Research Proposal on "Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals"

Research Proposal 16 pages (4450 words) Sources: 20 Style: Chicago

[EXCERPT] . . . .


In this thesis, the researcher defines "excellence" as the outstanding practice in guiding and practicing Church life and achieving results. While truly excellent organizations consist of those individuals who strive to satisfy their stakeholders, excellent churches strive to satisfy the One Who said: "I will build My Church…" Those who strive to satisfy Christ will achieve results through what they achieve, how they achieve it, and what they will likely achieve, along with the confidence they have that the results will be sustained in the future.

Purpose of Study

Church administration and individuals (every Christian believer) can glean from quality criteria that are developed in industry throughout the last decades for TQM and are well defined for the process oriented quality model EFQM. The purpose of this paper is to prove the scriptural/biblical basis for this model and its usefulness for self-evaluation of a church and one's personal spiritual life. When leaders utilize the quality approach, the researcher asserts, this helps them better focus on vital processes and specific callings of the local congregation. In a non-profit organization, such as a church, the achievement of certain quality targets, such as increasing mission-related tasks, may be monitored and improved in a significant way. Nevertheless, the final target does not consist in maximizing business, but in improving Quality for Eternity.

III. Introduction

The EFQM Excellence Model is a model tha
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t has nine criteria as its basis with five of these criteria being 'enablers' while four of these are the 'results'. The 'enabler' criteria refer to the actions of the church while the 'results' criteria refer to what the church achieves as a non-profit organization. Theological interpretation of these criteria and application of these criteria are addressed in this work in writing. The criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model include:

(1) Leadership;

(2) Policy and Strategy;

(3) People

(4) Partnerships and Resources

(5) Processes

(6) Customer Results

(7) People Results

(8) Society Results; and (9) Key Performance Results.

It is important to understand precisely who the 'customers' of the Church are and specifically within the context of the EFQM Excellence Model. The customer in the case of a nonprofit is stated in the work of Fiddick (2005) entitled: 'Six Sigma for Non-Profit Organizations" to be defined as "...a patron that might donate funds to the organization or the person using the services provided by the institution" or organization. In the case of the church the customers are the individuals who attend church services and activities or in other words the members and potential members of the church in the surrounding community. Congregations define the customer to be anyone who is in any way affected by its ministry (Kallestad et al.). The primary task of contemporary QM involves ensuring the satisfaction of internal and external customers through suitable activities in all operational areas. Company-related QM tasks are comprehensive, interdepartmental, strategic, evaluating and advisory. Total Quality Management increases in significance when all company components align in perfect equilibrium; when an inter-functional collaboration exists as real employees' participation, mutual confidence between workers and managers and the staff feels constitute a vital factor in/to the organization. QM aims to achieve a common objective; to exceed customers' expectations of the products and services the company offers.

The following diagram illustrates the conceptual view of EFQM Excellence Model:

Figure 1

The EFQM Excellence Model











And strategy results



Resources and Society Results



Source: Adapted from the work of: The Sphere Project: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response

The EFQM Excellence Model is one that considers the community surrounding the church and the specific needs of that community in its planning of various services and activities and in fact, is a model used by new churches in surveying the needs of the community prior to establishing the church so that the specific community needs are assured to be met through the model implemented in terms of services, programs, and outreach to the community.

With a focus on the provision of quality and excellence in church outreach and ministry the EFQM Excellence Model offers a positive model for modeling the activities and process of the church. The following is a description of the criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model:

(1) Leadership - Excellent Leaders develop and facilitate the achievement of the mission and vision. They develop organizational values and systems required for sustainable success and implement these via their actions and behaviors. During periods of change they retain a constancy of purpose. Where required, such leaders are able to change direction of the church and inspire others to follow.

(2) Policy And Strategy - Excellent churches implement their mission and vision by developing a focused strategy that takes account of the target group and sector in which it operates. Policies, plans, objectives and processes are developed and deployed to deliver strategy.

(3) People - Excellent churches manage, develop and release the full potential of their people at an individual, team-based and organizational level. They promote fairness and equality and involve and empower their people. They care for, communicate, reward and recognize, in a way that motivates staff and builds commitment to using their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the church.

