Term Paper on "Samsung Company"

Term Paper 9 pages (2304 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

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Samsung - a Human Resource Study

Samsung, or the Samsung Group, is a Seoul-based chaebol (family controlled conglomerate). It has overtaken Hyundai as the largest business group in Korea. It is also Korea's largest exporter. Samsung was founded in 1938, and the Mission statement of Samsung comprises three slogans "Economic contribution to the nation; Priority to Human Resources; Pursuit of Rationalism." The management philosophy at Samsung is to contribute to the betterment of global society by providing superior products and services, by devoting HR and technology.

Samsung has many subsidiaries in the following sectors:

Electronics (Samsung Electronics, Samsung Mobile)

Machinery and Heavy Industry (Samsung Heavy Industries, Samsung Engineering)

Chemical Industry (Samsung Total, Samsung Petrochemical)

Financial Services (Samsung Card, Samsung Securities)

Retail services (Samsung Corporation, Samsung Plaza)

Engineering and Construction (Samsung Constructions)

Entertainment (Everland, Samsung Khan)

These are only some of Samsung's subsidiaries. Although Samsung's subsidiaries are spread over a wide range of industries, and their operation is independent, yet the corporate philosophy, code of conduct and the corporate identity are mutual. Some of the famous products of Samsung are its televisions, mobile phones, monitors, DRAM chips, disk drives, etc. Samsung was ranked No.1 in the memory chip market in 2002-03, while it was ranked third in the world cell phone market during that same time. Samsung
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was ranked 34th in the Interbrand's list of top 100 brands, which shows that Samsung is not only a profitable and ubiquitous company, it is also one of the world's most popular. (All information comes from Samsung official site)

Decision making in Samsung is as follows. The chairman of the group determines the overall strategic direction and long-term decisions are made by him. The CEO's of all the affiliates have the right to make ordinary business decisions and can make autonomous decisions. Samsung is currently employing more than 173,000 employees all over the world. Samsung is whole-heartedly embracing globalization, as is evident by its presence in 67 countries and its 285 overseas operations. At present, Samsung is pursuing a two-pronged approach: firstly to expand its presence further in the global market, and secondly, to provide enough training, expertise and resources to its operations worldwide, so as to make them self-reliant and prosperous. This strategy of globalization brings Samsung tremendous opportunities and challenges at the same time. Expanding successfully into new avenues implies learning about new cultures and customs, and at the same time, collaborating with new distributors and suppliers to come up with a winning combination makes Samsung a learning organization. At the same time, Samsung is committed to its resolve of contributing to the local economies of all its operating countries, by acting as a responsible "corporate citizen."1

Innovation has always been a cornerstone of Samsung. Research and Development has figured highly in its list of priorities. Today its commitment to innovation is as strong as ever. Taking the example of Samsung Electronics, which has 13,000 researchers, and its Research and Development investment of $1.7 billion shows that it is a serious innovator.


The above organizational chart highlights the structural divisions of Samsung's North American operations. Mr. KD Kim is the President and CEO of Samsung America Inc. He also is responsible for the East Business Division, under which come the Consumer and Trading divisions. The Consumer division encompasses General Chemical, Healthcare Products and the Exports to Korea. The trading division covers the Energy, Metal, Steel and Petro-chemical sectors. Mr. Jai Heon Lee, who is the Vice President, is responsible for the West Business Division, which include Machinery and the Latin American operations. Business development and the development of semi-conductors come under the Machinery division, while the Latin American operations include the working of the Samsung branches in Mexico, Sao Paolo, Panama and Santiago. Mr. SooKee Lee, who is also the Senior Executive Vice President, is responsible for the Textile and Fashion Division. The Fashion division consists of Apparel and Raw materials, while the Textile Sector deals with fabric and Activewear. 2





Employees get a chance to evolve and grow their expertise by joining one of numerous HR development centers

In many cases, employees are free to choose their own work methods and approaches 4

Being a highly innovative firm with 62000 patents, creative employees are well rewarded

Employees are encouraged to participate in environment and culture friendly activities, to make a difference to their surroundings

Sony's ESPP program makes it easy for its employees to become shareholders

Siemens employees get to buy stocks if certain targets are met 5

Age is not a barrier to success, as many young, and talented individuals are selected for specific career-development programs 3

Sony Employees get attractive retirement packages.

Siemens is especially attractive for software engineer, with more than 49,000 employees working on software projects 6


At Samsung, the process of on-the-job training is not just limited to the workplace, but in fact it has been taken to a new level through the Samsung Human Resources Development Center (SHRDC). It is considered to be the focal point of the learning and education system of Samsung. These learning centers are present in Korea, and now in China as well. These centers are not only value-sharing, but also knowledge creating. It offers courses for new recruits as well as mid-level employees. Courses range from leadership to globalization. The centers record 22,000 new enrolments every year, whereas the enrolment for the online education program runs as high as 230,000. 7

The centers for HR development are certainly doing a commendable job, and are helping Samsung train its executives for the future. But one existing problem with these centers happens to be that most of them are located in Korea, giving the Korean employees a more-than-fair chance of exploiting them for their own benefit. Thus, it would boost Samsung's credentials as a truly global company if it established more centers in other parts of the world where it operates. It is understood that although this process has been initiated, as is shown by the establishment of three centers in China, but the pace needs to be picked up.

