.


Forms of harassment include but not limited to:

Verbal- which include epithets, derogatory pronouncements or slurs based on race, color, religious creed, nationality, physical handicap, ancestry, age, medical condition, marital status, political convictions, sexual orientation, gender or lawful activities of the organization employees. Compliments which are well-intentioned about someone's body, clothing or sexual conducts may also constitute sexual harassment.

2 Physical harassment- for instance unwelcome touch assault, impeding movement.

3 Visual harassment- for instance notices, derogatory posters, bulletins, drawings cartoons.

4 Sexual Favors- unwelcome advances that are sexual in nature, request of favors that are sexual in nature and other conducts.

5 Hostile environments- include thre above referred conducts that can create work environment that is not appropriate.

Complaint process as well as Procedures (for complaints of Sexual Harassment)

In order to accommodate the rather sensitive and unique nature of complaints related to sexual harassment at the workplace, a separate process has been created at the Silver Spring Police Department for the primary resolution of these kinds of complaints. The aim is to resolve them as early as possible. These procedures are contained in this book. The application of these procedures is voluntary. In order to effectively address other forms of harassment and discrimination, there is a need for the employee to use the existing procedures for grievances as contained in the Personnel Rules as well as Memoranda of Understanding.

During the formal and informal complaint process indicated below, there is a need for every effort to be made in protecting… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Silver Spring Police Department Senior City" Assignment:

I submitted my Capstone project with this website and they didn*****t do a good job so I need some serious help. What I originally submitted is below:

Capstone Project Information

Understand that you will be creating a police department for this Capstone project. The principles that you will be researching and implementing are the same principles as if you were developing a new correctional facility, court system, parole or probation system or other related criminal justice agency.

Proposal to Create a Police Department

You have recently been appointed as the Chief of Police of a newly incorporated city within the State of Florida. The city was chartered to operate under the Council-Manager form of government. The City Commission is comprised of five members, Mayor-Commissioner and four City Commissioners, elected to specific areas at large. The City Commission appoints a professional City Manager who serves as the Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the City. As the Chief of Police, you are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the City Manager.

The incorporated city consists of fifty (50) square land miles with ten (10) square miles of navigable waterways. The permanent population of the city is one hundred thousand with an additional daily tourist population of approximately twenty-five thousand. The racial make-up of the permanent population is 80% white, 14% black and 6% other. The per-capita income is twenty-seven thousand dollars. The population median age is forty-three. The unemployment rate is 5.6%. Within the city there is a school enrollment of eleven thousand students. Prior to incorporation as a city, the Sheriff*****s Office provided all police services to the area.

During the incorporation process an agreement was reached with the Sheriff to obtain the building his agency used as a precinct to service the area currently within the city. The student can assume that this building is satisfactory for housing the new Police Department for several years to come. The building also contains a functional communication center with adequate equipment to include portable radios for all police officers. Fully equipped police cruisers, both marked and unmarked were also obtained for the Sheriff. Therefore as the new Chief of our new city, you need not be concerned about the above mentioned issues.

For informational purposes, last year within the area incorporated into the city, the Sheriff*****s Office handled 175,000 calls for service. Deputies wrote 41,000 original reports and 21,300 supplemental reports. They investigated 3,021 automobile accidents and wrote 63,099 traffic citations. Deputies made 9,128 criminal arrests including 501 arrests for DUI. The also responded to 5,318 burglary and robbery alarms.

Your assignment is to establish a police department for our yet to be named city (Silver Spring, FL). You will also be responsible to name the agency (Silver Spring Police Department).

You are to employ the number of personnel you need to deliver professional and competent police services to the citizens of our city. You must determine the number of sworn (officers) and non-sworn (civilian) personnel you will hire inclusive of any minimum standards you wish to implement; you can choose any States Police Standards to follow, but you must meet or exceed those that are established. If you are using particular States requirements, you must identify that State (Virginia). Salaries and benefits must be established and justified within your proposal. A brief job description must also be prepared for the various classifications of employees; e.g. police officer, communication operator, desk officer, property clerk, detective, secretarial staff, etc.