(4) Partnerships And Resources - Excellent churches plan to manage external partnerships, suppliers and internal resources in order to support policy and strategy and the effective operation of processes. During planning and whilst managing partnerships and resources, they balance the current and future needs of the organization, the community, and the environment.

(5) Processes - Excellent churches design, manage and improve processes in order to fully satisfy, and generate increasing value for, customers and other stakeholders.

(6) Customer Results - Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to their customers.

(7) People Results - Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to their people.

(8) Society Results - Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to society.

(9) Key Performance Results - Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to the key element of their policy and strategy.

The EFQM Model assigns different weights to each of the nine criteria as follows:





Policy and Strategy


Partnerships and Resources




People Results


Customer Results


Society Results


Key Performance Results

15% (Michalska, 2008)

IV. Leadership

Leadership is viewed in many ways however, the primary role of leadership is to lead however, leadership should not play the parenting role forever, but should, as do parents in raising their children lead the individuals in the church congregation to become autonomous to a great degree or in other words lead the church members in a way that enables them to become future church leaders. This is exampled in a report in which Bill Hybels the Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church admits having made a mistake as he states:

"What we should have done when people crossed the line of faith and become Christians, we should have started telling people and teaching people that they have to take responsibility to become 'self feeders.' We should have gotten people, taught people, how to read their bible between service, how to do the spiritual practices much more aggressively on their own." (Bill Hybels)

As basis for this statement the following scripture is cited:

"Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw -- each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire." (1 Cor 3:12-15)

Indeed it is certain that the leadership in the church must do more than simply lead the attendees of the church into a profession of faith in Christ but must build upon that profession of faith through enabling the church members in become mature disciples of Christ who are able to feed upon the 'meat' of the word rather than remaining at a place where they are only able to feed upon the 'milk' of the word. Bill Hybels having admitted making a mistake highlights another important aspect of leadership is the reassessing of leadership strategies and the courage of those in the role of leadership to admit when they make a mistake and upon that admission seeking a new method or direction of leadership. Reassessment and acknowledgement of errors is that which enables the leader to achieve excellence.

Leadership and management are differentiated in the work of Bolden (2004) who states that the distinction of leadership from… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals" Assignment:


Paper Request:

20 pages (6000 words without quotes), PhD Level, 2:1 Standard. Bibliography: Chicago. Prefer to quote reference books on quality. All scriptures to be taken from New American Standard Bible.

Requirement to *****: UK or US, English native *****. Phd in Theology (plus degree in Engineering), expert in Total Quality Management Science and knowledgable of Church structures (specialist of the charismatic movement and emerging churches).

Purpose: Church administration and individuals (every christian believer) can glean from quality criteria, that are developed in industry throughout the last decades for TQM and are well defined for the process ***** quality model EFQM. The purpose of this paper is to prove the scriptural/biblical basis for this model and its usefullness for self-evaluation of a church and one*****s personal spiritual life. When leaders utilize the quality approach, the researcher asserts, this helps them better focus on vital processes and specific callings of the local congregation. In a non-profit organization, such as a church, the achievement of certain quality targets, such as increasing mission-related tasks, may be monitored and improved in a significant way. Nevertheless, the final target does not consist in maximizing business, but in improving Quality for Eternity (definition see below).

The EFQM Excellence Model is a non-prescriptive framework based on 9 criteria. Five of these are 'Enablers' and four are 'Results'. The 'Enabler' criteria cover what an organisation or a church does. The 'Results' criteria cover what the church as a non-profit organization achieves. 'Results' are caused by 'Enablers' and 'Enablers' are improved using feedback from 'Results' (

These critea (listed below) shall be interpreted theologically, and examples given how to apply them for Advanced Churches and for one*****s personal enhancement of spiritual life.

The model is explained in a different paper (no need for repetition):



Excellent Leaders develop and facilitate the achievement of the mission and vision. They develop organisational values and systems required for sustainable success and implement these via their actions and behaviours. During periods of change they retain a constancy of purpose. Where required, such leaders are able to change direction of the church and inspire others to follow.

