Research Paper on "Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants"

Research Paper 15 pages (4635 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

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Saudi Female Expats in Paris

International Migrants make up about 190 million of the population of the world today. (Balbo 5) the ratio between migrated men and women is roughly the same. Regardless of the reason a person migrated, the main concept here is that they left their country of origin and moved to another location. Many say that migration goes on to on economically build up a country and it significantly contributes to the GDP of both the countries. (Balbo 5) it should be noted that change of funds, services and economies is not the only thing that takes place when migration occurs. Seeing the altitude of diversity that we have today, it is believed that migration has created third diversity. (Balbo 7) it is the diversity of different cultures and communities that brings out concepts like multiculturalism and collective identity.

Regardless of what an individual chooses to do, it is quite apparent that this topic of crucial. As it is stated earlier, migration is very common in the world today. A major reason why I am going for this study is because it has not been carried out before. For all the people who have had to move from one place to another, it is possible that the experience created strains on the development of their self and their identity. This progression into a new society with changed cultures and traditions is not an easy task. As it is quite apparent, many people get so absorbed in this process that they forget their true identity and forget the culture that they were raised into. Even though a person may not realize it at that time, it can go on to change our identity. Being a Saudi and living in a country that is quite different from my native cul
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ture, I want to see how that happens. It is true that Islam and the West have always had their difference. Cultural imperialism is on the peak and is attempting to change people from their original thoughts and original culture. Even though the difference is there, I see some positive aspects in the West that I feel were missing in Islam.

As it would be apparent from the analysis of the interviews carried out, freedom and independence are some of the main components that are not stressed upon in Islam. I feel that women in Islam are not allowed to create much ambition probably due to the extremism on them. Sadly enough, the extremists always go for the ways that actually degrade women in Islam. In reality, I believe that Islam is religion of freedom and respect for women. Despite what the truth is, it appears that cultural and not religious pressures limit women from going out and pursing their potential.


We live in the age of globalization in the cultural sphere today and free markets is not only thing that globalization has given us. Typically, globalization has been linked with the destruction of cultural identities, westernization of the consumer culture and accelerating encroachment of just one culture. (Tomlinson) Some of the anti-globalization activists actually go on to say that globalization are an extension of the western cultural imperialism. (Shepard and Hayduk) Migration and globalization therefore are blamed to be factors that cause a person to lose his or her identity. Identity is basically the representation of self and others as it shaped by an individual based on how they represent themselves and others in their community. (Balbo 7) Therefore, when talking about identity; there are two aspects to look into. One way is the cultural or collective identity that an individual forms. This identity is basically dependant on the culture of that certain individual. These cultural values and traditions are therefore passed on from one generation to the next.

On the other hand, there is an individual identity that is bound to change with space and time. This identity is not only in the hands of that individuals but it also depends about on what others perceive about you. This identity also relies on how well you maintain your interaction with others and how much you adapt to their way of life. Therefore, it should be noted that identity is socially constructed and a person is subject to different sorts of choices. These choices are that a person believes that he or she is part of that identity, then there is the notion that he chooses to be a part of it and then of course there is the option of refusing to be part of that identity. (Olivier)

Problematic Discussion

An interesting thing to note is that identity and cultural relation is not recognized when a person lives around the people of the same culture. When you see people around you believing the same things as you and practicing the same things as you, you feel just like the rest of them. The actual problem of identity comes out forward when a person travels to other places. When these people see how different they are and what their culture is, that is when they develop a conscious awareness of their own culture. Therefore, it is established that when a person sees different cultures around him when he travels or comes to the west that is when they learn more about their identity and their culture.

Research Question

The major research question is that what relationship is present between family, identity and ambition with the female students in the American University in Paris. We need to figure out and discuses that the techniques of self that these girls have formed and how or if these techniques have helped these girls maintain their cultural integrity. It is quite easy for a person to let go of his culture and his norms if his identity is not well established in the first place. Lastly, we will also see how these Saudi girls go on to deal with ambition while living in Paris.


The thesis that is presented is that even though these girls are now exposed to a new culture and tradition, they have not completely left their own culture behind. Using techniques that will be disused below, these girls are very much in sync with their religious values, cultural values and tradition. They do not want to mimic a French person or an American but they are open to explore and see different ideas as well.


