Essay on "Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged"

Essay 17 pages (6273 words) Sources: 80 Style: Harvard

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Saudi Arabia Obesity: Adolescent Girls

Obesity is one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century. Although the patterns of obesity differ between developing and developed countries, obesity rates are generally on the increase worldwide. According to Speiser, et al. (2005), 250 million people, literally 7% of the world's current population is obese. In Canada, 40 to 60% of the population is obese while in the United States over 65% are obese and around 65% of the American population falling under this category (The Toronto Sun, 2011). The situation is not different in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia. Elser Baxter (2010) indicated that more than half of the Saudi adults are obese with 34% being the middle aged males while 45% being women. The statistics also show that obesity rate is higher among women as compared to men in Saudi Arabia and an outstanding 66% of the Saudi population rated as obese (Ministry of Health, 2005).

The fats and huge amounts of calories that are ingested is the main cause of obesity in the society. Also, other factors have led to obesity, such as, lifestyle, the junk food and other social factors. Obesity is one of the worst health menace that is fast spreading and needs an immediate intervention since over the last two decades it has increased at over 8% (Sara N., 2008).

Obesity is a serious health problem in any population, but it is of special concern among the younger individuals. The longer a person is obese, the longer that person has potentially to suffer negative health consequences of being overweight or obese. Thus when children or adolescents are obese, this condition must be considered as a lif
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e threatening condition both by the individuals and their families as well as by health professionals. Given that obesity increases the health costs associated with treating an individual. There are serious health conditions that are related to obesity such as coronary thrombosis, diabetes, increased risk for heart disease, increased risk for a range of cancers, high blood pressure and strokes. Reducing the rates of obesity among young Saudi women will also have the highly significant benefit on public health. Therefore, the governments must have health promotion and public health campaigns to address health issue.

This paper examines the causes of obesity among the adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia aged between 14 and 18 years. It endeavours to unravel the pre-exposing factors and the other related conditions that come along with development of obesity. In this study indicates (target group) what their diets are, whether or not they engage in physical exercises, their family income and the history of obesity in their families. All these were to expose possible causes of obesity. It came to be established that about 95% of obesity causes is due to the lifestyle of the youth and teenagers in Saudi for they tend to consume lots of snacks and products that contains more fats and energy (Khalid, 2008). This is also aggravated by the fact that most of these adolescent do not exercise and lead very docile lifestyles idling in front of TV sets, docile games or other inactive leisure preoccupations (Sidiga & Maha, 2010).

Background of Obesity in Saudi Arabia:


Obesity is an increasing amount of accumulated fat in the body, and obesity is an increasing body mass index (BMI). BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2) (WHO, 2011). Guidelines issued by the National Institutes of Health (2011) consider underweight if BMI is less than 18.5. Also, if BMI is between 18.5 -- 25 that is a healthy body. In addition, overweight if BMI is 25 or more, and obese if BMI is 30 or more. WHO can use growth reference 5-19 years to measure obesity by (age and gender) (WHO, 2011).

Data of Obesity:

Obesity is the fifth from serious diseases that lead to the death. The burden of obesity by 2.8 million adults die, 44% diabetes, 23% of heart disease and 41% of the cancer. In 2008, 1.5 billion were overweight adult and (over 200 million men and 300 million women) were obese. In 2010, 35 million with overweight were living in developing countries, and 8 million with obesity were living in developed countries (See to an appendix 1) (WHO, 2011). WHO (2011) indicates 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese in 2015.

According to the Ministry of Planning and Population in Saudi Arabia, the population of Saudi Arabia is characterized by fast growth. The age percentage of the population with obesity in Saudi Arabia is as follows: 18% of children aged 1-9 years, 38% of children aged 10-14 years; 59% of the population aged 15-64 years; 2% of the population aged 65 years and over (Ministry of Planning and Population, 2008).

According to the ministry of health, Saudi Arabia more than 3 million individuals are suffering from obesity which means 1 in every 5 persons is obese. The statistics also show that obesity rate is higher among women as compared to men (66% women in Saudi Arabia are obese) (Ministry of Health, 2005). See to the appendixes (1, 2 & 3).

Impacts of obesity:

There are various diseases that have long been associated with obesity among them being 41% of cancer, 44% of diabetes, high blood pressure and 23% heart disease, shortness of breath as noted by CDC (2010) and WHO (2011). There is a range of risks and health problems that obesity potentially exposes one to such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure and some types of cancer, arthritis, back pain, gallstones and hernia and other diseases. See to an appendix 4.

