Research Proposal on "Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend"

Research Proposal 17 pages (4754 words) Sources: 15

[EXCERPT] . . . .

security issues creating a site using trend technologies such as PHP and MySQL

My research proposal is about the security issues creating a site using trend technologies such as PHP and mySQL. My research will expand in what are the security threats using such technologies and what are the solutions that these technologies provide as well as what are their future goals to overcome the security issues.

This paper investigates the various security issues that are involved with the creation of various forms of websites. It the subject matter through a review a variety of literature that is dedicated to the security of data and content that is available or exchanged on websites. Our focus is however concentrated on the use of various forms of trend technologies such as PHP and MySQL.

Summary: This paper utilizes a variety of techniques in the evaluation of the general security threats to which a site is exposed when the various trend technologies are employed in the creation of a site. This is then used to come up with a statistical model that is based on the summation of the good practice techniques available in the market in order to come up with the best and most secure online environment.

Purposes: The purpose of this research paper is to come up with solution that can counter the security threats that are intrinsic to the use of various forms of site building technologies PHP and MySQL. This is in an effort to eliminate the loop-holes associated with the use of the currently available trending technologies.

Definition of terms


It is a measurement and no
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t a characteristic. To begin with one has to consider the cost factor involved in the design of a program. Security is moderately inexpensive, however if the needs are demanding, then a more advanced level of security is required and this translates to increased expense. In addition usability has to be taken into account. Although at times necessary, steps taken to increase security decrease usability due to barriers like timeouts, passwords, and access controls. Important as well is the need to take into consideration application design. Failure to account for security in the design of your application may result in security vulnerabilities leading to program malfunction.

An attempt will be made in order to define the different components of computer security


The main aim of Security is to safeguard and organizations assets. It detects breach, prevents damage and retrieves stolen or damaged assets.


Deals with barring unauthorized revelation of information


Deals with unauthorized manipulation of information


Restriction of unauthorized withholding of information or resources


Is the process of verifying a claimed identity.


Is the process of locating a responsible party for information audition

Nonrepudiation as a corollary of accountability, an object cannot deny its part in an event


Restriction of the access to host systems and programmes via communication links


Intended and unintented events that can catastrophically affect an organizations computer system.


When one tries to destroy an asset and make it unusable.


When one tries to gain access to information and therefore break confidentiality.


When one tries to alter with an asset and therefore destroy its integrity.


When one tries to destroy the authenticity

Attacks are a source of threats, and can be divided into two categories.

Passive attacks where the attackers main aim monitor information.

Active attacks which involves the alteration of data.


Any process that is designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack. These mechanisms are thus used to implement the security services and maintain their specific security aspect. Examples of different mechanisms are given below:


These inform the administrators of unauthorized entry or intrusions..


Is in the form of firewalls and prevents unauthorized exchange of information into ant out of the system network.


Enables a system to recuperate, retrieve, or recover after a breakdown or malfunction.

Hacker: A person who unlawfully gains access to a particular computer system/server

Root access

This is a type of hack attack in which the hacker accesses the machine as if he or she is at the machine physically. In case a hacker acquires this level of access he or she all the rights that the server has been granted such as the creation,,modification, reading, deleting of system settings. Normally when a user accesses a computer at this particular level they will plant viruses or create a backdoor passage for the deployment of future and further attacks. The process of gaining root access to a machine opens the doors for use in accessing other parts of the system which include resources such as the database and a web site's source code.

Access to the websites' databases is normally orchestrated through by root access and therefore allows a particular unauthorized user to do all wish and desire. If the goal of a certain hacker is to gain unauthorized access a certain database then the most likely target of that particular database will be the user' private and professional information.

Code access

This type of access allows the hacker to go through the codes also allow them to initiate changes to the database. This is mostly observed in cases where a website has been defaced. This is mostly done by the hacker installing a backdoor for their future escapades. Code access is a simple method through which the hackers to leave their calling card as a show of their accomplishments.

User access levels

These are means that define are how computers determine what users can or cannot do accomplish. They include the creation, modification, viewing or deleting system and data files. These settings are also intended to guide how applications are to function. A web server need the ability to accomplish file reading, editing of database files, and the running various programs that help meet the needs of the users. A web server must be allowed to read only the website files, while comfortably other users denying the privilege to view other system files, and to accomplish the running of specific services which include the PHP pre-processors and the access of database needed to orchestrate various forms of queries.


