Thesis on "Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical"

Thesis 12 pages (3264 words) Sources: 12

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Ruchi Tomar

The Advantages of Electronic Medical Records

First, it needs to be established again that a medical record is basically considered to be the documentation of an individual health history. It is what contains vital things like the notes that the doctor has written, results from lab tests, medicines, telephone messages and other vital and personal information regarding the patients medical history. Sometimes in the past, these records had been kept in a paper folder which was then put away at your doctor's office (Campbell & Collingwood,1997). It was the main message and documentation tool to record the care that the patients have received. About $20.2 billion of the $887 billion American Reinvestment and Recovery Act that President Obama contracted in 2009 is emphasized toward the electronic medical records stimulus (Holden, 2011). The management is working to finish the movement to EMR addition for the reason that it considers there are numerous benefits of electronic medical records utilization, and of course that does include things like streamlining patient care and giving out the long-term savings in the health field (Miller & Tucker, C., 2009). The electronic medical records stimulus likewise offers enticements to aid physicians change to the paperless medical records, but rumors have discovered that even deprived of the enticements, EMR / EHR addition has real benefits (Miller & Tucker, C., 2009).

Instant Accessibility and Availability of information

Even though individuals sometimes worry in regards to the security of electronic records, they actually are way more easy to manage than a paper record (
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Duke, J.D., 2002). It is understood that with electronic medical record, access is very much restricted to staff who have a genuine "need to know" for payment, operations or treatment, determinations and action is being checked on a steady basis. All admission to the EMR is measured through separate user passwords (Campbell & Collingwood,1997). The additional advantage of this password admission is that staff and breadwinners can have diverse levels of admission to the EMR as regulated by their location. For instance, administrators do not have contact to patient medical information, while medical assistants and nurses do.

Figure 1 This graph shows how the advantages of electronic medical records (Brooks & Grotz, 2010).

Furthermore, electronic medical record systems are calculated to stop unlawful operators from being able to gain admission to patient records through precautions for instance firewalls and other physical security events. Keeping patient material protected also includes making necessities for backups and disaster retrieval of information. Backups offer extra protection in contradiction of loss through water damage, fire, etc.

Figure 2 Doctors that have switched over to electronic medical records system. (Ayers, 2009)

By storing health information electronically through computerized medical records, health care providers are capable to finish their patient charting faster, permitting for the planning of more patients. This strengthened competence of this kind of medical records storage nurtures a more operative medical practice. Having access that is quick to electronic health records accepts benefactors to chart throughout their encounters with patients as different to a couple hours later. In theory, this improves correctness of the patient's health record.

Figure 3 the benefit of electronic medical records all over the world. (Berner & Simborg, 2005)

Advocates of EMR/EHRs also makes the point that digital medical record storage really aids in preventing filing various errors. A lot of the paper patient records are not really backed up in a location that is secondary (Berner & Simborg, 2005). Medical records storage by means of digital means discards all of the threats of losing the patient health information in a crisis. A lot of electronic medical record systems every day are becoming backed up mechanically and are easy to get to almost any place in the world (Miller, a.R., & Tucker, C.,2009).

Reduction of Supply Expenses

Medical offices alone are considered to be what is probably keeping Staples in business, ever since they need a lot of supplies and paper to keep on going in the world! From labels to paper, prescription pads, encounter forms, folders, and paper and more paper, a customary office ran on paper (Brooks, R., & Grotz, C., 2010). With a complete and combined (billing, arrangement and registering in a particular system on a single databank) EMR system, these prices are intensely reduced. Among the costs carried on by buying cutting edge tools, paying employee salaries and managing maintenance dues, hospitals and other main medical centers are discovering that their expenditures are really starting to be a little too much for them. In spite of the enormous income that the health business cooperatively sees every year, so many various clinics and practices that are smaller are struggling to maintain money-making monthly (Brooks, R., & Grotz, C.,2010). Therefore, numerous patient-absorbed medical industries are seeking out more creative means through which to reduce the cost and also improve working competence.

Even though there are numerous methods that businesses can go about doing this, those administrations that work inside the health business have started utilizing electronic medical records as an instrument to make their businesses better. Even though countless medical practices observe EMR technology as a system that as efficient for record-keeping and client management, limited individuals understand the essential cost-reducing prospective of a digital record system.