Some of the traits that are associated with being overweight or obese are generally much less known than conditions like metabolic syndrome (which is considered to be a precursor to Type II Diabetes) (Al-Qahtani et al., 2006). One of the conditions associated with being overweight or obese for females that may cause considerable psychological distress for the individuals affected is excessive facial and body hair. This is something that Saudi females would be ashamed of and is particularly true in a culture in which shame is a significant method of cultural control. Al-Ruhaily et al. (2008) found that there has been a substantial include in PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition that is caused by obesity, especially high fat deposits in the abdomen. One of the symptoms associated with PCOS is increase in body hair. These can be particularly damaging to girls and women because they affect females' concept of their gender identity. Females in Saudi Arabia are very much affected by cultural and religious attitudes about what is properly female. When they deviate from such standards, they may suffer significant emotional and psychological harm, which is all too likely in turn to produce greater stress, which may result in increased weight. This may occur either because individuals who are stressed may eat more as a method of soothing themselves (Resnick, 1997). It also may result because stress increases the body's production of certain hormones that themselves may increase weight (Jeffrey, 1996). There are other causes of excessive facial and body hair, including disturbances in the adrenal system (although this too can be the result of obesity) but the majority of women in the above study had as a cause of their increased facial hair their PCOS and thus their obesity. Also, PCOS has symptoms that range from irregular menstrual cycles, to total lack of menstrual cycles, acne and infertility (Al-Qahtani, et al., 2006 & Batton-Smith, 2000). Obesity has been noted to take toll on the social aspect of the girls in Saudi Arabia as it has been known to lead to mild depression among the obese youth (NHS, 2011).

Moreover, obesity has effect on female fertility and pregnancy. Obesity affects not just the individual herself but also has effects on the next generation; pregnant women who are obese are more likely to suffer the pregnancy complications than those who are not obese (Mabarey, et al. 2010). According to El-Gilany (2010) obese women who are pregnant are more likely to suffer from pregnancy induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, pre-eclamptic toxemia, urinary tract infections, and to a large extent may have to undergo caesarean delivery process. See to an appendix 4.

The causes of obesity:

According to WHO (2011), there are two major causes of obesity; excessive intake of energy-dense food which are too high in fats, sugar and salt yet very low on vitamins, mineral and the essential micronutrients. The other major cause is the docile or sedentary lifestyle that most Saudi people are leading due to urbanization, changing transport means, various sedentary working conditions and lack of physical exercise. There are numerous other causes of obesity like genetic factors, social aspects, and psychological disposition of individual and even cultural factors. See to the appendixes (5, 6, 7, 12 & 13).

The research methods:

Search Strategy:

The search strategy that will be employed… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged" Assignment:

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5,000 words graded paper

This final paper takes your narrative literature review and the themes which emerged from it and engaged in a critical discussion of the themes and their relationship to the issue you have chosen for your study.

It is expected that in this final report you will build on the information obtained in the previous two. Remember that you need to consider this an evidenced based assignment ��*****" that is you use the evidence to prepare your final paper.

Specific assessment criteria:

- Critically discuss the themes from your literature review and reference the material used.

- Place your findings in context (ie critically reflect on how relevant the information is to aspects of public health or international development).

- Describe your main learnings from the literature review and the main implications for public health or international development practice.

The main component of the specific assessment criteria will relate to the following:

Demonstrates a deep understanding of the evidence underpinning the selected public health/primary health care/health promotion/development issue. Demonstrates an ability to critically an***** and discuss the evidence and place the research into context. Demonstrates an ability to synthesise the evidence to discuss innovative applications to public health or international development practice.

You must write about this : Target group 14-18 adult female in Saudi Arabia .

This is my outline: you must write as this:


-Describe health issue (obesity Adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia from14 to 18 aged (definition, Complications, statistics, factors)

- Themes (from Assignment 2)

1- Lifestyle Dietary:

( definition, how fast development *****"oil*****" and rich families have higher rate than poor , factors, effected, solution and evidence). Also, role schools to give students junk food in Cafeteria.. etc. because they want money, so buy student*****'s health by junk food. The advertisement in streets and TV to encourage eating fast food.

2- Health education:

(definition or explain poor health education and program, factors, effected, solution and evidence)for example, the schools must provide lectures about health and healthy food, health program for student with their parents.

3-Gender inequity and physical :

(how lack of sport among girls, factors, effected, solution and evidence).

