Term Paper on "Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know"

Term Paper 6 pages (1777 words) Sources: 0

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Self-Analysis know that I have many strengths and weaknesses. Some I have discovered myself, friends and family have identified some for me. I find this assignment very helpful. I believe that a self inventory of the areas in which I do well, and those for which I still need work will help me as a counselor as well as reducing the risk I face of burnout in the face of the highly stressful work I will be doing. In this portion of the paper I plan to focus on my skills and weaknesses in identified areas, and in the second portion I hope to identify techniques and a professional development plan that I will follow to prevent burnout.

A place my listening and empathy skills into the same category, since I believe being an active listener requires some degree of commitment to the person and that requires a degree of empathy. I believe that my background gives me some skill and contributes to weaknesses as well. Raised in a family with an alcoholic father, we kept our secrets well. I channeled this into rebellion, and got into a lot of trouble in my childhood. I was able to make some inroad into my relationship with my father through my participation in sports, and I feel fortunate that I was able to discern any inroad to make contact with him at all. These elements of my youth most likely drove me into the counseling profession, making me tenacious in my desire to find some kind of connection to the client. I think I find this connection by careful empathetic listening. I understand that being a counselor is outside of the work environment my father envisioned for me. In some way, his disappointment becomes my weakness and makes me even more determined to take on cl
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ients and try to help them. It also makes me feel capable of taking on even those individuals who seem to be "difficult." My weakness is perhaps I may be too tenacious, and try to bring to the counseling relationship a connection that cannot exist, due to elements outside my control. As a result, I sometimes do not stay as focused on the client as I should, since I tend to begin searching for answers and plans to the clients problems before they are finished telling me their stories. My experiences with my father have made me a "fixer." I know that many of the weakness I carry with me into my profession stem directly from the unfinished business I have with my father. I plan to use the conflict from this to my advantage. I shall have to be careful that the roles I play in my counseling does not in some way usurp the role I have "failed" in my relationship with my father.

Regarding my work values, I also learned in my childhood that the values espoused are not always the values people live. Again, my family hid the secret of my father's alcoholism for many years. No one outside of our family would have known there was a problem, and his drinking never affected his work. He is still considered to be a prominent attorney, and good at his work. I have his same work ethic, but luckily I love what I do and find my field to be very interesting. I could fall into a trap in which my father's goals somehow supplant my own. This would feed into my need for approval as well as fulfilling the role my father has set for me.

Should I achieve my Ph. D., I know that I will meet my father's standards, but in my heart I know I am doing this mostly for myself. The dynamics within my family have provided me with both strength and weaknesses, but have not forced my decision-making. I think this is perhaps one of my greatest strengths, being able to overcome my origins and use what happened to my advantage. I hope to be able to impart that to my clients as well.

I know that I am somewhat introverted in sharing some aspects of myself with my clients, and I judge this as a weakness as well. Perhaps I want to appear more perfect in their eyes, the one they will turn to who has all the answers. But cognitively, I understand this is not my role as a counselor. My conflict with my father has taught me to be less judgmental with others, more able to compromise and I find it easy to deal with confrontation because I have had so much exposure in the past. I am, however, able to see that the confrontation I experience with the client has very little effect on my personal feelings and emotions, and my response to this is less visceral. I feel I am aware of the possibility of counter-transference and will be able to separate my own issues from the issues that must be dealt with in session.

My counseling weakness will definitely be with clients who are especially judgmental or controlling. I feel this again stems from my relationship with my father as well as qualities I have recognized in myself. My experience with counseling so far, and maturity have helped me to overcome and keep in check these negative qualities. I feel comfortable in giving myself kudos for knowing these faults and working to keep them in check.

My desire to help all my clients would likely best be addressed by using a specific functioning model, such as Hutchen's TFA model. This model directs the client to make balance of his or her thinking/feeling and acting orientations. I feel that this would be an excellent model for my practice style, since I am inherently adaptable to situations and can model my counseling style based on the counseling order most specific to the client's orientation. This approach will allow me to serve the greatest number of clients I can, rather than those who simply fit my approach.

