Capstone Project on "Creating a Police Department"

Capstone Project 20 pages (5079 words) Sources: 20

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Silver Spring Police Department

[Sealed proposals for Implementing a police department in Silver Springs, FL. Silver Springs Police Departments shall be received at Silver Springs Police Department, c/o Jessica Johnson at One North Avenue until date and time specified in the RFP and/or Silver Springs Police Department web site (]

Request for Proposal


About Silver Springs Police Department

Our Mission and Values

Silver Spring Police Department Organizational Chart

Chain of Command

Enforcement of code Ethics

Chief of Police

Bureau of Field Operations

Bureau of Administration

Bureau of Investigation

Community Relations Division

Major Crimes Division

Force Investigation Division

Internal Audits and Inspections Division

Planning and Research Division

Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau (CTSOB)

Risk Management Division

Fiscal Division

Sworn Positions to Patrol 18

General Orders & #8230;.19

Budget Policies for 2013- 2014 20


PROPOSALS REQUESTED ? The City of Silver Springs, Florida, by and through its Silver Springs Police Department, hereafter "SSPD,"
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hereby petitions proposals from concerned and qualified supporters desiring to provide a Police Department at One North Avenue, Silver Springs, FL. SSPD is the lead agency in this project that we anticipate will be a multi-agency consortium of users across multiple departments and jurisdictions in Florida. No assumption or specification is being made by SSPD as to architectural features of the proposals it will interest. It is the determination of SSPD to fully assess all proposals acknowledged from qualified promoters and select the proposal measured most acceptable and which will greatest help the public interest.


Copies of this Request for Proposal Package may be obtained from the Office of the Business Manager, Silver Springs Police Department or copies of this Request may be obtained by telephoning at (802) [HIDDEN] x?153. The RFP will also be available electronically at


Located on U.S. populated place and spring in Marion County, Florida, just to the east of the city of Ocala. It is part of the Ocala Metropolitan Statistical Area. Silver Springs is the site of one of the largest artesian spring formations in the world, producing nearly 550 million gallons of crystal-clear water daily. Silver Springs forms the headwaters of the Silver River, the largest tributary on the Ocklawaha River, a part of the St. Johns River system. It has been ranked by many organizations as one of the most livable cities in the United States.

The amalgamated city contains of fifty (50) square land miles that also includes something like ten (10) square miles of navigable waterways. The stable population of the city is one hundred thousand with an added daily tourist population of about twenty-five thousand. The cultural make-up of the stable population is 80% white, 14% black and 6% other. Also the city has a per-capita income which is something about twenty-seven thousand dollars. The population average age is forty-three. The unemployment rate is 5.6%. In the interior the city there is a school registration of eleven thousand students. Previous to assimilation as a city, the Sheriff's Office delivered every police services to the area.

The Silver Springs Police Department will be commissioned in 2013 to provide law enforcement services to the Silver Springs area. Throughout our time, the men and women of the department will proudly serve their community. We will serve a residential community of over 40,000, in addition to thousands of students that are from local colleges. The Department will authorize strength of 100 full-time police officers and 36 civilian support personnel. We will function using core creeds of community policing.

Our Mission and Values

We are dedicated to policing with the citizens of Silver Springs to achieve a safe, healthy and self-reliant community.

INTEGRITY ? we follow to the highest ethical standards, promising the community that their public trust is well founded.

SERVICE ? We deliver the highest level of service and protection to all people in a competent, polite manner, tempered with compassion and understanding.

RESPECT ? We treat all persons with dignity and respect by promoting equality and fairness both inside and outside the Department.

CREATIVITY ? We involve in problem-solving as our main strategy, connecting the community in identification of the problems, the best solutions and their application.

Community Policing

Community policing is a philosophy that syndicates the rudiments of partnerships, problem-solving and organizational change. Since 1999, we have been able to work with community members to better comprehend the needs of the districts. After we reach agreement, we plan on working to set a regulating agenda that is legal, suitable and without prejudice. Our objectives are to partner with shareholders that are from the community and the service subdivisions to carry out the problem-solving to which we have all decided.

