Research Proposal on "Serial Killers Opening Statement"

Research Proposal 7 pages (2164 words) Sources: 7

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Serial Killers

Opening statement: Introduction

The term 'serial killer' has become part of modern vocabulary and has also become a dominant theme in films, media and literature. There are many definitions of this term. A common and often-used definition is as follows:

The FBI defines a serial killer as one who murders three or more victims, with "cooling-off" periods between each... This sets them apart from mass murderers, who kill four or more people at the same time (or in a short period of time) in the same place, and spree killers, who murder in multiple locations and within a short period of time. Serial killers usually work alone, kill strangers and kill for the sake of killing (as opposed to crimes of passion).


Therefore, serial killers are a very different species of criminal when compared to other types of murderers and criminals in that they exhibit certain distinct tendencies and trait that will be examined in this paper.

The term "serial killer" was first used by the former director of the F.B.I., Robert Ressler, in the 1970's. He referred to the consistent patterns of murders that exhibited certain features as being characterized by "crimes in a series." (Freeman) the classification of this type of crime has led to a variety of theories and hypothesis about the causative factors behind serial killers. One of these theories is that serial killing is a result of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). This disorder is defied as; "... A psychological personality disorder characterized by lack of empathy or conscience, a difficulty controlling impulses and manipulati
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ve behaviors. This disorder is sometimes also referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy." (Port) Another characteristic that is particularly germane to this type of crime is that the serial killer is hard to identify as he or she has a "mask of normalcy" and appears outwardly unexceptional.

The focus on this type of crime is party due the sensational nature of these crimes but also to the fact that there are an increasing number of serial killings occurring in the United States. A FBI Behavioral Unit study estimates that eighty-five percent of the world's serial killers are in America. "At any given time 20-50 unidentified active serial killers are at work continually changing their targets and methods. " (Antisocial Personality Disorder) the following discussion will focus on three central characteristics that emerge from the study and analysis of this type of crime and criminal.

A. First fact: Serial killers tend to follow a general profile

According to many studies of the correlation of the various common characteristics of known serial killers, a general profile of these types of crimes has become known. At the same time it should also be pointed out that there are deviations from this profile, although most do generally fall into the accepted profile to a greater or lesser extent.

Many studies indicate a number of significant characteristics; that the serial killer tends to fall into the white racial group, and are usually heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties and that they are often characterized by signs of sexual aberration or dysfunction and often exhibit a low self-esteem. (SERIAL KILLER HIT LIST - PART 1)

Of course these are many serial killer who do not subscribe exactly to these central characteristics; for example, well-known homosexual serial killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer and Luis Alfredo Garavitom, who killed over 140 boys in Columbia. (Homosexual Serial Killers). However, the above facts refer to a general set of traits that pertain to the majority of these offenders.

One of these facts that are almost always true is that these crimes are of a sexual nature and are often related to elaborate fantasies. "Their methodical rampages are almost always sexual in nature. Their killings are usually part of an elaborate fantasy that builds to a climax at the moment of their murderous outburst." (SERIAL KILLER HIT LIST - PART 1) Related to the above is the fact that there is often a period of "cooling down" after a murder, where the desire to sexually abuse others diminishes.

Sadism is also mentioned as one of the dominant traits of the serial killer. Forms of sadism can range from mutilation to torture and even cannibalism. These types of criminals are also well-known for retaining the 'body parts' of their victims as a form of 'trophy' or memento of the their acts. Coupled with this is the evidence that serial killers return to the scene of the crime to, "...fantasize about their deeds." (SERIAL KILLER HIT LIST - PART 1) Furthermore, "Many like to insert themselves in the investigation of their crimes and some enjoy taunting authorities with letters or carefully placed pieces of evidence." (SERIAL KILLER HIT LIST - PART 1)

Race also seems to play a role in the profile of this type of crime to a certain extent. Most serial killers choose victims from their own racial group. The most common victims of the serial killer are prostitutes and hitchhikers; due to the fact that these groups would be more accessible and least likely to be missed over a period of time. Another common characteristic is that many of these criminals come from broken and dysfunctional family backgrounds.

B. Second fact: serial killers choose strangers as their victims

Egger's definition of the serial killer (1990) emphasizes the important fact that usually the victim and the attacker are strangers. This refers to the significance of anonymity as a central element and characteristic of these crimes. This aspect is important as it is a part of the reason why these crimes are so difficult to understand and solve, especially in terms of the motivation behind the crimes. In other words, the serial killer does not kill as a result of 'normal' factors such as hate, revenge or any other emotion that is associated with a close relationship with another person.

The essentially anonymity of this type of crime and criminal has thus added to the problem of apprehending these criminals. As Egger (1990) notes,

Serial murder occurs when one or more individuals - in most known cases, male - commit a second murder and/or subsequent murder; is relationshipless (victim and attacker are strangers); occurs at a different time and has no connection to the initial (and subsequent) murder; and is frequently committed in a different geographic location. Further, the motive is generally not for material gain but is usually a compulsive act specifically for gratification of the murderer.

Egger et al. 4)

The last point that Egger makes adds depth to this important aspect. The fact that the serial killer kills anonymously means that the criminal usually has an inner need that he or she feels compelled to fulfill. This need is often linked to sexual and other forms of gratification that has usually little do to with the actual identity of the victim or victims. Therefore, anyone can be a target of the serial killer.

Another fact that can be related to the above is that the serial killer usually chooses victims that are weaker than him or her self. Furthermore, the issue of anonymity that is peculiar to this type of crime also leads to the fact that the victims are chosen not for any personality trait or individual aspect other than that they exhibit a "...certain stereotype which has symbolic meaning for the killer." (Shareef) an example would be Ted Bundy's choice of victim; he only killed women of college age who had long brown hair. (Shareef) This means in effect that the victim is not seen as an individual but only as 'type' that fits into the distorted fantasy world of the killer. This lack of individual recognition by the serial killer often makes them exceedingly sadistic and brutal. The killer does not see the victim as another human being but as an objectified type or symbol.

C. Third fact: A serial killer is motivated by both psychological and sociological factors.

One central characteristic of the serial killer which is extremely disconcerting is that the serial murderer cannot be easily understood by using conventional social and psychological theories of causation and motivation.. There often does not seem to be any clear logical reasoning behind the killings and they seem to be purposeless and random. Egger states that; "...unlike traditional mass murderers, who suddenly crack under pressure and kill everybody in sight, serial murderers kill and kill, often for years on end." (Egger et al. 7)

There has been much research and debate about the reasons as to why certain people become serial killers. The reasons as well as the underlying causative factors of this type of crime are extremely complex and there are a wide range of theories that have been applied to explain the causes of this type of crime

What recent research has found is that there are both psychological as well as sociological reasons for this type of crime. The common definition of the serial killer usually includes reference to the psychological makeup… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Serial Killers Opening Statement" Assignment:

I need the paper to include:

Opening staement

A.First fact

B.Second fact

C.Third fact

Body with 3 subfacts per fact


Important that all sources have footnotes.

How to Reference "Serial Killers Opening Statement" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Serial Killers Opening Statement.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Serial Killers Opening Statement (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Serial Killers Opening Statement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Serial Killers Opening Statement” 2008.
”Serial Killers Opening Statement”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Serial Killers Opening Statement”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Serial Killers Opening Statement [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Serial Killers Opening Statement. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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