Term Paper on "Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique"

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Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique

Mozambique is in South- east Africa, totally surrounded by South Africa, and this can be seen in the map given at the end. The country has three main cities of Maputo, Beira and Nampula. These are the only places in the country where individuals are rich and have money to spend. The major part of the people live on the gains from agriculture and this is the life of 80% of the people. The women are the major workers. It is the job of women to plant, nurture and harvest the crop. Then comes their responsibility for cooking maize, which is the staple food over a slow fire, and it is in the form of porridge. This is the main course of the meal. (Mozambique- people and society)

Since 1996, Mozambique has attained self-sufficiency in grains and, presently, cereal and cassava production is more than the national needs. But even now the agricultural productivity is below the African and regional average, and there is considerably great amount of unexploited potential for further growth. (Economic Overview) The capital of the country is at Maputo and the population is nearly 19 million. The life expectancies are very low with the figure being 37.83 years for males and 36.34 years for females. There are very few doctors and only a little over half of the population has access to safe drinking water. (Mozambique: Fact File)


Economic environment

The total foreign exchange reserves of the country excluding gold are 715.6 million dollars as per the latest figures available for 2001. The exchange rate for the currency is 20,704 units of the local currency for every dollar, an
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d this has risen from 11,773 to the dollar in 1997, on to 12,110 in 1998, 13,029 in 1999 and 15,447 in 2000. Thus the currency is continuously depreciating. The gross production of the country is 3.4 billion dollars and the per capita income is $193. (Economic Overview)

Start-Up Costs

The start up costs will depend on what type of activity is planned. It is clear that the business has to be located in one of the three major towns, preferably the capital, and there the costs are expected to be high. There are no details available about this and one will have to go through an advisor who will work out the details based on a survey. The country is not poor and has the Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Dam, which has a capacity of 2,075 megawatts a year, and is now the main source for the current annual national consumption of around 200 megawatts. Once the newly constructed aluminum smelter in Maputo -- MOZAL is fully operational, then it will require another 450 megawatts. Electricity is at present also exported to Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. (Economic Overview)

The attitude to foreign investment is not clear. Mozambican President Armando Guebuza, speaking to Mozambican journalists in New York after attending the United Nations summit, has mentioned that Mozambicans have to themselves put effort for their country's development. The president denied that he was against the issue of foreign investment since it was a form of neo-colonialism. Guebuza also said that he hoped to finalize the negotiations on the Cahora Basso Dam when he would visit Portugal in late this month. Mozambique wants to get the majority share in the dam operating company, Hidroelectrica de Cahora Bassa, though Portugal holds 82% of the shares now. (Mozambicans are responsible for Mozambique's progress)

Financing Resources

For financing any enterprise in Mozambique, one will have to depend on South Africa. This is clear from the map where one can see that Mozambique is surrounded on all sides by South Africa, and practically the existence of the country is dependant on the mercies of South Africa. According to a recent survey by the South Africa Institute for International Affairs - SAIIA, Mozambique has received some 49% of South African foreign direct investment. There are more than 262 South African projects that have been registered by Mozambique's Investment Promotion Center after it was started in 1985. This has resulted in an accumulated investment of U.S. $1.33 billion by the end of the year 2003. South African investors now control 3 out of the 4 sugar estates, 3 out of Mozambique's 4 breweries, all of the soft drink bottling plants and large amounts of cereal mills, and most important is that of the tourism facilities available in the country. (Mozambique-South Africa - Investment climate generally favorable, new report) Thus if it is felt that outside funds should be used for the project, and then it is only those sources that should be tapped.

4. Actions that might be taken to obtain financing for the Business

It is clear that funds will have to be collected from South Africa and the methods for collecting them would be to meet the objectives of those investors. Just looking at the investment figures it is clear that South Africa wants to be the dominating economic power in Mozambique, as that is the only reason for investing so much of money. South African investment in two sugar estates and their mills created 3,034 permanent jobs, as also seasonal employment for 5,398 workers. (Mozambique-South Africa - Investment climate generally favorable, new report) Thus it is clear that one of their objectives would be to ensure getting jobs for individuals from their own country. Considering the present position of the investment in the business, this would be a good solution. It would be difficult to continue with the business if a situation of enmity develops with South Africa.