Keeping in the mind the overall purpose and the objectives of the research, the methodology that was used it both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research is utilized because it assists in providing coherent and comprehensive explanation of the subjects that need to be researched. It should be noted that all of the subjects were chosen were different in one form or another. Even though the questionnaire provide to the subjects was the same, their responses were varied and needed to be analyzed thoroughly.

The questionnaire therefore makes up the quantitative method of the research. These questionnaires are handed out to the Saudi x-pats in American University in Paris. The interviews basically provided me with the means to carefully analyze every individual in the process. Utilizing discourse analysis, I will be able to study the variable theories of self. On the other hand, content analysis will aid be in examining and analyzing any academic journals and articles regarding the topic in hand. Apart from the academic journals and the articles, I have access to the interviews by eight Saudi girls who live in Paris right now.

The sample group was basically selected on the basis of gender and nationality. This research topic was quite crucial for me as I am a young women belonging to Saudi Arabia and living in Paris. Therefore, my sample size consisted of eight girls who had some linkage to the Saudi heritage at one point or another. Half of the girls analyzed were those that have moved directly from Saudi Arabia to Paris. On the other hand, four girls had lived in places elsewhere before they moved to Paris.


To analyze subjects or any topic for that better, it is crucial to have proper understanding of the subject before hand. It is only with adequate knowledge that a successful analysis can be done. Firstly, it should be understood where these girls come from. Most if not all the girls belong to families that are very religious and controlling. Families control where and how much a girl studies and when or to whom she should get married to. Therefore, knowing and understanding all these details, I will conduct interviews with these girls. These answers will be analyzed while keeping all the aforementioned information in mind.

It is important to see that by always staying in the shadow of their parents, these girls have never really been exposed to unlimited ambitions and freedom as such. They always had to look for the approval and the permission of their family. The independence and the freedom that the West offers… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants" Assignment:

So here is how i want it to be ,

il send you the interviews and the bibliography sources that i have made in the bottom of the page ,

i want 10 extra in relation to the themes i mentioned bellow.

you will devide the group into two groups

( saudis who came directly from saudi ) ( saudis who were in other eastern countris then came to paris )

Here is Description :

This paper will examine how the Saudi x-pat community in American uni in paris uses certain techniques of the self. The paper will look at a number of Saudi x-pats students in AUP, and through a questionnaire understand if they have developed techniques of the self in response to the surrounding they deal with and see in AUP or Paris and how these surrounding effect the female Saudi ambitions. These techniques of the self, work in our modern world today. The paper will argue that these different techniques affect their identity.

The aims of the paper is to

First I will look at the classic theories of self in Islam, explore and understand these theories. Then, will take a group of Saudi female students in AUP, through a questionnaire, I will be able to display university surroundings such as being taught by male *****, attending the wine & cheese events with guest speakers, back to school party, art /nudity in buildings and see what these student reaction is and understand the developed techniques of the self to cope with these students. Finally, see weathers these developed techniques affect their identities today .


1. Identity: the ways that individuals and groups of different kinds undertake processes of forming, transforming, maintaining and inventing their identity (which may involve structures, categories, strategies, failures, technologies, etc.)

2. Culture and communication: the means through which identity is mediated, communicated, transmitted, signified, understood (which may involve practices, styles, media, visual representations, beliefs, languages, etc.)

3. Transnationality: the global spatiality in or across which identity is formed (which may involve nationality, migration, diaspora, exile, asylum, cosmopolitanism, tourism, imperialism, etc.)

4. Techniques of the Self What are the techniques of the self employed by the individuals in question ? Where do they come from? Are they to do with a global circulation? How do they relate tradition and modernity

This is the format of the paper :

1. Introduction

The class is about identity , cultural identity

· Why Im doing this ? because it*****s a study that hasn*****t been done before and being a suadi I would like to understand and see the progression in their lives as their identiees are in general changing , how , is what I want to find out .

· Why what Im doing important ?

The relation between the Islam and the west , I s a problem , characterized by gender etc.

*****¢ Background context topic

talk about identity and how we live in a globalized world an

*****¢ Problematic for discussion

That problem of identity and how students when try travel abroad learn more about themselves, their identity , coming form different cultures and background and coming to the west etc *****¦.

*****¢ Research question

1. What*****s the relationship between family identity and ambition with female Saudi students in AUP, what techniques of the self are formed?

· How do Saudi girls in Paris deal with ambition?

*****¢ Thesis


2. Methodology:

Considering the overall purpose and objectives of this research, the methodology used will consist of qualitative research approaches because they help in providing comprehensive and coherent explanation of the subjects that need to be researched (that is, the different classic techniques of self) and make assumptions about the information in hand.