The unfinished business and emotional pain I have with my father will serve me in strength and weakness. I feel that my experience with my family ultimately brought me to this path, since my career makes me feel very focused and motivated, and I know I am making the right career choice. I feel have the right support systems around me, with friend and family members. I also think that I would benefit from counseling myself. I will discuss this issue later in part two of this paper.

Avoiding Burnout hope it does not sound to hackneyed when I say that I feel the main element to avoiding burnout in my career will be achieving balance. Many of the elements, which have attracted me to a career in counseling, are exactly the same elements that may make me more vulnerable to burnout. I know that this career will be especially fulfilling for me as a person and a professional and I look forward to working with people. In the same manner, I realize that I too have issues that should probably be addressed in order to keep my own issues out of the therapeutic area. I need to know which signs of burnout are the most likely. Will I experience fatigue, or will I engage in self-criticism for being unable to refuse the demands made upon me. Will I be cynical, negative or irritable?

For this reason, I plan to engage in a course of counseling to deal with the unresolved feelings I have about my father. Being with a counselor will not only help me personally but also keep me keyed in to what I love about the field. Being in counseling myself will help me rework the old tapes which move in my head when I think about my relationship with my father, and hopefully help me come up with better balanced ways of dealing with my relationship with him.

A also plan to be involved in professional organizations. Counseling, depending upon the setting of your practice, can be a very lonely profession, especially if you do not have ready access to colleagues with whom you can discuss particular cases, or bounce patient problems around. I think that my ideal working environment would be one of multi-disciplinary professionals working together in the same clinic, but who knows where I end up. In order to stay keyed in with others, I plan to keep up with continuing education and join all the local professional organizations I can in order to stay a part of the local counseling community. It will also be helpful for me to know what other options are out there, especially for patients who require referral to other providers.

My need to overachieve may also make me a more likely candidate for burnout. I will try to be realistic regarding the amount of work I take on and the severity of patients in my caseload. As I have identified, I have a tendency… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know" Assignment:

I need a 6 page Self-Awareness Paper. This is a two part paper consisting of 4 pages in part A and 2 pages for part B. All information and details of the paper are listed below. This paper should be written in first person.

Part A:

Type a 4 page paper describing your strengths and weaknesses that may hinder or help you in your counseling and future burnout vulnerability.

Include the following areas:

 Listening Skills

 Empathy Skills

 Values

 TFA (Hutchen’s Model)

 Family Issues:

• Roles & Scripts

• Rules for conflict

• Rules about value of work

• Patterns of over functioning & under functioning

• Differentiation

• Need for appreciation & admiration

 Balancing your life

The following questions and answers can help the ***** generate thought for the paper:

What are your strengths in counseling?

My strengths include my ability to be very empathetic to others; my ability to put myself in other peoples shoes; my ability to be as unbiased as possible which includes respecting others cultural beliefs; and my ability to help others feel comfortable in a counseling environment. A lot of my strengths have grown due to years in the counseling profession.

What are your weaknesses in counseling?

My weaknesses involve my inability to stay focused as long as I should. This includes losing concentration during counseling sessions because I tend to start searching for answers or solutions before my clients are through telling their stories. Another weakness of mine is that I tend to be a perfectionist. I find myself trying to “save the world” and hold on to issues or problems that cannot completely be fixed. Finally, I also struggle with being a little too introverted than I would like to be. Sometimes I wish I would be more open in order to be a more effective counselor. This includes having a hard time confronting clients because I am worried about hurting their feelings.

Why are you attracted to the help giving/counseling profession?

My conscious attraction to the counseling profession began in college. I started my college career in the business field and found myself faultering due to lack of interest. I then reevaluated my interests and decided that I had to find something that would keep me interested, focused and motivated. I came to the conclusion that majoring in psychology would be my best fit. Ultimately, this would turn out to be the right choice.

What was your role in your family when you were growing up, and what impact does it have on this attraction?

