Thesis on "Serial Murderers"

Thesis 6 pages (2090 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

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Serial Murderers

Female Serial Killers: Outline

While serial killers are predominantly male, a recent study in America showed that there were 62 female serial killers operating between 1825 and 1995, compared to 337 male serial killers (Hickey, 2002). Although there are less female serial killers, they remain a significant group of individuals as there are a number of significant differences between female and male serial killers. It is these differences which are investigated within this paper, working to the thesis that male and female serial killers are not the same.

There have been a number of different typologies of serial killers identified over the years, although after more recent work it was determined that these are insufficient to encompass female serial killers. This is mostly due to differences in killing styles and motivations between genders, and has led to new categories such as black widow killers and angels of death. Although male serial killers are often driven by sexual motivations, it is unclear whether this is the case for females also. Even in the case of Aileen Wuornos, the only recorded instance of female sexual predator America, it is still contested whether her motivations were purely sexual in nature. In many other instances, particularly those in which the female operates with a partner, it would appear that there are psychological and mental health issues which may contribute. In addition, it is also argues that women are driven to murder more for material gain than sexual gratification. In association with the differences in motivation for killing, the victims of female serial killers also appear to differ significantly to
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those of men, for example women most often select family members or those in their care as victims.

It is clear that there are significant differences between male and female serial killers, although the poor quality of information means that these differences may still be poorly understood. Gaining better quality of information could enhance understanding of differences and therefore lead to better steps being taken to prevent and deal with female serial killers.

Female Serial Killers

I. Introduction

In the U.S., 62 female serial killers operated between 1825 and 1995, and 17 of these operated as part of a team (Hickey, 2002). Figures from other countries also suggest that female serial killers are rare, but important nonetheless (Mouzos & West, 2007). Although there are some characteristics of male and female serial killers which are very similar, there are also many aspects which differ greatly. For example Hickey (2002) suggests that female serial killers are active for around nine years and will average between seven and nine victims. While male serial killers also have an average span of activity of nine years, the number of victims averages between six and eleven, which indicates that there may be far more variation in their victim numbers. Although this may appear a small difference, there are far more substantial differences between the genders, for example in the motivation of killings, methods and victims selected.

This essay therefore focuses on a number of specific elements of female serial killers, those which may set them aside from their male counterparts. The first section of the essay focuses on a broad overview of the significance of the differences between male and female serial killers, which has led to different typologies being applied. The second section discusses the implication of sexual motives to the female serial killer, an aspect which is usually more associated with male murderers than females. Finally, the last section focuses on the victims which are selected by female serial killers, as this is perhaps one of the most substantial differences from male serial killers.

II. Diverse Typologies of Female Serial Killers

The typologies for serial killers were originally developed for males, but a review of these determined that they were insufficient for description of many female serial killers. This is due to many differences which are present in all aspects of the murders carried out by male and female serial killers. As a result new typologies were introduced, including black widow, angel of death, revenge killer and team killer. There were also determined to be female serial killers who were profit of crime killers and sexual predators (Kelleher & Kelleher, 1998, cited in Silvio et al., 2006). This is consistent with a review of available records conducted by Riedel (1998) suggested that the predominant motivations for female serial killers were financial security, revenge, enjoyment and sexual stimulation. Silvio et al. (2006) suggest that female serial killers who act alone may be somewhat different to those working in teams. Those acting alone are suggested to be mature, careful, deliberate and socially adept. In contrast, those acting in teams are suggested to often be younger, more aggressive and vicious in their attack, and somewhat more disorganized.

Another perspective of viewing murderers which is often used is the classification by organized-disorganized typology. This takes account of elements such as preparation of the crime, selection of victim, manner of killing, disposal of the body, concealment and escape (Mouzos & West, 2007). Serial killers in particular are usually highly organized, and this typology has been extended to give further categories of serial killer, including organized, disorganized, assertive, reassuring, missionaries, hunters, commuters and marauders (Warwick, 2006). At the present time it is not clear how females may differ from males in respect to these typologies, although it would appear that there is evidence of females fitting into each of these typologies. The low level of information available on female serial killers does however make it difficult to assess whether there are 'typical' patterns in the typologies of female serial killers even more so than males.

III. Female Serial Killers as Sexual Predators

As discussed above, there are some discrepancies between the different typologies of male and female serial killers. A significant element of this may lie in the different motivations between the genders. A typical definition of serial murder is a murder which is deliberate, premeditated and sexually predatory in nature (Kraemer et al., 2004). Despite this definition, it is not necessarily the case that all female serial killers are sexually motivated in their crimes. The case of Aileen Wuornos is perhaps one of the most publicized instances of female serial killers, immortalized by Charlize Theron in the Hollywood movie 'Monster'. This is also suggested to be the only recorded case of a female sexual predator operating alone within the United States (Silvio et al., 2006). Myers and colleagues (2005) investigated the true motivation behind her crimes, examining the theory that there were sexual elements, specifically sexual sadism. After evaluation of the data which was available, the authors did however conclude that there was no evidence of sexual sadism. It was less clear whether there were some elements of sexual gratification as motivating factors, although the authors concluded that there were other motivating factors which were more likely. These included early childhood disruptions, severe psychopathy and history of abuse.