Your proposal should begin with a Mission Statement and proceed with a clear and concise Description of Services that your Department will provide. You must determine the various divisions, sections and units that will be required to effectively accomplish your intended mission. For each division and subsequent sub-unit established, you will cite the responsibilities of each, including specific performance indicators. Within your proposal, the city manager has asked you to submit an organizational chart for the entire Department, along with separate organizational charts for the various divisions you have recommended.

It is imperative that you provide a detailed budget for your entire Department. It is recommended that you begin with a line-item format and proceed into a zero-based, performance indicator format.

You are expected to personally submit your proposal for the new city police department, inclusive of all aspects of your budget to the City Council for their approval. You must be prepared to thoroughly defend your proposal. Additionally, you can be certain that you will experience intensive questioning by the City Manager.

There is no specific length for your paper, but it must thoroughly address all of the issues involved with the creation of a model police department. If the student determines the need for a Policy and Procedure Manual for the police department, it will be necessary to document how the system will operate and what General Orders, Rules and Regulations or Standard Operating Procedures are necessary. NOTE: It is not necessary to draft actual General Orders and Rules and Regulations, but you must identify the categories (example: Sick Leave, Vehicle Usage, Informant Handling, Confidential Funds, etc). Make sure your list is complete!

In developing a modern and progressive police agency, there exists a need to consider state of the art computer technology for overall efficiency. Just as important is the need to consider implementing innovative policing programs that provide personalized services while keeping in touch with the concerns of the community.

The student*****s proposal should discuss the concept of Community Based Policing and the feasibility of incorporating this type of program within the Police Department. Problem-***** Policing and Differential Police Response should also be addressed. Included should be the civilianization of certain traditional sworn positions should also be considered; i.e. front desk officer, forensic specialists, victim advocates, etc.

Should the proposal include an Investigative Division, will the investigators specialize in specific criminal investigation categories or will they be generalist and available for any type of assignment? You must identify their responsibility and will there be a case-management system for follow-up investigations.

In order to effectively address the requirements of this assignment, the student is expected to research the various issues identified above, along with any other issues that may arise in the preparation of this proposal.

Finally, when considering your personnel requirement, please consider the concept of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity.

As a newly created Police Department, you do not have a police union involved. The actual budget for your Police Department must not exceed $30 million dollars.

The assignment was to establish a police department. The name of the Police Department is Silver Spring Police Department.

The background of the police department:

City 50 square miles of navigable waterways

Population 100,000

Tourists 25,000

Racial Make-up

80% white 14% black 6% other

Per-capita income $27,000.00

Population median age 43

Unemployment rate 5.6%

Local college 11,000

Service calls 175,000

Original reports 41,000

Supplemental reports 21,300

Automobile accidents 63,099

Criminal arrests 9,128

DUI 501

Burglary and Robbery alarms 5,318

My Police Department needs a mission statement.

My Police Department will need rules and guidelines for Affirmative Action, Sexual Harassment, and Equal Employment Opportunity.

Make a statement about the police department being drug free and imply there is a zero tolerance policy for it. Go in detail about if you are caught with or abusing any illegal substance and the consequences of it.

Establish Performance of Duties, Mandatory Requirements, and Prior Professional Experience of each position below:

Assistant Chief of Administration

Assistant Chief of Operation




Safety Officer, Crime Prevention Officer

Court Officer


Patrol Officer

Executive Secretary

Training Officer

Clerk Typist

****add any others that you come up with

You need to determine the number of sworn and non-sworn personnel in the police department, identify the minimum standards for the sworn and non-sworn personnel, and identify salary and benefits for each position. You should include the civilianization of certain traditional sworn positions should also be considered; i.e. front desk officer, forensic specialists, victim advocates, etc.

You need to determine the positions of sworn and non-sworn positions. Determine the positions, classifications, hourly/rate, salary, benefits, insurance, and the total. I have an example below:


Positions Classifications Hourly/Rate Salary Benefits Insurance Total

1 Police Chief * $80,000 20,000 1,5000 101,500


Positions Classifications Hourly/Rate Salary Benefits Insurance Total

8 Clerk Typist 9.13 $19,000 26,000 13,000 58,000

I need a budget that begin with a line-item format and proceed into a zero-based. The budget is the proposal for the new city police department. The budget below is what was giving to me, but I need more details.

The actual budget for your Police Department must not exceed $30 million dollars.


