Term Paper on "School Restructure"

Term Paper 5 pages (1465 words) Sources: 0

[EXCERPT] . . . .

School Restructure

The school statistics are academically unacceptable despite the presence of 40 experienced teachers. The school has 600 students with 40% being minorities. There are elements of low middle classes in the context of the rural community. There is an expression of a negative attitude among the teachers thus inability to execute their duties and responsibilities. The school also demonstrates low level of confidence, essence of boredom, and disinterest in the elements of study. The school experiences a problem because of the unacceptable accountability rating in relation to the Texas Education Agency. An examination of the STAAR and End-of-Course indicates that only 45% of the students have the ability to pass all the tests. Another problem affecting the school is the considerable discrepancy between the white and minority students with only 23% of the minorities with substantive capacity of passing all tests. There is also an expression of high rate of minorities with reference to special education.

The effects have manifested into low levels of performance, inadequate confidence levels, and ineffective attitude by the experienced teachers. This has led to the low accountability ratings and insufficient execution of the goals and objectives of the teachers. There are various problems that need to be addressed by the institution in order to address the low levels of confidence and ratings as well as ability of the students to pass the tests. Some of the manifested effects include lack of culture for the shared vision, integrity, designing curriculum, decision-making, and institutional issues or ineffective systems. This structure will focus on the development of
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an effective approach towards minimization of the problem affecting the school.

According to competency 001, "the principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community." This is through creation of a campus culture, integrate parents and other members of the society into the campus culture, and respond appropriately to the diverse needs and collegial relationships. The school should focus on the integration of the reinforcement theory by the principle of the entity in order to reward effective behavior and punish unacceptable behavior by the teachers and the students. This should relate to the development of a self and teacher assessment survey with reference to marking process of the actions-long-term.

There is an essence of lack of communication and collaboration with stakeholders. According to the competency 002, "the principle knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the school community, respond to diverse interests and needs and mobilize resources to promote student success." This is through development of an effective approach for the internal and external communication elements with the aim of enhancing communication with stakeholders. The school should implement the lesson cycle in which there is consistency in relation to the professional decision before, during, and after interaction with relevant students for the success of the stakeholders. This is vital for the increase in the probability of learning. The institution should focus on the meeting all academic department with the aim of getting all ideas for substantive intervention.

The school might also be suffering from lack of acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. This is contrary to the competency 003, in which "the principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal manner." The institution should focus on the integration of the motivation theory and reinforcement theory for the purposes of achieving fairness and ethical application of the duties of the principal. In order to fix this problem, there are various techniques such as implementation of policies and procedures in promotion of compliance with the Code of Ethics as well as Standard Practices for Texas Educators. There is also an opportunity to apply laws and policies promoting fair and reasonable treatment of the stakeholders.

Another problem affecting the performance of the school is the absence or lack of designing curriculum, instruction, and assessment for the performance of the students. This is contrary to the competency 004, "the principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources and assessment; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance." This problem should be addressed through integration of the reinforcement and motivation theory with the aim… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "School Restructure" Assignment:

respond to this scenario:

You are assuming the principalship of a 600-pupil school in a low-middle class rural

community. Recently, the school received an "academically unacceptable" accountability

rating by the Texas Education Agency. About 40% of the students are minority.

Most of your 40 teachers have several years of experience. However you detect a

negative attitude from the teachers because they feel that the students in the school

cannot learn. As you walk through the classrooms you observe lots of wasted time, use of

paper and pencil activities, usage of a single textbook, and very few motivational

techniques. Students seemed bored and uninterested in their studies.

A check of the STAAR and End-of-Course (EOC) scores indicates that only 45% of the

students have passed all tests. There exists a considerable discrepancy between white and

minority student performance with only 23% of minorities passing all tests. Furthermore

a review of the special populations indicates that a disproportionately high rate of

minorities are in special education.

As an educator, you are not satisfied with the saying, "It's the home that is the problem."

To you, this is an excuse that is unacceptable.

If you believe you can make a difference in the academic and social progress of the

students, what plan of action would you develop?

essay outline

what each paragraph addresses

Paragraph 1 ��" Problem and/or Opportunity

Paragraph 2 ��" Effects Manifested

Paragraph 3 ��" Lack of shaping a campus culture by developing a shared vision

Paragraph 4 ��" Lack of communicating and collaborating with stakeholders

Paragraph 5 ��" Lack of acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner

Paragraph 6 ��" Lack of designing curriculum, instruction and assessment for student performance

Paragraph 7 ��" Lack of sustaining an instructional program conducive to student learning and professional development

Paragraph 8 ��" Lack of implementing a staff evaluation and development system

Paragraph 9 ��" Lack of utilizing organizational, decision making, and problem solving skills

Paragraph 10 ��" Lack of applying leadership and management principles

Paragraph 11 ��" Lack of promoting a safe physical plant

Paragraph 12 - Closure

paragraph outline:

part 1 use the TExES Competency, domain and subpart/quote

part 2 use the theory or model

Model, theory supports competency-

Lesson cylcle

Motivation theory

Reinforemcement theory

Blooms taxonomy

Erickson;s SOK

Retention Theory

Transfer theory

part 3

Techniques/strategies to fix the problem reflective of the theory or model

Outline of my response:

School intervention plan

1. Access previous years data and that of feeder schools to formulate where the academic shifts are occurring

2. Meet with high performing teachers to go over what they do to be successful

3. Meet with all academic department to get their ideas for intervention

4. Depend on data for plan of action

5. Develop a self and teacher assessment survey to mark progress of actions-long term

6. Hold a meeting with staff to exercise the severity of the school unrecognized accountability and layout the plan for improvement

7. Make a public statement about plan of action

8. Gain community input through a survey

9. Proceed with plan with developed checkpoints and critical analysis of progress

my quick outline of the scenario:

1) school stats

a) academically unacceptable

b) 600 students

c) 40 teachers with experience

d) Low middleclass

e) Rural community

f) 40 % of student are minorities

2) Teachers

a) Detect a negative attitude

i) Low confidence in learning abilities of the students

3) Students

a) 40% are minorities

b) Students are bored

c) Students are uninterested in their studies

d) 45% of students pass all 3 sections of TAKS

e) Discrepancies between white and minority student performance

4) Curriculum

a) Pen and paper activities

b) Single textbook

c) Academically unacceptable by state

5) Classroom management

a) Few motivation techniques used my teachers

b) Wasted time

6) State accountability

a) Academically unacceptable

b) 45% of student have passed all three sections of the TAKS

c) White and minority student performance

d) 23% of minorities passed all 3 sections of TAKS test

7) Special populations

a) High rate of minorities in special education

the link for the TExES principal competencies and domains is the reference with the theories and models


How to Reference "School Restructure" Term Paper in a Bibliography

School Restructure.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

School Restructure (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). School Restructure. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”School Restructure” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047.
”School Restructure” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047.
[1] ”School Restructure”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. School Restructure [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047
1. School Restructure. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/school-restructure-statistics/3515047. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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