4- Empowerment and collaboration:

( what, factors, effected, solution and evidence. For example, among girls that have led to obesity such as, most girls can*****t be access to sport and healthy clubs, and all women can*****t drive a car. Then, they can*****t buy or go to health clubs and health centres. The right of women in elections and participate that*****'s good because women will know women*****'s needs. You can see File: issues of child obesity in SA ( I wrote about it).

- Conclusion

I will put resources and Guide study and read from 40 to 47 pages. , also, my friend*****'s answer that help you. And, articles.

I will put part 1 and 2. Because it is part 3. Before you start part 3 you must read part 1 and2.

I will put my Assignment 3 and I wrote this you can complete and update and editing, and you must complete. Because I wrote until to background, but I didn*****t change.

Please, write main heading and subheading. You must make paraphrase.

the some web that are very important

Obesity: an emerging problem in Saudi Arabia. Analysis of data from the National Nutrition Survey



Obesity: an emerging problem in Saudi Arabia. Analysis of data from the National Nutrition Survey;year=2010;volume=30;issue=5;spage=376;epage=380;aulast=El-Gilany

you can see the databes:

database such as, BMJ, Google Scholar, Informit Health databases, Medline, Proquest Central, Scopus, Science Directââ*****šÂ¬Ã‚, World Health Organisation, World Bank and Web of knowledge ââ*****šÂ¬*****"ISI.

Important Information:

For empowerment:

The right of women in elections and participate in the Shoura Council of the municipality and this gives the solutions in most of the issues, including issues of health and development as explained in the king*****'s speech in September 2011 are entitled to participate after five years. For example, in the coming years may a woman can drive the car because the government ban on women driving the car, which leads to the failure of many of the issues of life such as buying fruits and vegetables or ambulance patient to the hospital. And can establish health clubs in the future. Because in the past decades, women are not entitled to any participation or the role of the community was important only for men.

Matrade all know about the weight gain and obesity

Doctor / Abdulrahman Obaid Musikr

Program director of environmental research and bio-

Bahrain Center for Studies and Research

Overweight and obesity are more health problems in adolescents and adults and are source of risk for many diseases, and more recently started to obesity creeps towards children, which poses a greater threat for the new generation, alas, still the information about obesity, its causes and ways of dealing with mixed leading to confusion in society and therefore difficult differentiate between information that is accurate and correct, or even misleading, in this article we will try to provide some information related to overweight and obesity.

The difference between obesity and overweight

Obesity is an increase in the amount of body fat than normal and the larger the larger the amount of fat a person is more obesity, but weight gain is usually given to people who have a small increase in fat and is a first degree of obesity of any start of obesity.

The prevalence of obesity in Arab societies

Has become the obesity epidemic, whether men or women and there are several studies on obesity in the Gulf States and some Arab countries, all point to the high incidence of obesity both in children or adolescents or adults, and have exceeded the rate of obesity exceeded 50% in adults, especially in women and in general it is greater the age the proportion of obesity are the most in women married to non-married, in a recent study of accumulation of fat in adolescent girls between the ages of 12 and 18 years in Bahrain and found that the percentage of fat when these adolescents more than peers in the United States of America, this means that there are ready for the big risk of obesity in old age.

The health risks of obesity

A range of risks of obesity and health problems is seen as a contributing factor to heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure and some types of cancer, arthritis, back pain, gallstones and hernia and other diseases.

Causes and factors that helped the spread of obesity in Arab societies

Obesity is considered one of the most diseases that interfere by many factors, where we find that there are several reasons leading to the obesity of the same person. One of the main causes of obesity lack of exercise and lack of physical activity or sports and eat more foods rich in fat and calories, such as fast food. For women the frequency of pregnancy and childbirth and the lack of a sufficient distance between them helps to accumulation of fat and not to give an opportunity to get rid of them is heredity is an important factor, but found the studies and scientific research that people who control the quality of diet and exercise regularly can control the factor of genetics and thus reduce or not obesity.

TV and obesity

Do not consider the TV or seer in itself a factor of obesity, but the problem lies in the type of foods consumed while watching television, as well as for watching TV, I have found that most people in the countries of Persian Gulf eat some foods high in fat and rich in calories while watching TV, such as eating nuts and french fries and hamburgers , chocolate and soft drinks, and sit for a long time in front of the TV means that the person to move around a lot and this is the Aihriq large amount of energy, and noted that these qualities apply to girls more than young people because the girls are more sitting at home, compared to youth, and when we link between the duration of View television and obesity, we found that there is a positive relationship, that is, the greater the duration of watching TV was the prospect of injury greater obesity, may be due to the nature of the habits of the person who watches TV often

Psychological and social factors associated with obesity

There are many psychological and social factors leading or assisting the incidence of obesity and these mostly found in children and adolescents compared to adults for example, we have found that the distinction between children and comparison, including help on the direction of some of the children of the increased intake of food as a form of compensation and psychological gain attention. The pressure on children to get high marks in the study and excellence can lead to eating more food, or vice versa, and it is important as well as romantic relationships for adolescents, where the relationship is in trouble with the opposite sex may contribute to resort to a lot of food, or vice versa, ie that obesity is both thin and may be influenced by psychological factors and social development.