According to the PHP Documentation Group (), "PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated web pages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP."

PHP is one of the most utilized languages on the internet languages. Web developers employ PHP in order to cut the cost involved in developing a site since PHP is very free and is and open source product that is supported by most operating system.

PHP is a popular, general-purpose scripting language that was originally intended for the purpose of web development with a specific desire to power dynamic web sites. For this reason, PHP code is able to be embedded seamless into the HTML source codes and to be interpreted by a various web servers by means of a PHP processor module, which aids in the generation of the web page document. Being a general-purpose programming language, the PHP codes are processed by means of an interpreter application which uses a command-line mode while performing the desired operating system operations and hence the production of program. PHP may also work as graphical software. It is available as a processor for various contemporary web servers and also as standalone interpreter which runs on most of the operating systems.

PHP was however originally designed by Rasmus Lerdorf (1995) and has therefore been subjected to perpetual development since. The major implementation of PHP is now in production through the authority of the PHP Group which serves as the de facto standard unit in use for PHP since there are no standard and formal specification. The software is free and gets released under the PHP License


"MySQL is the world's most popular Open Source SQL (Structured Query Language) database management system" (Bloch,). The MySQL software is released under a dual-licensing method. This database software too is free and is released under the General Public License (LGPL) .However corporations can purchase a commercial license at lesser amount as compared to its competitors. MySQL database software is quickly becoming a major database as businesses are focused in the direction of the open source markets in an effort to cut costs.


Security of website is one of the most paramount features whose integrity must be assured at all times. A breach of website security can lead to serious privacy and financial implications for both forms and individuals. It is for this reason that the process of planning for a website to the final stages of design and hosting must be approached with utmost care. This… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend" Assignment:

Research Methodology Assignment

January 2010

This document represents the formal description of your Research Methodology

Assignment. It also places into context the relationship between this coursework and the

proposal for your Masters research project.

The Research Methodology Assignment requires that you write a research project

proposal. This proposal does not necessarily need to be related to your Masters

research project proposal, but often students take advantage of the similarity in the

requirements for this coursework assignment and their need to propose a Masters

research project.

For your Masters Research Project you need to gain the backing of a supervisor. For

this Research Methodology Assignment, there is no requirement to gain such backing.

However, you may benefit from the guidance of such a supervisor.

Note that for each task the marks and word limit are indicated. Besides the main report

body for your Research Methodology research project proposal, you are required to

provide *****working notes***** that will form sections of its appendices. Any a word limit that is

specifically indicated for these appendices should be adhered to. Each appendix will be

taken into account when allocating marks for the deliverables from each of the tasks

described in this document.

Description of required elements of work to be performed and reported

within Research Methodology Assignment.

Task 1 - Identify A Research Project [Mark 40% - Word Limit 4000 Words].

During your Research Methodology lectures, you were introduced to the difference

between standard and research based projects. Your Master research project needs to

be focused on an area of research, one that has sufficient scope whilst being welldefined

so that it can be executed within the time available to you.

During your Research Methodology lectures, you were also introduced to the concept of

the cyclic and iterative method of choosing a research project definition. This required

the definition of a research question, after which you would consider the definition of the

research objectives and an overview of the work packages that would be required to

achieve such objectives. The aim of such an analysis is to determine the feasibility of

choosing such a project definition in terms of the required resources and risks. If the

scope is too resource demanding or to risky you could suggest that this particular project

definition is not feasible. However, you could reconsider the project to have a more

feasible definition if its considered content were to be altered. Hence, the iterative and

cyclic nature of this project definition method.

Task 1 of this assignment requires that you apply such a process and demonstrate your

considerations in applying it. This will require that you provide *****working notes***** as an

appendix to your *****Research Methodology Assignment***** research project proposal.

Consider these *****working notes***** as entries in Appendix-A, for instance. These *****working

notes***** should highlight the range of topics that your were initially considering as being

appropriate and describe how you refined the definitions in order to set an appropriate

scope for the research project proposal.