Grants & General Donations 243,886

Intergovernmental - School Dist (SRO 462,283

State Shared Revenues 23,872

Florida State Sales Tax 16,700

Opening Fund Balance 383,338


Computer Replacements 18,000

Regional Radio & Replacements 20,000

Special Operations/Bike Patrol 25,000

Police Training 12,000

Police Equipment 13,456

Hire Ahead 12,000

Administration / Equipment Rental 86,000

Fiscal Division 37,000

Risk Management Division 25,000

Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau (CTSOB) 34,000

Planning and Research Division 56,000

Internal Audits and Inspections Division 40,000

Major Crimes Division 60,000

Bureau of Investigation 56,000

Community Relations Division 45,000

Bureau of Administration 20,000

I need an organizational chart with the whole police department.

You need to identify who is going to be in the division, how many personnel will be part of each division, and their rank. I also need organizational charts for each division that is outlined below:

My divisions are Bureau of Field Operations Division, Bureau of Administration Division, Bureau of Investigation Division, Community Relations Division, Major Crimes Division, Force Investigation Division Internal Audits and Inspections Divisions, Planning and Research Division, Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau Division, Risk Management Division, and Fiscal Division. The details of each division is below:

Bureau of Field Operations

Officials will act punctually on letters and requests sent by the public (thru e-mail or other means of communication) within five (5) working days for simple transactions and ten (10) working days for compound dealings from receipt thereof. The answer must cover the action taken on the request.

They will file their true and whole annual Sworn Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net worth (SSALN) on or before April 15 of every year.

They will also process and finish documents and papers expeditiously within a reasonable time from the planning thereof. The documents must comprise, as far as practicable, not more than three (3) parties. In the absence of duly official signatories, the official next-in-rank or officer-in-charge shall sign for and in their behalf.

They will have to attend to anyone who wants to avail himself/herself of the services of their offices and must, at all times, act punctually and expeditiously.

In case of transfer or alteration of command/assignment, the transferred/reassigned official/employee will be responsible for making a formal turn-over, inside three (3) days upon acknowledgment of notice of transfer/relocation, of all records of cases, vehicles (including accessories/spare parts), equipment, among others, previously assigned/delivered to him/her to the inward official or employee.

The Memorandum Receipt to be retained by the transferee shall designate the obtainability or non-availability of fittings/spare parts in the equipment or vehicle turned-over. Unsolved loss of these items shall be a basis for investigation/action by the Internal Affairs Division (IAD)

Bureau of Administration

The Bureau of Administration and Services (ADB) is accountable for Under administrative direction, oversees, supervises, and organizes the activities and operations of assigned Divisions inside the Police Department counting dispatch, records, crime analysis, and technology; supervises, arranges, and helps administrative staff with research, studies, council reports, and presentations; coordinates assigned activities with other divisions, departments, and outside agencies; and delivers extremely accountable and multifaceted administrative support to allocated management staff..

Assuming responsibility for allocated services and actions of allotted Divisions within the Police Department comprising dispatch, records, crime analysis, and technology.

Organizes the business, staffing, and operational activities for allocated divisions.

Contributes in the growth and application of goals, purposes, policies, and urgencies; endorses and gears subsequent policies and dealings.

Detects chances for improving service delivery approaches and procedures; recognizes resource needs; an*****s with suitable management staff; gears improvements.

Directs, organizes, and reviews the work plan for allocated services and activities; dispenses work actions and projects; screens work flow; appraisals and assesses work merchandises, approaches, and events; meets with staff to classify and decide problems.

Chooses, trains, inspires, and assesses assigned personnel; delivers or organizes staff.

Bureau of Investigation

Our Bureau of Investigation will be comprised of investigators and will have a few District Attorney Investigators. Their law enforcement authority will come from the same segment of the penal code, 830.1, as a deputy sheriff or city police officer. What will be unique about our law enforcement team is that they will all come to us from other law enforcement agencies. Most will already come from our local law enforcement organizations nonetheless we will have more than a few who will have come from state and federal agencies. They will all have completed the simple POST academy and are requisite to meet the continuing training necessities, which are set forth by POST.