The relationship between the taste of men and women in lean body mass and obesity

Several studies suggest that the definition of obesity varies from one society to another, it is considered obese when a community may be moderate at another community and plays a taste and general culture of the community an important role in this aspect Take, for example models in Western society Ngdan thin and non-accepted and standards of the Arab community We have had a number of studies on the public taste in a person slim or filled and we found that men and women still look for the person filled and not fat as a more acceptable from the person slim and close to the thin, as we also found that some married men like to see their wives Mmluat textures (but not obese), As we have noted that some men prefer their wives a Shot textures, and some married women Vivdiln be husbands Mmiloi textures a bit, but we must add here that Miardh TV and Matkdmh satellite channels, urbanization and the simulation with the West played a major role in the tendency to women or men slim, especially when the new generation.

Popular foods and obesity

Each country in the world has fed a popular high-fat and other low-fat For the People Some of our food contains a high-calorie especially some types of sweets, and a lot of fat used in cooking increases the percentage of calories in popular foods.

Important in the subject that you can take any kind of popular food in reasonable quantities and not too much of them. Moderation is required a health and religiously.

Fast food and obesity

The concept of fast food when people associated Balhambd and fried potatoes and fried chicken, pizza, and only this error include Altkh Fast Foods and shawarma, pepper, and applied Samboosa and hummus and tabbouleh and spicy, and many of the foods that are processed and dealt with quickly. The question of choosing the type of food and frequency of eating, said eating a sandwich chicken (for instance), soft drinks with them once or twice a week has no significant damage, but eating these foods every day may increase the calories, so be moderate in eating fast food and try to minimize the the amount of fat and cholesterol, for example, could be dealt with hamburger chicken without mayonnaise and cheese, so we have approximately 40% underestimated the proportion of fat and cholesterol.

Can also choose nutritious foods such as fast-grilled chicken sandwich with orange juice or Shawarma sandwich with fruit juice and so on.

The wrong diet and obesity

All types of diet that claims to get rid of a large amount of weight during weeks is dangerous and unhealthy, the scientific base it says can get rid of the person from 4-6 kg per month and any diet that claims to get rid of the higher amounts of these quantities is the risk of diet on health .

People must know that the lesson is not weight loss but decrease the excess fat in the body, not some fat in the body for the physical protection of some members. That the person is when he starts to follow a type diet hard, the body starts first phase of the fluid in the body and then get rid of a certain type of carbohydrate in the muscles, and then begins to get rid of fat after that, so many people comfortable with this type of diet because it made them lose a large amount of weight, but diet did not help them false to get rid of unwanted fat but also helped to get rid of fluids and carbohydrates.

Observation mission should be to remember everyone on this type of diet that is causing the lack of a healthy balance Valrigam health must contain fruits, vegetables, meat and grains such as rice or bread or milk and dairy products, lack of balance in food provided in the diet helps the symptoms of health problems such as hair loss and poverty blood and pallor may develop these symptoms in some people and lead to pain in the kidney, etc. There are important note about these types of diet is the continuity of, we find that most people start Balrigam for one month for example, then get bored food and longs to eat normal when you*****'re diet is found pushed strongly to normal food and popular dishes from the local campus and thus gaining weight, and sometimes getting more of the weight that was before the followers of the diet.

Sports and obesity

Sport is an important part not to get rid of excess weight, but only for the prevention of disease types and any list*****'s advice on diet of exercise is incomplete. Sports and play a role in giving health fitness and tight muscles and balance between food intake and energy expended and thus reduce or prevent the muscles in the body contouring.

Strange thing is that a lot of people think it must be exercised in sport cruel and long to be of interest desired, but this rule is wrong and what should be be done by each person is an exercise for half an hour per day, or at least 4 times a week, and the easiest and cheapest sports walking and running while reducing the amount of food, and thus can get rid of excess weight gradually, giving the body fitness, vitality, activity and disease prevention.


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How to Reference "Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged" Essay in a Bibliography

Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged” 2011.
”Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia 14 18 Aged. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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