The main focus of your Research Methodology Assignment is the realisation of a

Research Project Proposal. Task 1 requires that you present a conclusion to your choice

of definition of the research project, through the formal definition of your Research

Project Proposal in terms of its:

(a) Title.

(b) Topic Introduction.

(c) Background, Reference To Literature Review & Overview of Project Scope.

(d) Objectives.

(e) Description of Research Methodologies, Approaches/Methods, Task Definitions

and Work Schedule.

The descriptions should present definitions of milestones and deliverables, as well as

the project phases. It should present the schedule of your project in the form of a Gantt

Chart. It should also highlight the risks that you associate to the project tasks and

consideration of how you can mitigate such risks. You should highlight the expected

benefits and relevance of your study in context to the research field.

The word limit for Task 1 is indicated as 4000 words. This word limit does not include

your entries in the *****working notes***** for this task. The word limit reflects that the *****Project

Proposal***** has a form of a *****Brief Project Proposal***** rather than a *****Full Project Proposal*****.

Deliverables : Formal Brief Research Project Proposal & Appendix-A *****Working Notes*****.

Task 2 ***** Perform A Formal Literature Review & Report It In Your *****Working

Notes*****[Mark 30% - Word Limit 5000 Words].

In order to complete Task 1, you will need to perform a literature survey. Your research

project proposal will require that you report information about this literature survey in a

relatively compact format, focusing on the relevance to your project definition and the

project background.

Task 2 relates to a process of documenting your literature review so that your process of

reviewing information from references can be critically assessed. You are required to

select at least 5 references, but equally up to a maximum of 10 references could be

selected, that have a significant relevance to your project definition. You are required to

perform and report an analysis of the content of each of these references so as to

highlight their individual contributions to knowledge and the limitations of the research

that each reference presents. Your consideration of how many references to formally

review and report in your *****working notes***** will be depend on the amount of information

that each reference provides. The aim of this exercise is to present sufficient depth of

analysis within your literature review about the research topic, supporting the items

described in your research project proposal. Since this work will form an appendix in

your project proposal, you can make reference to the discussions of these an*****s in

your main project proposal sections.

The average word count limit for each reported analysis should be 500 words. This is a

limit, not a target. It is suggested that you report your an*****s in a concise manner,

using bullet point highlights that are introduced and followed by paragraphs that place

the highlighted points into context. Each reported analysis should be considered a

summary of the paper, focusing particularly on the KEY information in the reference

rather than simply compressing the writings of the reference into a lower word count.

The work associated to Task 2 should be reported in Appendix-B, for instance. You are

encouraged to provide an introduction to these an*****s, followed by a review that could

extend the information to consider other references that you have not specifically

included in your main selection of 5 to 10 references but which are relevant to the topic

area. You should then provide any conclusions that can be made from your literature

review. The word limit refers to all parts of the information that you present in this


Deliverables : Literature review, including concisely summarised in-depth an*****s of

between 5 and 10 significant references.

Task 3 ***** Describe The Research Methodologies And Research Gaps

[Mark 30% - Word Limit 3000 Words].

It is important to highlight the research GAPS that you have found from your an*****s of

this subject. These can be reported in the main body of your project proposal, in

summarise form, relating to the final proposed project. They can also be highlighted

during your project idea development process and in your literature survey. Thus, you

are asked to specifically highlight such research GAPS in the appropriate sections of

your documents.

You are then required to summarise these highlighted research GAPS in a separate

appendix (Appendix-C, for instance) of your assignment document. Along with each

summarised point, you are asked to describe the different research approaches that

could be used to investigate such GAPS in knowledge, highlighting whether the research

is exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, qualitative, quantitative, fixed and/or flexible in

nature. Similarly, explain what research approaches / techniques you would use to carry

out such research and what considerations you would need to take into account. You

should highlight the risks associated to performing research using such approaches and

consider how they could be mitigated. You should also describe the benefits that could

be gained from doing such research.

Deliverables : Highlights of research GAPS in relevant sections of the report (main body

and appendices) PLUS summary of these highlighted research GAPS in Appendix-C (for



This assignment is to be submitted via email It should be formatted in the style of a

formal report, in a single electronic file in Microsoft word format or pdf.

How to Reference "Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend” 2010.
”Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Security Issues Creating a Site Using Trend. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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