Once they are hired, many of our District Attorney Investigators will then be assigned to areas that they have really good experience in, for instance pre-trial support, gangs, robbery, narcotics, homicide, and family protection (which comprises domestic/child/elder abuse and child abduction). Alongside with these areas, we will have an increasing amount of investigators who will be working in specialized units such as computer and high tech crime, ecological, real estate, customer, and workers recompense fraud. We also will have investigators that will be dispensed to the parts of public honesty, Mexican Liaison, backgrounds, officer complicated shootings, and internal affairs. We will deliver widespread training and mentoring in order to help our investigators as they changeover into these actual multifaceted, technical and particular investigations.

Community Relations Division

The creation of CRD at Silver Springs will be based upon acknowledgment of the need for joint accepting and constant trading of communications that are between the Department and the public, particularly inside minority communities. Its first goals were amalgamation of the Department*****s labors to combine and widen community support and to help local station commanding officers in upholding channels of communication with minorities during the course of the City. It was felt that, by appealing minority communities in expressive discourse, police-community difficulties, which donated to social unrest or major hostilities, could be evaded.

Structuring on that early operational philosophy, the CRD in Silver Springs will maintain connection with communities during the course of one of the most ethnically varied cities in the world.

Team members from CRD will be the ones who will uphold interaction with community-based administrations, leaders, spokespersons, and other sources to develop and keep open the lines of communication among the Chief of Police and those groups or individuals. It is still obligatory upon CRD to uphold a constant trading of communication with the public in order to screen developing tendencies or pressures and take positive action to avert circumstances that could be harmful to the city, community or the Department. The motivation for CRD to do so is will be to uphold a calm environment citywide and to nurture mutual trust and admiration among the Department and the community. In this method, CRD will be able to get some level of accepting as to the Department*****s efficiency in carrying out its mission and calculating the *****"pulse*****" of the city.

Major Crimes Division

The primary objective of Major Crimes Division will be the prevention of important disturbances of public order in the City of Silver Spring. The Board of Police Commissioners will be the ones to authorize Major Crimes Division to examine persons or groups who strategy, threaten, finance, aid, abet, effort or achieve illegal acts which intimidate public safety. Furthermore, investigators of Major Crimes Division are committed to preventing individuals or groups from annoying or harming others on the foundation of race, religion, national source, or sexual orientation. The captain will be the Commanding Officer of Major Crimes Division. Major Crimes Division wills the ones who rely deeply on members of the public for information concerning possible terrorist action.

Force Investigation Division

Force Investigation Division, (FID), will established as the entity that will be responsible for the managerial investigation of all usages of force meant as *****"Categorical*****" in the Consent Decree among the Department and the United States Department of Justice.

Force Investigation Division (FID) will be responsible for the investigation of all occurrences concerning the use of lethal force of an SSPD officer. Furthermore, all use of force subsequent in an injury necessitating hospitalization usually referred to as a Law Enforcement Related Injury (LERI). Investigative responsibility of FID will also involve all deaths while the arrestee or detainee is in the custodial care of the SSPD, accidental and animal shootings and other investigations as directed by the Chief of Detectives.

To be able to accomplish this task, FID is presently prearranged into three investigative units. Furthermore an Administrative Section joining a special projects unit delivers the essential administrative review, mistake and obedience with related projects, investigations and reviews.

Internal Audits and Inspections Division

Audit Division will be established in; pursuant to a duty in the Consent Decree that the Department forms what is to be an audit unit. It will be staffed by simply a handful of sworn and civilian employees; Audit Division will eventually grow over the years into a professional audit shop which will be staffed by over 30 sworn and civilian auditing professionals, counting Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, Certified Government Auditing Professionals, and Certified Internal

Audit Division will be responsible for increasing the Department Annual Audit Plan (AAP), organizing and arranging audits anticipated by the AAP, safeguarding the suitable conclusion of audits, and directing audits as directed by the Chief of Police. Audit Division will be responsible for leading seven large-scale audits on a yearly basis. Those seven audits, which are compulsory by paragraphs 128 and 129 of the Consent Decree, will be the following: warrant applications and affirmations; arrest reports; motor vehicle and pedestrian stops; intimate informant packages; definite use of force investigations; non-categorical use of force investigations; and, personnel complaint investigations (*****"Annual Estimates of the population for the Incorporated Places of Florida*****", 2012).