Although Aileen Wuornos is believed to be the only female sexual predator working alone in U.S. history, there are other cases of female serial killers working in teams with sexual motives. This then leads to the question of whether such women are active or passive participants in these types of crimes. There are numerous theories which have been discussed in the literature which may explain the involvement of women in these crimes, including shared psychotic disorder, Stockholm syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder and battered woman syndrome. One such example in which this may be considered the case is that of Charlene and Gerald Gallego, who kidnapped, raped and murdered a number of young girls between 1979 and 1980. Charlene was regularly beaten by Gerald and this is believed to have played an important role in her participation in the couple's crimes (MacLeod, 2003). In addition, gender role socialization has also been suggested as a possible factor in serial killing partnerships, where sexually motivated murders may occur due to dominance of the male in the partnership (Silvio et al., 2006).

Such theories would all implicate females as largely passive participants in sexually motivated killings, but there have been cases of women operating in female only teams conducting murders for sexual gratification. One such example is that of Gwendolyn Graham and Catherine May Wood, a lesbian couple who murdered a number of elderly victims in 1987 (Davis, 2001). This would suggest that it is possible that women are in fact actively involved in murders carried out for sexual gratification and are not necessarily passive participants as many may assume. Despite this, it still appears that the prevailing motivations of female serial killers are material gain or some other type of extrinsic gratification as opposed to sexual gratification (Frei et al., 2006).

IV. Victims of Female Serial Killers

Along with possible differences in motivation between male and female serial killers, it also appears that there may be differences between genders in the victims selected. It is suggested that female serial killers predominantly target victims who they know, and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Serial Murderers" Assignment:

Purpose of the Research Paper:

Must have a college-level writing component of no less than 2,000 words.

This is a research paper, so you will need to read books, articles, web-published information, etc. and compile that information into your own interpretation of what it all means. You also need to cite your sources.

Topic Options:

Choose a sociological topic of interest that is profiled in one of the Henslin, James M., Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, Seventh Edition.

Read the Down-to-Earth Sociology text in the book, and use this information as a base for your own independent research paper.

For example, if you are interested in Deviance and Social Control, check out the Down-to-Earth Sociology inserts in chapter 6. Note that there are two: Gangs and Serial Murderers. If you choose Gangs, then read the insert on page 150 of the text and use this information as a base for your paper. After you have your topic selected (in this case, Gangs), formulate your thesis statement and begin doing library and Internet research to support your thesis. You don*****t have to write about the exact issue profiled in the Down-to-Earth Sociology section, but your topic should be related. So, for example, you don*****t have to write about he specific gangs talked about on page 150*****¦you can write your paper on the topic of gangs in general, gangs in other countries, gangs in a certain region in the US, gangs of certain ethnicities, a historical perspective of gangs, etc.

Page Requirements:

The paper should be no less than 6 pages of text that makes up the introduction, body, and conclusion of your paper. You should also have a title page, outline, and reference page. See the format requirements below for more information.

Use standard margins (top and bottom = 1 inch; left and right = 1.25 inches), double spacing, and standard 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman). You can include pictures and other graphics in your paper, but not in place of text. That means that you can*****t use big images to fill up your page minimum page requirement.

Format Requirements:

Title Page (should include):

Paper Topic

Paper Title

Page # and Title of Down to Earth Sociology box your paper topic was derived from

Alisa McGAVran

Outline (should include):

I. Introduction

a. Quote or other interesting fact to grab your audience

b. Thesis statement

c. State points to be investigated in paper

II. Point 1

III. Point 2

IV. Point 3 (have at least 3, but no more than 5 points)

V. Conclusion

a. Repeat Thesis

b. Summarize Points

c. Your Conclusion


Your text should follow your outline, with an introduction (1-2 paragraphs), your points (5-9 pages), and your conclusion (1-3 paragraphs). Support all of your points with references to the texts, periodicals, websites, etc. that use to get your ideas. This is a research paper, not an opinion paper, so you need to objectively approach your topic and keep your opinions (e.g., use of the words: I, me, in my experience, etc.) to yourself.


Site all of the sources you use in your paper. Follow the APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines for citations. There are many resources online that provide examples of APA format. Here is one, http://www.bedfordst*****,

How to Reference "Serial Murderers" Thesis in a Bibliography

Serial Murderers.”, 2008, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Serial Murderers (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Serial Murderers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Serial Murderers” 2008.
”Serial Murderers”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Serial Murderers”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Serial Murderers [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Serial Murderers. Published 2008. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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