We plan to work in developing forward-thinking, data-driven, active explanations to disorder and crime. Our recent stress has been on speaking to difficulties at their lowest likely level through education and prevention, outreach and intervention, to avert subjects from increasing to the level of prosecution, Court proceedings, and jail time. The Department will also be able to in the future handles somewhere around 40,000 calls for service yearly.

Exhibit 1: Silver Spring Police Department Organizational Chart

Chain of Command


To define the lines of authority and establish a clear chain of command for the Silver Springs Police Department.

The qualified rank in point of officers of the department will be as chosen.


Chief of Police


Assistant Chief of Administration

C. Assistant Chief of Operation







G. Safety Officer, Crime Prevention Officer


Court Officer



Patrol Officer

In the nonappearance of the Chief of Police, the Assistant Chief of Administration in the Silver Springs Police Department will be in command of the Police Department. In the absenteeism of both the Chief of Police and the Assistant Chief of Administration the Assistant Chief of Operations will be in knowledge. In the nonappearances of the Chief of Police and both Assistant Chiefs the Ranking Captain that is on duty shall be in command. In the absence of an on duty Captain the Patrol Shift Commanding Officer will be in command. In the event of a planned absence the Chief of Police may appoint a senior staff member to undertake command in his or her nonappearance.


As a Law Enforcement Officer, our fundamental duty will be to serve mankind; to defend lives and property; to defend the guiltless against dishonesty; the weak against those that have oppressed them or even brought forth intimidation and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to give respect to the constitutional rights of all men to liberty, parity and justice.

It will be the code of all our officers to make sure that they keep their private life pure as an example for all; uphold brave calm in the face of danger, contempt or mock; grow self-limitation; and be continually mindful of others. Truthful in thought and deed in both their personal and official life, they will be model in submitting to the laws of the land and the rules of their department. Whatever they see or hear of a private nature or that is confided to them in their official capacity, will be kept ever secret unless exposure is necessary in the performance of their duty.

Our officers will never act bossily or permit personal approaches, biases, hostilities or friendships to affect their decisions. With no compromise for their crime and with persistent prosecution of criminals, they will enforce the law politely and suitably without fear or favor, hatred or ill will, never employing needless force or violence and never accommodating perquisites.

Our officers will recognize the badge of any office as a symbol of public faith and they will accept it as a public trust to be held so long as they are true to the ethics of the police service. They will also constantly struggle to achieve these objects and principles, bestowing themselves before God to their chosen career -- law enforcement.

Chief of Police

The Chief of Police (COP) is one of the highest-ranking officers in the Police Department. The COP is normally appointed by the Mayor, is subject to the approval of the Police Commission and the City Council, and will only be able to serve a maximum of two five-year terms. As a general manager of the Police Department, the COP will be responsible for the planning, efficient administration and operation of the Police Department under the authority of the Board of Police Commissioners.

The Chief of Police (COP) will be responsible for things such as directs, plans, and synchronizes the enforcement of the punitive divisions of the City Charter, the ordinances of the City, and the laws of the state and nation for the determination of protecting persons and property and for the protection of the peace of the community. The COP will be responsible for testifying before the City Council, the state and national legislative bodies on… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Creating a Police Department" Assignment:

Capstone Project Information

Understand that you will be creating a police department for this Capstone project. The principles that you will be researching and implementing are the same principles as if you were developing a new correctional facility, court system, parole or probation system or other related criminal justice agency.

Proposal to Create a Police Department

You have recently been appointed as the Chief of Police of a newly incorporated city within the State of Florida. The city was chartered to operate under the Council-Manager form of government. The City Commission is comprised of five members, Mayor-Commissioner and four City Commissioners, elected to specific areas at large. The City Commission appoints a professional City Manager who serves as the Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the City. As the Chief of Police, you are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the City Manager.

The incorporated city consists of fifty (50) square land miles with ten (10) square miles of navigable waterways. The permanent population of the city is one hundred thousand with an additional daily tourist population of approximately twenty-five thousand. The racial make-up of the permanent population is 80% white, 14% black and 6% other. The per-capita income is twenty-seven thousand dollars. The population median age is forty-three. The unemployment rate is 5.6%. Within the city there is a school enrollment of eleven thousand students. Prior to incorporation as a city, the Sheriff*****s Office provided all police services to the area.