Planning and Research Division

The Planning and Research Division will be able to provide a lot of critical support purposes that are for the Department. The unit*****s execution these purposes within the Division are:

Facilities Maintenance: This unit upholds each of the Department*****s 21 facilities, coordinating routine preservation, which comprises painting, plumbing, electrical, and janitorial services with the Department of Public Works. This unit coordinates emergency repairs and hazard eradication. The members respond to requests to have facilities modified to accommodate changing strategic needs and to maintain compliance with changes in building codes (The 2012 Florida Statutes, 2006).

Equipment Repair: This unit will have the job of performing equipment maintenance and repairing both at the worksite and in the maintenance shop. Moreover, some aging equipment is repaired and reconstructed in order to exploit service. .

Crime Analysis Unit: This unit amasses crime statistics and achieves analysis for strategic management of Department resources. Crime stats are displayed on the Department*****s community website.

Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau (CTSOB)

In Silver Springs, the Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau (CTSOB) will be made up of Major Crimes Division (ATD) and Emergency Services Division (ESD). Major Crimes Division will also be comprised of Criminal Conspiracy, Criminal Investigations, Intelligence Investigations, Surveillance, and Liaison Sections. Emergency Services Division (ESD) will be comprised of Field and Community Support, Emergency Planning, Operations, and Hazardous Devices Sections. In brief, Counter- Terrorism Bureau will be responsible for planning, response and aptitude.

CTSOB mission:

In Silver Springs, their job will be to prevent terrorism by efficiently sharing information meant at upsetting terrorist*****'s operational competence and speaking to the fundamental causes related with the motivational constituent; to Defend the public and critical substructure by leveraging private sector incomes and inurement targets; to Follow terrorists and those criminal initiatives that upkeep them; and, to Make the citizenry and the city government for penalties associated with terrorist operations that are against the city.

Risk Management Division

In theory, risk management is the documentation and deterrence or decrease of foreseeable losses to an organization.

In practice, risk management in Silver Springs will be very methodical, proactive approach to the decrease of opposing penalties (liability incidents) associated with organizational operations.

Risk Management Group in Silver Springs will provide better management mistake of the Department*****s liability decline determinations. The Commanding Officer, Risk Management Group, oversees the actions of the Officers in Charge of the Use of Force Review and Risk Analysis Sections.

The objective of Risk Analysis Section and Use of Force Review Section in Silver Springs is to safeguard obligation control through monotonous critical analysis of individual and organizational performances that are relative to management oversight, worker conduct, use of force, recreations, traffic collisions, and the outcomes of civil litigation in order to recognize liability matters and take remedial action. When obligation subjects are recognized suitable corrective action is started. Examples of corrective action comprise counseling, training, discipline, and/or alterations to existing strategy and procedures.

Fiscal Division

The Fiscal Division will be accountable for the growth and oversight of the Silver Springs Police Department*****s general budget. This is a compound and thorough task that necessitates both outstanding forethought and office skills. In addition, they will be accountable for helping in, and replying to, audits from federal, state and local activities.

Accounting Section: Accountable for tracking and creating payments on all bills for the Police Department. It is the Accounting Section in Silver Springs that also procedures work orders with the other City Departments, makes contract and lease payments, and expedites material and supply acquisitions for units during the course of the department.

The Fiscal Division will be the ones that will provide administrative oversight to both the Grant Unit and Fleet Operations.

Grant Unit: they will be able to identify, review, prepare, and apply for grant funding chances for the Silver Springs Department. Grant applications are intended and written on an ongoing basis. The Grant Unit organizes with the Police Commission, City Hall and the Board of Supervisors to move grant awards through the City and County endorsement procedure. With the effective award of grant money, it is the accountability of this unit to instrument and achieve grant projects and to deliver the funding agencies with project apprises.

Store Keeper: questions coupons for all uniform items, and grips the whole Department*****s equipment and source needs.

There are some example Capstone projects attached. You will understand what I need when you view the examples. You can change whatever you want to give me a great project. Please contact if you have any questions.


How to Reference "Silver Spring Police Department Senior City" Capstone Project in a Bibliography

Silver Spring Police Department Senior City.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Silver Spring Police Department Senior City (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Silver Spring Police Department Senior City. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Silver Spring Police Department Senior City” 2012.
”Silver Spring Police Department Senior City”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Silver Spring Police Department Senior City”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Silver Spring Police Department Senior City [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Silver Spring Police Department Senior City. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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