My family history may also have played an unconscious role in my interest in the counseling profession. I was the youngest child of two boys in the family. I was considered the rebellious child that got into trouble all of the time. We would find out later that I was just the one that got caught all of the time. I turned out to be the athletic child that entertained the family in sports throughout our childhood. This aspect would be the only reason why me and my father would have any kind of positive relationship at all. My brother would be the one thought of as the academically gifted one following in my fathers footsteps as a defense attorney. Their relationship would turn out to be very good due to my fathers values of prestige and academic excellence. I definitely believe that this and the following aspects drove me unconsciously in the direction of the counseling profession. My father has been an alcoholic all of his life but you would never know unless you were in the family or very close to the family. We tended to keep things quiet and have never let much outside of the families household nor would any problems or issues within the family be addressed ever. My fathers alcoholism never effected his ability to practice law and he was and is still considered a very prominent attorney. Most of our family values were taught through him but not always followed. For example, he believed you had to go to a large ncaa division I school to succeed in life. Both me and my brother would prove him wrong here. He also stressed the importance of obtaining a prestigious job and making a lot of money. I also believe that this may be playin an unconscious role in me getting my masters degree and my recent decision to get my Phd. This actually will likely be a positive value due to the fact that I love my job and am very interested in this field. A Phd would definitely be in order for him to consider my career aspirations an accomplishment by his standards. I do believe that my family dynamics have driven my desire to be in the counseling profession but not forced my decision making.

Who are you as a person?

Over the years I have made some changes for the better as a person I have become very goal *****, motivated and self-aware over the past 5 years. Through 10 + years in the counseling profession I have become less judgemental and much more self understanding. My profession, my studies and my calling to this particular university has made me a much better person.

What wounds or unfinished business do you carry with you into the counseling room?

Some wounds and unfinished business that I may carry into the counseling room is my relationship with my father. Me and my father have never really gotten along ad he has a really good relationship with my brother. He has always looked down on my profession as a counselor due to it’s lack of prestige and has been very proud of my brothers accomplishments of becoming a successful attorney.

In what way are you healing these wounds?

It is hard to heal these wounds because it would not be the proper thing to do within the family dynamics to address something like this. My work, education and support systems from friends and other family members help me cope. I do understand that counseling is an option that I will take in the near future.

What do you notice or what do you think your work with clients will (does) trigger in you?

It helps me find ways to help others see things about themselves that I didn’t see in myself until later in life. Knowing that I have helped a client work through issues that I have had yet never understood gives me the strength to continue and gratification that I have made a difference in somebodys life.

Do you honestly believe you need to be a counselor or you want to become a counselor?

Yes, there was a time when I was unsure, but through years of experience I have come to realize that I was pulled in this direction for a reason.

Whom do you have unfinished business with?

My father.

How do you handle being in conflict? Being confronted? Being evaluated? What defenses do you use in these situations?

It’s funny because it’s different with my father than with others. With my father I become arguementative, upset and sometimes irrational. With friends and clients I am just the opposite. I am able to see others point of view, compromise and work through problems and conflicts fairly easily. With clients and friends I understand why I am being confronted or evaluated and it has very little affect on my emotions and feelings, with my father it is a totally different story.

What are repetitive or chronic issues for you? How might these affect your work with clients?

My issues with my father, his beliefs and my need to be appreciated and admired by him. I have a good understanding of counter-transference and am usually able to catch myself when my own issues get involved in a counseling session.

What do you see in other people that you consistently do not like? See whether you can find these same qualities in yourself and “own” them as also belonging to you.

Judgemental and controlling people is some qualities that I dislike in others. This may be an issue for me because I see these qualities in my father. I used to see these qualities in myself growing up because it was a learned behavior. My education, occupation and maturity has helped me overcome these negative qualities.

Part B:

Provide a 2 page professional development plan which will explain what you plan to do in order to prevent counselor burnout. Come up with a plan to work through your weaknesses listed above. Look at your strength and weaknesses and tell what your going to do to make weaknesses into strengths. For example, one way to prevent counselor burnout can be seeking counseling yourself as a counselor; another way can be through support systems such as your supervisor. The ***** can use these two plans among others to complete part B.

*Please double-space and use 1 inch margins for your paper. You may use first person format (“I”).

How to Reference "Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651.
”Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651.
[1] ”Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651
1. Self-Awareness Self-Analysis Know. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/self-awareness-analysis-know/41651. Published 2006. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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