1. Global Information Needs

Reporting depends on the structure of the organization and what has been said till now makes it clear that there will have to be a venture in cooperation with South Africa. There will not be many employees of Mozambican origin as they are even employed by South Africans only for manual work and most of them are given only temporary positions. The Mozal aluminum smelter project created temporary jobs of about 5,033 and of these 70% was held by Mozambicans when the construction and expansion phases of the project were running. When both phases were completed, the full staff complement is now about 800 staff members. (Mozambique-South Africa - Investment climate generally favorable, new report) Thus no project in Mozambique really seems to be for helping Mozambicans and they are probably not suitable for such jobs.

2. Global Information Sources

The main sources of information used for this are listed in the bibliography at the end. The sources are of all types, but most of the sources are international and from South Africa. The country does not have many sources of information of its own, and even newspapers of the area have provided a lot of information. These sources are expected to be neutral and generally factual with the information that they provide. Research done by a country of this size is also very low and not easily available.

3. Technology for managing Information

Mozambique does not have many available technologies and the technologies, which it uses often, lead to misinformation. In certain respects this country lives in a backward age. We can understand this by the following example. There are senior customs officials in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado who look extremely foolish, as they seized a consignment of illegal drugs in July of this year are now seen to be nothing more harmful than nutritional supplements for children, which were imported by a religious organization. The goods referred to were seized at the airport in the Cabo Delgado provincial capital, Pemba, on 16 July 2005. The director of customs in the province at that time, Orlando Jose, announced that the packages contained 83,280 tablets and capsules. According to his statement, the parcels contained 'cocaine, heroine and amphetamines'. The weight of these packages was not mentioned, but above 83,000 capsules of hard drugs would have been an enormous haul. This has now changed as according to a report in the Maputo daily Noticias, the central laboratory of the Mozambican police has verified the drugs, and found that they are not illicit, and are certainly for nutritional purposes. (Illicit Drugs or Nutritional Supplements?)

The goods had been imported by a Christian missionary organization, called the Iris Ministries. When the missionaries turned up at Pemba airport to collect their consignment, they found that it had been taken away by customs. The Cabo Delgado provincial attorney's office later ordered the return of the goods to their owner. But how did the Cabo Delgado customs assume that these pills were all illicit drugs? The official had claimed at the time that they had been sent for laboratory analysis, and the lab result said that this cargo consisted of cocaine, heroine, and amphetamines, along with bottles of amphetamine powder and mescaline. On the other hand both the attorney's office and local agents of the Criminal Investigation Police -- PIC informed the press that this… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique" Assignment:

I used the ***** listed for my last project on this same subject and I would like to use them again.

*****’s Username: *****

I need the following information based upon a paper you completed for me. I received it on 9/21/05. The topic was selling supplies in Mozambique.

This information should refelct the information you complted for me on 9/21. This paper needs to cover four different areas of interest or for a lack of better words, modules 7-10.

Module 7

Research Components

Based on the global business opportunity identified in Module 1 (Selling Medical supplies in Mozambique) and the country you have analyzed, research information related to the following:

1. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT. Discuss the influence of the country’s infrastructure and economic conditions (inflation, currency exchange rate, interest rates, unemployment, personal income) on startup costs and the financial potential for this business enterprise.

2. START-UP COSTS. Identify expenses (and estimated amounts) that would be necessary when starting this global business enterprise. (Be sure to consider equipment, buildings, vehicles, infrastructure improvements, training costs, consultants, legal fees and licenses.)

3. FINANCING SOURCES. Compare the availability and costs associated with different sources for funding this global business enterprise. (Large companies may sell stock, issue bonds, and obtain loans. Smaller organizations might make use of personal investors, small business loans, venture capital sources, or government-guaranteed loans.)

Basically, I need a summary report consisting of the following components:

1. An overview of economic conditions that might affect star-up costs and financing alternatives for the proposed global business enterprise.