Lower Costs for Office Supplies

The instant, and most clear, advantage of swapping to EMR derives from the condensed dependence one that a person has on office supplies. As electronic medical records merely involve an insignificant quantity of physical tools and accessories to uphold, EMR-permitted practices simply utilize a portion of the papers, folders and printer ink that they did before (Sambamurthy, 2010). Whereas the general savings discovered in the reduced utilization of supplies for the office will not save an industry total, they do aid to scale down expenditures monthly.

Reduced Dependence on Storage

No more are the days when hospitals used to dedicate whole rooms where they would hold patient records. Because of the nearly unlimited hard drive volume of computers that were high-end computers, EMR used by clinics to discover that they can effortlessly do away old-fashioned record-keeping and may now apply old file storerooms for other determinations (Berner & Simborg, 2005). Outside of permitting an association to repair these rooms for any use they like (for patients extra space, stuff, etc.), this likewise states that off-site storing is similarly reserved to a least. Equally these reimbursements can add up to savings that are huge over a long enough period of time (Angst, 2010).

Increased Productivity for Better Worker Flexibility

As soon as the switch to electronic medical records has been done, a clinic's control will discover itself controlling a structure that permits them much more time for other everyday processes (Ayers, 2009). Ever since EMR organizations are extremely programmed and entail only marginal maintenance, medical centers that utilize these databases are the able to free up an excessive arrangement of time for those that worked for them (Ayers, 2009). This increase in efficiency means that there is a lot more errands accomplished in less time and, consequently, a narrowed necessity for overtime and other pay-challenging actions.

Increase Productivity by Elimination of Paper

Elimination of paper has become very important when it comes to increasing productivity. Ever since the practice's doors swung open, arrangement, billing and collection purposes were all high-tech. During the 1990's, information technology was not established enough to assimilate any further into its procedures (Ayers, 2009). On the other hand, the practice's development and the adding of more doctors meant there was an increasing requirement to recover the workplace's competence by removing all the paper. The reason for this was for the reason that they were going under in paper health records, and admission to significant patient evidence was a major problem.

Dr. Lederman, who was an observer of the health it industry, came to the conclusion that developments in the quality of software and hardware joint with the obtainability of lab borders for EHRs stated that he is able to get the efficiency he wanted while constructing a stage for the exercise to transport higher levels of excellence upkeep to their patients. Those expected assistances were what the exercise had been waiting for to start its application of an EHR system.

Better and faster patient care and Clinical Benefits

eClinicalWorks' award-winning Electronic Medical Record (EMR) structure is not just so that an organization can go paperless. This innovative tool of technology is a way to be able to save money, expand competence and boost security. Expending manufacturing leading expertise, the new technology is useful because it helps these companies in getting to their aim of delivering the best patient care possible. The devices of safety for electronic medical records in terms of both the security of their health records and patient diagnosis is considered to be one of the key essentials that electronic medical records businesses strategy into their software systems. The reduction of medical mistakes signifies an advantage to both patient and doctor. An electronic medical health records… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical" Assignment:

This is a chapter 4 thesis of my topic: Advantages and disadvantages of Electronic Medical Record: Current issue. My two chapters 2 & 3 is written order # A2075192 and Order #A2072585. I would like to be written by same person who wrote my other chapter so thesis can be in flow, I will sending complete chapter 4 outline and also both chapter 2 and chapter 3 and also table of content of entire thesis. I would like my bibliograpy should be from good sources of healthcare jourals and articles and newspaper and also cited with page # .

chapter 4

Chapter IV

The Advantages of Electronic Medical Records

*****¢ Instant Accessibility and Availability of information

*****¢ Reduction of Supply Expenses

*****¢ Increase Productivity by Elimination of Paper

*****¢ Better and faster patient care and Clinical Benefits

*****¢ Higher revenue and faster Revenue cycle

*****¢ Less patient callbacks for complete information

*****¢ Elimination of Administrative position and reorganization of the staffing to other position

*****¢ Smaller Storage Space Occupancy

How to Reference "Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical" Thesis in a Bibliography

Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical” 2012.
”Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Ruchi Tomar the Advantages of Electronic Medical. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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