Essay on "Security Risk Analysis"

Essay 5 pages (1430 words) Sources: 3

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Security Risk Assessment for Ajax

Organizational risks

Organizational risks are complex and as a result are difficult to foresee and eliminate than are technical risks. Organizational risks include a wide-ranging set of different kinds of risks, from legal liability to management mis-queues to budgetary risks. They also include the arena in which most risks are generated -- not simply for Ajax but in all fields: Human error. Managers who are responsible for assessing and reducing organizational risk must be as attentive as possible to the ways in which workers are likely to pose security risks whether in an intentional or accidental manner.

Kahneman & Lovallo (1993) note that one of the repeated problems that manages make is to consider the risks that they face unique. In other words, they tend to believe that other firms do not face the same risks as they do. As a result, the authors argue, managers do not avail themselves of the research that is available to them about past examples of organizational risk management and the ways in which these risks have been met and reduced. This research suggests that the managers of Ajax may well be making the same kinds of mistakes that have been made by others.

Primary among these risks is that the managers of Ajax are not being sufficiently attentive to the ways in which their couriers feel about their jobs. Although we are not giving this information in the scenario, I believe that it is reasonable to assume that the employees who are sent into the field are not being paid much above minimum wage. As a result, their dedication to the company and its security protocols will no doubt be
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lower than that of the managers and owners -- and may well be less than the managers believe it to be. In our class notes there is a discussion of ethical codes and the ways in which security professionals must understand their relationship with the firms and individuals whose security they have contracted themselves to protect. These codes seem well constructed and attentive to the issues that are most central and relevant to the security profession.

However, one thing that is not clear from this scenario (or indeed from our readings in general) is how one gets low-level employees to commit themselves to such codes of ethics. Such employers may well not feel themselves to be stakeholders. This lack of self-identification as security "professional" paired with low wages (and possibly other problematic work conditions, a point that will be elaborated below) may well make it highly likely that the couriers are a substantial organizational risk to the firm and its clients.

Technical risks

Technical risks are, as the description suggests, those that are related to what can in some sense be seen as the non-human aspects of an organization. Of course, this is not entirely true: All aspects of a business are based on human behavior, but in the case of technical applications and technical risks the human element may be seen as indirect rather than direct. Technical risks include the design of technical components and all aspects of a business based on either manufacturing or engineering. Technical risks also arise from problems in testing procedures. With the sophistication of off-the-shelf systems such as cellphone package hardware-plus-software systems, there tends to be an assumption on the part of managers buying these systems that they have been thoroughly vetted. This may or may not be the case. However, a thorough testing process should simply not be assumed. The more technical aspects of a process that are created off-site, the more potential there are for unexpected technical problems to arise.

The most problematic technical aspect of the Ajax courier system is that there is an assumption that the location-specific nature of the mobile devices that the employees carry. From the information provided to us in the scenario it appears that while the Ajax managers can track the location of the mobile device there is no way to determine who is in possession of the mobile device at any given time. This seems to be a significant at-least potential problem. I believe that managers at Ajax may well be putting too much reliance on the fact that they know where their mobile devices are. This can… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Security Risk Analysis" Assignment:

Assignment No. 2 Security Risk Analysis

The purpose of this exercise is to have you think and work in terms of system security risks to the enterprise, and thereby to introduce you to the need for security policies.

A***** Inc. hand-delivers legal documents on behalf of clients. A***** keeps detailed records of the delivery process on behalf of clients. You have been tasked to manage the security of mobile devices and a mobile device information tracking system through http://A***** (let*****s say). The mobile devices are carried by employees and are location-aware. Thus, for example, a manager knows where all of his people and all of his packages are at all times.

Selected data are retained and much of it is confidential. Consider locations themselves to be sensitive data: For example, client A may not want it known that they are communicating with company B. The system enables authorized clients and authorized company personnel to access particular records created during the preceding three years. For example, logging on to http://A***** and looking up John Doe*****s mobile device information, an authorized user can conveniently view Doe*****s movement in the Southern Illinois region during a designated time period

Restrict your response to a maximum of five pages of 12-point type and use the following sections. You may include appendices for reference. These will be read on an as-needed basis only and are excluded from page limits.

If you make assumptions that are not mentioned in this problem statement, please tell us what they are.

2.1. Identification and Description

Identify and describe what you consider to be the most important organizational security risk and the most important technical security risk that threaten the security of this system. These risks should be *****¦

*****¢ concrete

*****¢ realistic

*****¢ specific to this application, and

*****¢ not solvable on a just single occasion or by using a remedial application alone (such as an anti-virus application)

Divide your response to this in two parts as follows.

2.1.1: Description of the Organizational Risk

2.1.2: Description of the Technical risk

2.2. Management

Explain how you would manage each of the two risks described in Part 2.1 and describe the residual risk (i.e., the risk that remains after you have carried out the actions and measures described).

Divide your response to this in two parts as follows.

2.2.1: Management of the Organizational Risk

2.2.2: Management of the Technical risk

Be as concrete as you can and express the content largely in your own words. As always, all work must conform to the academic conduct instructions referenced in the syllabus.


*****¢ As usual, keep in mind the criteria for all homework. Use them to self-evaluate ***** and improve accordingly ***** your own work using them before handing it in

*****¢ Be careful to distinguish between organizational and technical risks. The notes cover this but here is a brief example. Organizational: backup procedures in terms of who does what and when *****¦; Technical: A program that scans file names and reports anomalies *****¦. If in doubt, this is a good topic to discuss with your facilitator.

*****¢ Write in terms of the particular business in question here; avoid writing generically because the latter is not usually clear or original

*****¢ Use this week*****s lecture notes referencing risk

*****¢ Greene, page 353, discusses risk assessment and business impact analysis. You may want to tailor some of this to the particular risks that you identify.

*****¢ Erbschloe discusses risk assessment data of several types on page 52. His checklist approach will give you ideas about where risks could exist in this system. Note, however, that the risks you are required to describe are system- not physical risks, which Erbschloe includes. He shows reporting forms on pp72-73.

*****¢ Peltier discusses specific measures for risk management on page 250. These should give you ideas. Notice that the procedures are concrete. Tailor yours to the problem described where possible.

*****¢ The CIA, DREAD and STRIDE checklists and methodologies may help you to identify risks.

*****¢ Consider security issues that expose the organization to violations of regulations. Could this be applicable here?

*****¢ As with all homework*****s the page limits are provided as an outside limit: Don*****t artificially force your response to fit the maximum number of pages. There may be many excellent responses that require fewer pages than the maximum.


How to Reference "Security Risk Analysis" Essay in a Bibliography

Security Risk Analysis.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Security Risk Analysis (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Security Risk Analysis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Security Risk Analysis” 2010.
”Security Risk Analysis”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Security Risk Analysis”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Security Risk Analysis [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Security Risk Analysis. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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