2. A description (and estimate of amounts) of the necessary start up costs.

3. A synopsis of financing alternatives that might be used in this situation.

4. Recommend actions that might be taken to obtain financing for the proposed global business enterprise. Provide evidence to support your recommendations.

Module 8

Research Components

Based on the global business opportunity identified in Module 1 (Selling Medical supplies in Mozambique) and the country you have analyzed, research information related to the following areas:

1. GLOBAL INFORMATION NEEDS. Identify the types of reports and other data that would provide managers with the information necessary for organizational decision making. (Common categories of management information include financial documents, inventory data, sales and marketing reports and human resource records.)

2. GLOBAL INFORMATION SOURCES. List the main (a) external and (b) internal sources of data for your global business enterprise. (External sources include government agencies, financial institutions, trade associations, suppliers, and customers. Internal sources include research information, accounting data, employee records, sales figures, and inventory reports.)

3. TECHNOLOGY FOR MANAGING INFORMATION. Describe computer systems and other technology that would facilitate the processing, reporting, and use of information for international business operations. (For example, a global computer network may be used to record and report inventory and sales from various branch offices.)

Basically, I need the information below:

Prepare a summary report consisting of the following components:

1. An overview of information needs for the proposed global business enterprise.

2. A description of information sources and technology that would be used in a global information system for this situation.

3. A visual synopsis of a proposed global management system that identifies: (a) input sources, (b) processing activities, and (c) output reports that would serve the decision-making needs of managers within the organization.

Module 9

Research Components

Based on the global business opportunity identified in Module 1 (Selling Medical supplies in Mozambique) and the country you have analyzed, research information related to the following areas:

1. STAFFING. Identify needed skills of employees and managers. Compare the use of ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric approaches to staffing. (Most organizations need employees skilled in clerical work, marketing and sales, and financial planning. Also identify needed technical skills for production, research, and maintenance.)

2. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT. List needed topics and instructional methods for ongoing training and management development related to technical skills, interpersonal skills, language, and cultural awareness.

3. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. Suggest performance guidelines that would balance organizational goals and individual needs, and which would reflect the cultural and legal situation.

4. COMPENSATION. Determine suggested wages and salary levels for various job positions based on company and country factors. Propose an employee benefits package based on economic and cultural factors.

Basically, I need a summary report consisting of the following components:

1. An overview of employment positions, including required skills, which would be necessary for the proposed global enterprise.

2. A description of training topics and methods for this international business situation.

3. A synopsis of performance appraisal and compensation guidelines that reflect the economic, cultural, and legal environment of the country (or countries) in which business operations will occur.

Module 10

Research Components

Based on the global business opportunity identified in Module 1 (Selling Medical supplies in Mozambique) and the country you have analyzed, research information related to the following:

1. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL RISKS. Identify key areas of uncertainty related to level of economic development, infrastructure, and changing economic conditions in the country being considered for business operations. (A weak infrastructure or volatile currency increases the risk of doing business in a foreign market.)

2. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RISKS. Discuss customs, traditions, and social values in your proposed location that could create risks for the enterprise. (Religious beliefs or the role of family can affect uncertainty when starting and implementing an international business operation.)

3. POLITICAL AND LEGAL RISKS. Analyze the uncertainty that might be created by political stability, corruption potential, and business regulations. (Required labeling, tariffs, or ownership restrictions may be encountered in various nations.)

4. RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES. Compare various risk reduction strategies available when doing business in other countries. (Common risk management methods include insurance, diversification of product line, strategic alliances with local partners, and employing local managers.)

Basically, I need a summary report consisting of the following components:

1. A description of economic, social, and political-legal risks that might be encountered with the proposed global business enterprise.

2. Recommend risk management techniques that might be taken for these international business operations. Provide evidence to support your recommendations.

I can be reached at mjlw1004@hotmail.com during the day or at 888-818-9934 x2342 with any questions you may have.

How to Reference "Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296.
”Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296.
[1] ”Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296
1. Selling Medical Supplies in Mozambique. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/selling-medical-supplies-mozambique/7061296. Published 2005. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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