Policy And Strategy

Excellent churches implement their mission and vision by developing a focused strategy that takes account of the target group and sector in which it operates. Policies, plans, objectives and processes are developed and deployed to deliver strategy.


Excellent churches manage, develop and release the full potential of their people at an individual, team-based and organisational level. They promote fairness and equality and involve and empower their people. They care for, communicate, reward and recognise, in a way that motivates staff and builds commitment to using their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the church.

Partnerships And Resources

Excellent churches plan to manage external partnerships, suppliers and internal resources in order to support policy and strategy and the effective operation of processes. During planning and whilst managing partnerships and resources, they balance the current and future needs of the organisation, the community, and the environment.


Excellent churches design, manage and improve processes in order to fully satisfy, and generate increasing value for, customers and other stakeholders.

Customer Results

Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to their customers.

People Results

Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to their people.

Society Results

Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to society.

Key Performance Results

Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to the key element of their policy and strategy.



In this thesis, the researcher defines *****excellence***** as the outstanding practice in guiding and practicing Church life and achieving results. While truly excellent organizations consist of those individuals who strive to satisfy their stakeholders, excellent churches strive to satisfy the One Who said: *****I will build My Church*****¦,***** . Those who strive to satisfy Christ will achieve results through what they achieve, how they achieve it, and what they will likely achieve, along with the confidence they have that the results will be sustained in the future

*****Quality for Eternity***** And Process Thinking

In most cases quality in ministry is defined as *****meeting or exceeding the expectations of needs of the customer in such a way as to fully satisfy him or her*****. (Kallestad) But the purpose of this paper is not to make a business process out of ministry but to make the business of ministry a quality process. The quality performance of a church is typically measured primarily by its size, participation in programs and/or financial indicators. Recently, however, a new awareness of quality beyond material issues has begun to surface (see below, Hybels). This focus embraces those core values that count for eternity, which may suggest the need to introduce a new term: *****Quality for Eternity*****. Quality for Eternity stands for those values that count for eternity (to be defined). It does not only refer to organizations, it may also be applied to one*****s spiritual growth in knowing God (2Petr 3:18; 2 Cor 3:18; 1Tim 1,5). It*****s about loving Him and the church, while serving the world.

Quality for Eternity in the context of TQM *****does not try to make people with zero defects, nor does it try to make people the product of continuous improvement. It does seek continuous improvement and zero defects in the way ministry is accomplished.***** (Kallestad). God demands our best; anything less does not honor God, and conveys an inaccurate message to the watching world. Regular evaluation and review must be a part of all who belong to the family of faith. As believers we should be committed to being good stewards of the resources of time, money, and abilities God has given them (Ps 78:72; Col 3:17).


Congregations define the customer to be anyone who is in any way affected by its ministry (Kallestad et al). The primary task of contemporary QM involves ensuring the satisfaction of internal and external customers through suitable activities in all operational areas. Company-related QM tasks are comprehensive, interdepartmental, strategic, evaluating and advisory. Total Quality Management increases in significance when all company components align in perfect equilibrium; when an inter-functional collaboration exists as real employees´ participation, mutual confidence between workers and managers and the staff feels constitute a vital factor in/to the organization. QM aims to achieve a common objective; to exceed customers´ expectations of the products and services the company offers.


God has placed the longing for perfection in every human nature. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus commanded: *****Therefore you are to*****. Matthew Henry notes that in general, those in the Church are called to be followers of God. *****¦It is the duty of Christians to desire, and aim at, and press toward perfection in grace and holiness***** (Henry, Verse 48 section). Those in the church are to study to conform to the example God gives; to do good to /for each person; to copy the ways Jesus taught as well as one can. In the business realm, the concept of *****be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect,***** aligns with the Japanese word *****kaizen***** which means as much as continuous improvement, not merely fulfilling specifications or simply maintaining a process running on a constant quality level. The challenge for the Advanced Church, is to define, interpret and determine terms such *****Quality*****, Vision*****, *****Mission***** and *****Success***** regarding their Biblical meanings, and then examine itself in light of these meanings.