During the incorporation process an agreement was reached with the Sheriff to obtain the building his agency used as a precinct to service the area currently within the city. The student can assume that this building is satisfactory for housing the new Police Department for several years to come. The building also contains a functional communication center with adequate equipment to include portable radios for all police officers. Fully equipped police cruisers, both marked and unmarked were also obtained for the Sheriff. Therefore as the new Chief of our new city, you need not be concerned about the above mentioned issues.

For informational purposes, last year within the area incorporated into the city, the Sheriff*****s Office handled 175,000 calls for service. Deputies wrote 41,000 original reports and 21,300 supplemental reports. They investigated 3,021 automobile accidents and wrote 63,099 traffic citations. Deputies made 9,128 criminal arrests including 501 arrests for DUI. The also responded to 5,318 burglary and robbery alarms.

Your assignment is to establish a police department for our yet to be named city (Silver Spring, FL). You will also be responsible to name the agency (Silver Spring Police Department).

You are to employ the number of personnel you need to deliver professional and competent police services to the citizens of our city. You must determine the number of sworn (officers) and non-sworn (civilian) personnel you will hire inclusive of any minimum standards you wish to implement; you can choose any States Police Standards to follow, but you must meet or exceed those that are established. If you are using particular States requirements, you must identify that State (Virginia). Salaries and benefits must be established and justified within your proposal. A brief job description must also be prepared for the various classifications of employees; e.g. police officer, communication operator, desk officer, property clerk, detective, secretarial staff, etc.

Your proposal should begin with a Mission Statement and proceed with a clear and concise Description of Services that your Department will provide. You must determine the various divisions, sections and units that will be required to effectively accomplish your intended mission. For each division and subsequent sub-unit established, you will cite the responsibilities of each, including specific performance indicators. Within your proposal, the city manager has asked you to submit an organizational chart for the entire Department, along with separate organizational charts for the various divisions you have recommended.

It is imperative that you provide a detailed budget for your entire Department. It is recommended that you begin with a line-item format and proceed into a zero-based, performance indicator format.

You are expected to personally submit your proposal for the new city police department, inclusive of all aspects of your budget to the City Council for their approval. You must be prepared to thoroughly defend your proposal. Additionally, you can be certain that you will experience intensive questioning by the City Manager.

There is no specific length for your paper, but it must thoroughly address all of the issues involved with the creation of a model police department. If the student determines the need for a Policy and Procedure Manual for the police department, it will be necessary to document how the system will operate and what General Orders, Rules and Regulations or Standard Operating Procedures are necessary. NOTE: It is not necessary to draft actual General Orders and Rules and Regulations, but you must identify the categories (example: Sick Leave, Vehicle Usage, Informant Handling, Confidential Funds, etc). Make sure your list is complete!

In developing a modern and progressive police agency, there exists a need to consider state of the art computer technology for overall efficiency. Just as important is the need to consider implementing innovative policing programs that provide personalized services while keeping in touch with the concerns of the community.

The student*****s proposal should discuss the concept of Community Based Policing and the feasibility of incorporating this type of program within the Police Department. Problem-***** Policing and Differential Police Response should also be addressed. Included should be the civilianization of certain traditional sworn positions should also be considered; i.e. front desk officer, forensic specialists, victim advocates, etc.

Should the proposal include an Investigative Division, will the investigators specialize in specific criminal investigation categories or will they be generalist and available for any type of assignment? You must identify their responsibility and will there be a case-management system for follow-up investigations.

In order to effectively address the requirements of this assignment, the student is expected to research the various issues identified above, along with any other issues that may arise in the preparation of this proposal.

Finally, when considering your personnel requirement, please consider the concept of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity.

As a newly created Police Department, you do not have a police union involved. The actual budget for your Police Department must not exceed $30 million dollars.

Below is the explanation and description of the main components you will need to complete this project.

In this section you will write your mission statement, description of services, and agency divisions.

Mission Statement: The mission statement explains and defines the reasons that the organization exists, the organization*****'s purpose, business philosophy and the critical process for the level of performance.