Quantitative research method through the use of a questionnaire that I will hand out to Saudi x-pats in AUP, and that will provide me with the developed techniques as wel as sitting and interviewing each.

Discourse and content analysis will be both used as a methodology because both of them significantly relate the paper key objectives. In fact, discourse analysis will be used to study the classic theories of the self while content analysis will help in examining and analyzing academic journals and Internet articles related to the topic in hand.

+ anthropology

*****¢ What is the primary material

look at Bib under

*****¢ How was as it selected

it was selected on the basis of nationality and gender.

*****¢ How is it being analyzed

through conducting interviews , and learning and undertsnading how these girls coming from a closed culrte , extremely religious and controlled by family members

*****¢ Why is this the appropriate method

in order to understand how these students coming from a closed background , always in the shadow if their parents , this is the only way to understand how they manage to balance , family , ambotion with the surrounding of the west , which is unusual and new to most of them , and a struggle is there because they have been exposed to the other etc *****¦.

*****¢ What are its limitations

the limitation include that the study was done on only 8 students so this should be furthermore invistegated into .

3. Li review ( 5 pages )

Look at other scholars . Muslim scholars who talk about techniques of the self in Islam !

Especially women.

*****¢ Display of knowledge of field

give one example of a Muslim culture that uses Techniques of the self when in placed in the west .

4. Discussion section:


*****¢ *****Results***** of analysis

that will be after looking at the interviews

*****¢ Connection, patterns trends

I decided to separate the interviews in half

Saudis from Saudi to France ( directly)

Saudi from Saudi who lived in spain morocco and not Saudi then came to france ( so no culture shock )

*****¢ Interpretation: what does it mean

from the interviews , what do you see in the identity of these ladies , they have created many techniques of the self ,( exploring , resistance , no judgment , self control , self cultivation , creating boundaries etc )

-> after analyzing the interviews

*****¢ Application of scholarly frame work (secondary material)

these are in the bibliography to ( down )

5. Conclusion

Overall argument confirmed

Bibligraphy :

Primary Material

1. Balbo, Marcello. "Social and spatial inclusion of international migrants: local responses to a global process." 2009.

2. Fitzpatrick, Coeli. "New Orientalism in Popular fiction and Memoir: An Illustration of Type." Journal of Multicultural Discourses 4.3 (2009): 243-56. journal.

3. Grunebaum, Gustave E. Von. Modern Islam: The Search for Cultural Identity. Berkeley: University of California, 1962. Print.

4. Göle, Nilüfer. "Islam, European public space, and civility."2007.

5. Mernissi, Fatima. Beyond the Veil: Male-female Dynamics in Modern Muslim Society. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1987. Print.

6. Mernissi, Fatima. Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood. Reading, Mass. [u.a.: Addison-Wesley Pub., 1995. Print.

7. Mernissi, Fatima. Islam and Democracy: Fear of the Modern World. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub., 1992. Print.

8. Salvatore, Armando. Muslim Traditions and Modern Techniques of Power. Münster [u.a.: Lit, 2001. Print.

9. Sjørup, Lene, and Hilda Rømer. Christensen. Pieties and Gender. Leiden: Brill, 2009. Print.

10. Toguslu, Erkan. "Gülen*****S THeORY OF ADAB and eTHICal ValUeS OF Gülen MOVeMenT." Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement (2007): 445-458.

Secondary material:

Charlesworth, Leanne W. "Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior." Dimensions of Human Behavior. By Elizabeth D. Hutchison. Los Angeles: ***** Publications, 2011. 34-69. Print.

Giddens, Anthony. "The Self: Ontological Security and Existential Anxiety." Modernity and Self-identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 1991. 35-69. Print.

Giddens, Anthony. "The Trajectory of the Self." Modernity and Self-identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 1991. 71-101. Print.

Ossman, Susan. Places We Share Migration, Subjectivity, and Global Mobility. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2007. Print.

Tosun, Sumeyra. "Compatibility of Modern Psychology and Muslims." The Fountain Magazine - Issue - Compatibility of Modern Psychology and Muslims. N.p., Mar. 2012. Web. 09 Apr. 2013


How to Reference "Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants.”, 2013, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants” 2013.
”Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants [Internet]. 2013 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Saudi Female Expats in Paris International Migrants. Published 2013. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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