Purpose: Shifting the focus from accumulating power to giving power away. Empowerment of people.

Traditional Churches

The Traditional Church is historically led by one pastor who often views himself as CEO; backed up by a board with official full or halftime positions; separated by a clear hierarchy. Usually the traditional church will be subject to denominational oversight. Some of the stand alone organizations, however, have developed towards a mega church. In the mega church, the corporate identity determines the atmosphere and culture of the church. Mega churches generally establish and maintain complete or primary control over the church*****s organizational activities. According to Warren, the mega church possesses a broad license to operate in the majority of societal spheres, an advantage as they are typically only restricted by ideology. Disadvantages that Rutz notes include: Leadership limits its expansion, clergy and laity are divided, most decisions are by decree and there is the danger of building a private empire, People are controlled, two-thirds of the members are women, yet their presence is irrelevant. The meetings are programmed, so most people are passive with only 5% participation (Rutz).

Advanced Churches

Advanced Churches may learn from the Emergent Churches that are led by a team of elders, that personally as well as their spouses are friends and have strong relationships with each other. The team is large enough to shoulder the burden for the church equally by the whole team. The leaders are witnessing at their workplace, working in their secular profession and volunteer in the four-fould ministry at the church (part-time ministry also possible). If the organization requires the position of a president due to financial administration, this office may rotate over the years among the elders. A freely welcomed apostolic oversight also may be possible. *****Advanced Churches*****, a term created by the researcher, represents the church of tomorrow, according to Samuel Chand in 15 years.

While establishing solid and effective processes through the TQM approach, the challenge is to remember that the Church is not a mere rigid organization and consists not of a building, but of people. The risk is that it may fail to recognize this challenge. The challenge is to remain true to its calling; that it will be as Jesus directs in Matthew 10:16: *****¦.As sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.***** In its quest to be wise as serpents; harmless as doves, not competing for *****customers***** or engaging in business games, may the Church take care to heed Jesus warning to those who make the temple a marketing place. In Matthew 21:13, Jesus said: *****My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a 'den of thieves.'***** The prayer is that the true Church will prayerfully follow the commands of Christ; with/in the Holy *****s lead; with God*****s eternal love serving as the only measure.


The application of quality models to churches was taken up particularly by the church growth movement in the 70s (MCGAVRAN 1990, WAGNER 1984, SCHALLER 1995, BLACK 1996). Already in 1988 Messer spoke of a Total Quality Management Movement in the church. In North America many leaders of Mega Churches such as Schuller, Hybles or Warren opened themselves up for quality-***** business models particularly under the influence of the management advisor DRUCKER. JACK WELSH, founder of the Six Sigma Method developed at Motorola, called Warren *****the biggest thinker***** . MARESCO does not see big differences between church and business leadership in how the leaders drive home their visions, and even ask the question, if business leaders can learn from leaders of today*****s megachurches.

In traditional churches, that put much emphasis on organizational structures and programs, the quality approach helps to focus on key processes and specific callings of a local congregation. While in a non-profit organization the final target does not consist in maximizing business, the achievement of certain quality targets, like increasing mission related tasks, could be monitored and improved in a significant way.

In his so called *****žImpulse paper***** (german: *****žImpulspapier*****) that carries the title *****žChurch of Freedom***** (german: *****žKirche der Freiheit*****), the chairman of the Lutheran Church in Germany (EKD) Bischop Wolfgang Huber introduced to his twelve headed commission the perspectives for the evangelical church of the 21st century. On July 6th, 2006 it was presented in public and contains numerous quality terms like quality assurance, quality management and quality numbers. In relation to the pastoral practise of visitation it states, that only in a few member churches there is an accompanying quality management available: *****žWithout clear standards and without a quality control a quality analysis is impossible. Yet, moreover this should be an essential part, to organize the church related work in line with new tasks and increasing expectations.***** (Huber, Wolfgang: Impulspapier der EKD,, 1996)

In 1999 the EKD created the Institute for Quality Management and Research which seeks to establish customer-driven activities. In 2006 Bishop Wolfgang Huber presented a quality-related paper and stimulated increased interest in quality approaches within in the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). In Germany the influence of quality conscious church management models constantly grows as it is layed out by Warren speaking of the *****Total Quality Ministry Church***** [Warren, Rick: The purpose driven church, p. 125].