Description of Services: The description of services will define the duties and responsibilities of each category or group within the organization. What the group will be responsible for, how the group will function and information to allow the reader to understand their individual mission.

Division: The division is a section of the whole or entire agency. It is the major units that oversee or have responsibility to the organization. A division could include Investigations, fiscal affairs, administration, etc.

Make sure you have developed and written a Mission Statement for the project, define the description of services that are needed within an agency, and list the different sections that will be needed to create a comprehensive law enforcement agency.

In this section you will write and develop the agency*****'s subdivisions and describe their performance objectives

Subdivision: The subdivisions are sections within the main division, and are part of the prescribed organization. For example, the Investigative Division could include Subdivisions of Homicide, Robbery, property crimes, etc

Performance Objectives: The performance objective is a statement of actions or standards that describes the division or subdivisions. It is also known as the objective of each group and how they will operate to show effectiveness.

Make sure you have developed a strategic plan for each division or group within the agency, define what subdivision(s) will be required, describe the performance objectives for each division, define the description of each division within the proposal, and explain the various components needed for each division.

In this section you will write and develop your organizational chart and job descriptions for each position within the agency. Also, develop a chain-of-command system within the organizational chart.

Organizational Chart: This is a chart identifying the relationships of each division and subdivision within the organization, with lines identifying the responsibility between each section within the confines of the large agency. The organizational chart is also used to identify the chain of command.

Job Descriptions: The job description is a statement which discusses the position and its responsibility to its mission.

Chain-of-Command: Describes the system by which the authority and responsibility passes down from the top of the organization to the bottom. Each position is responsible to each other via a chain of command.

Make sure you have developed and a strategic plan for identifying various job descriptions, define what positions are required for the agency, describe where each position will report to, develop an organizational chart, explain within the organizational chart where each division and subdivision are located, and develop a chain of command system within the organizational chart.

In this section you will determine the number of sworn and non- sworn personnel and identify the minimum standards for each position. You are also required to identify the salary and benefits for each of the positions.

Sworn Personnel: Individuals that are commissioned by the State to hold a Law Enforcement License or Certification. These members have the power to arrest.

Non-Sworn Personnel: Individuals that are considered civilians and hold no commission by the State to enforce laws and make arrests.

Make sure you have determined the number of sworn and non-sworn personal needed for an agency, identify the minimum standards for each position within the agency, and identify the salaries and associated benefits for each position.

In this section you are required to develop your policies, standard procedures, and general orders

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Policies that pertain to a certain section, unit, or division within the agency. The SOP are normally written to supplement the General Orders, and the SOP can have sub-sections within the main SOP. As an example, the Investigative Division could include subdivisions of homicide, robbery, property crime, etc.

General Order: Policies that are put into place to provide rules and regulations that affect the entire agency.

Make sure you develop a procedure and policy manual for the organization, define the different types of procedures and standard operating procedures needed, and describe the various policies needed for each separate division or section.

You will be develop a budget, define what items will be purchased in the first year and describe in detail which division will be responsible for the budget and the budgeting process.

Make sure you have identified budget items, developed a complete budget, and kept budget under the dollar requirements.

This project will be graded on the following criteria:

The project relates the process of developing a police department to the core value of personal development.

The project adequately identifies the resources needed, including number of sworn officers and non-sworn civilians, based on current situations given for existing equipment

The mission statement and description of services are appropriate and complete

A budget is proposed, considers all relevant funding concerns for a new department and is within the set limit

The project addresses technology needs for the new department.

The project addresses and analyzes Community Based Policing, Problem- ***** Policing, Differential Police Response, Civilianization, case- management, Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities

Presentation of the proposal is professional, well-planned and thorough

Grammar, spelling, and syntax are appropriate to the college level

Typed in a double-spaced APA format with citations

How to Reference "Creating a Police Department" Capstone Project in a Bibliography

Creating a Police Department.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Creating a Police Department (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Creating a Police Department. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Creating a Police Department” 2012.
”Creating a Police Department”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Creating a Police Department”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Creating a Police Department [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Creating a Police Department. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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