As for the comparison of salary ranges for different positions at Samsung is concerned, such a comparison might not be an accurate reflection of the existing scenario, as the compensation package for even the same positions vary significantly, based on the differences in skills and abilities of the different employees at the same designation. 8


Samsung's founding Chairman Lee propagated the philosophy of "A Company is its People," thus laying the foundation for a company that would be committed to its people. A key aspect of Samsung's success in today's technologically fast-paced corporate environment is its efficiency in attracting and nurturing the most talented people in the industry. By focusing on global awareness, creativity, and communication and presentation skills, Samsung not only improves its operational efficiency, but also increases the chance of improving the work environment and motivation levels.

Newly recruited employees are enrolled in a training program of one-month duration. Samsung's basic HR strategy is to focus on attracting the most talented workers, regardless of their nationalities. Thus, masters in all spheres of management make their way into Samsung; namely Finance, HR, marketing, Research and Development, and Information Technology. At the same time, Samsung is enhancing the competitiveness of its domestic workforce by engaging them in language training, and global acclimatization programs. Also, some individuals who are identified as having exceptional talent or expertise in a particular area are given early career-development and training. Thus Samsung is able to keep its employees "battle-ready," and enables them to develop their skills on the latest technologies.

Samsung's training programs are basically geared towards developing the leadership potential in its employees. Samsung wants its employees to be leaders who act as agents of change. There are also program specific courses that focus on, for example, marketing and finance. These courses are developed both in-house, and in collaboration with local and foreign universities. The Local Expert program is designed to make the employees more aware of the global corporate scenario, to facilitate the transition from Local to Global. For all these training programs to work effectively and to contribute significantly towards providing value to the organizations, it is mandatory that the HR department, training department and the rest of the organization work in close concert with each other, and to effectively exchange information. 9

In short, the recruiting procedure for Samsung is as follows. The candidates submit their resumes, which are screened and matched to the job openings present at the time by the Human Resource Department. The resumes and application forms are then forwarded to the relevant departments. In case the match is successful, an interview will be conducted, either in Korea or the country where the candidate is residing. Once a job offer is made to the successful candidates, they are given a period of one month… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Samsung Company" Assignment:

Hi,I am taking a human resource class and the paper is about HR. you get to write either SAM SUNG or SONY.(or it could be any famous company) I don't mind whatever you choose. Please do not past and copy for the research paper unless you put the resources. The format and everything is described list below. My professor wants specific examples of company for each section. This will be the information that you will have to know while you are writing.

I.) Objective: To help you critically analyze a human resource management system relevant to your career, identify problems, and recommend constructive improvements.

II.) General Purpose: The project will focus upon an organization of your choice. You will need to analyze the organization*****s human resources and employee relations objectives, structures, policies, practices, and selected administrative problems/opportunities.

III.) Procedure: Review the *****Deliverables***** below to determine what information you need to obtain. You should identify an organization that is interesting to you where you can find enough information to draw your conclusions. The internet will be a great resource *****“ but you may wish to supplement information using publications, first hand experiences, interviews, etc.

IV.) Grade: The final product of this project will be a comprehensive written report to be submitted by Wednesday, May 9th, no later than 4:00 PM. This project is worth 100 points of the total 500 points available for your overall grade. Evaluation of this project will be based on clarity of thought and writing, detail of information, completeness of assignment, and presentation of writing, charts, and tables. You will be required to submit a one-page summary of the organization you are selecting and why by class time on February 6th.

V.) Deliverables: Staple your paper in the upper left corner; do not use special covers or bindings

a.. Cover page: title; your name; organization you are analyzing.

b.. Write a two-page (double spaced) introduction of your organization, including primary goals, products, outcomes, size, demographics, etc.

c.. Draw an overall organization chart illustrating the major structures and functions of the organization.

d.. Create a table listing the organization*****s employee benefits compared to two competitors***** benefits. Be sure to cite from where you got your information.

e.. Write a two-page analysis (double spaced) of one employee benefit (e.g. health, retirement, flexible work, etc.*****”see chapter 12 or chapter 2) that the organization offers. Describe the benefit and why it is offered. Then evaluate this benefit and how you might improve it.

f.. Choose one key position within the organization *****“ at least 2-3 levels down from the overall leadership. Create a table of salary ranges for this job, an entry-level job, and the next level job for career development for this position.

g.. Write a 2- to 4-page (double spaced) discussion about either how employees are recruited and selected or how employees are motivated through pay-for-performance and job design. Describe the process in terms that we are familiar with from class or the textbook. Then offer your analysis and what you might do differently and why.

h.. Write a one-page (double-spaced) summary of why you believe that this organization is or is not an *****employer of choice*****, or a *****great place to work*****.

i.. List all references used and cite them appropriately (for help see http://www.dartmouth.edu/~sources/ or www.apa.org). You may use any accepted style of referencing as long as you are consistent.

How to Reference "Samsung Company" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Samsung Company.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Samsung Company (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Samsung Company. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Samsung Company” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581.
”Samsung Company” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581.
[1] ”Samsung Company”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Samsung Company [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581
1. Samsung Company. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/samsung-human-resource/2663581. Published 2007. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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