Wake up Call

This study may examine a number of differences between *****traditional***** ( rigid/ strict/ authoritative) churches, *****emerging***** and *****advanced***** churches, with the researcher also focusing on quality values that count for eternity. The difference may not denote size, but quality. Even in mega churches, the researcher asserts, a new kind of thinking arises in regard to quality, as Bill Hybels, Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church *****“ the 5th *****top Church***** in the U.S., also known as a mega church, explains, regarding spiritual values (quality for eternity) to be developed. Basically, the article, *****Bill Hybels says *****˜We Made A Mistake, ***** asserts that after even though Willow Creek spent millions of dollars setting up all kinds of programs which aimed to increase participation and consequently hoped to make the participants better disciples of Jesus, research revealed these programs failed to meet their goals, as they did not lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus. *****Having spent 30 years building this church model and advocating it to others, Hybels has called this report the *****˜wake up call***** of his life*****(Bill Hybels says..., p. 1). Hybels admits:

We [leaders of Willow Creek Community Church] made a mistake. What we should have done when people crossed the line of faith and become Christians, we should have started telling people and teaching people that they have to take responsibility to become *****˜self feeders.***** We should have gotten people, taught people, how to read their bible between service, how to do the spiritual practices much more aggressively on their own.***** *****“ Bill Hybels (Bill Hybels says..., p. 1).

Even though those in the Church may have different viewpoints on some issues and/or come from different denominations, each church leader should examine the quality of its work. The Bible stresses that building on the foundation Christ established is vital. Christ serves as the Cornerstone with every other thing to be built around Him. During the past 2000 years, as man has built churches, the best and worst of humanity have been demonstrated as some have been built upon the great Foundation. The following, sobering passage, recorded in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 reminds leaders of their responsiblity to ensure the work of the church they lead, not only reflects the best in quality, but also adheres to the guidelines Christ gave for the Church.

*****Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw*****” each one*****s work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone*****s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.***** (Bill Hybels says..., p. 1).

As the work of the Kingdom, including the work of each individual, as well as the work the Church conducts during its tenure on earth will be tested by fire, one, as well as the Church as a body, would do well to ensure the work/s adhere to Christ*****s intent; that they reflect quality work. Otherwise, what is done will ultimatley be burnt up. In eternity, what is done in/with/on the right Foundation, however, will also be revealed. It will stand the test of fire and be rewarded.




Huber, Wolfgang. Kirche der Freiheit *****“ Impulspapier des Rates der EKD, Kirchenamt der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), 2006.

Kallestad, Walt; Schey, Steve. Total Quality Ministry. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1994.

Rutz, James. Mega Shift: Igniting Spiritual Power. Colorado springs, Colorado: Empowerment Press, 2006.

Thwaites, James. The church beyond the congregation. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, Media. Imprint of Authentic, 1999.

Warren, Rick. The purpose Driven Church: Growth Without Compromising Your Message & Mission. Grand Rapides, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995.


Chand, Samuel. Futuring. In: *****Leadership Tips A Publication of Leadership Development and Church Ministries.*****Open BibleChurches. Spring-Summer 2009. Web. 03 August 2009'09-LdrshpTips.pdf

*****Church of Freedom.***** Prospects for the Evangelical Church in the 21 Century. A pulse of paper of the Council of the EKD. 2007. Web 26 August 2009


Hybels, Bill. *****Bill Hybels says *****We Made A Mistake*****. LayGuy. 26 October 2007.

Web. Available at:

09 October 2009.

SAETO *****“ Self Assessment EFQM Excellence Model.



Pfeifer, Tilo. Quality Management: Strategies, Methods, Techniques. 1st English Ed.. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2002. (3rd Geman Ed. available).

Masing, Walter. Handbuch Qualitätssicherung. 5th Ed. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2007.


How to Reference "Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals” 2010.
”Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and Individuals. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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